
I've recently been trying to write an importer script and was trying to use 
a Custom 
directive. There isn't a lot of documentation on this, and I haven't been 
able to figure out what the problem is from the source, and was wondering 
if anyone here had any ideas. I'm not sure if I'm using 
beancount.core.data.Custom wrong or if you're supposed to use a different 
object entirely.

Issue occurs when there is a beancount.core.data.Custom object in the list 
returned by the extract() function of a subclass of 
beancount.ingest.importer.ImporterProtocol. This is being ran by the 
'bean-extract' command. The exception appears to be raised when printing 
the formatted beancount directives. I've written a test file which 
hopefully reproduces the issue on other machines below.

(To prevent an XYZ problem) I have a small number of rental properties 
which are run on a short term basis. I wanted to have a custom directive 
define a 'stay' so I could keep some relevant metadata for transactions 
(i.e. OTA platform, dates and length of stay, address of the property) , 
but I don't want to reference this metadata multiple times when there are 
multiple transactions involving a single stay. I was then hoping to link 
'^' all the transactions involving a single stay with a unique code, 
including this custom directive. I could do the same thing with the first 
transaction for a stay, but when 9/10 times I only want to know the 
property which a transaction was for, I don't want ten other metadata 
fields showing up in fava when I don't want them.

. . . At this point though I'm rather curious why I'm getting the 
exception, regardless of my use of the directive. 

Other notes:

   - I am running a python virtual environment for my beancount and fava 
   executables, plus the modules used for importers.
   - python version is 3.11.7. Binary is from Arch Linux repo.
   - I am running the beancount version pulled from pip; Beancount 2.3.6 
   (git:d77540c4; 2023-10-05)
   - (I'm unsure whether I should post this type of thing to github issues, 
   mostly because I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or if this is a 
   bug. Assuming I don't see an issue already I'm assuming I'm doing something 
   wrong, so I'm posting this here).
   - pdb identifies entry.values to be the last argument of the 
   beancount.core.data.Custom, which is a list of arbitrary values.

Other questions involving custom directive:

   - If I want to add links, tags to the directive, do I just append a str 
   starting with '^' and '#' respectively to the values list?

Below is output with the exception:

;; -*- mode: beancount -*-
**** /home/mason/Documents/beancount/Test/test.txt

1970-01-01 * "Vendor" "Narration"
  Income:Example  10 USD

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/mason/.local/bin/bean-extract", line 8, in <module>
scripts_utils.py", line 36, in extract_main
    return trampoline_to_ingest(extract)
scripts_utils.py", line 198, in trampoline_to_ingest
    return run_import_script_and_ingest(parser)
scripts_utils.py", line 246, in run_import_script_and_ingest
    return ingest(importers_list)
scripts_utils.py", line 140, in ingest
    args.command(args, parser, importers_list, abs_downloads, hooks=hooks)
extract.py", line 243, in run
    extract(importers_list, files_or_directories, sys.stdout,
extract.py", line 214, in extract
    print_extracted_entries(new_entries, output)
extract.py", line 137, in print_extracted_entries
    entry_string = printer.format_entry(entry)
printer.py", line 374, in format_entry
    return EntryPrinter(dcontext, render_weights, prefix=prefix)(entry)
printer.py", line 124, in __call__
    method(obj, oss)
printer.py", line 345, in Custom
    for value, dtype in entry.values:
ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2)

Below is a command, config file (green), and importer script (blue). The 
exception isn't raised when you comment out the line with data.Custom.

Where test.txt is an empty file:
$ bean-extract exampleimporter.config test.txt

# exampleimporter.config
import sys
testdir = '' # add full directory test.py is in here
import test

# test.py
from datetime import date as fdate
from beancount.core.data import EMPTY_SET
from beancount.ingest import importer
from beancount.core.number import D, ZERO
from beancount.core import data, account, amount, position

class Importer(importer.ImporterProtocol):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

    def identify(self, file):
        return True
    def extract(self, file):
        ret = []
        meta = data.new_metadata(file.name, 1)
        date = fdate(1970,1,1)
        amnt = amount.Amount(D(10), 'USD')
        ret.append(data.Transaction(meta, date, '*', "Vendor", "Narration", 
            data.Posting('Income:Example', amnt, None, None, None, None),
            data.Posting('Assets:Example', None, None, None, None, None) ]))
        ret.append(data.Custom(meta, date, "example", ["value1", "value2", 
        return ret

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