RE: [Newbies] Login procedure

2006-06-06 Thread Ron Teitelbaum
The problem with not testing my code:

start the engine
[self fuel notEmpty] whileTrue: [
movement := self fuel burnFuelWith: self spark
self transmission addMovement: movement

Doesn't move until the gas runs out!  :) 

So how about:

start the engine
self spark turnOnElectricity.
self engageStarter.
self car isKeyInOnPosition whileTrue: [
self runEngine

run engine and pass movement to car
self fuel notEmpty ifTrue: [
movement := self fuel burnFuelWith: self spark
self transmission addMovement: movement
] ifFalse: [
self flashAnnoyingGasGuageLight.

Ok I realize I'm probably only amusing myself but just incase it helps
someone I thought I'd point out my mistake!

Happy coding!


 From: Ron Teitelbaum
 Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2006 9:43 AM
 Hi Marko,
 How are things in Finland?  I hear it is nice there and there seems to be
 bit of a marketing campaign to get Americans to visit.
 Anyway let's get to your question.  There are a number of ways to pass
 variables around.  The least effective way is to call methods with a lot
 parameters.  Usually when I see methods with lots of parameters there is a
 problem and the problem most likely is that the methods is implemented in
 the wrong class.
 Consider for a moment an example (since you asked for code examples)
 Object subclass: Car
 Object subclass: Engine
 Object subclass: Fuel
 Object subclass: Spark
 Now we all know that for engine it run it needs Fuel and Spark so we could
 model the car so that it has each
   instanceVariables: 'engine fuel spark'
 Then we have
   Start the car
   self engine startWithFuel: self fuel andSpark: self spark onCar:
 EnginestartWithFuel: someFuel andSpark: someElectricity onCar: aCar
   run the engine
   [someFuel notEmpty] whileTrue: [
   movement := someFuel burnFuelWith: someElectricity
   aCar addMovement: movement
 CaraddMovement: someMovement
   handle the movement of the engine through a transmission
   self transmission handleMovement: someMovement
 Ok so now I'm just amusing myself and thinking of the car being in idle so
 not using the fuel to move at all, wasting gas and promoting global
 Getting back to your question what would happen instead if we have the
 parameters modeled where they are needed.  Ask yourself does the car need
 gas and fuel or does the engine need it instead?
   instanceVariables: 'engine'
   instanceVariables: 'fuel spark transmission car'
 Now when we build the objects we get much less parameter passing.
   start the car
   self engine start
   start the engine
   [self fuel notEmpty] whileTrue: [
   movement := self fuel burnFuelWith: self spark
   self transmission addMovement: movement
 Now this was a long answer to your question and you may be sitting there
 saying; What does this have to do with databases and buttons!
 Well if you model your parameters in objects they don't need passing.
   instanceVariables: 'dataSource user password myDBConnection'
 Then your button's method #executeTest
   self myDBConnection on: self dataSource logon: self user password:
 self password.
 Where dataSource can have host and port and dbname ...
 I hope this helps for specific examples you could try
 If this doesn't make sense, feel free to ask questions.  Let me know how
 Happy coding!
 Ron Teitelbaum
 President / Principal Software Engineer
 US Medical Record Specialists
  From: Marko Koivuniemi
  Sent: Monday, June 05, 2006 4:14 PM
  Greetings from Finland. I am very excited about Squeak and SmallTalk - I
  have find myself trying and exploring new programming things and that
  hasn't happen since days of Commodore 64.
  Now I am trying to build (with one partner) a program which uses MySQL.
  I wonder what would be best way to do login screen and actual program.
  Now we have morphs in windows which has login and password fields and
  button. At this time idea is that this startup screen test login
  information and then sends user (or user id) to another screen.
  I tested various styles and this kind of test works with button.
  test := DatabaseTest new.
  loginbutton := MyButtonMorph new send: #executeTest to: test;
  But what would be the best way to send many variables or values with
  button click. (I have couple TextFieldMorphs storing values)
  I have googled a lot - and most examples deals scriptable buttons. (And
  that is something I am not familiar 

[Newbies] self executable with squeak

2006-06-06 Thread Benjamin SALLAS
I apologize if this question has already been posted, but i did not find it.
i wanted to know if it is possible to make a self executable file with a squeak 
package or more packages. Just so that someone can use it without using squeak 
or even without having it. I heard about stripers what is it and how does it 
thanks for the time you'll take.

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