Re: Handling special characters in peoples names in XML

2013-07-02 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Gregory Machin

 Thanks Terry for responding.
 The files are very big and contain data I'd prefer not to be out in the
 wild. what parts of the file would be helpful , I can provide the lines
 with the text and say heard part of the xml ??

Yep, that should be enough. The first line or two and a bit with the 
text as attached files. Just make sure you do not change the encoding 
in the process. You may check that with a heda editor

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Re: Handling special characters in peoples names in XML

2013-06-20 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From:   Gregory Machin
 I'm debugging an application written in Perl that converse data exported
 from the Nessus security scanner in xml format. I have narrowed down the
 bug to an issue with special characters in names that are in the file such
 as Fr~A©d~A©ric and Gr~A©goire , thus ~A© are most likely the guilty parties.

 What is the best and most simple way to handle this ? From a quick google
 it looks like I should convert the file to UTF8 format , would this be
 correct ?



Looks like the data already is utf8, but the header of the XML
specifies otherwise.
How do you parse the data? Can you give us a short example file?

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Re: Variables in $Excel-Workbooks-Open

2013-06-04 Thread Jenda Krynicky
 Dear All,
 I am having an XLSX file in server and my OS in Win7. The first open
 statement is working fine in which we have give the actual file name.
 2nd open function is not working where we have given the file name as
 Please help in resolving this error.
 use Win32::OLE;
 use Win32::OLE qw(in with);
 use Win32::OLE::Variant;
 use Win32::OLE::Const 'Microsoft Excel';
 $Excel = Win32::OLE-GetActiveObject('Excel.Application') ||
 $Excel-{'Visible'} = 0;#0 is hidden, 1 is visible
 $Excel-{DisplayAlerts}=0;#0 is hide alerts
 my $mBook = $Excel-Workbooks-Open
 files_IRNPD\inventory\02896787.xlsx'); # open Excel file
 my $meBook = $Excel-Workbooks-Open
 files_IRNPD\\inventory\\$emfile.xlsx); # open Excel file

There is no problem with the variable interpolation or backslashes. 
The two strings are the same:

my $emfile=02896787;

my $mBook = 

my $meBook = 

print $mBook\n$meBook\n;

print ($mBook eq $meBook ? the same : different);

The problem lies elsewhere. If you ask Excel to open the same file in 
two instances at the same time it will complain that it's already 

Try to open a different file :-)

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Re: Spreadsheet::WriteExcel - multi-coloured text in cells

2013-06-04 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Dr.Ruud
 On 15/05/2013 21:35, David Precious wrote:
  On Wed, 15 May 2013 10:34:02 +0100
  Gary Stainburn wrote:
  Is it possible to write text cells where part of the string is
  highlighted in red? If so, how can I do it?
  I'm fairly sure the format of a cell applies to the whole content of
  that cell - can you do what you're asking for in Excel or similar
  yourself?  If not, then I very much doubt you can do it via
 There is cell formatting and there is text formatting.
 Each character can basically have its own background-color, 
 foreground-color, font, font-weight, etc.
 And beyond that, each cell can contain an object, like a Word-document.
 But you don't need to go there to achieve what you want.
 First find out how you would do it in its internal language (VB?),
 and then port that.

Knowing how it's done in VB For Applications would help if he was 
controlling an instance of excel via Win32::OLE. Then there would be 
a way to port that code to Perl. When using Spreadsheet::WriteExcel, 
the capabilities of whatever Excel he happens to have installed are 
at most an upper bound of features. Not something that could be taken 
for granted. If something is not possible via Excel, it most probably 
will not be possinble using S::WE, but the fact that Excel can do 
something doesn't say anything about S::WE.

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Re: Any alternative for substr() function

2013-04-10 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: timothy adigun
 On 10 Apr 2013 11:30, Chankey Pathak wrote:
  Hi Kavita,
  You may try unpack (
 unpack would not work if the OP has varying length of lines.

Nope. It would work just fine as long as the bits he's interested in 
are fixed lengh and are on fixed positions. The length of the 
uninteresting trailing stuff is irrelevant.

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Re: Win32 - Killing Processes - update possible solution

2013-04-10 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Jonathan Harris
 As it seems that Win32::Process::KillProcess is having difficulties killing
 a hanging process, I thought that it would probably make sense to ask the
 system to do it directly
 So, in the sub 'kill_it', I have replaced the line
 Win32::Process::KillProcess ($new_pid, \$exitcode);
 system 'Taskkill /PID ' . ($new_pid);
 I am using 'system' rather than 'exec' as it returns a success status;
 'exec' is silent in this respect

The fairly confusingly named fuction exec() never returns!
It's supposed to be used if you are done executing your program and 
want to switch to executing a different one ... usually after you 
fork()ed ... that is cloned the process.

The way processed are started in unix is a little ... awkward. 
Instead of telling the system you want to execute some program with 
some parameters, you are supposed to split in two and in one of the 
clones, after you are finished setting things up, morph into another 
program. Kinda hacky.

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Re: Problems in Mail::Sender on sending a large attachment file

2013-01-05 Thread Jenda Krynicky
   I have used Mail::Sender for a number of years and I have had to
 move onto new VM for Processing. 
   The Linux is Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.4
   Perl is v5.8.8 built for x86_64-linux-thread-multi
   Mail::Sender is 8.21
   I am only sending attachment file along with a couple of lines
 of text, BUT somehow in doing the send, I end up with the following
 Unknown encoding '522' at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/Mail/
 line 96
FYI, the problem has been fixed by version 0.8.22, thanks to a patch 
by (bug 78094 in CPAN RT)


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Re: Fast XML parser?

2012-10-31 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Octavian Rasnita
 I forgot to say that the script I previously sent to the list also crashed 
 Perl and it popped an error window with:
 perl.exe - Application Error
 The instruction at 0x7c910f20 referenced memory at 0x0004. The memory 
 could not be read.  Click on OK to terminate the program 
 I have created a smaller XML file with only ~ 100 lines and I ran agan that 
 script, and it worked fine.
 But it doesn't work with the entire xml file which has more than 200 MB, 
 because it crashes Perl and I don't know why.
 And strange, but I've seen that now it just crashes Perl, but it doesn't 
 return that Free to wrong pool error.

That must be something either within your perl or the 
XML::Parser::Expat. What versions of those two do you have? Any 
chance you could update?

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Re: Fast XML parser?

2012-10-30 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From:   Octavian Rasnita
Subject:Fast XML parser?
Date sent:  Thu, 25 Oct 2012 14:33:15 +0300

 Can you recommend an XML parser which is faster than XML::Twig?
 I need to use an XML parser that can parse the XML files chunk by chunk and 
 which works faster (much faster) than XML::Twig, because I tried using this 
 module but it is very slow.
 I tried something like the code below, but I have also tried a version
 that just opens the file and parses it using regular expressions,
 however the unelegant regexp version is 25 times faster than the one
 which uses XML::Twig, and it also uses less memory. 
 If you think there is a module for parsing XML which would work faster
 than regular expressions, or if I can substantially improve the
 program which uses XML::Twig  then please tell me about it. If regexp
 will still be faster, I will use regexp. 

You did not specify what do you want to do with the lexemes anyway 
you might try something like this:

use strict;
use XML::Rules;
use Data::Dumper;

my $parser = XML::Rules-new(
stripspaces = 7,
rules = {
_default = 'content',
InflectedForm = 'as array',
Lexem = sub {
#print Dumper($_[1]);
print $_[1]-{Form}\n;
foreach (@{$_[1]-{InflectedForm}}) {
print   $_-{InflectionId}: $_-{Form}\n;


?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
  Lexem id=1

XML::Rules sits on top of XML::Parser::Expat so I would not expect 
this to be 25 times faster than XML::Twig, but it might be a bit 
quicker. Or not.

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Re: Perl Code

2012-09-09 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Chris Nehren c.nehren/
 On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 09:59:22 -0700 , John SJ Anderson wrote:
  On Wednesday, August 29, 2012 at 9:46 AM, Ashwin Rao T wrote:
   1)Check if IP address is in the range and using 
   return functions  regular expressions in Perl.
   2)Check if the name is valid (has atleast 3 letters and one vowel) using 
   return functions and regular expressions in Perl.
   3)Check if email address is valid using only return functions and regular
   expressions in Perl.
   4)Convert the number into words using only return functions and regular
   expressions in Perl. (15 = one five)
  I'm pretty sure the instructor in the class you're taking would prefer
  that you do your own homework…

 I'm pretty sure the instructor doesn't know Perl or regular expressions
 if they're asking for those things to be done with only regex. At least
 three items on that list are best done with CPAN modules. My advice is to
 drop the class now and get a refund, if at all possible.

The fact that there's a module for something doesn't necessarily mean
it's not a good homework assignment. Especially if you restrict both
the allowed constructs and the task.

Now in this case the 3) is surely ill defined ... even if valid
meant just syntacticly valid the RFC is crazy enough to make this
nondoable. Unless of course at the class they spoke about a specific
definition of valid.

It might be a trick question though with the best answer similar to
a simple check might look like this: /.../, but it will allow some
invalid addresses and reject some rare valid ones. A more restrictive
solution still matching the vaste majority of email addresses in the
wild would be /... .../. For validation according to the RFT, module
X::Y may be used.

Actually ... what percentage of websites doing email address
validation in their forms do you think validate according to the RFC?

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Re: Mail::Sender with SSL

2012-08-16 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Chris Nehren c.nehren/
 On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 00:05:56 +0200 , Jenda Krynicky wrote:
  From: Chris Nehren c.nehren/
   On Tue, Aug 07, 2012 at 17:38:57 + , Thomas Dean wrote:
Hi there,

I have succeeded in sending mail to my SMTP server with Mail::Sender
without SSL. But now I'm wondering how to do that with SSL, for example,
GMail. After reading the doc, I set TLS_required to 1 when I'm calling
Mail::Sender-new, but nohing works. I tried to debug the program but
found nothing different whether I turn TLS_required on or not.
   You should look at Email::Sender::SMTP::TLS instead--it's the de facto,
   mature way of sending email through TLS SMTP servers with perl, and is
   actively supported. Mail::Sender reinvents a lot of wheels, poorly, as
   you are finding.
  It reinvented a lot of wheels that were not available at the time it 
  was written. The fact that there is a specific module now doesn't 
  mean it had been available or working under the target operating 
  systems always.
 Email::Sender is still the right tool to use, and actually works. It
 probably sends more mail in a day than you ever will*. 

Having been the basis of the Hotmail service Mail::Sender sent more 
mail you ever will. By order of several magnitudes. Not sure what 
they use now, but they had been using Mail::Sender for several years 
as could have be seen in the mail headers. Several other similar 
services used or use the same module.

 As for
 your spurious working under the target operating system always claim,
 Email::Sender::Transport::SMTP::TLS has a flawless CPAN testers report
 card, visible here:

I can uninvent the wheels I had to invent back in the day because no 
wheels had been available back then or those that were available did 
not work under operating systems I had to support.

The first version of Email::Sender was released 2008-12-10, the first 
version of Mail::Sender was released sometime in 1998! That's ten 
years of CPAN growth!

 The SYNOPSIS provides all (or very nearly all) the code Thomas needs,
 with very little tweaking besides configuration. How can it possibly be
 This use the old, bad tool because it's what the OP started with
 approach leads only to pain and suffering.
 * having put it into production at a large ESP that handles thousands of
 per day, I'm pretty sure this is the case.

I'm incredibly impressed ...

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When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed 
to get drunk and croon as much as they like.
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Re: Mail::Sender with SSL

2012-08-15 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Chris Nehren c.nehren/
 On Tue, Aug 07, 2012 at 17:38:57 + , Thomas Dean wrote:
  Hi there,
  I have succeeded in sending mail to my SMTP server with Mail::Sender
  without SSL. But now I'm wondering how to do that with SSL, for example,
  GMail. After reading the doc, I set TLS_required to 1 when I'm calling
  Mail::Sender-new, but nohing works. I tried to debug the program but
  found nothing different whether I turn TLS_required on or not.
 You should look at Email::Sender::SMTP::TLS instead--it's the de facto,
 mature way of sending email through TLS SMTP servers with perl, and is
 actively supported. Mail::Sender reinvents a lot of wheels, poorly, as
 you are finding.

It reinvented a lot of wheels that were not available at the time it 
was written. The fact that there is a specific module now doesn't 
mean it had been available or working under the target operating 
systems always.

Enough plesantries, Tom, what exactly did you try an how exactly did 
it fail?


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When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed 
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Re: How to get the file handle of a scalar

2012-07-30 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Shlomi Fish
 Hi Thomas,
 On Mon, 30 Jul 2012 20:23:58 +0800
 Thomas Dean wrote:
  Hi there,
  I'm wondering how to get the file handle or a reference of a file
  object of a scalar in which stores a string.
 Starting from relatively recent versions of Perl, you can simply do:
 use autodie;
 my $buffer = Hello World\nGood morning\nPretty foo\n;
 open my $fh_to_string, '', \$buffer;
 And then do $fh_to_string and other operations.

Just to prevent confusion ... the use autodie is not needed to be 
able to open a filehandle into a string. It should not have been in 
the example, because it's totally irrelevant to the point at hand.
It forces some Perl builtins to throw an exception instead of 
reporting success or failure using their return values.

Some people believe this makes the code more robust. But then people 
believe all kinds of things.

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Re: Concatenation in Perl

2012-07-22 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Paul Johnson
 You need a mixture of the two approaches: map to prepend not in: and
 join to join them.
   my $query = join  and , map not in:$_, @folders;

@folders = ('one', 'two');
my $query = not in: . join(  and not in:, @folders);
print $query;

will be quicker. no need to map and join just because you need some 
text even before the first value.

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Re: Very Sluggish Code

2012-07-11 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: GlenM
 # Read them into an array
 my @files_in_dir = grep { /xml/ } readdir(DIR);

You want all files with lowercase xml anywhere the the name? 
Really? I think you want 

my @files_in_dir = grep { /\.xml$/i } readdir(DIR);

instead. That is files with extension .xml.

 closedir DIR;
 # connect to database and create parser object
 my $dbh = DBI-connect (DBI:mysql:can_us_ratecenters,
, xx,
{ RaiseError = 1, PrintError = 0});
 # clear the database - new DIDs coming in
 $dbh-do ('TRUNCATE TABLE rc_city_town');
 #Now the fun begins - read each file and put it in the database
 foreach my $f (@files_in_dir) {
 open IN, $f;
 my $xp = XML::XPath-new (filename = ./$f);
 my $nodelist = $xp-find (//row);
 foreach my $row ($nodelist-get_nodelist ())
$dbh-do (
INSERT IGNORE INTO rc_city_town (state_prov, city_town, 
 did_number) VALUES (?,?,?),
$row-find (state)-string_value (),
$row-find (ratecenter)-string_value (),
$row-find (number)-string_value (),

Do split this into two calls 

  my $sth = $dbh-prepare(INSERT IGNORE INTO rc_city_town 
(state_prov, city_town, did_number) VALUES (?,?,?));

just below the connection to the database and

$row-find (state)-string_value (),
$row-find (ratecenter)-string_value (),
$row-find (number)-string_value (),

in the foreach loop.

Then you most probably want to turn the autocommit off

  my $dbh = DBI-connect (DBI:mysql:can_us_ratecenters,
   , xx,
   { RaiseError = 1, PrintError = 0, 
AutoCommit = 0});

and then call

  $dbh-commit or die $dbh-errstr;

once every (say) 1000 rows and at the end of each file.

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When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed 
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Re: Book Recommendation - XPath, XML,SQL, XQuery

2012-04-24 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: David Christensen
 On 04/17/2012 11:04 PM, flebber wrote:
  I also saw Perl XML -  
  These will probably both be good references
 I haven't read Perl and XML (nor XML and Perl).  However, I am 
 working on a project that could benefit from XML.  So, I'll need to 
 explore that path soon enough.
   but was a little concern that the publication dates were 2000 and 
 2002. Perl and the core technologies involved have had significant 
 advancement in that time.
 Don't let the publication dates put you off.  Good ideas and good books 
 are enduring.  Yes, there are updates; but you won't understand the 
 updates if you don't understand what is being updated in the first place.

While generally this is a good idea, in this particular case the 
target was moving so fast that I would not recommend that book.

Quite a few modules described in the book are long gone, others 
appeared, the Unicode handling in Perl has undergone big changes in 
the meantime, ...

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When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed 
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Re: Template::Toolkit question

2012-04-09 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From:   Manfred Lotz
Subject:Template::Toolkit question
Date sent:  Mon, 9 Apr 2012 20:28:14 +0200

 Hi all,
 Let's say I use Template:Toolkit like this:
 #! /usr/bin/perl
 use strict;
 use warnings;
 use Template;
 my $variables = { nrme = Manfred, };
 my $cmd = 'Hi [% name %], how are you.';
 my $template = Template-new();
 $template-process(\$cmd, $variables)
   or die $template-error(), \n;
 and accidentally I have a typo in $variables (nrme instead of name). 
 The output is: Hi , how are you.
 IMHO, this is really bad. I would like to get an error saying that a
 variable could not be substituted. 

Perhaps this?

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When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed 
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Re: Sending files efficiently with Net::SMTP

2012-04-02 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From:   mailing lists
 I have a perl (Ver. 5.10.0) program running over an old machine which send 
 messages with this code:

     my $smtp = Net::SMTP-new($dstMailServer, Timeout=10, Debug=0,);
     syslog LOG_INFO, id:%s error: unable to connect with %s, $myid, 
     exit $EX_TEMPFAIL;
     my $line;
     open INPUTFILE, , $outfile or die couldn't open $outfile;
     close INPUTFILE;

 since the machine belongs to a third party I have no possibility to
 install perl modules (no internet connection, compilers, etc) like
 Slurp. So sending files in the MB range is very slow. Anyone know how
 to optimize (if possible) this code?

Read (and send) the files by blocks (8kb sounds reasonable) instead
of lines.

perldoc -f read

not sure it'll help much though.

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Re: ASCII/binary endline character trouble

2012-03-27 Thread Jenda Krynicky
Date sent:  Sun, 25 Mar 2012 15:45:11 -0700 (PDT)

 I write CGI scripts for my website in PERL.  When I used to upload
 them with my FTP program I made sure to do so in ASCII mode rather
 than binary.  My host made me switch to sFTP however.  I use
 FIlezilla, and can't for the life of me find out how to choose the
 mode on that.  Unfortunately, binary is the default mode.  I don't
 like programming when the file displays ASCII endline characters.  I'd
 rather see clear, distinct lines rather than one long line broken up
 with those vertical rectangles.  When I download a script from my site
 for editing it looks terrible.

Any even remotely decent editor handles unix line edings just fine.
What are you using to edit/view the files??? Notepad?

If you want something small and generic try
if you want something bigger and with more features try

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When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed
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Re: Access class symtab by dereferencing an object

2012-03-14 Thread Jenda Krynicky
Date sent:  Sat, 03 Mar 2012 14:42:35 -0500
From:   Steve Bertrand

 I've been writing a program that will perform extra work for diagnostics 
 upon each method call.
 As of now, I need to write a call to an outside function manually into 
 each method. To automate this so the original methods don't need to be 
 modified, I'm going to scoop up the code globs, modify them, then 
 reinstall them back into the class.

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Re: module for development

2011-12-15 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Brian Fraser
 On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 10:09 AM, shawn wilson wrote:
  Strace stat(64) should do you.
  On Dec 15, 2011 8:03 AM, Ken Peng wrote:
   Which module could show the order of loading modules?
   For example,
   use Foo;
   use Bar;
   BEGIN {
   require A;
   I want to know in what order Perl loads these modules.
 The order is Foo, Bar, A; 

Is it? What if Foo uses A?

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When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed 
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Re: XML suggestions

2011-07-20 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From:   Rob Coops
 It really depends on what you are looking to do though, if you are aiming
 for just a simple thing with only a few messages then don't worry
 about XML::LibXML
 and go for XML::Simple which is more then enough in most simple cases ;-)

Except that it's not so simple to set it up to give you consistent 
data structure with things like optional tag attributes and repeated 
tags. See

 I found that both Twig and Treebuilder are great if you are looking at
 modifying the XML (add extra nodes, alter existing nodes) but since they
 build a full tree structure for the XML file you are working with depending
 on the size and complexity of the file this could cause serious memory
 bloat, and even out of memory errors.

XML::Twig (as the name suggests) is not supposed to build a full tree 
structure, but rather lets you work with parts of the document. The 

I personally believe XML::LibXML is overcomplicated, but some people 
seem to like it.

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When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed 
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Re: Nature of this list

2011-04-26 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Raymond Wan
 2011/4/25 Jenda Krynicky
  From: Raymond Wan
  After reading this, what came to mind is the problem of sexual and
  power harassment in the workplace, and maybe extending to other types
  of prejudices but maybe that is a stretch?  Often, the person being
  accused might start with, I was just kidding or Hey!  Both of us
  weren't taking it seriously! but sometimes that isn't the case.  I'm
  tempted to say that whether or not it is harassment should depend on
  how the object of the action felt...
  The catch is that this basically means that: it's a crime whenever
  it's convenient for the victim. In some cases even just whenever
  it's convenient for a lawyer that happens to come by. Where there's
  money to be sued out, there's a crime.

 Yes, you are right.  In the case of this list, there is (AFAIK) no
 gain for any victim to be a victim so we can safely assume the victims
 are victims, right?

Nope. Not all gains are monetary.

  The people that are likely to ever give anything back to the
  community are much less likely to receive harsh treatment, than those
  that mistake the list for a free script writing service.
  Of course those that are starting to give advice on the list run the
  risk of having their advice dissected and in some cases corrected.

 Well, from what I've seen, the people that are being put down are not
 the ones that post their homework once but have been around for a few
 months and thought it was time to help someone out.

The misunderstanding is that these people are not put down. Their
answers (sometimes) are. And if they decide to take the critique of
their code personaly then no amount of sweet words will help.

  And then there are three kinds of people. Those that take that as an
  oportunity to learn, those that misunderstand the critique and take
  it personally and those that take that as an oportunity to feel
  The first kind will learn, the second will eventually learn as well
  ... and the last ... would do better to complain somewhere they can
  actually extort some money.

 Hm, sounds like you think that if the problem is ignored, it will go away?

Some problems are real, some imaginary. The later kind is better

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When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed
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Re: Nature of this list

2011-04-25 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Raymond Wan
  Well, online bullying is a problem, but I don't think that saying Your
  code sucks or Please don't post misleaing answers to people's Perl
  questions would qualify as online bullying.
  The point is this:  some crimes hinge upon what's going on inside someone's
  head.  What may not qualify as bullying to you may qualify for someone
  else.  And, if that someone else files a complaint with the relevant law

 After reading this, what came to mind is the problem of sexual and
 power harassment in the workplace, and maybe extending to other types
 of prejudices but maybe that is a stretch?  Often, the person being
 accused might start with, I was just kidding or Hey!  Both of us
 weren't taking it seriously! but sometimes that isn't the case.  I'm
 tempted to say that whether or not it is harassment should depend on
 how the object of the action felt...

The catch is that this basically means that: it's a crime whenever
it's convenient for the victim. In some cases even just whenever
it's convenient for a lawyer that happens to come by. Where there's
money to be sued out, there's a crime.

 I think the question we should ask is if such actions is detrimental
 to the list.  Does it turn away people who are asking questions who
 may some day answer someone else's questions?  Does it turn away
 people who maybe are newbies, but years later could be great Perl
 programmers if it weren't for one or two people stepping on them.
 Instead, they ended up being great Python/Ruby programmers...which
 would be good for these languages, though...

The people that are likely to ever give anything back to the
community are much less likely to receive harsh treatment, than those
that mistake the list for a free script writing service.

Of course those that are starting to give advice on the list run the
risk of having their advice dissected and in some cases corrected.
And then there are three kinds of people. Those that take that as an
oportunity to learn, those that misunderstand the critique and take
it personally and those that take that as an oportunity to feel

The first kind will learn, the second will eventually learn as well
... and the last ... would do better to complain somewhere they can
actually extort some money.

Shame is the last kind tends to start a flamewar even if it was not
their code being criticized.


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When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed
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Re: Real Beginner

2011-04-21 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Tiago Hori
 Hey Guys,
 I am a real beginner so at the risk of being slammed by some, I wanted to
 get some input.

Don't worry, there are people here that will protect you and shout you were 
slammed even if you do not feel hurt at all.

 5. [10] Modify the previous program to tell each new person the 
 names of all of the people it has previously greeted:

If you did not insist on the and between the last and one but last 
you could just use the join() builtin:

   print I've seen , join( , , @people), \n;

if you do want the and, you need to do something more. Accessing 
the last element of an array is easy. It's either $people[ $#people ] 
or $people[ -1 ]. (Yes, you can index from the end with -1 being the 
last element, -2 the one before, etc.)

To access all except the last you need to use something called array 
slice. If you use @ instead of $ in front of the variable name you 
may specify several indexes within the [ ] and get a list of array 
elements with those indexes. You can even use the range operator .. 
to specif a range of indexes.

So all element except the last element would be @people[ 0 .. 
$#people-1 ].

You can then use the join() to put commas between the elements from 
first to the last-but-one and then add the  and  and the last 

print I've seen , join( , , @people[ 0 .. $#people-1]),  and , 
$people[-1], \n;

This will of course work correctly only if there are at least two 
elements in the @people array but testing that and printing the 
single element is easy :-)

 greet (Fred);

Drop the !

In most cases it doesn't change a thing, but in some cases it can 
lead to hard to find bugs!

If you do specify the parameters, then you've just bypassed the 
prototype on that subroutine (but there's hardly ever any so it 
doesn't matter much), but if you do not specify any parameters it 
will NOT call the subroutine with no parameters, but rather with the 
current parameters. See

sub inner { print My parameters were: ', join(', ', @_), '\n }

sub outer {
  inner(1, 2, 3);

  inner(1, 2, 3);

outer( Hello, world!);

 I am no perl expert, but this code looks really clunky to me, so I was just
 looking for some input. If your input is your code sucks without any
 constructive suggestion, please keep it for yourself, since I already know
 that my code sucks! :P I am beginner, that's what newbies do, they suck (in
 general, some people are brilliant and don't, not my case).

Conversely to what some people make you believe you are very unlikely 
to be told your code sucks without being told why on this list.

P.S.: Please use meaningfull subjects. Real Beginner doesn't say 
= === =
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to get drunk and croon as much as they like.
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Re: devices without division

2011-04-20 Thread Jenda Krynicky
 How to write a device funciton without using a '/' operator
 sub device_now($a, $b){
   my ($a, $b)=@;
don't use $result=$a/$b; 
   return $result;

That's divide, not device.

Not sure it's the solution that the professor had in mind, but you 
can use exponentiation (in Perl written as **,   

It's enough to remember that 
  x ** -1 = 1 / x

and the rest is trivial.

Another option would be to use a numerical solution. Guess the 
result, see whether it's too big or too small, change the guess 
accordingly, check again and continue like this until the error is 
small enough.

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When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed 
to get drunk and croon as much as they like.
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Re: sample distribution

2011-04-20 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Peter Scott
 On Tue, 19 Apr 2011 16:29:16 -0700, ai nguyen wrote:
  A population of 20 cows, each one has age and weight (known). Device
  this population into 2 group, each group has 10 cows.
  How to pick a cow on each group so that a distribution of AGE and WEIGHT
  on each group is similar. Show your strategy or/and implement it in
 Is this a question on a quiz or test you're taking?  Do the people giving 
 the test have the expectation that your answer is a measure of your 
 abilities or those of people you've asked for help?
 How far have you gotten with a solution?
 Or if you're just posing a question as a challenge for people to exercise 
 their brains, this would be better off in the Perl Quiz-of-the-Week list 
 (which hasn't seen any traffic in aeons).

Hey, dude! Beware of Fish! This was rude! You did not greet the nice 
person, you did not compliment his ability to copypaste his homework 
and you did not spoon-feed him. This way we'll scare off the 
beginners and we do not want to do that, right? Even if the beginners 
are lazy cheaters that believe their professor is not clever enough 
to check the archives and see who cheated.

P.S.: Reading it again, it probably wasn't a copypaste job. Device 
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to get drunk and croon as much as they like.
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Re: Changing XML Tag Value in Perl

2011-04-19 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From:   Rajpreet
 Thanks for your replies. But the above message is jst a sample and the
 exact message we get is pretty huge(its a trading sysem message)... I
 do have XML Parser installed.. I was trying to format a sample message
 using start and a default handler. I do get data in a variable and can
 change it, but how do I get the changed XML message in a new file. My
 question might be confusing or silly, but thats where I am currently
 stuck . I just wrote a dummy script-
 use XML::Parser;

Using XML::Parser directly is very seldom the right thing to do. 
Especially if you are just starting with Perl.

See for example the filter mode of XML::Rules or have a look at 
XML::Twig. Both can handle huge XMLs without any problem. If used 
well. See the examples!

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to get drunk and croon as much as they like.
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Re: Dynamic replacement of the variable

2011-04-19 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Shlomi Fish
 On Monday 18 Apr 2011 08:50:43 Uri Guttman wrote:
   SF == Shlomi Fish writes:
SF Hi Uri,
SF thanks for all your input on this list. See below for my response.
SF On Monday 18 Apr 2011 07:56:16 Uri Guttman wrote:
  mr == marcos rebelo writes:
mr Ugly but may work, with a simple eval
mr use strict;
mr use warnings;
mr my $var = '$str. q( abc_xyz)';
mr my $str;
mr for(my $i=1;$i = 5; $i++){
mr $str = $i;
mr my $line = 'Line: '.eval $var;
mr print $line\n;
mr }
 NEVER do that for such a simple problem. eval string is a last resort
 when no other technique can work well.
SF Well, you are right naturally, but there is no need to be so
SF rude. Start your email with a greeting, continue with a
SF compliment, use soft words, etc.  Otherwise, you may be scaring
SF many people away. See some of my advice in:

Try Alcoholics Anonymous. This is not a post-traumatic mutual support 
group, this is a technical mailing list! If you can't handle a terse 
and to the point reply, you should change the profession and try to 
find nicer talking people in the humanities. The catch is that the 
emails will start with a greeting, continue with a compliment, use 
soft words ... and be empty, empty, empty.

 You could have said that it is not a good thing, while being polite and much 
 less hostile and angry. As it is, you are scaring many people from this list.

As it is, those people should not be doing anything technical in the 
first place. The compiler will not start with a greeting and 
compliment their hairstyle either.

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When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed 
to get drunk and croon as much as they like.
-- Terry Pratchett in Sourcery

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Re: Dynamic replacement of the variable

2011-04-19 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Rob Dixon
 On 19/04/2011 12:56, Jenda Krynicky wrote:
 SF  Well, you are right naturally, but there is no need to be so
 SF  rude. Start your email with a greeting, continue with a
 SF  compliment, use soft words, etc.  Otherwise, you may be scaring
 SF  many people away. See some of my advice in:
  Try Alcoholics Anonymous. This is not a post-traumatic mutual support
  group, this is a technical mailing list! If you can't handle a terse
  and to the point reply, you should change the profession and try to
  find nicer talking people in the humanities. The catch is that the
  emails will start with a greeting, continue with a compliment, use
  soft words ... and be empty, empty, empty.
  You could have said that it is not a good thing, while being polite and 
  less hostile and angry. As it is, you are scaring many people from this 
  As it is, those people should not be doing anything technical in the
  first place. The compiler will not start with a greeting and
  compliment their hairstyle either.
 You really believe that conveying technical knowledge requires rudeness,
 sarcasm, and snide remarks? 

No. But it doesn't require off topic compliments either. Programmers, 
especially the more experienced ones, tend to be busy folk. Both 
those that ask and those that reply.

There was no rudeness in the original reply that caused all this 
weeping, much less sarcasm or snide remarks. It was a terse, to the 
point reply. Exactly what you should expect and get at a technical 

 Too many people here seem to think that the
 extent of their Perl knowledge entitles them to fits of bad manners and
 lazy language. If you struggle to make positive comments as well as
 negative ones then perhaps you should stick to writing Perl instead of
 trying to teach it.

If there's nothing to positively comment on, I an't gonna make up 
something just so that someone would feel better. That's not what 
this list is for. If you need someone to pet your ego, find some 
other place for that. This is a place for technical questions!

 Nobody likes the pompous selfish drivers on the road that have more
 money than wit, and insist on driving their expensive cars badly and
 dangerously. They impress no one, and nor do those that are wealthy in
 knowledge but challenged in wisdom and common sense that like to post
 ridicule and abuse on this list. For goodness sake stop it and try to
 write well instead.

I'd rather write the truth, than something that feels nice.

From shawn wilson
 well, it is our culture. some fields have a culture of inclusion,
 technology generally has a culture of exclusion. 


Technology generally has a culture of honesty. If you do something stupid, 
you are told you are doing something stupid. 
Without undue care about your ego, working under the asumption that 
you are a mature person.

Yes, there are other fields where people treat you nice and kind ... 
letting you shot yourself in the foot rather than appering rude by 
telling you something you might not like to hear.

From Alan Haggai Alavi

 A mailing-list that welcomes new users and assists them is what I call
 a 'healthy mailing-list'. Such lists will increase user
 participation and eventually lead to the list being 'useful' to the
 posters as well as to the community.  

I see. So you think a greeting and made up compliments are 

 Flaming is __HARM__ done to the community. No one enjoys it. It is the
 best way to be destructive! 

Which is exactly why we should cut off this silly thread. 
Especially since the very first to flame in this thread was Shlomi 

Let me quote again Uri's response:

 NEVER do that for such a simple problem. eval string is a last resort
 when no other technique can work well. 

 and please learn to edit quoted email. there is no reason to see the
 whole original email. also read a full thread before answering is a
 good thing. this query was answered well several times already. 

Now that was incredibly rude. How could any human being write 
anything so insanely rude to another human being? Oh my gosh I'm 
gonna cryy

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When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed 
to get drunk and croon as much as they like.
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Re: transposing %d values to %x output

2011-03-30 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Jim Gibson
 At 9:18 PM -0400 3/29/11, Chas. Owens wrote:
 It is important to note that \d
 doesn't match what you think it does.  Starting with Perl 5.8, \d
 matches and digit character.  This includes characters such as
 \x{1815} (Mongolian digit five).  To match the ASCII digit
 characters you must use [0-9]:

 I have heard this advice before, and it just sounds silly to me. I 
 deal exclusively with ASCII characters, so \d will only match the 
 characters '0' through '9'. If any UTF characters have crept into my 
 data unknowingly, then I have a bigger problem than too many matches. 
 If I am dealing with Monogolian characters or with any other set of 
 UTC characters, then I certainly want \d to match them as well. There 
 is a good reason why the set of characters matched by \d was expanded.

The \d had been rendered useless. \d had meant 
something I can do math with for too long to be changed to something 
someone might consider a digit. Which if it was to be correct would include 
the roman numerals I, V, X, L, C, D, M, ... 

Hey, it doesn't, \d is wrong even according to the silly new definition!

The anything that might be considered a digit in Unicode they should have 
used some \N{} or \p{} and leave the \d alone.

Yes, if you happened to want to match the mongolian digit thirteen 
you would have to use \p{IsDigit} or something. Huge deal. 

Instead of forcing those few and far apart that need (for whatever 
reason that completely alludes me) to match anything resembling a 
digit to use the Unicode \p{} construct or something similar, 
everyone had been forced to change their code to prevent their 
regexps suddenly matching something they never meant to match and 
that the computer will have no use for. So much for backwards 

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When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed 
to get drunk and croon as much as they like.
-- Terry Pratchett in Sourcery

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Re: Garbled lines

2011-03-28 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: HACKER Nora
 I am not sure whether this is really a Perl problem but maybe anybody
 can point me into the right direction: I am generating insert statements
 and writing them into a file for later execution. Most of the lines are
 written correctly:
 Obviously, two insert statements get mixed and characters from both
 statements are written alternately. But how does this happen? Is this a
 Perl problem or could this be a buffer problem on the AIX server? Thanks
 for any hints!
There are several instances of the script running at the same time 
writing into the same file? It would be better to give each instance 
its own file and then (if necessary) merge the files.
Otherwise you'd have to use some IPC tools (semaphores or something) 
to control access to the file and flush the buffers correcrly to 
prevent such problems.

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When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed 
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Re: How to avoid Out of Memory Errors when dealing with a large XML file?

2011-01-14 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Saqib Ali
 I'm reading a large (57 MB) XML file Using XML::XPath::XMLParser()
 I keep getting this error:
 Callback called exit at XML/XPath/Node/ at line 144 during
 global destruction.
 I'm using Windows XP. So I watched the task-management memory meter
 during the execution of this process. The PERL process chewed up a lot
 of the available memory. But when the process died, it still showed
 about 216MB available memory.
 Is there anything I can do to work-around this problem? From reading
 responses to other similar questions, the only option may be to use a
 XML stream parser instead of one that builds the entire DOM tree

It might be best to switch to XML::Twig instead. It should be a 
simpler change than to go stream based. XML::Twig allows you to 
read the file in chunks giving you the tree for part of the XML.

Hard to say without knowing the XML and what you need to do with it.

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When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed 
to get drunk and croon as much as they like.
-- Terry Pratchett in Sourcery

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Re: [OT] The Happy, Happy, Feel Good Thread (WAS: New Document: How to Start Contributing to or Using Open Source Software)

2011-01-01 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From:   Octavian Rasnita
 This answer is very good for Top posts don't bother me as much as
 those who don't trim the quotes. also. :-) When top-posting, the
 advantage is that it is not important how many messages remain at the
 bottom, exactly because nobody reads what's below the current message
 anyway. :-) 

Exactly ... if ... and it's a big if ... they still remember the old 
post. Which is something you may fairly safely assume in personal 
conversation but not on a mailing list. Expecially since most of the 
people most likely to be able to help are on several lists at the 
same time. 

 And by the way, there was a period when it was OK to say words like black 
 but now it isn't. 

And it was a much better period. Fuck newspeak and fuck political 
correctness. Rose, the same as shit, under any other name would smell 
the same. Change the smell, not the name! Otherwise you may go on 
changing the name every twenty years.

 There was a period when it was OK to follow that old netiquette
 that said that bottom-posting is the good way, but now it isn't.

Because you said so?
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When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed 
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Re: [OT] The Happy, Happy, Feel Good Thread (WAS: New Document: How to Start Contributing to or Using Open Source Software)

2011-01-01 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Octavian Rasnita
 From: Jenda Krynicky
  There was a period when it was OK to follow that old netiquette
  that said that bottom-posting is the good way, but now it isn't.
  Because you said so?
 Yes. Me and many others.
 I bottom post (on Perl - related mailing lists) and also usually trim
 the old posts, but not because bottom-post is the right way for
 Windows users - for most computer users, but because this is the
 preference of many Perl experts on these lists and it is a form of
 respect for their efforts, not for their opinions regarding the
 political corectness. 

They are not Windows, Mac or Unix users. They are mailing list users! 
And their OS has nothing to do with what's right for mailing lists.

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When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed 
to get drunk and croon as much as they like.
-- Terry Pratchett in Sourcery

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Re: XML Challenge Cannot

2010-12-18 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From:   Chaitanya Yanamadala
 Hai Liam
  Thank you for the reply. Thank u for letting me know an alternative for
 this. But there is a problem with what you have sent.
 It is not just removing of the bottom group tag that is required.
 If you check the input then u can find out that the title Commentary has 3
 sub tags Letters, Books et al. and Policy Forum and under the tag Policy
 Forum u can find one more sub tag Policy Forum1 like this it can continue.
 what ever output which u have given will not give me the exact format of
 output that is required.

1. Learn to spell.

2. Learn to describe your questions in the necessary detail.

3. This is not a free script writing service. Even if you did succeed 
in describing the required output properly what makes you think we 
are going to waste time writing the script for you for free? Hire a 

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When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed 
to get drunk and croon as much as they like.
-- Terry Pratchett in Sourcery

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Re: Strategy for diagnosing context-sensitive bug

2010-12-13 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Rob Dixon
 On 07/12/2010 09:24, Jonathan Pool wrote:
  The current script where the error occurs is at
  The error occurs at line 1297.
 So the line in question is
@res = (split /\n\n/, ($in{res} = (NmlML ($in{res}))), -1);
 and, although I can see no proper reason why it should make any 
 difference in this case, I recommend removing the ampersand from the 
 function call: it is bad practice in anything but very old Perl. I would 
 also prefer to lose a few parentheses, purely for the sake of 
 readability. So please try this:
@res = split(/\n\n/, $in{res} = NmlML($in{res}), -1);

I'd also suggest splitting this line in two. I feel uneasy about an 
assignment to a variable that was used to compute the assigned value 
somewhere in the middle of a parameter list ...

$in{res} = NmlML($in{res});
@res = split(/\n\n/, $in{res}, -1);

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When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed 
to get drunk and croon as much as they like.
-- Terry Pratchett in Sourcery

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Re: Object introspection + adding method

2010-10-24 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Jeff Peng
  On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 07:52:50PM +0200, Shlomi Fish wrote:
  Just be sure you know what you are doing.  Adding a method to somone
  class can be considered rude.  See the NOTE in perldoc perlmodlib.
 He/she is maybe coming from other language like Ruby.
 In ruby it's free to add methods to any class including the built-in ones.

Nothing prevents you from doing that in Perl either (well, with 
inside-out classes you'll have problems accessing the fields, but 
that's a different problem). The thing is that if you overdo this you 
end up with messy code.

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When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed 
to get drunk and croon as much as they like.
-- Terry Pratchett in Sourcery

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Re: Perl obfuscator

2010-08-22 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Shawn H Corey
 On 10-08-20 03:46 PM, Tobias Eichner wrote:
  Why do you need any obfuscator?  If you want to protect your code from
  web access, put it in a module in a directory that cannot be access from
  the web and put a stub that calls the module at the site.
  It's not as easy as this, since people receive the source code files.
 No, they don't.  The code is executed on the web server.  They don't 
 have access to the code at all.

Not everything is web Shawn. The fact that if you run your code on 
your server (and set things right) the visitors of your website do 
not see the code is nice ... but irrelevant.

If you are writing some code for a client and then give the code to 
the client to run on HIS computers then the client can see the code. 
And there's nothing you can do about it.

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When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed 
to get drunk and croon as much as they like.
-- Terry Pratchett in Sourcery

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Re: A problem while using XML::Parser::PerlSAX

2010-07-01 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Jason Feng
 I am using XML::Parser::PerlSAX
 to parse a 300M XML file. I meet a strange issue with handler characters. 
 This handler is supposed to return
 all the contents between start markup and end markup. But sometimes it just
 returns one part of the whole contents. On the second call, perhaps it returns
 the rest part of the contents.

That is to be expected.

From the docs of XML::Parser:

  Char (Expat, String)

  This event is generated when non-markup is recognized. The 
  non-markup sequence of characters is in String. A single 
  non-markup sequence of characters may generate multiple calls 
  to this handler. Whatever the encoding of the string in 
  the original document, this is given to the handler in UTF-8.

Write your code so that it handles this. Or use a module that does 
this for you.

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When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed 
to get drunk and croon as much as they like.
-- Terry Pratchett in Sourcery

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Re: How to allocation a desired size (e.g. 64KB) of contigugous memory block in perl?

2010-06-30 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Shlomi Fish
 On Wednesday 30 Jun 2010 10:01:45 Yang Zhou wrote:
  Hi Shlomi,
  Thanks for your help.
  I tried the my $buffer = \0 x 65536;  method, but segmentation fault
  in the C function remains.
  I know little about XS, it seems a declaration of the interface between
  Perl and C? Just a glimps of the link in your last mail, I can't find any
  Keyword which can be used to solve this problem.
 You need to allocate a buffer for that in your C code using malloc() pass it 
 to the function and then convert it to something that Perl can understand.

Not necessarily, it is possible to preallocate in Perl and then use 
that buffer.

Please show us your code, preferably trimmed down and let's see.

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Re: Simple, synchronous interaction with a local server process

2010-06-27 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Chap Harrison
 On Jun 26, 2010, at 7:34 AM, Jenda Krynicky wrote:
  Did you try DBD::ODBC? I do believe there are still ODBC drivers for 
  dBaseIV installed on your computer so this should work. What problems 
  did not you have? 
 I *think* the problem is that dBaseIV drivers cost money.  The company
 that I work for does have a license for the JDBC module, which is why
 I'm using that. 
 I can't recall the problems I had a year or so ago, looking for an
 open-source (or at least free-as-in-beer) solution - seems to me I
 found some Version  1.0 drivers that didn't really install. Or
 You're right, DBD::ODBC would be by far the simplest approach, so I
 may see whether our license for JDBC also happens to include an ODBC

dBaseIV drivers should install with ODBC on Windows. Within MDAC or 
whatever they call it.

Getting some drivers that work under Unix would be a problem, but 
Windows should be fine.

If you start the ODBC Manager (odbcad32.exe) do you see the Microsoft 
Access dBASE Driver? That's the one you need. It can handle dBase 
III, IV and 5.0.

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Re: XML output processing question

2010-06-26 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: saw

 Given one large XML file such as:
   CDE E=Eattr/F F=Fattr/G//D/C
   CDE E=Eattr/F F=Fattr/G//D/C
 !-- many more C sub-trees  --
 I want to create many small XML files consisting of a Root element and
 the C sub-tree. I would like to copy the C sub-tree from input to
 output as a block without having to address the sub-components. I have
 read the input into a hash using XML::Simple, but don't know how to
 copy the sub-tree which is also a hash.

use strict;
use warnings; no warnings 'uninitialized';

use XML::Rules;

my $counter = 1;
my $parser = XML::Rules-new(
rules = {
_default = 'raw',
C = sub {
  my ($tag,$attrs,$parser) = @_[0,1,4];
  my $file = sprintf results%06d.xml, $counter++;

  open my $OUT, '', $file or die Cannot create $file! 
  print $OUT $parser-ToXML($tag,$attrs);
  close $OUT;


  CDE E=Eattr/F F=Fattr/G//D/C
  CDE E=Eattr222/F F=Fattr/G//D/C
!-- many more C sub-trees  --

At most the contents of one C tag will be in the memory at a time.

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Re: Edit large data file

2010-06-26 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: mrwawa
 On Jun 16, 7:14 am, (Robert Citek) wrote:
  On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 1:50 PM, mrwawa wrote:
   Is this possible, and if so how can I do it?
  Can you give an example?
  For example, using colons instead of tabs, if the input looks like this:
  then you want it to look like this:
  Is that right?
  - Robert

 That is correct.  I decided to just write the output to a separate
 file and then delete the original file.  Thanks for all your help.


That's all you can do. If you just wanted to change a few characters
you could open the file for readwrite (open my $IN, '+', $file or
...), but since you need to insert characters you have to create a
new file and copy the data, you can't expect the system to magicaly
shift the data after the row you amended.

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Re: What is the best way to parse a GPX (XML) file

2010-06-26 Thread Jenda Krynicky
Date sent:  Wed, 16 Jun 2010 20:26:53 +0800
Subject:Re: What is the best way to parse a GPX (XML) file
From:   Jeff Pang
To: robert Key
Copies to:

 2010/6/16 robert Key
  Hi I would like to parse  GPX file (XML) and insert certain data items into
  a MySQL database. There are mulitude of XML modules which can be used.
  These modules all build a hash from the data. Is this done because it is
  easy to find the the data simply using the key?
  I don't mind writing my own parser although this seems to be reinventing the
  wheel but some like XML::Parser are very general purpose and require a huge
  learning curve.

 How about XML::Simple? That's easy to learn and use.

XML::Simple has its quirks and problems. (I'm offline as I'm writing
this.) Please search Simpler than XML::Simple on for
discussion of some and an alternative (almost drop in, but

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Re: Simple, synchronous interaction with a local server process

2010-06-26 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Chap Harrison
 I have a Perl app that makes SQL queries to DBF (DBase IV) databases. 
 I haven't found a reliable DBI::DBD module for accessing DBase IV, but
 I do have a copy of the JDBC library, so I wrote a simple Java
 command-line program that accepts a database path and a query on the
 command line, connects to the database, executes the query, and writes
 the result set to STDOUT.  ...

Did you try DBD::ODBC? I do believe there are still ODBC drivers for 
dBaseIV installed on your computer so this should work. What problems 
did not you have? 

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Re: Here Docs

2010-06-02 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Uri Guttman
  JK == Jenda Krynicky writes:
   JK From: Joseph L. Casale
Inside a here doc, how can I force an expression to be evaluated
such as localtime:
 here docs are just a different form of string so any technique which
 works in quoted strings will work in here docs. basic here docs are
 double quoted so they will interpolate scalars and arrays.
   JK use Interpolation eval = 'eval';
   JK print END;
   JK  $eval{localtime time}
   JK  Foo
   JK Bar 
 i would say to just use a temporary scalar variable. there is no shame
 in doing this and it is simpler than using the Interpolation module
 which is doing tied things and calling eval (which is dangerous).

Tie() yes, eval no. Neither the fact I called the hash eval, nor 
that I told it to use the builtin interpolation named eval means 
there is a string eval involved.

See the docs online, there are quite a few more builtins and you can 
create your own interpolation. Eg. for formatting:

use Interpolation d = 'commify';

my $total = 54858*745;

print END;
blah blah blah $d{$total}
blah blah

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Re: Here Docs

2010-06-01 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Joseph L. Casale
 Inside a here doc, how can I force an expression to be evaluated
 such as localtime:
 print END;
 `localtime time`

use Interpolation eval = 'eval';

print END;

 $eval{localtime time}



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Re: get acl's of directory

2010-06-01 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From:   Andreas Moroder
 is it possible to get the acl entrie of a directory on linux with perl ?

What do you mean by acl? Access Control List? There is no such 
thing under Linux, the permissions system works differently there.

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Re: How to create DSN on Solaris for Win32::ODBC

2010-04-17 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From:   Parag Kalra
Date sent:  Thu, 8 Apr 2010 22:34:21 -0700
Subject:How to create DSN on Solaris for Win32::ODBC
To: Perl Beginners

 Hi All,
 I am planing to use Win32::ODBC to connect to SQL Server from Solaris
 through Perl.

You can't. Win32::ODBC only works under Windows.

Besides you should use DBI in new scripts.

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Re: [Was XS linker]

2010-04-12 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Rene Schickbauer
 Some of the rules doesn't even make sense anymore, like the 
 four-line-signature: Most people - when using their company mail account 
 - are forced by local law to include a number of information (address, 
 telephone number, company chairman, commercial registration number and 
 so on). At least in some EU countries, the law also requires that this 
 information is structured in a way so one can quickly find the correct 
 bits of info.

Which doesn't mean the rule doesn't make sense. It just means that 
sometimes it's hard or even impossible to comply. The rule should 
still be followed as much as possible.

 Many of us can't deal with the changes that happen in the past decade, 
 either because we are old or because we are perfectionist, or both. I 
 used to be one of those people, but i have grown up.

Grown up or grown tired?

 In my opinion, people who bash other people for not writing Emails 
 according to some outdated rules should be kicked in the seating module.

Only after the people that can't spend a few minutes folowing the 
rules and thus making their posts easier to read and respond to.

It may be impossible to prevent the addition of a company signature, 
but it's not impossible to remove the old signatures and other cruft.

== == ==
: What do people think?
What, do people think?  :-)
 -- Larry Wall in

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Re: how do I replace all the spaces in a string with +

2010-02-25 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Erik Lewis
 print Enter your address\n;
 chomp (my $rawaddress = );
 my $geoaddress = $rawaddress =~ s/ /\+/;
 #strip the spaces from the address
 my $googlekey = 
 #get your google
 my $geocode_csv = 
 or die 'Unable to get page'; 

As if I did not think so. No you do not need to replace spaces by 
plus signs! You need to escape the string for inclusion in a query 

use CGI::Enurl qw(enurl);
my $geoaddress = enurl($rawaddress);


use URI::Escape qw(uri_escape);
my $geoaddress = uri_escape($rawaddress);

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Re: how do I replace all the spaces in a string with +

2010-02-25 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Erik Lewis
 Thanks that probably explains my higher than expected ungeocoded  
 rate.  Two weeks of playing with perl and I feel like I know less than  
 when I started.

The more you learn the more you find out you know nothing ;-)

This feeling is to be expected. Don't let it overwhelm you and go on 
playing :-)

And while we are at it ...

Because they are all backwards!
Why is that?
Because it makes the posts hard to read.
Please do not top-post!

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Re: XML::Simple parsing with attributes

2010-01-22 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Shlomi Fish
 On Friday 22 Jan 2010 00:44:39 Jenda Krynicky wrote:
  From: Shlomi Fish
This because you can very well represent XML in Perl data structures
without any loss of complexity. See for example XML::Compile.
   Wrong! If for example you have something like {{{ pHello this is a a
   href=http://www.example.tld/;link for something/a/p }}}, then
   XML-Simple will make a mess out of it. And XML-Simple tends to break
   more often than not, and is philosopically unsound.
  Lovely. So you just found a type of XMLs that is and never was meant
  to be handled by XML::Simple and no one would ever suggest using
  XML::Simple for.
 Yes, and that is what XML is best for. Besides that, XML::Simple often puts 
 arrays where there should be hashes, hashes where there should be arrays and 
 tends to break more often than not.

Marking up a document? Well, in some cases good enough for, yes.
And whether should depends.

  Besides Dr. Ruud talked about XML::Compile, not XML::Simple in that
 Fine. XML::Compile seems to be for SOAP, which is a subset of the general XML 

I don't think it's only for SOAP. Besides even if it was, a 
specialised tool is most often best. You can cut and screw and saw 
and uncork and ... with your swiss army knife, but will it be more 
convenient than using a big knife, a real screwdriver, a real saw, 
... hardly.

  XML::LibXML is overdesigned overcomplicated horribly documented
  comitee-designed thing. But everyone to his or her own tastes.
 You're missing many commas in this sentence of yours and a trailing and.

I don't think I do. Is that a hard and black rock or a hard black 

 disagree about it being either over-designed, over-complicated and committee 
 (not comitee)-designed, 

aarenttllyy I did not double enough lettterrs. (Bloody english 
speaking people, what they write doesn't resemble what they read and 
vice versa and they do not know when to stop uselessly repeating 

 because it is very elegant, powerful and flexible. 
 It may not be very well-documented, but I could manage with the current state 
 of its documentation. And it mirrors the current state of XML standards

Which, if you ask me, is a drawback.

I've tried to read the XML standards and the standards of a few more 
hyped xwhatever things. Bleargh. Overcomplicated. Pompous. 

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Re: XML::Simple parsing with attributes

2010-01-21 Thread Jenda Krynicky
Date sent:  Fri, 15 Jan 2010 11:11:55 -0800
Subject:XML::Simple parsing with attributes
From:   Grant
To: Perl Beginners List

 Anybody here familiar with XML::Simple?  I need to parse some XML that
 looks like this:
 Image Number=1base64datahere/Image
 Image Number=2base64datahere/Image
 Image Number=3base64datahere/Image
 I need to be able to grab the correct set of base64 data.  Does anyone
 know how to do that?


You can either parse the whole file getting a consistent data 
structure or you can process the tags/twigs you are interested in as 
you go.

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Re: XML::Simple parsing with attributes

2010-01-21 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Shlomi Fish
  This because you can very well represent XML in Perl data structures
  without any loss of complexity. See for example XML::Compile.
 Wrong! If for example you have something like {{{ pHello this is a a 
 href=http://www.example.tld/;link for something/a/p }}}, then 
 will make a mess out of it. And XML-Simple tends to break more often than 
 and is philosopically unsound.

Lovely. So you just found a type of XMLs that is and never was meant 
to be handled by XML::Simple and no one would ever suggest using 
XML::Simple for.

Besides Dr. Ruud talked about XML::Compile, not XML::Simple in that 

 I still don't understand why you dislike me having quoting-designators.

'cause they are horribly overdone. It's like finishing sentences by 
ten exclamation marks

XML::LibXML is overdesigned overcomplicated horribly documented 
comitee-designed thing. But everyone to his or her own tastes.

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Re: What interative perl shell I should use to debug the perl code?

2010-01-04 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Peng Yu
 It seems that there are more than one choices of perl interactive
 shells. I'm wondering which one is best or most popular.
 For example, I have a perl file that first load a huge data file then
 do some processing on the data file. The loading time is much longer
 than the processing time. If I can not run the perl file
 interactively, I will have to load the data file each time I run the
 processing code. However, I can interatively run perl code, I can load
 the data file once and run the processing code multiple times in order
 to debug the processing code.

Apart from the perl debugger (that can be entered from within the 
script by this (strange looking) statement:


there's also a PSH (Perl SHell) on CPAN and another unrelated PSH on

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Re: Clone an object

2009-12-31 Thread Jenda Krynicky
- You might, but what about others? You do want others to read your 
messages and help you with your questions, don't you?
- But I remember what I wrote last time so I don't have to read it.
- 'cause it's all backwards!
- Why is that?
- Because it's hard to read.
- Why?
- Please do not top post.

From: Christoph Friedrich
 My Big Problem is that I must copy an object to do a backtracking method 
 (I am going to develop a sudoku solver).

Not everything has to be an object.

In either case the object must know how to clone itself. And how does 
it do that depends on its internals, on the way it stored its data. 
So do you need to copy a hash of scalars? An array? ...

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Re: Clone an object

2009-12-31 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Erez Schatz
 Shlomi, please stop correcting the English of those who post here.
 It's rude, 




 and unimportant. 

Not at all. Being able to express your needs/questions clearly is 
quite important.

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Re: Comparison of the comma versus the period in print statements

2009-12-22 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Marc Perry
 I noticed that most beginner texts will introduce and use print like this:
 print $moose, $squirrel, $boris, \n;
 However, when I review code from CPAN, I often (typically) see:
 print $bullwinkle . $rocky . $natasha . \n;
 As I recall, print is a list operator (and therefore the comma syntax is
 used to separate items in a list), but is catenation somehow faster/more
 memory efficient?

Compared with the price of the IO operation the concatenation versus 
passing several values is irrelevant. I do not dare to guess which 
one is more efficient in what circumstances, but I don't think the 
difference matters.

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Re: XML::Simple question

2009-12-22 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From:   Mike Blezien
 were using the XML/Simple module to process a XML response using the code 
 But for some reason the module can't read the $xmlresponse data unless we 
 a temp file first to store the data then pass that to the module. Is there a 
 to do this without having to create a temp file first. ?? Everything does 
 the response is return. We used the Data/Dumper module to verify the data 
 my $ua  = new LWP::UserAgent;
 my $req = new HTTP::Request 'POST' = $xmlscript;


If the $variable already contains a string, you just unnecessary make 
a copy. If it contains a number (well it can contain both, but I mean 
the case when it contains just the number), you force Perl to convert 
the number to string (and store that string alongside the number in 
the variable) and make a copy of the string. And possibly later it 
will have to convert the string back to number.

And these are the cases when it actually works, even if it's 
inefficient. As soon as you quote like this a variable that contains 
a reference or an object (a reference bless()ed to a package), you 
end up with useles string, that will just look like a reference when 
printed out. Do not quote variables!

 my $req = new HTTP::Request 'POST' = $xmlscript;

is enough!

 my $simple = new XML::Simple(KeyAttr=[]);
 # read XML file
 my $xmldata = $simple-XMLin($xmlresponse);

OK, you are safe from automatic key related transformations ... what 
about tags with optional attributes? Or tags that are sometimes but 
not always repeated?


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Re: what's a database handler

2009-12-21 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Xiao Lan (a°a...°)

 When I get a database handler with DBI,

 my $dbh = DBI-connect(...);

That's a handle not a handler. A very different thing.

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Re: capture error - the better way?

2009-12-16 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Philip Potter
 2009/12/16 Shlomi Fish
  On Tuesday 15 Dec 2009 17:14:25 Philip Potter wrote:
  If evaluating a constant expression results in a runtime exception,
  that runtime exception must happen at runtime, and not at compile
  time. In general, it is the duty of an optimizer never to change
  program behaviour, only performance.
  But this is a case where the compiler evaluates a constant expression and it
  results in an exception. So it cannot store it as a folded constant on the
  side for the run-time place. As a result, it throws a compile-time error.
 Yes, it can't fold the constant. That's no excuse for changing the
 behaviour of the program. What it should do is what I wrote in my
 previous email -- replace it with code that raises a runtime exception
 when executed -- ie a die Illegal division by zero.

An exception that get's raised every time is not very ... 

What it should do is what it did. Tell you you are doing something 

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Re: Help me understand

2009-12-05 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: 120
 I've looked at this:
 sub encrypt {
 my $self = shift;
 my $xx = $$self;
   #.. cut stuff I do understand
 return $self-SUPER::encrypt();
 Could someone help me with the Perl to English here?
 I get that $self is shifting the arguement.

$self is set to the value of the first parameter of the subroutine 
encrypt(). In case the encrypt() was called as a method, it will be 
the object you called the method on

  $obj-encrypt() -   $self = $obj;

 I think I get that $xx is a reference to $self?

No. $self was a reference to a scalar, $xx = $$self puts the value of 
that scalar into $xx.

 I don't get at all: return $self-SUPER::encrypt();
 Is this assigning the $self to the results of a call to a class called
 SUPER's method encrypt?

No. This returns the result of calling the inherited version of the 
encrypt() method on the object.

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Re: speed test

2009-12-04 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From:   Rob Coops
  A daily job that by the sound of it will not be changing a whole lot, jut
 get executed pretty much till the end of times... C is your friend. Perl
 would certainly get the job done and on time without to much problems, but
 if you are worried there isn't much that will out perform C/C++ when it
 comes to raw speed.

If you are able to implement it well enough. Keep in mind that a lot 
of time was spent on optimizing the builtins and the regexp engine, 
much more time than you can spend on your program. So if the problem 
at hand matches well enough Perl strengths, your Perl solution may 
even be quicker than your C solution. Plus it's not one or the other, 
you can combine the two. You can write the program in Perl and if and 
only if you find out it's too slow you can benchmark it and write 
just the problematic parts in C.

 If you are not planning on making any changes to the code in
 the foreseeable future, the extra readability of the Perl code should not
 really mater as you do not expect to be making changes to it on a regular
 basis anyway.

Expect the unexpected. And regular changes are not the problem. The 
problem are irregular, once in a while changes that have to be 
finished right now or if possible last week.

 My biggest worry would not be the 1T (of logs I guess) the code needs to
 parse now, but in 4 or 5 years from now the likely doubled amount of data.

what was the name of that law? Something that said that the speed of 
computers doubles every ??? years.

If in four or five years the data amount is only doubled, you are 
more than safe.

And if it's parsing logs, then unless you intend to do some natural 
language processing, then IO will be the problem, not the 
CPU/language speed.

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Re: Assignment Operator

2009-11-28 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From:   Marco Pacini
Subject:Assignment Operator
Date sent:  Thu, 26 Nov 2009 12:31:54 +0100

 Hi All,
 I'm studying Perl since one week on Learning Perl written by L. Wall
 and in the paragraph Assignment Operators i don't understand why
   ($temp = $global) += $constant;
 is equivalent of:
   $tmp = $global + $constant;

I believe you meant $temp, not $tmp
 Instead,  before i read it, i thought it was equivalent of:
   $temp = $global;
   $temp = $temp + $constant;

You were right, though unless the $temp is a tie()d variable, they 
are all equivalent.

If $temp is tie()d, then the first and third will call the STORE 
method twice abd FETCH once, while the second calls just STORE once.

This may cause the result to be different if the STORE modifies the 
stored value. Eg. by rounding it.

package TstTie;
require Tie::Scalar;

@ISA = qw(Tie::Scalar);

sub FETCH { print FETCH ${$_[0]}\n; return ${$_[0]} }
sub STORE { print STORE $_[1]\n; ${$_[0]} = $_[1] }
sub TIESCALAR { my ($class, $value) = @_; return bless( \$value, 

package main;

my $temp=4;
tie $temp, 'TstTie', 4;

my $global = 10;
my $constant = 7;

print Original:\n;
($temp = $global) += $constant;
print Result: $temp\n\n;

print First:\n;
$temp = $global + $constant;
print Result: $temp\n\n;

print Second:\n;
$temp = $global;
$temp = $temp + $constant;
print Result: $temp\n\n;

(Keep in mind that the 
  print Result: $temp\n\n;
causes on more FETCH!

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Re: 答复: the question of one program

2009-11-23 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Philip Potter
 2009/11/20 gaochong
  Thanks .
  But the code is from ,and is crappy ,where I will go ?
 CPAN has no quality control. There is no guarantee that anything you
 get from CPAN will not be, as you say, crappy.
 As a result, be selective with what you download from CPAN. Ask
 questions, go by reputation, check that the module is maintained (if
 it hasn't been updated since 2003, the owner clearly doesn't care
 about it much any more), 

Don't look at the last release date! Rather at the age of the oldest 
opened bug report in RT.

The module may well be complete enough and bugfree enough that there 
is no need to release new versions.

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Re: Trace used functions within an app

2009-11-07 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From:   Dermot
 I have been asked to look at/add features to an existing ModPerl app
 that has thousands of lines of code spread over tens of modules. Some
 are OO, some are function-oriented. There looks like there's lots of
 debris and unused functions. For clarity, simplicity and
 maintainability, I want to remove the stuff that is no longer used or
 needed. Is there any module/method that can help me trace what
 functions are being used? I could add a print statement to every
 function but that would take a while to do and then I'd have to parse
 the http logs to correlate the data. What I think I need is some
 independent module that sits at the top of the name-space and logs the
 functions to a separate log. Does anyone have any ideas that might

Looks to me like you are looking for a profiler. Have a loop at CPAN -

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Re: Sorting mixed alphanumerics

2009-10-14 Thread Jenda Krynicky
Date sent:  Wed, 14 Oct 2009 11:03:13 -0400
From:   Shawn H Corey
To: Rick Triplett
Copies to:  Perl Beginners
Subject:Re: Sorting mixed alphanumerics

 Rick Triplett wrote:
  I need to sort the keys in a hash. The keys are the question number and
  the values are the student's answer. A numeric sort with = won't work
  since retaking a missed question (say, 2) produces the new key, 2h with
  its new answer. A representative hash might look like this
 You need a Schwartzian transform.  It works by extract the sort fields
 from the data and placing them, and the original data, in an array of
 arrays (AoA).  It sorts the AoA and extracts the original data from
 them.  This sorted list now can be used.

ST is an overkill if the extraction is simple. 

Especially if the number of items is fairly small.

Actually if the extraction is really simple and the extracted key is 
not so small, than ST may perform worse than an ordinary sort doing 
the extraction within the comparison block. The additional array 
creation and destruction and increased memory load will more than 
ofset the lower number of extractions.

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Re: Sorting mixed alphanumerics

2009-10-14 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Shawn H Corey
 Jenda Krynicky wrote:
  ST is an overkill if the extraction is simple. 
  Especially if the number of items is fairly small.
  Actually if the extraction is really simple and the extracted key is 
  not so small, than ST may perform worse than an ordinary sort doing 
  the extraction within the comparison block. The additional array 
  creation and destruction and increased memory load will more than 
  ofset the lower number of extractions.
 Who cares?  Modern computers are big enough and fast enough to handle
 everything except editing movies.

OK. So because modern computers are fast enough to handle everything 
you'll employ an optimization pattern that actually hurts performance 
even though it complicates the code. Lovely.

Using ST while it's not needed is silly. Pattern or no pattern.

In this particular case the best solution is to silence the bogus 

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Re: DBI driving me nuts ... !

2009-10-07 Thread Jenda Krynicky
 Please can you advise ?
 use Mysql;
 $dbh = Mysql-connect(localhost,mailscanner,root,c0nc3pt) or
 die (Error  . Mysql-errno .  -  . Mysql-errstr);

I do not see any DBI in here.

Though ...
3.0008/lib/ says M(y)sqlPerl is no longer a separate module. 
Instead it is emulated using the DBI drivers. You are strongly 
encouraged to implement new code with DBI directly. ...

In either case you put the data for the row into @row and then 
attempt to print $row. Those are two different variables.

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Re: Arrays, Dates, Indexing and Initialisation

2009-09-28 Thread Jenda Krynicky
Date sent:  Mon, 28 Sep 2009 09:11:02 -0700
Subject:Re: Arrays, Dates, Indexing and Initialisation
To: Soham Das
Copies to:

 Soham Das wrote:
  Hello All,
  I wanted some guidance with these questions of mine:
  a.. How do I initialise an array of a definite size with
  zero. Say the C equivalent of such a statement will be:
 int a[125];
 my @array;
 $array[$_] = 0 for 0..125;

my @array = (0) x 126;

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Re: typical errors beginners make

2009-09-19 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From:   Gabor Szabo
 For some reason - maybe because my students are not English speakers -
 many of them type
 use warning;
 Which gives them the following error:
 Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains:

You do not have to explain @INC right away. Can't locate 
sounds clear enough to me. You tell them Perl libraries/modules have 
the .pm extension and that this message meant that they either 
mistyped the module name or that it's not installed. No need to dive 
into more details.

I think the message would be even better without the in @INC, but 
that doesn't matter much. The fact that @INC holds the list of 
library directories is apparent.

IMHO if you want to give better explanations, post patches to 
perldiag and add

  use diagnostics;

to the beginner mode programs.

And to find the other possibly problematic code constructs I think 
you'd better use Perl::Critic with whatever settings you think are 
best for beginners than attempting to develop your own. I do believe 
most of the confusing things are already covered.

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Re: text html from file to a scalar and mail

2009-09-12 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Shlomi Fish
  use FileHandle;
 my $signature = new FileHandle;
$signature-open($signature_file)or die Could not open
 You should use IO::Handle instead of File::Handle (or IO::File in your case), 
 and use the three args open. It's nice you've used die.

Nope. You should not be bothering with thatever class is at the 
moment behind the Perl filehandles and just use open() as a function. 
Not everything has to be an object

  open my $SIGNATURE, '', $signature_file
or die Could not open '$signature_file': $^E\n;

 $signature is not a good name for a filehandle - better call it $signature_fh.

I use all capitals for filehandles. Both oldstyle and lexical.

   my $fileHandle = $_[0];
 Accessing $_[$idx] is not very robust - you should do:
 my $fileHandle = shift;
 my ($fileHandle) = @_;

Nope. Accessing $_[$idx] all over the place within the subroutine 
would be prone to errors and inconvenient (though sometimes 
necessary), what syntax do you use to copy the parameters into 
lexical variables is largely unimportant. And sometimes you can't 
just shift() off parameters from @_, you need to keep them there.

  my $customer_msg_html = $customer_msgStart_html  . OrderFromForm_html()
  . $customer_msgEnd_html . $scalar_sig;
 Your style is inconsistent between camelCase, and 

Maybe there is a meaning to the underscores on some places and case 
change in others. Don't be so quick. The fact that you do not see a 
pattern from a very short example doesn't necessarily mean there 
isn't one. It may very well be too big to fit in the small cut hole 
that you see.

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Re: watch folder concept in Perl

2009-09-07 Thread Jenda Krynicky
Date sent:  Mon, 7 Sep 2009 17:58:35 +0530
Subject:watch folder concept in Perl
From:   Ganesh Babu N
To: Perl

 Dear All,
 Can we develop application which will watch a specific folder and when
 any files comes into the folder then some action takes place in Perl.
 Similar to an windows service. Is it possible in Perl.

There are several libraries for this. For Windows have a look at 
Win32::ChangeNotify and Win32::IPC.

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Re: search replace saved to a variable

2009-09-03 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Noah Garrett Wallach
 okay a step further - is there a way to make the following a one liner?
  (my $filename_cmd = $cmd[-1]) =~ s/\|//g;
  $filename_cmd =~ s/\s+/\./g;
  $filename_cmd =~ s/save.*//g;

There's no point in making it a one liner. Plus anything may be 
writen as a oneliner in Perl ... it would just be a long line in some 

In this case I'd write this as:

my $filename_cmd = $cmd[-1];
for ($filename_cmd) {

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Re: Perl's superior text parsing power

2009-09-03 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Shawn H. Corey
 Dave Tang wrote:
  I wanted to ask why is Perl, in comparison to other programming 
  languages, so powerful in text processing?
 Undoubtedly, when it was written, Perl was the most powerful text 
 processing language available.  This is no longer the case (thanks 
 largely to Perl :).  Today's scripting languages have the same text 
 processing abilities as Perl.

Some of them do have the same basic functionality. None of them has 
such a huge archive of ready-to-use libraries for all kinds of (not 
only) text processing. Sure you can write the same libraries in the 
other langauges, but the problem is exactly that. You have to write 

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Re: Creating array variable names on the fly

2009-08-28 Thread Jenda Krynicky
 I have a question on creating array variables.  I have a driver script that
 takes as input the number of files to be processed (say 7).  One of the
 children scripts needs to create array variables based on how many files are
 being processed (in this case 7).  How do I code the following action into
 the child script: read the number of files to be processed. based on this
 number create a set of arrays say @array1, @array2@array7?

You do not want to do that!

Please read this

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Re: removing a 'tee'd file handles going forward

2009-08-26 Thread Jenda Krynicky
Date sent:  Wed, 26 Aug 2009 15:36:26 + (GMT)
From:   Tony Esposito
Subject:removing a 'tee'd file handles going forward
To: Beginners Perl

 I want to output to both STDOUT and STDERR at one point in my program, then 
 want to separate the two handles going forward in the program so that output 
 is sent to STDOUT and STDERR separately.  Given the code snip below, would 
 the undef tee do the trick?
 use IO::Tee;

 my $tee = new IO::Tee(\*STDOUT,\*STDERR);

 # some code here ... blah, blah, blah ...
 # now want to change to set and 'untee' STDOUT and STDERR ...

 undef tee;   # is this going to do it?

Well it will, but there is no need to do that. You can print to
STDOUT and STDERR even while the tee exists.

print $tee Foo\n;

will go to both

print STDOUT Foo\n;

will go to STDOUT and

print STDERR Foo\n;



print Foo\n;

to the select()ed filehandle.


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Re: removing a 'tee'd file handles going forward

2009-08-26 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Tony Esposito
 Agreed.  But the program flow would be such (pseudo-code):

 (1) print STDOUT
     print STDERR
 (2) now print to both in one print statement

 (3) now go back to
     print STDOUT
     print STDERR

 I want to switch back-and-forth between being able to print to STDOUT,
 STDERR with one 'print' statement and then back ...


I said you can! And you do not have to destroy the tee and then
create it again. Once you create the tee you can print to STDOUT,
STDERR or the teen any time you want, as many times you want and in
any order you want.

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Re: Procedural modules in an object-oriented project

2009-08-18 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Steve Bertrand
 My ISP management project which started out as a learning experience has
 grown into a system that currently contains 10 modules. The entire
 system is object-oriented.
 While reviewing my POD to ensure that I've been keeping it up-to-date
 properly, and so that I can still easily understand the API at the
 documentation level, I've noticed that two of my modules have
 subroutines that only perform global tasks, and don't need to be
 object-oriented at all.
 Is it recommended that I stick with the overall style of the project by
 making all of the modules object-oriented, or is it better to create
 procedural modules when objects are not required?

Depends. Not on the project or the code, but rather on the person you 
ask. If you ask me ... yes, it's perfectly fine to use OO only where 
it actually helps with something and plain old procedural interface 
where it doesn't. If you ask someone else, he/she may very well try 
to talk you into writing everything as objects and classes.

Use whatever feels more natural to you.


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Re: Attentipn Please!! Need A Perl script to read the UIDs from two text files having the details in the format as given in th

2009-08-17 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Ian
 This is how I would do it.
 To every one else, please feel free to critique my perl programming skills.
 I'm a Mainframe Assembler programmer and still learning perl. Any critique
 will just help to improve my skills.

The script is fine, the fact that you wrote it for free for someone 
who can't even ask nicely is not. I understand you want to practice, 
but sometimes the best reply is no reply. 

Any email that starts Attentipn Please!! Need A Perl script should 
be ignored.

But at least Jyotishmaan Ray is spiritually enjoying himself. 
Spiritualy aware. Indiot.

This is not a free scripting service!


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Re: Coding best practices

2009-08-14 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Shawn H. Corey
 I use Data::Dumper a lot, so most of my debugging statements have 
 Dumper in them, making them easy to find.  For those that don't, I add 
 # TEMPORARY at the end.  And I leave them behind; I just put a # in 
 front of them. :)

I tend to not indent them. So they stick out and since pretty much 
all code is indented at least one level in any nontrivial program, I 
only have to look for /^print/.

Whether I leave them behind or not depends on whether I expect to 
need them again. Usually I remove them after I'm done debugging.

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Re: IO::File close on undef behaviour?

2009-08-12 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Philip Potter
 Dear all,
 I'm trying to learn to use the IO::File object as a means of passing a
 filehandle from one function to another. In the perldoc documentation
 for IO::File, it gives the example:
 undef $fh;   # automatically closes the file
 but in the reference that follows, it gives no indication for why this
 might be the case. Would this behaviour be caused by the destructor?


 If $fh goes out of scope, will the file be automatically closed?


And you do not have to go all OO to make use of this.

 open my $FH, '', $filename or die;

creates such an object as well.

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Re: Inverting a hash safely

2009-08-03 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Ed Avis
 My question is, does there exist a 'safe hash invert' function in some CPAN
 module?  I was imagining something like
 my %hash = (a = 1, b = 2);
 my %reverse = safe_hash_invert %hash; # works fine
 $hash{c} = 1;
 %reverse = safe_hash_invert %hash; # throws an error 'duplicate values...'
 I see Hash::Util and Hash::MoreUtils on CPAN but neither provides such a
 function.  Before I write one myself I wanted to check if there is already
 a standard implementation.

I don't think there is and I don't think there's a need.

my %hash = (a = 1, b = 2,
 c = 1,
my %reverse = reverse %hash;
die Bummer, the values were not unique!
 if keys(%hash) != keys(%reverse);

Complex, was it? :-)

As the test whether the values are unique would have to build a hash 
of the values, there's no point in testing first and then building 
the reverted hash.

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Re: while () and wildcards on DOS/Windows

2009-08-03 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Peter Daum
 I occasionally have to write Perl scripts that should behave the same on
 Unix- and DOS-like Systems. One little problem I encounter there is:
 For quick hacks, the while() mechanism is very handy, because it
 saves a lot of typing. On Unix, I can call a script as a filter, with
 filenames or with glob-Patterns without having to worry about the
 details - in any case I can just use  to read the data. On DOS (and
 its descendants), this used to be the same - I still have an old binary
 of Perl 5.005 lying around, where Perl silently takes over the glob
 expansion that on Unix would be done by the shell. Unfortunately, this
 obviously is not the case anymore: With more recent Perl versions, when
 a script is called with '*.xyz' it will just try to open '*.xyz' and
 The only workaround I know is to do something like:
 ... snipped

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Re: Inverting a hash safely

2009-08-03 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Ed Avis
 Jenda Krynicky Jenda at writes:
  my %hash = (a = 1, b = 2);
  my %reverse = safe_hash_invert %hash; # works fine
  $hash{c} = 1;
  %reverse = safe_hash_invert %hash; # throws an error 
 I don't think there is and I don't think there's a need.
 my %hash = (a = 1, b = 2,
  c = 1,
 my %reverse = reverse %hash;
 die Bummer, the values were not unique!
  if keys(%hash) != keys(%reverse);
 Of course this works.  But even at three lines of code it's still worth making
 into a function.  The 'any' and 'none' functions in List::MoreUtils are even
 more trivial but it's still very handy to have them.
 To give a really useful error message is a bit more code:
 my %reverse;
 foreach my $k (sort keys %hash) {
 my $v = $hash{$k};
 if (exists $reverse{$k}) {
 die cannot reverse: $v is mapped to by both $k and 
 $reverse{$k} = $v;

And is this message useful? I mean, if you as the user of the program 
receive this message does it tell you anything useful? Will you know 
what hash was it? Maybe you can find out because the values remind 
you of something you saw for example in a config file, but maybe not.

The function would only be of some use if you could specify the 
message. Otherwise you'd have to wrap it in an eval{}, catch it, make 
sure it's this message and rethrow the exception with a more 
informative text. And hope the next version of the module doesn't 
change the message.

 However, even if it's just one extra line of code as you suggest, that still
 makes it temptingly easy to just forget the check.  I did so myself, and while
 I am no Don Knuth, I'm more conscientious than some people I know!  So if I
 can forget to check it so can many others.

You can't prevent people from shooting themselves into their feet.

 So one reason to have a function providing this is to give a simple FAQ entry
 on reversing a hash: 'just use Whatever::Module::safe_hash_invert'.  And, for
 those who like that kind of thing, a simple way to audit existing code for
 bugs (or latent bugs) caused by hash reversing without checking; I would 
 provide both safe_hash_invert and unsafe_hash_invert so that the programmer 
 be explicit about what's intended.

If anything, it would be better to provide a function that'd check 
whether the values of the hash are unique so that you could
  assert(values_are_unique \%hash);
before the reverse(). Because you should only reverse hashes that by 
definition have unique values. So this is something you should test, 
but do not necessarily want to test each and every time in the 
release build.

And if you feel like it, create a function that reverses

 (a = 1, b = 3, c = 1) = (1 = ['a','c'], 2 = ['b'])

That's something that's not a SIMPLE oneliner. Even though of course 
it's not too complex either.

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When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed 
to get drunk and croon as much as they like.
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Re: Inverting a hash safely

2009-08-03 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Shawn H. Corey
 Jenda Krynicky wrote:
  And if you feel like it, create a function that reverses
   (a = 1, b = 3, c = 1) = (1 = ['a','c'], 2 = ['b'])
  That's something that's not a SIMPLE oneliner. Even though of course 
  it's not too complex either.
 I think it's simple enough:
 use strict;
 use warnings;
 use Data::Dumper;
 # Make Data::Dumper pretty
 $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1; # ASCII sort hash keys
 $Data::Dumper::Indent   = 1; # first style, not indent 1 space
 $Data::Dumper::Maxdepth = 0; # limits depth of output, zero == infinite
 my %h = (a = 1, b = 3, c = 1);
 my %r = ();
 push @{ $r{$h{$_}} }, $_ for keys %h;   # one line :)

Is it simple enough so that you immediately know what does it do? I 
guess not. IMHO it's complex enough to warrant being moved to a named 
subroutine. Especially since it forces you to write the name of the 
original hash twice.

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Re: Need help with Mail::Sender

2009-06-26 Thread Jenda Krynicky
Date sent:  Thu, 25 Jun 2009 23:27:24 -0500
From:   Dennis Wicks
To: Perl Beginners
Subject:Need help with Mail::Sender

 Following the docs I have it working, somewhat, but it is
 not handling html w/inline images correctly.
 Instead of getting an html message with inline image it is
 sending a blank email with both the html and the jpg image
 as attachments.
 Here is my program. Does anyone see the problem?

Yes, the problem is very simple. Each mail client handles this 
differently. What works in one, fails with the other. This is what 
worked for me in Pegasus Mail:

use Mail::Sender;

eval {
(new Mail::Sender)
to = ',',
subject = 'Embedded Image Test',
boundary = 'boundary-test-1',
type = 'multipart/related',

smtp= 'xxx',
auth = 'PLAIN',
authid = 'xxx',
authpwd = 'xxx',

description = 'html body',
ctype = 'text/html; charset=us-ascii',
encoding = '7bit',
disposition = 'NONE',
file = 'c:\temp\zk.html'
description = 'Test gif',
ctype = 'image/gif',
encoding = 'base64',
disposition = inline; 
file = 'D:\pix\humor\alc.jpg'
or die Cannot send mail: $Mail::Sender::Error\n;

and the c:\temp\zk.html contained:

phi again/p

img src=cid:img1


If I send the email to my operamail account, the HTML is in the body, 
but the image doesn't display correctly.

Try to change the headers or try to post a HTML email with images 
with your mail client and see what headers does that use.

= === =
When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed 
to get drunk and croon as much as they like.
-- Terry Pratchett in Sourcery

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Re: redirecting STDERR with IO::Tee

2009-06-25 Thread Jenda Krynicky
Date sent:  Mon, 22 Jun 2009 10:53:06 -0700
Subject:redirecting STDERR with IO::Tee

 I have a script which runs mostly via a cron job and sometimes
 interactively.  I would like STDERR to automatically print to both the
 console and to a logfile simultaneously. 
 Right now I've gotten as far as merging both file handles with IO::Tee
 but I'm not sure if I'm heading down the right path. 

 my $merged_stderr = IO::Tee-new( \*STDERR, new IO::File($errlog) );
 This only works when explicitely naming the file handle in a print
 statement.  How can I take it to the next step, which is to have
 STDERR automatically print to that file handle? 

use strict;
use IO::Tee;

warn Before the change;
open my $oldSTDERR, 'STDERR' or die;
close STDERR;
open my $DBG, '', 'debug.log' or die;
*STDERR = IO::Tee-new( $oldSTDERR, $DBG) or die;

warn after the change;

print to STDOUT\n;
print STDERR to STDERR\n;

system ('dir sdf_sgerdfwerg');

die Bleargh;

it's not possible to tee (this way) the STDERR of the child 
processes, the best you can do is to decide whether you want them to 
go to the file or the ordinary error output. Try to escape the close 

HTH, Jenda
= === =
When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed 
to get drunk and croon as much as they like.
-- Terry Pratchett in Sourcery

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Re: question about constants

2009-06-24 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Roman Makurin
 here is complite perl script which produces such results without
 any warning:
 use strict;
 use warnings;
 use constant {
   A = 0,
   B = 1,
   C = 2 };
 my @a = (A, B, C);
 my @b = (1, 2, 3);
 while(my $i = shift @a) {
   print $i, $/

But of course this does not print anything. The shift(@a) returns the 
first element of @a which is zero, assigns that to $i and then checks 
whether it's true. And of course it's not. So it skips the body and 
leaves the loop. Keep in mind that the value of

   my $i = shift @a

is NOT a true/false whether there was something shifted from the 
array. It's the value that was removed from the array and assigned to 
the $i. And if that value it false (undef, 0, 0.0, 0, 0.0,  - 
if I remember rigth) then the whole expression evaluates to false in 
boolean context.

Whether you use constants or not is irrelevant. You'd see the same 
behaviour with

my @a = (0, 1, 2);

HTH, Jenda
= === =
When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed 
to get drunk and croon as much as they like.
-- Terry Pratchett in Sourcery

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Re: question about constants

2009-06-24 Thread Jenda Krynicky
Steve Bertrand wrote:
 Roman Makurin wrote:
  On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 03:25:57PM +0200, Jenda Krynicky wrote:
  From: Roman Makurin
  here is complite perl script which produces such results without
  any warning:
  use strict;
  use warnings;
  use constant {
A = 0,
B = 1,
C = 2 };
  my @a = (A, B, C);
  my @b = (1, 2, 3);
  while(my $i = shift @a) {
print $i, $/
  But of course this does not print anything. The shift(@a) returns the 
  first element of @a which is zero, assigns that to $i and then checks 
  whether it's true. And of course it's not. So it skips the body and 
  leaves the loop. Keep in mind that the value of
 my $i = shift @a
  is NOT a true/false whether there was something shifted from the 
  array. It's the value that was removed from the array and assigned to 
  the $i. And if that value it false (undef, 0, 0.0, 0, 0.0,  - 
  if I remember rigth) then the whole expression evaluates to false in 
  boolean context.
 If I understand correctly, what you are saying is that while() is
 evaluating the left side of the '=' as it's condition, culminating into:
 Which eventually equates into:
 ...on the very first pass.

Well, you could understand it like that in this case. The problem 
comes as soon as the assignment is not a scalar, but rather a list 
one. Which doesn't mean just this

  my @foo = whatever();

but also

 my ($x, $y) = whatever();

and even

 my ($x) = whatever();

Because the scalar value of such an assignment is the number of 
assigned values, not the first or last such value. See

print scalar(my $x = 'hello'),\n;
print scalar(my ($x) = 'hello'),\n;
print scalar(my ($x,$y) = 'hello'),\n;

If you want to loop over a list and consume it by the loop you 
should use this:

while (@array) { 
  my $x = shift(@array);

= === =
When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed 
to get drunk and croon as much as they like.
-- Terry Pratchett in Sourcery

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Re: question about eval usage

2009-06-23 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Roman Makurin
 Just looked throught some standart perl modules and found
 something cryptic to myself:
 package Module;
 $Module::VERSION = '1.0';
 $Module::VERSION = eval $Module::VERSION;
 Why eval part is needed here ?

It's not. What module was that? Maybe you skipped something that was 
the reason.

P.S.: Your English is fine. Just drop the -self. ... cryptic to 
me. I did it myself vs. It looks good to me.
= === =
When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed 
to get drunk and croon as much as they like.
-- Terry Pratchett in Sourcery

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Re: question about eval usage

2009-06-23 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Roman Makurin
 On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 12:46:33PM +0200, Jenda Krynicky wrote:
  From: Roman Makurin
   Just looked throught some standart perl modules and found
   something cryptic to myself:
   package Module;
   $Module::VERSION = '1.0';
   $Module::VERSION = eval $Module::VERSION;
   Why eval part is needed here ?
  It's not. What module was that? Maybe you skipped something that was 
  the reason.
 File::Spec and CPAN, maybe other

Looks like cargo culting to me. Maybe someone let their source 
control system update the version string and needed the eval to turn 
it into something Perl understands.

In this case you'd get the same result by

$Module::VERSION = 0 + $Module::VERSION;

because the only difference between the $VERSION before and after the 
line above or the eval is that before it's a string and after it's a 
number. But Perl happily converts that any time it's needed so it's 
irrelevant in all except very very few cases.

I'm actually not so surprised it's in File::Spec. That's one heck of 
an inconveniently designed module.

= === =
When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed 
to get drunk and croon as much as they like.
-- Terry Pratchett in Sourcery

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Re: question about eval usage

2009-06-23 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Paul Johnson
 On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 06:35:26PM +0200, Jenda Krynicky wrote:
  From: Roman Makurin
   On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 12:46:33PM +0200, Jenda Krynicky wrote:
From: Roman Makurin
 Just looked throught some standart perl modules and found
 something cryptic to myself:
 package Module;
 $Module::VERSION = '1.0';
 $Module::VERSION = eval $Module::VERSION;
 Why eval part is needed here ?

It's not. What module was that? Maybe you skipped something that was 
the reason.
   File::Spec and CPAN, maybe other
  Looks like cargo culting to me.
 From the docs:

Bleargh. Not that it doesn't work. In a way. But my that is ugly!

If you want to remove underscores, do remove underscores! Do not 
eval the stuff! Unless it's part of a JAPH or OBFU.

= === =
When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed 
to get drunk and croon as much as they like.
-- Terry Pratchett in Sourcery

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Re: Need help with Email::Send

2009-06-22 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Dennis G. Wicks
 Jeff Pang wrote the following on 06/21/2009 09:51 PM:
  2009/6/22 Dennis G. Wicks
  I can't seem to find the problem with the Email::Send portion of this
  program. It may be that I am getting an error from the smtp server but I
  haven't been able to adapt an error routine that works with Mail::Sender to
  work with Email::Send.

Why? What's wrong with Mail::Sender?

  I have seen these info on the module's page:
  Email::Send is going away... well, not really going away, but it's
  being officially marked out of favor. It has API design problems
  that make it hard to usefully extend and rather than try to deprecate
  features and slowly ease in a new interface, we've released
  Email::Sender which fixes these problems and others. As of today,
  2008-12-19, Email::Sender is young, but it's fairly well-tested.
  Please consider using it instead for any new work.
  So, you may consider to use Email::Sender instead.
  For testing of this module, you could take a look at:
 Well, be that as it may, Email::Sender is still Beta and has 
 only been out for about 6 months. Email::Send has been out 
 for 5 years and is more likely to work for most cases. 
 Forty+ years of computer experience has taught me not to be 
 an early adopter and to stay off the bleeding edge!

Mkay. Stay with Mail::Sender then. It's both tried and supported. Or 
go with MIME::Lite.

= === =
When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed 
to get drunk and croon as much as they like.
-- Terry Pratchett in Sourcery

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Re: Please, I need help!!!

2009-06-12 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Jim Gibson
 On 6/11/09 Thu  Jun 11, 2009  11:00 AM, Phillip
  Hallo @ all,
  i am new in this domain(perlscript) and i have a question.i have a
  array,i sort it,i get the last element of the array but i want to get
  the next element after this can i do this?
 There is a language called Perlscript that is based on Perl but not the
 same. Are you asking about that language or about Perl itself? 

Are you sure? Any pointers?

As far as I know ActiveState has/had something called PerlScript, but 
it's not a different langauge. It's just a scripting engine for 
Windows Scripting Host, Internet Explorer and MS IIS/ASP. Just a DLL 
that allows you to use Perl in those environments. Not a different 

= === =
When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed 
to get drunk and croon as much as they like.
-- Terry Pratchett in Sourcery

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Re: better way to write this

2009-06-11 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: raphael()
 It is actually very enlightening to read all the post
 on this list. Most of the stuff actually goes over my head as
 I have no need/knowledge of CGI or dbase. Just some text processing.
 I am new to Programming/Perl (chapter 5 Learning Perl).
 I also read a little about 'system()  exec().
 This is my first actual 'useful' Perl script!!
 I had written this as a Bash script then converted it to Perl.
 use 5.010;

apart from the (pretty useles say()) there is nothing 5.10 specific 
in the code. I do think say() is not something I would want to make 
my scripts incompatible with older perls for.

 use strict;
 use warnings;
 my ($A, @B, @C, $D);

Do use meaningful variable names! And declare them together with the 
definition, not upfront.

 $A = '';
 # For files that are numbered by 01.txt
 # Also can append a '0' to $A   still use @C
 @B = qw { 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 };

Have a look at spritf().

 # For files that are numbered by 1.txt
 @C = (1..10);
 $D = '.txt';
 foreach my $i (@C) {
 system 'wget', ${A}${i}${D}; # I know wget can read from a file.
 #   say ${A}${i}${D};# say $A$i$D; # Which is correct? both work!
 Is there a better way to write this without modules?
 OR is it just too simple  just fine written this way?


= === =
When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed 
to get drunk and croon as much as they like.
-- Terry Pratchett in Sourcery

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Re: better way to write this

2009-06-11 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: John W. Krahn
 Jenda Krynicky wrote:
  From: raphael()
  It is actually very enlightening to read all the post
  on this list. Most of the stuff actually goes over my head as
  I have no need/knowledge of CGI or dbase. Just some text processing.
  I am new to Programming/Perl (chapter 5 Learning Perl).
  I also read a little about 'system()  exec().
  This is my first actual 'useful' Perl script!!
  I had written this as a Bash script then converted it to Perl.
  use 5.010;
  apart from the (pretty useles say()) there is nothing 5.10 specific 
  in the code. I do think say() is not something I would want to make 
  my scripts incompatible with older perls for.
  use strict;
  use warnings;
  my ($A, @B, @C, $D);
  Do use meaningful variable names! And declare them together with the 
  definition, not upfront.
  $A = '';
  # For files that are numbered by 01.txt
  # Also can append a '0' to $A   still use @C
  @B = qw { 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 };
  Have a look at spritf().
 $ perldoc -f spritf
 No documentation for perl function `spritf' found

Silly typos.

perldoc -f sprintf

= === =
When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed 
to get drunk and croon as much as they like.
-- Terry Pratchett in Sourcery

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Re: Working with a hash within an object

2009-06-10 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: Steve Bertrand
 Hi all,
 I know this is a no-brainer, but I'm drawing a blank after coding all
 day (I'm not a coder by trade).
 I'm trying to write a test program for a function I'm accessing from a
 module I wrote years ago, and because I'm over-tired, I can't remember
 how to (or find how to) iterate over the items within an object.
 This is literally my test program. The $user object contains a couple
 dozen vars. One of them is shown in a print statement with the expected
 output as a comment.
 The following (and numerous variants of it) do not work. How do I
 properly iterate through all of the items in '$user'?:
  code below 
 use warnings;
 use strict;
 use EagleUser;
 my $user = EagleUser-new();
 print $user-{'login_name'}\n; # outputs 'steveb' as expected
 while ( my ($key, $value) = each($user) ) {

 while ( my ($key, $value) = each(%$user) ) {

 print $key = $value\n;
  end code 

It doesn't matter whether it's an object. It's a hash reference so 
you can treat it as such. And since each() expects a hash, not a hash 
reference, you have to dereference. That is put a % in front of the 

HTH, Jenda
= === =
When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed 
to get drunk and croon as much as they like.
-- Terry Pratchett in Sourcery

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