[Beowulf] A Cooler Cloud: A Clever Conduit Cuts Data Centers? Cooling Needs by 90 Percent

2019-01-24 Thread Chuck_Petras
Well, this is interesting.

"According to Forced Physics? 

technology officer, David Binger, the company?s conductor can help a 
typical data center eliminate its need for water or refrigerants and 
shrink its 22-MW load by 7.72 MW, which translates to an annual reduction 
of 67.6 million kWh. That data center could also save a total of US $45 
million a year on infrastructure, operating, and energy costs with the new 
system, according to Binger. ?We are solving the problem that electrons 
create,? he said."

A Cooler Cloud: A Clever Conduit Cuts Data Centers? Cooling Needs by 90 

Chuck Petras, PE**
Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc
Pullman, WA  99163  USA

SEL Synchrophasors - A New View of the Power System <

Making Electric Power Safer, More Reliable, and More Economical (R)

** Registered in Oregon.
Beowulf mailing list, Beowulf@beowulf.org sponsored by Penguin Computing
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Re: [Beowulf] Oh.. IBM eats Red Hat

2018-10-30 Thread Chuck_Petras
Cringely has some interesting observations...

"The deal is a good fit for many reasons explained below. And remember Red 
Hat is just down the road from IBM?s huge operation in Raleigh, NC.

"Will Amazon, Google, and Microsoft now run out and buy SUSE, Ubuntu, 
Apache, etc?  Yes.

"Will there be a mad rush to create new Linux distros? No. I think that 
boat has already sailed and further Linux branding won?t happen, at least 
not for traditional business reasons.


"These big questions have yet to be answered, of course. Only time will 
tell. But we?ll shortly begin to see hints. What happens to Red Hat 
management, for example? There are those who think Red Hat will, in many 
ways, become the surviving corporate culture here ? that is if Red Hat?s 
Jim Whitehurst gets Ginni Rometty?s IBM CEO job as part of the deal. 
That?s what I am predicting will happen. Ginni is overdue for retirement, 
this acquisition will not only qualify her for a huge retirement package, 
it will do so in a way that won?t be clearly successful or unsuccessful 
for years to come, so no clawbacks. And yet the market will (eventually) 
love it, IBM shares will soar, and Ginni will depart looking like a 


"In the end the C-suite of IBM may be finally admitting to themselves what 
you and I have known for several years ? that their strategic imperatives 
are not doing as well as they promised.  They also know they?ve invested 
way too much in stock repurchases and way too little in the business.  So 
with this Red Hat deal they?ve basically bet the farm to get themselves 
back in the game.

"With Whitehurst at the top of IBM, the company will not only have an 
outsider like Gerstner was, it will have its first CEO ever who won?t be 
coming with a sales background. This is very good, because IBM will have a 
technical leader finally running the show.

"Let?s review:

"Ginni Rometty is past the age where IBM likes to retire CEO?s, which is 

"Jim Whitehurst is 51, the age when IBM likes to hire new CEO?s.

"I don?t see Whitehurst moving to Armonk, I do see IBM moving to Raleigh.

"I do see Whitehurst as CEO of IBM in six months or less.

"The Red Hat team will expand their products into new areas. IBM 
executives will retire in droves because they can?t compete and will 
resist learning something new.

Red Hat takes over IBM

Chuck Petras, PE**
Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc
Pullman, WA  99163  USA

SEL Synchrophasors - A New View of the Power System <

Making Electric Power Safer, More Reliable, and More Economical (R)

** Registered in Oregon.
Beowulf mailing list, Beowulf@beowulf.org sponsored by Penguin Computing
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[Beowulf] Circumference - datacentre-in-a-box for high-performance-computing

2018-05-18 Thread Chuck_Petras
For those of you who have too much time on your hands (and money), there 
is a new Raspberry Pi based crowd funding project open,

"Circumference is a miniaturised datacentre-in-a-box, complete with 
programmable power distribution and sequencing, instrumentation, cooling, 
networking, and a switchable remote console ? all packaged in 
custom-designed desktop enclosures which eliminate cable clutter and give 
you complete control over the hardware inside.

"Available in 8+1 node (C25) and 32+1 node (C100) configurations, 
Circumference is built around the popular Raspberry Pi and UDOO x86 
platforms, with a highly integrated custom backplane for power 
distribution, instrumentation, control and network management, and a 
custom front panel for status indication."

The datacentre-in-a-box for high-performance-computing and cloud software 
development, testing, and education

Chuck Petras, PE**
Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc
Pullman, WA  99163  USA

SEL Synchrophasors - A New View of the Power System <

Making Electric Power Safer, More Reliable, and More Economical (R)

** Registered in Oregon.
Beowulf mailing list, Beowulf@beowulf.org sponsored by Penguin Computing
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[Beowulf] New System Could Break Bottleneck in Microprocessors

2016-09-13 Thread Chuck_Petras
"Engineers at North Carolina State University and at Intel have come up 
with a solution to one of the modern microprocessor?s most persistent 
problems: communication between the processor?s many cores. Their answer 
is a dedicated set of logic circuits they call the Queue Management 
Device, or QMD. In simulations, integrating the QMD with the processor?s 
on-chip network, at a minimum, doubled core-to-core communication speed, 
and in some cases, boosted it much farther. Even better, as the number of 
cores was increased, the speed-up became more pronounced."

"The solution?born of a discussion with Intel engineers and executed by 
Solihin's student, Yipeng Wang, at NC State and at Intel?was to turn the 
software queue into hardware. This effectively turned three multistep 
software queue operations into three simple instructions?add data to the 
queue, take data from the queue, and put data near where it?s going to be 
needed next. Compared with just using the software solution, the QMD sped 
up a sample task such as packet processing?like network nodes do on the 
Internet?by a greater and greater amount the more cores were involved. For 
16 cores, QMD worked 20 times as fast as the software could."

Chuck Petras, PE**
Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc
Pullman, WA  99163  USA

SEL Synchrophasors - A New View of the Power System <

Making Electric Power Safer, More Reliable, and More Economical (R)

** Registered in Oregon.
Beowulf mailing list, Beowulf@beowulf.org sponsored by Penguin Computing
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[Beowulf] The 5 SMART stats that actually predict hard drive failure

2014-11-13 Thread Chuck_Petras

Hard drive software that IT administrators use to monitor drive health is 
highly inconsistent from drive to drive and manufacturer to manufacturer, 
according to data collected from nearly 40,000 spindles.

The data, released today from cloud service provider Backblaze, also 
indicated which five of the 70 metrics that SMART stats cover are likely 
to predict a hard drive failure.

SMART, or Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology, is nearly 
ubiquitous firmware that vendors embed as tools to alert IT admins to 
impending problems., 

For several years, Backblaze has collected data on hard drive failures. 
It has released that data in company blogs, highlighting which 
manufacturer's drives failed more often than others.

Also https://www.backblaze.com/blog/hard-drive-smart-stats/

Chuck Petras, PE**
Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc
Pullman, WA  99163  USA
Tel: +1.509.332.1890

SEL Synchrophasors - A New View of the Power System 

Making Electric Power Safer, More Reliable, and More Economical (R)

** Registered in Oregon.
Beowulf mailing list, Beowulf@beowulf.org sponsored by Penguin Computing
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[Beowulf] Fw: 3/19 PSERC Webinar: Parallel Computing in the Electric Power Industry

2013-03-20 Thread Chuck_Petras
Announcement attached below.

The 3/19/2013 On Demand Archive is stored here 
 and is about an hour long.

Sort of basic stuff at the front (targeted at power engineers), then gets 
into some power system specific examples.


Chuck Petras, PE**
Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc
Pullman, WA  99163  USA
Tel: +1.509.332.1890

SEL Synchrophasors - A New View of the Power System 

Making Electric Power Safer, More Reliable, and More Economical (R)

** Registered in Oregon.

- Forwarded by Chuck Petras/SEL on 03/20/2013 09:22 AM -

PSERCNWS pserc...@asu.edu wrote on 03/18/2013 02:01:19 PM:

 From: Dennis Ray dj...@engr.wisc.edu
 To: pserc...@asu.edu, 
 Date: 03/18/2013 02:03 PM
 Subject: 3/19 PSERC Webinar: Parallel Computing in the Electric Power 
 Sent by: PSERCNWS pserc...@asu.edu
 Outlook for Parallel Computing in the Electric Power Industry
 (Announcement[pserc.wisc.edu] | Slides [pserc.wisc.edu]| Live 
 Webinar - Log-in with as Guest with First and Last 
 | Archived Webinar[mediasite.engr.wisc.edu])
 Siddhartha Khaitan
 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
 Iowa State University
 PSERC Public Webinar
 Tuesday, March 19, 2013
 2-3 PM Eastern Time (11 AM-Noon Pacific Time)
 Parallel computing offers a significant advance in computing power 
 needed in the increasingly computationally-intensive environment of 
 power system operations. This talk introduces parallel computing, 
 and its need and applications in various industries including the 
 electric power industry. The requirements for adopting parallel 
 computing will be discussed along with alternative approaches for 
 high performance computing. Practical challenges faced in 
 transitioning from legacy systems to parallel computing 
 architectures will be identified. The presentation includes an 
 overview of different parallel computing architectures and 
 programming models, along with key design aspects of parallel 
 programming important to its adoption, such as computer load 
 balancing, communication, synchronization, and task granularity. It 
 also explores various libraries, state-of-the-art parallel 
 programming languages for large-scale code development and 
 productivity over a few to tens of thousands of processors. 
 An example of use of parallel computing in power system analysis is 
 given. Results are reported for use of a parallel power system 
 dynamic simulator for dynamic contingency analysis of thousands of 
 contingencies in a large test system. Results are presented for 
 different computing architectures, and for different programming 
 models and programming languages. This demonstration of parallel 
 computing takes into account crucial design considerations such as 
 computing load balancing and communication overhead.
 Biography: Siddhartha Kumar Khaitan is a Post Doctoral Research 
 Associate in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 
 at Iowa State University. His research interests are in high 
 performance computing applications for power systems, modeling and 
 simulation, renewable energy integration, and development of 
 detailed storage (i.e., CAES, hydrogen) models. He has authored a 
 number of journal publications and edited two books. 
 Registration for Webinar Participation: None required. There is no 
 charge for participating!
 Participation by Webinar: There are several options for participating.
 · Recommended option: We will be using the Adobe Connect 9 
 webinar platform. You will be able to watch the presentation slides 
 on your computer from the designated site 
 [asu.adobeconnect.com] and listen to the 
 webinar through your computer?s speakers or headphones. Click here
 [pserc.wisc.edu] for the connection details and instructions for 
 testing your connection. If you cannot hear the presenter, check to 
 make sure your speaker is not muted in Adobe Connect. It may also be
 possible to use the app ?Adobe Connect? Mobile? to participate via 
 smart phone or tablet. 
 · You can also listen to the audio over the public phone 
 bridge at 712-432-0800 (passcode: 937250#). Be sure to mute your 
 phone (press *6) so sounds in your room do not go out to the phone 
 bridge with other listeners. Should you not be able to connect to 
 the webinar, you can also download the slides from the PSERC website
 and listen to the audio over the phone. 
 · You can watch the archived webinar at a different time by 
 clicking here[mediasite.engr.wisc.edu] and then on the link for this
 webinar. Note: This is also another way to watch the webinar in 
 Asking Questions During the Webinar: You are invited to ask 
 questions or make comments during the webinar using 

[Beowulf] Fourth Annual IEEE-SCV Soft Error Rate (SER) Workshop

2012-09-05 Thread Chuck_Petras
With the talk of FPGAs, cosmic rays, and soft upsets, I thought I'd send 
this along...

Fourth Annual IEEE-SCV Soft Error Rate (SER) Workshop  (Thursday, October 
25, 2012)

This is a FREE event, and includes lunch. There is no fee for attending. 

The 4th annual IEEE Santa Clara Valley SER Workshop provides a unique 
forum for component manufacturers, assembly houses, and electronic system 
manufacturers to exchange innovative ideas and recent results on the 
measurement, monitoring, and control of alpha emission from packaging 
materials and manufacturing processes. Built on the success of our 
workshops held in 2009 through 2011, this year's event continues to cover 
a wide range of areas and subjects critical to the control and mitigation 
of device soft error rates. Talks will cover the newest updates and 
advances for a wide range of areas including alpha emissivity measurement 
techniques and processes and impact on advanced low-k devices. Speakers 
will come from equipment makers, component manufacturers, and academic 
institutions. Check back in mid-September for detailed summaries of talks.


Chuck Petras, PE**
Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc
Pullman, WA  99163  USA
Tel: +1.509.332.1890

SEL Synchrophasors - A New View of the Power System 

Making Electric Power Safer, More Reliable, and More Economical (R)

** Registered in Oregon.
Beowulf mailing list, Beowulf@beowulf.org sponsored by Penguin Computing
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