Camp Collie in Shelby Montana

2002-11-15 Thread Esther Wilson
Shelley wrote: <>


Thanks for bringing the Camp Collie event in Shelby to
my attention! Thank goodness for the Berner-L. Guess I
need to watch more TV as your post was the first I've
heard of it. 

I've made some phone calls and looks like some friends
are going up there to help. I hope to get up there on
Monday and possibly Tuesday. 

Are you going to be there?

Esther Wilson

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Re: Vicky and Major/Boy Problems

2002-11-15 Thread Lucy & Yogi
And, exactly what, pray tell, does one do if all's NOT tucked back in place???

Cessi (rolling eyes) and Tucker (stop looking at me that way!)

Don't be surprised if your boy has a pained expression on his face or even
lets out a 'yip' when he retracts, it can be bit uncomfortable.  A good brisk
walk will help things return to normal more readily... then as Rose said, do
check to be sure that all's tucked back in place.

Dogwise - free shipping

2002-11-15 Thread wendy beard
Dear All,
Just thought I'd mention that Dogwise (dog & cat books 'n' stuff) have free 
shipping until the end of November on orders over $50.
Great for those of you who plan ahead when buying their Christmas gifts ;-)
There's another reason for me mentioning it, and that is because any 
purchases made through clicking the dogwise banner on Boris's Book Pages 
earn commission for the BMDCA Health Fund

Last quarter we received a check from Amazon for over $50 for the same 
thing. Commission earned from click-through sales. Okay, so it's not much, 
but it's a nice easy way to generate funds for a good cause - and the good 
thing is - it doesn't cost us a penny!

Wendy and Boris (Tanja and Tyra too)

Boris Beard
Ottawa, Canada

new berner -

2002-11-15 Thread LeAnn Zogg
Hi all,
I've been asked to update you how the "new girl at our house" is going with
our entlebucher...

They are like an old married couple just after three weeks.
They are the best of friends,  go everywhere together, hate to be apart,
sumo-Swiss wrestle, share their water, bones, toys, and sleeping favorite
spots.  She likes to cuddle, and he likes to be the boy on the go.  They
train totally opposite of one another, both sleep at my feet and
occasionally argue over the goofiest stuff - just like my kids.

I would say it is going well - now if I could learn to like sweeping.
Another great thing about taking another dog - my husband spent $ on a new
vacuum that will actually pick up the hair!  I sweep - but at least I can do
more than blow it around the room!

Take care and all have a great day.
LeAnn, family, Caspar and Ursa

Re: Rescue Berner -- foster home needed ASAP!

2002-11-15 Thread Jennifer Popp
I may get flamed for this but the Bloemart's are known for their [B.Y.]
Breeding practices. They used to be in Ontario, don't know why they moved --
maybe they had to?? But now they are the 'ward' of the Alberta club :-(.

Jenn Popp

Healthy Paws Bones and Raw Food Diet
Toronto, Ontario (Canada)
416-264-1313 / email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Original Message -
From: "Pat Long & Paul Dangel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| >>In NJ -- 18 month, male, neutered, bred by Grace Bloemart in Alberta,
| Canada. 

Confiscated Collies in Shelby, MT

2002-11-15 Thread jesse & shelley gonzales
I posted to the list earlier this week about the collies confiscated at the
Canada/Montana border and how they need everyone's help.  Please check the
website for today's/Friday's Great Falls, MT newspaper, front page article
on "Camp Collie at it includes pictures of these poor animals that
need your help.

It was way too long to reprint to the list.  The article is very in depth
with pictures of these wonderful dogs who have been caught up in the tragedy
of being moved by their "compassionate breeder" from Alaska to Arizona.
These dogs endured 7 days without food and water before they got to the US
border, then would have traveled another 3-4 days before reaching Arizona.
I doubt if any would have survived, they were so dehydrated and
malnourished.  Please help if you can.

Shelley Gonzales
Bigfork, MT


2002-11-15 Thread Bernesemoutain2
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berner stuffed animals....from Costco

2002-11-15 Thread
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Re: New "Mom" needs help

2002-11-15 Thread Eileen Morgan

- Original Message -
From: "BernerFrog" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> My pup was having the same problem with Innova.  She's on the prescription
> bland diet and having no problem, but my vet says to start weaning her
> to a new kibble soon.  I'm having trouble deciding what to switch to.  A
> previous discussion about Innova mentioned that it is too rich - does that
> mean that the fat content is too high?  Any advice?

Micawber had some loose stool issues on Innova (although it is perfect for
Lliira and Nessie) so he is on California Natural. He likes it, has firmer
stool, and it is just as good a food--just not quite so rich.

Eileen Morgan
The Mare's Nest

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RE: Vicky Whitney's Boy Questions

2002-11-15 Thread Esther Wilson
OMG, Vicky, I haven't laughed that hard in ages. Thank

If anyone (any adult) missed that post on the Berner-L
#4123, it's well worth going back to read (even if
only for the chuckle you'll get).

And Vicky, I'd like to take your topic on a brief,
non-berner detour. 

Here in the wilds north of Billings, Montana, I've
been a tad alarmed at the number of wierd animal
sounds coming occasionally from the forest around us.
This is especially alarming at night. My Tibetan
Mastiff goes nuts over it sometimes. So I've actually
gone out to find the source of the noises but without

Upon casual inquiry of some longtime locals, one being
the cattle rancher whose property adjoins ours, I
learned its been rutting (mating) season for many
species of the local wildlife. Thankfully, I'd already
lived through his annual cattle breeding season with
my only incident being when I had a superb 'mexican
stand-off' with a thoroughly aroused bull in the
middle of my road. It was a long few minutes before he
decided that (1) I wasn't a cow and (2) I wasn't
another bull. Whereupon my hubby said, of course,
'Welcome to the country'.

I'm told the noises from the forest should stop soon.

Esther Wilson

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Boy Questions Again

2002-11-15 Thread Vistaplatz

It's called "unsheathing the sword"

   Nancy Bullard - Vistaplatz - 1972

Re: New "Mom" needs help

2002-11-15 Thread BernerFrog
My pup was having the same problem with Innova.  She's on the prescription
bland diet and having no problem, but my vet says to start weaning her over
to a new kibble soon.  I'm having trouble deciding what to switch to.  A
previous discussion about Innova mentioned that it is too rich - does that
mean that the fat content is too high?  Any advice?

Karen & Maggie

> Our Sammy pups had the same problem on Pro Plan, the problem cleared up >
when we switched thier kibble.  You may want to try that and see if it
> helps.

Re: New "Mom" needs help

2002-11-15 Thread DreamLine Berners
Our Sammy pups had the same problem on Pro Plan, the problem too cleared up 
when we switched thier kibble.  You may want to try that and see if it 


From: "Susan Berlin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: New "Mom" needs help
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2002 09:37:46 -0800

I am no expert on any of the issues you raise, but I know that my first
berner, when she was a puppy had continual diarrhea with no obvious cause
and no diminution of her energy level when she was on Pro Plan. It cleared
up immediately when I switched her to another kibble. This is NOT a blanket
criticism of Pro Plan; I think different dogs react differently to the
ingredients in the various feeds.

> 1. Jack has had diarhea for about a week now but is acting fine
> otherwise...We are feeding him Pro Plan Large Breed Puppy Formula...

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Re: Vicky and Major

2002-11-15 Thread BernerFolk
In a message dated 11/15/2002 12:49:45 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

> As Major's breeder I think it's time you and I had a little talk about sex
>  education:-)

Well Rose, I was wondering when you were going to step in!!! 

One more thing, for those who've been following the exploits of poor Major, 
and Bean, and Vilma's husband...

Don't be surprised if your boy has a pained expression on his face or even 
lets out a 'yip' when he retracts, it can be bit uncomfortable.  A good brisk 
walk will help things return to normal more readily... then as Rose said, do 
check to be sure that all's tucked back in place.

-Sherri Venditti 

Re: Vicky and Major

2002-11-15 Thread Sylvia Katvala

Thank you for asking this important question.


Thank you for explaining it so nicely.

When Caolan was intact was wondering abut the workings also. Search in a lot
of different books and on the internet, but there is not much information to
be found.

Sylvia Katvala with Neala
In loving memory of Caolan

Re: New "Mom" needs help

2002-11-15 Thread Susan Berlin
I am no expert on any of the issues you raise, but I know that my first
berner, when she was a puppy had continual diarrhea with no obvious cause
and no diminution of her energy level when she was on Pro Plan. It cleared
up immediately when I switched her to another kibble. This is NOT a blanket
criticism of Pro Plan; I think different dogs react differently to the
ingredients in the various feeds.

> 1. Jack has had diarhea for about a week now but is acting fine
> otherwise...We are feeding him Pro Plan Large Breed Puppy Formula...

FREE Berner Graphics

2002-11-15 Thread Dawn or Tim Gabig
We just finished a major reorganization and expansion of our Graphics
WebPages.  There are lots of new wallpapers, clipart & border sets.

They are all FREE for personal or non-profit use.  Enjoy!

Dawn Gabig, Classique Berners
Suburbs of Kansas City, USA
BMDs/CHs: Cassie, Partner, Heather, Blossom & Scarlett
Our Website Homepage:
FREE Graphics:

Vicky and Major

2002-11-15 Thread Rose Tierney
Hi Vicky,
As Major's breeder I think it's time you and I had a little talk about sex

Intact young dogs can arouse themselves in much the same way an adolescent
boy does only he has to wait it out because his paws are already hairy!!

What Major has experienced is known as an outside tie only he didn't have
the pleasure of a bitch's company. Let us assume there is a bitch around
(even if it's just a dream right now:-). The dog mounts from behind and
after much poking around will penetrate the bitch and pelvic thrusts are
observed while he's trying to hit the bullseye. Once he's entered the penis
quickly swells to rather enormous proportions and at the base of his penis
is the "bulb" that locks him in place. It is while he is stomping her feet
into the ground like some bad dancepartner he is drip ejaculating.
(Incidentally for those of you who like to scratch your dog's butt and he
starts to dance you are sexually exciting him, not so innocent eh?) Dogs do
not ejaculate in a spurt like most mammals but drip like a leaky faucet.
This is normally very cloudy containing the semen, then depending on a)his
expertise b) his manners he will collapse on the bitch's back with a
satisfied if somewhat dopey expression on his face. If he is good at his
job he effortlessly dismounts to one side and swings his leg over to stand
bum to bum for a period of time, anything between 10minutes to 35minutes.
Seems like forever in January:-)
This is where we get back to Major's predicament, he is now dripping clear
liquid and it is not urine but prostatic fluid. Just put a towel under him
and tell him what a good boy he is, all is fine and all you have to do is
squish your inhibitions and make sure all goes back nicely and his sheath
hasn't got caught and rolled inwards when he retracted himself. There is
more information I can share with you but I'll move off the list before I
make someone's grandma blush:-)))


For Gulnara

2002-11-15 Thread EURAM1942
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RE: Rescue Berner -- foster home needed ASAP!

2002-11-15 Thread Rose Tierney
Knowing where this dog came from I doubt too much thought went into the
selling or acquiring of him. One of those rash decisions and no counselling
by the breeder and now this awful situation. The only way to help is for
someone living closeby to provide guidance and try to encourage them to go
walks with them and befriend these people and try to guide them with a
degree of subtlety. Unfortunately in our enthusiasm to help we can often be
interpreted as interfering or critical which puts people's backs up. There
may well be some underlying issues that make this dog difficult to control
but physical force and stress isn't going to work, if there is a
possibility to let people know what potential dangers might lie ahead for
their children they might reconsider letting the dog enter the rescue and
rehabilitation programs available.

Hoping for a happy ending


RE: breed ring grooming supplies Q

2002-11-15 Thread Rose Tierney
Hi Vilma,
A lot of people use the Air Commodore, it is easy to move around to shows
and comes in different power levels. I wouldn't be without mine:-)


RE: Shedding & Supplements

2002-11-15 Thread Rose Tierney
Hi Kim,
Your post reminds me of one of my favorite enquiries:-) "Surely if I feed a
puppy correctly his hair won't fall out?"!! Now Berners shed big time and
its one of those things we live with but a good rule of thumb is that
intact males and neutered males and spayed bitches will shed coat bigtime
about June and to a lesser extent end summer. They will coat up in the
winter and hopefully carry a set of summer pyjamas for the heat wave:-) Now
intact females are governed by their hormones and about ten to twelve weeks
post partum they will be virtually bald and if not bred most seem to shed
out just prior to coming into season. Weather has no influence on these
lassies so for those of us in the Great White North we have to be mindful
about our brood bitches condition and the chill factor.

Now, if a Berner is constantly shedding big time (there is always a little
fur in the brush between normal times) you might like to check thyroid
levels by having your veterinarian draw blood and send to either Cornell
University or Michigan State University for a full panel analysis.

A dry coat can be improved by adding canned pink salmon or sardines to the
diet but easy on the amounts for a very young puppy. A premium kibble or a
well balanced BARF diet should be enough without buying "snake oil"



2002-11-15 Thread jane

New "Mom" needs help

2002-11-15 Thread maria
I am  a new "mom" to a Berner pup now 11 weeks old. and aprox. 20 lbs. I
have no human children so I haven't delt with some of these problems.

1. Jack has had diarhea for about a week now but is acting fine
otherwise. The vet said to give him 1/2 tsp. of Imodium for 24-48 hours
and feed him plain boiled white rice with some strained chicken baby
food. I gave him the Imodium for 48 hours and finally saw some
improvement in his stool so I discontinued it last night. We continued
with the rice and added a small amount of his kibble this morning. This
mornings first stool started out pretty good but by the end it was soft
again. His second stool this morning was liquid. He had roundworm and
cocsidia when we brought him home but it cleared up with medication. His
last stool check was two weeks ago and it came out negative for worms.
We are feeding him Pro Plan Large Breed Puppy Formula which gave him no
problem for the first 3 weeks we had him. We started him in Puppy
Kindergarten 2 weeks ago and now we can't give him treats when he does
good as part of his training so we are afraid he will fall behind in his
training. Has anyone had a similar experience, what was the problem and
how was it cured?

2. Jack has started limping and favoring one of his back paws/leg. I
don't know if he hurt it but I did hear him scream yesterday morning
then he wouldn't put it down on the floor for a while. This morning he
is still favoring it and lifts it off the ground when he poops but he
will still run with a limp and put his front paws up on something which
puts all of his weight on his back legs. He will let me touch the entire
leg/paw with no complaints. Is he just being a baby or could there be
something more wrong. He should have good hips according to the breeder
and the vet said they seemed fine on his first puppy exam. Again, has
anyone had a similar experience, what was the problem and how was it

Any input would be appreciated. He is still active/mischievous, plays
with his "big sister" (9 yr old Lab) and has a good appetite.

Maria Mirti and Jumpin' Jack Flash
Ringwood, NJ


2002-11-15 Thread Karen Connors
I am VERY excited about this fund raiser, for two reasons.  One, as Pat 
Long did, I
also lost my precious, first berner, to Histocytosis.  To many of us have, 
and we all
share that pain.  Pat Long has been doing a fanominal job and, unrelenting, 
I might
add, to make us all very well aware of what we can do in regards to 
fighting Cancer
in our precious breed.  We all want this hateful Cancer eradicated!!
Twomy dear friend,  Willem Wijnberg,  has very kindly and graciously 
given us
a tool in which we can participate in generating funds towards this Cancer 
When you go look at the paintings he is presenting, 
please go look at another website, one owned by Jean Cheesman,  and see many more of
Willem's gorgeous paintings!!  You will see what an incredible artist he 
is!   When I lost
my Britney to Histio, three years ago, Willem was kind enough to paint her 
picture as
a surprise to me and, just a few months ago, also, as a surprise, sent me 
another one
of his paintings, of Angel and Amika.  They are both on Jean's website. 
:-)  Willem
has also painted for the Cancer cause of his beloved Newfies.   What more 
can I say,
but, Willem has a HEART OF GOLD and he is an Angel for our Berners and the 
Newfies! :')

SOO, BUY THOSE RAFFLE TICKETS!!!  Let's make Willem  PROUD to have given us
this tool to raise funds for our BELOVED BERNERS!!!  :-D!!!

Thanks for your time and your ears...
Karen, Angel and Amika

Re:eager to see you

2002-11-15 Thread wmstouch

hello and giant stuffed berners

2002-11-15 Thread brandy marazzi
Hello all,
 I'm somewhat new to the list and mostly just a quiet participator.  I am 
the proud mom of a almost three year old berner boy.  He is the greatest and 
fills all my days with smiles. He's also a pro at the between the legs move 
to get his hind end scratched, I love explaining that one to company, 
especially the shorter people who nearly fall over when he trys his butt 
scratching moves!!
 I'm a little behind in this request but I hope not too late. Does anyone 
have access to a large stuffed berner that were at Costco's. The one here in 
Cleveland, OH is not carrying them.  They have recently opened, so I'm not 
sure if that's why they don't have them.  They do have giant Old English 
Sheepdogs but no berners.  If anyone can help I would appreciate it!!
   Brandy and Bucca, berner lap dog extraordinaire

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Re: Radical?

2002-11-15 Thread BernerFolk
In a message dated 11/14/2002 10:36:24 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

> A recent post indicated that one might consider it radical to not breed 
>  one dog that had the trembling syndrome.
>  To me, this makes perfect sense and my congratulations to the British for 
>  their bravery and progressiveness.
>  Why would a process such as this, which saves countless pups from 
>  not be applauded.

I wasn't the author of that post but my interpretation of the phrase was 
"radical" in terms of extensive or complete, such as "radical 
mastectomy"...not radical in terms of a value judgement like 'over the top'.  
I used the phrase "the British cut hard and deep into the breeding pool..." 
to mean the same thing.

And yes, I do applaud the people involved for making hard decisions in favor 
of the future of the breed.  It's thanks to their efforts (and sacrifice!) 
that we can answer a query like Valerie's with 'good news' and not bad.

-Sherri Venditti

bumps in dogs face

2002-11-15 Thread margareta . strand

since some days my 3 1/2 year old berner Vincent has some bumps in his
face, like swellings.

Have someone experience of maybe bruises in dog´s skin or face, these small
swellings feels a bit hard.
He can have been hurting himself when he the other day had paniced when he
was alone at home (he do not like very high sounds like from drilling if
some of the neighbours in the house drill).

 I found a very wet window and a wet dog, he had salivating a lot ( do
dog´s do this salivating when the stress is like panic?).

He had jumped on a big table close to a window and can have been hurting
his face in the jump - if he has turned his face in the window handles, my

Send an answer if you know anything on bruises in dogs, how they feel - if
they are impossible.

Margareta Strand