more Aeryn antics

2002-12-22 Thread Susan Wilkinson
Geez, it never rains but it pours.  Aeryn seems to really be on a roll these

Yesterday, while doing some shopping I stopped in at my favourite peanut
shop (really, they grow & sell peanuts and peanut products -- they're
excellent!), and bought the wherewithall to make up a couple of gift
baskets.  It's easy to get carried away in a place like that and before I
knew I had $50.00 worth of yummies.  Once home I stored them safely out of
critter reach in the unused spare bedroom.  This morning Aeryn was terribly
interested in me making up the baskets.  This afternoon the whole family
headed out to do the grocery shopping, as usual the dogs were left at home
"to guard the house" ~ the boys share the x-pen, while Aeryn has free run of
the house.  We were gone about 3 hours.  Shortly after returning home, Rowyn
comes prancing up to me bearing a prize of paper.  "Where did you get that?"
I asked him.  Just then Devyn starts barking in my bedroom.  The little
tattletale was snitching on Aeryn who was holding court in the middle of my
bed (where she takes all of her prizes) polishing off a bag of Chipnuts.
Ohmygawd, there's only one place they could have came from!  I race upstairs
and sure enough, she's been in the spare bedroom -- the door & doorknob bear
ample evidence of her scratching efforts to open the door.  The smart little
madam stored that info in her devious brain & waited for the right
opportunity, then figured out a way to get the door open.  Gone are 2 small
and 1 large bag of chipnuts, a bag of chocolate peanuts, a box  of chocolate
mint patties, 1/2 a bag of scotch mints, and a bag of caramel/pecan
chocolates.  It could have been worse, she only pillaged one of the gift
baskets.  All in all, she ate around $20.00 worth of stuff.  I had some very
uncomplementary things to say about that escapade!!!  And she actually had
the barefaced gaul to demand her supper tonight -- I don't think so!!  There
wasn't enough chocolate to be toxic, and the peanuts shouldn't be a worry --
this too shall pass, but fortunately, so far so good and no diarrhea.  I can
imagine there'll be some crunchy poop to clean up in the yard tomorrow!!

We've just come in from last nighttime romps & chores.  I'd just finished
washing the duck poop off of Rowyn's face, ruff & new leather collar
(again!) when I noticed some red spotches on the kitchen floor.  A quick
check of dog paws finds quite a deep cut in one of Aeryn's front pads.  It's
a good slice, likely glass or metal in origin, but nice and clean.  I hate
stitching pads, they don't hold the sutures well, and for cuts like this one
I find they heal just as fast with just bandaging.  So for now (it's after
2:00 a.m.) I've scrubbed it well and bandaged the foot.  Now Aeryn's
convinced it's broken!  She wasn't lame on it at all until I put the bandage
on, now it's a source of many sorrowful looks and sympathy!!  And yes, cause
for a couple of cookies 'cuz she was so good letting me look after it!

not too many dull moments around this house!!

sue(Aeryn the devious one with the purple bandage, with Devyn tattletale,
and Rowyn poophead!)

What Do I See???

2002-12-22 Thread Eileen Morgan
So there I am, picking the dog area of the yard. My black and white dogs
(Newf/Berner on the two black dog list and a pair of Pyrs) are milling in
and out, "helping."

What do I see hidden in some leaves?

My missing bra.

I *know* who the laundry thief is . . . the man in the black and tri-color

Blasted Micawber.

Eileen Morgan
The Mare's Nest

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Re: BARC/LOC Challenge

2002-12-22 Thread Liz Caldwell

My thanks to all of you, and especially to Joye. What would we do without her!

My donation was split evenly between BARC and LOC. While I may have started
my Bernerful life with a BARC puppy, and now serve as BARC Secretary, I
know only too well how important the lobbying effort is.

My dear Sophia was part of the Lucky 17 from March of 2001. When I met her
at Amy's house, there were at least half a dozen other puppies exactly the
same size as her -- yet her papers indicated she should have been a month
older than the rest! Someone didn't do anything more than stamp the
paperwork when she was imported. She was certainly removed from her litter
too early, and I cannot imagine what she went through being transported
from Eastern Europe to the US.

Others here have mentioned the site. It is run by the
same guy who runs, and if you have ever read their public
forums, you know that they discuss animals as a commodity here for them to
profit from. NO ONE involved in that site needs to have a USDA license! it
is considered retail activity, and since the server owner and webmaster,
Glenn Knox, never takes physical possession of the animals, he doesn't have
to be licensed, either. I am still so stunned by this turn of events that I
have yet to figure out what can be done, other than lobbying our
legislators to close this rather large loophole.

The other item to be concerned about is the rumor now making the rounds
that Wal-Mart is considering selling live animals. I have seen neither
confirmation nor denial on this, and the response that was posted from
Wal-Mart looked more like obfuscation than any kind of answer. I hope that
this is just a nasty rumor, but I cannot assume that it is.

There is no point in trying to flood the onlinepetauction site with e-mails
-- Glenn would just see it as more proof that commercial breeders are being
victimized by animal rights wackos. If you see any sponsors on his site,
however, it would be worth writing to them to tell them you find their
sponsorship of live animal auctions reprehensible.

There is an enormous amount of work to do, and many of you are working hard
to protect this wonderful breed, but we need a lot of help and efforts like
LOC can mean a lot  -- and I hope that one day LOC can put BARC out of
business! But we're not there yet, and every dollar counts.

Once I get through our extended family Christmas, I'll be sending another
check, in honor of all of the dogs we could not save.

Liz Caldwell, with Sophia and Faith
Lawrence, KS

Re: BARC/LOC Challenge

2002-12-22 Thread Dr. William B. Neff
Thank you Pat Tackett, Vilma Kistner Briggs and the others who have sent me 
e-mail telling me that they are making donations to the BARC LOC Challenge 
Raffle in memory of their previous Berners or in honor of their current 
Berners.  Thanks also to those of you who have made donations honoring 
Berner friends who have done many things to help the breed.  That is the 
true Christmas spirit.   How nice to be able to honor someone and help 
Berners all with the same gift!!!

Joye Neff and Winston (Samantha and Ben)
Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA

Re: BERNER-L digest 4189

2002-12-22 Thread Mikaminyer
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2002-12-22 Thread Terry & Cathy Bering
I have a 16 week old berner, Inga, who is a delight, at least most of
the time. One of the things I observed with her is that she is shedding
now, where in the past five weeks, she had minimum shedding. I just
bathed her and brushed her out before and after the bath. She had a lot
of furry little berner hairballs. Are berners more likely to shed during
summer/winter seasons or should we expect to see the floors covered with
hair every day like the lab breed?
Happy holidays to all the berner owners. The BMDNI (Berner Group in
Illinois) had a very nice Christmas party for the members earlier this
month. It was a great event.  Terry Bering

So Long Sweet Puppies

2002-12-22 Thread 4ransom
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attn: Karen Thoubboron

2002-12-22 Thread Karen Connors
so sorry listsI'm trying to email Karen Thoubboron with no 
luck.  Karen, if you see
this, please post me.  Thanks! :-)
Karen Connors

Re: Ski-jorring

2002-12-22 Thread Hugh Hayes

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, December 21, 2002 2:08 PM
Subject: Ski-jorring

> I'm looking for any berner folks that have experience with this sport.
I'm not interested in doing any racing, but it does seem to be a great way
to share winter sports with your dog. A lot of non-husky breeds seem to be
used as well.  For those that may be curious about this, here's a website I
found: (I'm not affiliated in
any way)
> happy holidays!
> Julie J and Lexi

Re: still looking.........

2002-12-22 Thread terri thompson-brady

- Original Message - 
From: "Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 22, 2002 1:01 AM
Subject: BERNER-L digest 4189

> BERNER-L Digest 4189
> Topics covered in this issue include:
>   1) Re: Continental Airlines
> by "Joanne Gerow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   2) Re: Hesse
> by "Jordan S. Dill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   3) Re: Socialization of dogs
> by "Jennifer Popp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   4) Re: socialization
> by "Jennifer Popp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   5) Re: Hip x-ray question
> by "Rusty C Wingate" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   6) Re: Socialization of Dogs
> by "Jennifer Popp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   7) Re: socialization
>   8) Re: socialization
> by "Jennifer Popp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   9) Oooopsie, forgot to sign
> by "Rusty C Wingate" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  10) Re: Socialization of dogs
> by "jane heggen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  11) So Long Sweet Puppies
> by "Mary-Ann Bowman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  12) Re: So Long Sweet Puppies
>  13) From one Murray to another
> by "pmurray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  14) Flour Girl 
> by "Laurie Montoya" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  15) 
> by "LeAnn Zogg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  16) Dudley
> by "Betsy Brainard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  17) Public Christening
> by "Mary-Ann Bowman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  18) Re: Flour Girl 
>  19) Ski-jorring
> by bernese2 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  21) reaction to 2nd chemotherapy treatment
> by "Lisa D Allen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  22) Fw: Puppy Auction
> by "Canine-Corner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  23) RE: BERNER-L digest 4188
> by "Kathy Amoroso" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  24) Hugo's home
>  25) Fwd: revision 

--- Begin Message ---
Name(s)=Terri & Carl Brady
Address=338 Roosevelt Street
Zip code=19007
Home Phone=215 785 1059
Work Phone=cell...267 994 3708
Occupation(s)=Terri..stay at home mom /day work when hubby at homeas dental 
Occupation(s)=Car..diesel truck mechanic hours are 4am to 1 pm
Dog type.=Pet Puppy
Reside Night=either in our king size bed with us or crate if neccesary
Reside Day=in house with us
Puppy Play=6 foot wooden privacy fenced in yard
Raise Puppy=myself ( Terri ) & hubby
Other Pets=Dusty Girl  11yr old Yellow Lab SPAYED!!!
Club Member=
Vet Name Ph#=Shirley Jeffers  215 547 5447
details=List Comments Here..Hello! I am so happy i came across your site! 
My name is Terri Brady. My husband , Carl & son , Collin , and i  have fallen 
hopelessly in love with the BMD's!
I had my first experience with a BMD at my former office ( where i worked for 11 
years) , when a patient brought his therapy dogs in. BMD's !!
Since then  ( about 2 years ago ) I have visited him, other owners and have gone to 
dog shows and events just to learn more on the breed. Not to mention countless hours 
on the net, and reading info i have collected on the breed.
I have a 11 year old Yellow labrador, named Dusty Girl . We  lost my Old English 
Sheepdog that i had for 14 1/2 years due to a stroke in December of 2000. I had " 
Annie Girl " since she was a mere 3 weeks. At time of her delivery, her mom passed 
away while giving birth to the 10th pup. ( hemmoraged) At the time Annie was the " 
runt" .
( at her passing she was a whopping 103 pounds).She was a black & white.
The breeder had called us and said he could not take care of all 10 pups & if we still 
wanted her, we had to take her then. We did!!! We bottle fed her and bestowed lots and 
lots of T L C !
So, you see i LOVE dogs and would do anything for them.
Annie had arthritis and we took her to the University of PA for treatments and worked 
on her here at home using the " touch massage " methods!She , of course loved that!! I 
sometimes wondered if she didn't limp at times just to get the special " touchies" 
that we used to give!LOL!!!
ANYWAY...( sorry to bore you!!) I think that this breed would be perfect for our 
lifestyle and family.
I am at home all day & in the evenings ( 2 x a week ) i work at night. My husband is 
home by 1:25 p.m. to watch our son, so a new addition to our family would rarely be 
left alone!
We have a nice sized back yard with a 6 ft fence. We have many parks, trails, and 
playgrounds near our home . ( you know a labs energy!!!) We also have a family home in 
the Pocono Mts. that we visit alot. There is a lage lake and acres of property to 
roam. When we visit my dad in Schuykill county, PA. he has 73 acres!
Please forward me any available info. about your dogs. 
We would be ready for our " new baby" ASAP!!
Having a little one ensures that the house IS puppy/child proof!!
We have a large crate, that we used for the lab. ( she was a bigtime chewer!!) She now 
is wonderful since she matu

Raffle Queen of the Berner World

2002-12-22 Thread Brnrmom
Thanks for reminding us of this great raffle. What an amazing selection of 
Berner treasures! My check is filled out and will be in the mail 1st thing  
Mon am. Gosh I just cant decide between 2 such wonderful and needy causes, so 
you can split my money 50/50 between the two. Thanks for all your hard work 
organising this latest, Oh Great Raffle Queen!! :-)

Vilma Briggs (Kistner)
Mt. Gilead, OH
U-UD Mocha Java Slurp, UDX, HIC, TT
Ch. Brighteye Expresso Bean, UD, NDD, TT
U-CDX Our Little Buddy, UD, NA, TT
Thirdtym's A Charm CGC
and Ted

BARC/LOC Challenge

2002-12-22 Thread Patricia Tackett

I'm going to be putting a check in the mail in memory of my 3 Berners I have lost over 
the years -- Dixie, Ace & Rosie -- I want the $30 to go towards LOC efforts.   I can't 
think of a better way to honor their memory and can only hope our continued lobbying 
effort helps future BMD's.What great news Ruth N. shared with us, it is only a 
start of course but what a start!   I just hope others will step up to the challenge 
giving money for dogs of past - present - future whomever they want honor.

Pat Tackett

Loving memory for:
Dixie 1986-1993
Ace 1993-2001
Rosie 1991-2002

BARC LOC Money Raised to Date.....

2002-12-22 Thread Dr. William B. Neff
What terrific news, Ruth, that our lobby efforts are paying off.   It shows 
how important it is to have Dr. Melcher working for the BMDCA.   Stopping 
the shipment of underage puppies is a HUGE step and we need to help raise 
money to continue his work against the abuse of dogs.   Grerat job!!! 
Without the information that BARC has already gathered by their efforts 
against the puppy mills, Dr. Melcher would not be able to make such great 
headway.   Partnering together, these two organizations can work wonders, 
but they both need money to do that!

As Ruth Nielsen mentioned, our efforts through the BARC LOC Fundraiser will 
help to make a big difference.   With Christmas so close I'm not expecting 
a lot of checks over the next week, but during the holidays, please keep in 
mind that if you have any spare money, you can put it to good use by 
sending it to me for the fundraiser.  Here are the totals that I've 
received so far:

BARC =$ 655.00	
LOC= $ 664.00

We have raised $ 1,319 for BARC and LOC so far with our Challenge 
Fundraiser and it's amazing that their numbers are only $9 apart!!

BIG THANKS to all of the people who donated items (98 of them) for the BARC 
LOC Challenge Fundraiser ~ BIG THANKS to those people who have already sent 
in money for the BARC LOC Challenge Fundraiser ~
BIG THANKS to those of you who send in money for the BARC LOC Challenge 
Fundraiser ~
BIG THANKS to Karen Pickel for making our great website:

Together we can make a difference in the lives of all puppies.  Christmas 
is a time for love and familiy - Berners are members of our families - show 
your love to all Berners by supporting BARC and LOC!!

Merry Christmas everyone!!
Joye Neff and Winston (Samantha and Ben)
Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA

a good dream

2002-12-22 Thread KendyBo
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Re: skijorning

2002-12-22 Thread KendyBo
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Success on the Lobby Efforts

2002-12-22 Thread MazamaDog
I just want everyone to know that all the hard work and fundraising for the 
BMDCA lobby effort is really paying off - the latest news is that thanks to 
our lobbyist Dr. Melcher's efforts, Animal Care, the federal agency in charge 
of animal shipments, will now be inspecting shipments of puppies on FOREIGN 
AIRLINES!!  In the past, Animal Care has only inspected US airlines - so any
puppies shipped from overseas on a foreign airline would escape any
regulation. Because of Dr. Melcher's efforts on our behalf,  Animal Care is
now sending out notice to the foreign carriers that they will be subject to
inspection and will be expected to comply with US Federal Regulations on
shipping animals - and that means no puppies shipped under 8 weeks of age!
This is a HUGE step for the federal agency and a big recognition of the
Berner lobby efforts.   Earlier this year Animal Care increased their efforts 
in inspecting airline shipments of puppies thanks again to Dr. Melcher's 
 I wish I could be more eloquent in describing what a
big victory this is - but think of all the puppies at auctions that were
underage, and there was nothing being done!  NOW something is being done -
and anything to make it harder for the puppy mills to keep abusing animals
is a BIG VICTORY in my book!  Thanks for all your efforts, and please share
the good news.   
If you are thinking of donating to the Current BARC- LOC raffle being 
conducted by Joye Neff, remember that your donations to LOC will help fund 
our lobby efforts.  We are making a difference!
Happy Holidays!  - Ruth Nielsen, BMDCA Legislative Affairs