Twistep - interesting device

2003-02-09 Thread Val Whiteford
Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone has experience with this device. It is called a
Twistep and is a platform/step which attaches to your trailer hitch and is
stored under your vehicle. It swings out and (according to the web site)
gives your dog lower stress access to your SUV. There are different sizes
for different vehicles.
I have no affiliation with company - just came across it while browsing.
Here's the web site:


Val Whiteford with Marlee and Tonka near Ottawa, ON, Canada

The Tip of the Iceberg

2003-02-09 Thread Lisa D Allen
And, with the popularity of the Bernese, the number of people breeding them, 
and the puppy mill and pet store Berners joining the population, those with 
temperament issues will perhaps just constitute the tip of the iceberg.
The health issues faced by this breed are monumental.  Will the average Joe, 
even if well-intentioned, spend the thousands or tens of thousands of 
dollars necessary to treat Bernie's cancer, to fix his painful elbows, 
I would, of course, without a second thought because my dogs are family and 
their lives, like any family member's, are sacred and too precious for words 
to me.
I predict that not only dogs with temperament problems will be flooding 
rescue programs but those with health issues as well that, practically in 
the blink of an eye, became too weighty for their owners to handle or by 
owners who conscientiously select not to deal with the health problems or by 
new Bernese owners who are quickly overwhelmed by such.
Lisa Allen
Blessed with Berners since 1983!

The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*

Re: trying to get information

2003-02-09 Thread BernerFolk
In a message dated 2/8/2003 9:04:01 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 Is there some reason as a rescue dog that we should not
  have access to this information?

 Depends on how you define rescue dog.  IF your dog came from a rescue 
 organization, they may or may not have a policy with regard to releasing 
 dog's historymuch like an adoption agency.

 If your dog was rehomed with you by his breeder, there is no legitimate
  reason I can think of not to provide you with information about his
  parentage and relatives.

  Okay, I have a question  why is it okay for a rescue organization to
  chose not to share this info, but not a breeder?

I didn't say it was ok, I just stated that it's a fact.  Personally, I 
don't agree with it.  I think all known medical and identity information 
about the dog should be provided to the adoptor.

Assuming they're not incapacitated in some way, are there reasons I'm not 
thinking of for a breeder not to provide information to the adoptor of a dog 
they place?  

Very possible there are issues I'm not considering...

-Sherri V.   

Photo Wanted

2003-02-09 Thread Pat Long Paul Dangel
Someone that I know that does some very beautiful paintings for
fundraising purposes would very much like to have a photo of a Berner in
the snow to use as a subject. I know I've seen some really lovely ones,
so if you have a photo that Willem could use as a subject of a painting,
please let him know!!

When he uses one of your photos for a fundraising painting, he also
makes a poster copy of it for you to have. It's suitable for framing,
and almost as good as the original painting - just in case you can't win
it in the fundraiser!

Pat Long, a visiting Buddy, ( Luther)
Berwyn PA

One Final Good Bye!

2003-02-09 Thread Karen McFarlane
Well Dear List it is Sunday morning and this is indeed my final good bye. I
am dismantling the computer right after I compose this note. I do appreciate
all of your emails since my good bye posting of yesterday. Once again, I
want to thank each and everyone who has sent us prayers, love and so much
kindness. Before our ordeal a couple of weeks ago, I knew that this list was
indeed an unique and wonderful community, but never in my wildest
imagination would I have dreamed that I would come to know and respect each
and everyone so much. I hope that somehow, someway, I can somehow repay the
kindnesses shown to us sometime in the future. I also hope that I will be
able to actually meet some of you as well. My new motto in life will be to
pay-it-forward for sure. I will still post when I can and have access to a
computer, and of course I will try and catch up on the news. I posted my
snail mail address yesterday if any one cares to actually pick up that
strange object that we affectionately know as a pen, I will do my best to
write back. We are certainly spoiled by this electronic world that we
fortunately live in. Stevie continues to do well, and actually tried to
chase his kitty (George) yesterday, but alas gave up after a few rapid
steps, but he was panting and smiling, you could just tell. He also made
his way outside with very little assistance to pee, I was so proud just like
when your children take those first steps all alone. Well I must close now,
tears are very plentiful these days and I can't send a wet keyboard to the
new committee!
Once again, Thank you from the bottom of my very full heart and I want you
to know that I send my love to each and every one of you. Talk to you all
Karen and Stevie

Trever lump!

2003-02-09 Thread Julie Bregenzer
 Have not posted in 2 years, so I hope I am doing this right. I have a 
bernese mountain dog named Trever. He just turned three years old. I just 
discovered a hard lump on his back, in the middle of his back, about the 
size of a marble. I know I have to take him to the vet, is this the berner 
cancer? is this how it starts? I did research, and there is no cure? Am I 
right? Need help? opinions would be appreciated!

  Thanks Julie

From: Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: BERNER-L digest 4262
Date: Sun,  9 Feb 2003 00:01:10 CST

			BERNER-L Digest 4262

Topics covered in this issue include:

  1) Breeder. In such cases, pet owners may have to
	by lesliep996 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  2) Re: Lobby Raffle
  3) Re: Rescue BMD w/ issues needs help
	by chellotchr [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  4) Zellers Valentine Berner - and Lobby Fundraiser
	by Dr. William B. Neff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  5) Altered Classes
	by Wendy Pros [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  6) Berners Win Again!!
	by jesse  shelley gonzales [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  7) Can you please remove my name from the list?
  8) RE: Rescue BMD w/issues needs help
	by Esther Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

From: lesliep996 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Breeder. In such cases, pet owners may have to
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Subject: Re: Lobby Raffle
Date: Sat, 8 Feb 2003 18:35:04 -0800
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Pat asked:

How is the raffle going? Are my chances to win the sketch looking really
good or really bad???
Pat Long, a visiting Budmeister, ( Luther)
Berwyn PA

Hey guys, you have an excellent chance of winning this sketch as we only
have had maybe 13 to 15 folks enter. The sketch will be done in pencil,
framed and matted. The frame and matt are just waiting for your dog's
sketch. Check out for details 
get your tickets today.

Terri Zimmerman, Zephyr, Zaltana, Zion, Kita 
Zodiac, gone from this earth but not from this heart. Washington State,
USA Puget Sound with clouds, moss and lots of mud puddles.

Message-ID: 001a01c2cfe6$034868e0$ac92c843@pavilion
From: chellotchr [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Rescue BMD w/ issues needs help
Date: Sat, 8 Feb 2003 21:50:29 -0500
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I think in all breeds, unneutered
 males 1-3 yrs old is the highest demographic of owner surrenders.


I have a rehomed neutered male berner that was 16 months old when he 
me.  He is the sweetest, most wonderful dog, most of the time, but he did
have issues.  We won't talk about the week that I had to wear long sleeves
because I bruises from my wrists to past my elbows on both arms following a
discussion in my backyard about it being time to go inside.  I won and
have just tried really hard to be consistent with him.  He is a good dog 
I am thrilled to have him, even though he stills exhibits a fair amount of
shyness around other adults, especially men.  However, he's better now than
he was 6 months ago when I got him.  It's a patience and time commitment
thing.  I am happy to have him and wouldn't think about ever giving him 
to the breeder, even after that discussion in October.

I want to thank all of you for the ideas and information that I get from 
list every day.  It has helped me greatly, being a new Berner mom.  I used
to be a Rottweiler mom and boy, are they different!!!

Wendy Keene, Lilah (the right-colored Sheltie) and Klarsson (I'm s
spoiled, now)
Hampton, VA

Date: Sat, 08 Feb 2003 22:19:26 -0500
From: Dr. William B. Neff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Zellers Valentine Berner - and Lobby 

Re: Puppy ate a bully stick! or s**t happens

2003-02-09 Thread gwebara
I think it is interesting that there are currently 2 threads running
concurrently. Bully Sticks (don't let your puppy eat this or that) and
Weird things eaten (just try to keep your puppy from eating this or that)
For every person that says don't feed rawhide Bully sticks pigs ears etc.
someone does. This is huge business and millions must be sold each year
for them to continue to manufacture and market these things. I think that
there is danger and risk in everything we do and for every bully stick
eaten or remote control that disappears most dogs will pass the final
product without problem and an unlucky few will need surgery. 
I have a good friend who I've known for the last 25 yrs that has always
fed her dogs cooked bones (each year they get the turkey carcass or if we
have ribs the bones) without incident. I cringe when she does it but to
date there has never been an issue for her dogs. This doesn't mean I do
it but I can't convince her that it is dangerous. I think we have to
accept the fact that s**t happens and some of us are just going to hit
that unlucky wall regardless of how careful we are or what we do. Surely
raising dogs is just an issue of common sense and a bit of luck.

Susan Ablon
Gweebarra BMD
Balch Springs, Tx

Karen and Stevie

2003-02-09 Thread Karen McFarlane
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Re: Trever lump!

2003-02-09 Thread gwebara
Take a breath and relax. This could be many things and until your vet
looks at it don't panic. Berners get warts, cysts, ingrown hairs, bug
bites etc. Only when your vet looks at it and examines it will you know.
(my bet it something innocent) The other good news is even if it is some
kind of cancer you are probably catching it early so there is a chance to
treat it. 

I think it is sad that we (the Berner community) so strongly focus on our
dogs dying of cancer that we often scare people to death that every lump
and bump is a death sentence. Most times it is not. It is fair for us to
be concerned and have bumps checked out, but we shouldn't terrorize
people into thinking every lump is a death sentence.

Susan Ablon
Gweebarra BMD
Balch Springs, Tx

Re: Twistep - interesting device

2003-02-09 Thread Eileen Morgan

- Original Message -
From: Val Whiteford [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I was wondering if anyone has experience with this device. It is called a
 Twistep and is a platform/step which attaches to your trailer hitch and is
 stored under your vehicle. It swings out and (according to the web site)
 gives your dog lower stress access to your SUV. There are different sizes
 for different vehicles.
 I have no affiliation with company - just came across it while browsing.
 Here's the web site:

A woman on my Newf list loves hers. She has a biggish Newf with some so-so
hips, as I recall.
That is the sum total of my knowledge!

Eileen Morgan
The Mare's Nest

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Karen and Stevie

2003-02-09 Thread Karen McFarlane
Please change my email address to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and please put it
back to the digest way not the instant message please as this will fill up
my email box too quickly. I will check it when I can. Thank you
Karen and Stevie

Re: trying to get information

2003-02-09 Thread Eileen Morgan
Do the papers list all previous owners? (horse papers do--I've never had
papers on a rescue so I am not sure about that).  One thing most rescue
clubs do is protect the privacy of the prior owner, the one who surrendered.
There are those people on both sides of the adoption issue who will harass
or otherwise intrude and be weird with the turn-in/adopting family. We don't
let either side know who each other are in the two rescue groups I've been
involved with. We do let the turn-in family know that things are going well
with the dog, but we don't give them personal contact info.

I once spent over an hour on the phone with a very angry and very  . . .
strange . . . woman who had turned a dog into rescue (she lived on the other
side of the country from me, by the way, and I have no idea how she got my
phone number) and now she and the husband wanted it back. I think she was on
something and she was about one staircase short of her attic anyhow. I would
hate to have some innocent new family call that person up to ask about some
minor health or behavior issue!

Eileen Morgan
The Mare's Nest

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Re: Trever lump!

2003-02-09 Thread Eileen Morgan

- Original Message -
From: Julie Bregenzer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Have not posted in 2 years, so I hope I am doing this right. I have a
 bernese mountain dog named Trever. He just turned three years old. I just
 discovered a hard lump on his back, in the middle of his back, about the
 size of a marble. I know I have to take him to the vet, is this the berner
 cancer? is this how it starts? I did research, and there is no cure? Am I
 right? Need help? opinions would be appreciated!

Hi Julie.

My Micawber has had two lump removals in the past year (he is 4 now). Both
were benign cysts, both were a mostly firm lump, sort of oblong, in the
middle of his back. They both wept a nasty fluid, too. There are a lot of
reasons for lumps and bumps, some dreadful and others just an ugly bump.
Chances are this is just some sort of fatty lump, or a benign cyst like
Mic's lumps. we hear more about the bad lumps than the ones which were no
big deal, as that tends to be the nature of folks.

Good luck, and let us know what your vet thinks!
Eileen Morgan
The Mare's Nest

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BMDC of Watchung: Reminder for awards brunch

2003-02-09 Thread blkcat123
BMDC of Watchung Awards Brunch
March 30th, 2003
Reservations due by March 15th.
Awards Applications due by March 1st.

Don't forget to bring a dog related or other interesting item to be donated for the 

Beth Schmoyer
Bethlehem, PA

Re: Karen and Stevie - changed email address for Berner-L

2003-02-09 Thread Rita
Karen - I've switched you to your new yahoo address for digest
delivery. Did you get a conformation email there? 

Berner-L Error Crew

--- Karen McFarlane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Please change my email address to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and please
 put it
 back to the digest way not the instant message please as this will
 fill up
 my email box too quickly. I will check it when I can. Thank you
 Karen and Stevie

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BMDCA Lobby Raffle

2003-02-09 Thread L. Montoya
Well folks , I heard a rumor that Pat Long intends to WIN this BMDCA Lobby
raffle ! Humph ! Now , I realize that Pat runs this show , and is my boss
on the error crew , HOWEVER ..
Apparently she has a really good chance of winning because hardly anyone has
bought tickets !! Come on ! We all have to give Pat a run for her money !!
It will keep her teeth grating and her hair standing on end , HAHA ! Not to
mention it's a good cause ! No matter what your Berner politics are ,
buying tickets for this raffle will help ALL berners. My hubby doesn't need
that Valentine card THAT badly , heh , heh :-). A paltry $5 will get you a
chance to win a sketch of your berner. The sketch samples on the website are
gorgeous ! Go take a look and let's make Pat Long sweat bullets until Feb 22
website :

Laurie Montoya (Hannah and Shelby the Wonder Mutt)(probably now fired
error crew member)

He's afraid of his crate

2003-02-09 Thread Cindy Buhner
Hi All,

I have a problem.  My ~1 year old male Berner named
Paws now won't go into his crate.  Let me give you a
bit of history and maybe someone can give me some
ideas as to how to work with this issue.

Paws is a BARC rescue who went to the auctions at
about 4 months of age.  I presume he spent a lot of
that 4 months crated but don't know.  He was at his
rescue home for about 2 months before he came to us
and was not crated much during that time.  When we got
him at about 6 months, we crated him when we needed to
leave him alone (not for long periods) and at night
until we felt comfortable with him in the house.  He
was never overly fond of going into his crate but was
enticed with treats and was fine with that.  We
stopped night crating fairly soon, it took longer to
trust him during the day but now he doesn't spend time
in a crate at all.  I had been feeding him in his
crate (based upon recommendations from others) since
he definately showed signs of not really liking his
crate much in the first place (who could blame him!). 
However, I stopped that practice probably 3 months or
so ago.  

Around Christmas he pulled his cruciate ligament and
ultimately spent a day in a crate at the vets on two
different occasions.  We did not crate him during his
recovery/rest period as it wasn't deemed necessary. 
He also gets crated after his grooming at the groomers
until I arrive which is probably 1-2 hours at most. 
The groomer said she had a heck of a time getting him
into the crate this last time so I decided to see what
I could do with him at home.  At first I put treats in
his crate - interested but not going in.  Then I
decided to try feeding him in his crate again so as to
get him thinking crates can be a great place to be (he
is very food motivated).

However, this is not working.  At first I placed the
food inside the crate at the back end, no way was he
going in there!  So I moved it to the front and
eventually (after much encouragement) he (rapidly) ate
his food.  That worked for a few days and then I
started moving his food further back in the crate so
more of him had to go into the crate.  He went as far
as he could stretch and keep his feet out of the crate
but refuses to go any further.  (He actually looked
like he was going to fall flat on his face he was
leaning forward so far with his legs so far back).  

So this is where we are and I'm trying to figure out
what to do now.  A crate is going to be something he
will have to be in at various points in his life so he
needs to get over this problem.  Am I taking the right
approach?  Should I just put his food in the crate
(basically out of reach) and leave it until he gets
hungry enough to go in there for it (so far he hasn't
gone in today though he goes and checks out the
situation rather often)?  Am I moving too fast for him
and should I move the food back to within stretching
range?  Or should I bodily put him into the crate with
his food so that he knows he gets a great yummy once
he's in there (not sure I like this approach)?  Oh,
I've been working on this for this past week, just so
you have a timeframe.  And his crate is in the same
location it has always been in so that's no change and
it's the extra large collapsable cage type, not a

Thanks a lot for any suggestions/help you might have.

Cindy Buhner and Paws (the BARC boy)
Help a good cause

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Re: trying to get information

2003-02-09 Thread Burlile\\MemoriesBMDs
   Okay, I have a question  why is it okay for a rescue organization
   chose not to share this info, but not a breeder?

 I didn't say it was ok, I just stated that it's a fact.  Personally, I
 don't agree with it.  I think all known medical and identity information
 about the dog should be provided to the adoptor.

*** I agree.

 Assuming they're not incapacitated in some way, are there reasons I'm not
 thinking of for a breeder not to provide information to the adoptor of a
 they place?

 Very possible there are issues I'm not considering...

*** I can't think of any unconsidered issues, Sherri.  Sometimes these
just pop into my head.   Sometimes I'm playing devil's advocate when I
ask, sometimes
I'm just curious and sometimes I'm being nosey  Oh!  I didn't say that,
did I?  LOLOL

*** All of the dog's history the breeder has knowledge of, excluding
previous owners' names and contact info, should be part of what's rehomed
with the dog.  Ditto for a rescue organization are my feelings.  All history
rescue organization has knowledge of, excluding previous owners' names and
info, should be part of the rescue package.  How can a new owner know what
they're getting into if they have no info?

*** On the flip side    oh, that expression's going to date me.
There isn't a flip side
on a CD!   why would someone not insist the breeder provide this info
BEFORE taking the dog
home?  I can think of only one situation.

Cathy, Memories BMDs

Re: harness

2003-02-09 Thread Simone de Lima
With my rescue lab who was incredibly strong and not leash trained, I went
from a halti to a no-pull harness. Basically she'd benefitted a lot from the
halti for the inital training but I was tired of people scared thinking it
was a muzzle and she was vicious or I was a brutal owner. .
I know with the colored haltis these impressions are less.
I still use a no-pull harness and like it a lot.
It's a cheap kind found at most pet stores- can't remmeber the brand name
She's relatively well leash trained, but can get hard when lizards accross
our path(used to be squirrels in New England!).It gives me more stability
and spares her a jerk around the throat, which could be dangerous.
With my berner I'm trying for buckle leash training, and with my mini
schnauzer, who tugs so much I'm getting a harness too.
Simone Lima
Brasilia Brazil.

- Original Message -
From: Andrea Brin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, February 08, 2003 5:24 PM
Subject: harness

 has anyone used a harness that inhibits pulling with their dog. i am not
 talking about a halti or gentle leader, just an old fashioned no pull

auction update

2003-02-09 Thread Amy Kessler
Sorry for the delay in telling everyone what happened yesterday at the
auction, but with a new baby, such a long night and an early morning, it
takes me a while to get anything done!

The auction news is both good and bad. Many of the dogs were scratched from
the auction prior to it starting, and many of Bub Gage's dogs were pulled
mid auction. Our best guess as to the reason is the low bids that the dogs
were bringing. These bids were nowhere near the bid prices that he got last
year and the year before. Of the 15 dogs he had scheduled to be auctioned, I
believe only 5 were actually placed for auction.

The BARC board decided that BARC would not be the outlet for Bub's dogs. In
past, these dogs have had numerous health problems, particularly orthopedic
ones, and always severe. Many of you may not be aware that Bub is the source
for many of the pups that have shown up in the pet stores.  He can't sell
his dogs here in KS or MO and is having no luck CO. which was another one of
his big
markets. So BARC's board requested that those rescuers going to the auction
on behalf
of BARC NOT bid on the Gage dogs unless they were going at ridiculously low
amounts.  Well, we did come home with 1 Gage dog. A male that sold for
450.00. Take note that this is a far cry from the $2500-8100 we paid a year
and two years ago.  :-)

As most of you are aware, BARC has placed a cap on our bids at the last
several auctions to insure that WE are not the reason for the high prices or
increase in numbers of berners sold at auction. At the last two auctions, we
noted that the prices for Berners have begun to fall and continue to do so.
The number of dogs to be sold in this auction was comparatively high.  There
were many more Cavaliers, Pomeranian and Yorkie's than Bernese, and to my
knowledge, their breed clubs have not been at the auctions bidding on their
breeds. We went to the auctions with limits on what we would spend per dog
and how many we could handle in terms of fostering, veterinary care and

In the end, BARC came home with 13 dogs. In total,I believe there were
approximately 30 Berners sold. I don't have the catalog here to give you the
exact numbers, but I can tell you that the auctioneers were expecting BARC
to take the final
bids, they came to BARC with dogs that people had retracted their bid on,
and when
they had a dog with a high reserve that no one else would pay, again they
came looking for BARC. In all of these scenarios, BARC did not buy at the
inflated prices they were asking for, leaving them with no money in their
pockets for all the trouble of offering this large number of Berners.

There were groups of Amish/Mennonites there with their trailers ready to
buy. I am sure that Bob Hughes knew putting SO many berners and rare breeds
up for sale
at once would draw the Amish/Mennonites from PA and he was right.

As much as I would have loved to spend every one's money and come home with
ALL of those dogs, I truly believe that the statement we made was a loud
one, and possibly one of the means to help us to an end.

FYI; Berners were NOT the highest selling dogs at this auction.the
Leo's have seemed to draw their interest now. There was a Leo that sold for
Cavaliers are still in high demand and will probably stay there for a while
since they are so much
easier to house and sell. The highest selling berner at this auction was
$2750.00. This was for a 4 year old female that I suspect they had problems
Many of these dogs were there because the breeders/importers could
not sell the dogs. Others I think have learned that raising and selling this
breed is NOT going to be as easy as most breeds because the true berner
lovers are SO much more aggressive about education and protecting their
breed. So it is a double-edged sword...we are glad they are having a
tough time breeding and selling the dogs, but we hate to see them show up at

I hope you are all as pleased as I am with the job these wonderful BARC
people did. It is not easy to go to these auctions, but it is even tougher
when you are sent with instructions and limitations.

If any one has ANY questions, please feel free to ask.
I am always available in any way that I can be of help.

Thank you again Gary, Penny, Liz and Jim.ya did good!

Amy R. Kessler
LionHeart Bernese
BARC, Inc.
PO Box 472892
Aurora, Co 80047

Watchung BMD Show Schedule

2003-02-09 Thread Don Metzler
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Digest 4102

2003-02-09 Thread heytrap
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Please change me to individual posts.

2003-02-09 Thread Linda R. Wilbur
Please change. Thanks.

Linda R. Wilbur
Henrietta, NY

You've got to laugh!

2003-02-09 Thread jean cheesman
Hi All,

Earlier today I had put a Guestbook on the Histio Roll Call WebPage I am
busily constructing at the moment and a little later had the usual
confirmation mail back from from the host server. Here's part of the

You've just created the Web ID: histiocytosis for yourself, and
we couldn't be happier!

Well, you've got to laugh!

BTW All those of you on the original Roll Call who have sent me pics or
promised  to send, biggest thanks! Starting to look like a proper website!
Those of you who haven't responded to all those personal mails I sent out, I
hope you have a good excuse and were away for the weekend or only have a
computer at work!!

Seriously, the response has been fantastic! In just a week, that simple, sad
list of names is becoming a real Tribute page to those beautiful dogs and
those very brave owners.

If you have lost a Berner to Histio and are not on the original list, please
let me know, and I'll add you on there.

Find the page on:

All love,

Jean, Sunny, Simmy, Barney and the Gang

Fwd: Florida Berner Rescue Needed

2003-02-09 Thread HSCP

Ruth - In today's Palm Beach, FL, Daily News, the Peggy Adams Animal Rescue 
Shelter listed Charlie, a 7 year old male(neutered?) Bernese mix as needing 
a home. My mother called me with the news as I have been owned by berners 
since 1985. I live in NY and am going to forward this to Kathy Deyo and Ron 
Loudin and the Berner-l. Is there anyone else I should try??? I know that 
recue people usually will not help a berner mix; I also know that there  is 
alot of dog-fighting in the surrounding area. It would be a cruel horrible 
end for Charlie, as I am sure you know what these monsters do to a big 
dogHoping to hear from you soon. Helen Pilkington

---End Message---

Re: BERNER-L digest 4261

2003-02-09 Thread BRACKEN'S
please take me off your mailing list.
Thank you,
- Original Message - 
From: Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, February 08, 2003 6:02 PM
Subject: BERNER-L digest 4261

 BERNER-L Digest 4261
 Topics covered in this issue include:
   1) Karen, libraries and copy stores have internet access
   2) Elbow dysplasia surgery?
 by jess ractliffe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   3) In memoriam Max
 by =?iso-8859-2?B?Um9t4W4gVO1tZWE=?= [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   4) Re: Elbow dysplasia surgery?
   5) puppies
   6) stevie and karen
 by Andrea Brin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   7) Re: BERNER-L digest 4259
   8) RE: Puppy ate a bully stick!
 by Rose Tierney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   9) RE: Weird things eaten
 by Rose Tierney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 by Rose Tierney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  11) Re: Cute Valentine Berners (CDN)
 by Mike Alexander [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  12) Fun on the farm!
 by jean cheesman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  13) Bye from Karen and Stevie
 by Karen McFarlane [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  14) Rescue BMD w/ issues needs help
  15) One last fling!!
 by Karen McFarlane [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  16) Re: Rescue BMD w/ issues needs help
 by Eileen Morgan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  17) Re: Rescue BMD w/ issues needs help
  18) Request
  19) Things dogs eat
 by Angela Wagenblast [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  20) Going to be banned from Zellers
 by Coral and David Denis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  21) harness
 by Andrea Brin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  22) Lobby Raffle
 by Pat Long  Paul Dangel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  23) Veterinarian on Southern Vancouver Island
 by Tracy Lawrence [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  24) Re: BERNER-L digest 4260
 by etfonehome1 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  25) Re: weird things eaten
  26) Re: Rescue BMD w/ issues needs help
 by Eileen Morgan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  27) Re: Fussy Puppy/ breeders diet guidelines
 by Michaela Simmons [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  28) Re: trying to get information
 by Burlile\\MemoriesBMDs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  29) Re: Fussy Puppy/ breeders diet guidelines

Food for thought

2003-02-09 Thread Lisa D Allen
Let us SUPPOSE that I am new to the list.  I am learning several things: if 
my Berner plays with a Lab, I can bid farewell to good orthopedic status.  
If my Berner presents with a lump, first rule out cancer.  If my Berner does 
not remain on the exact same diet on which the breeder's dogs thrive, he 
will surely be, at some point, rushed to the vet. with a tummy ailment that 
defies diagnosis.
Are we talking about farm dogs here or Grandma's little lap dog?
How fragile are these dogs going to become?
Lisa Allen
Blessed with Berners since 1983!

Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.

W32.Klez.E removal tools

2003-02-09 Thread hvwhitney
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Fussy eaters?

2003-02-09 Thread Melissa Chan
I don't know about the rest of you, but this whole fussy eater thing
boggles my mind. Griffin and Loki get a mix of Iams kibble in the
morning with cottage cheese and at dinner, they get cooked ground beef
and oatmeal mixed with a pureed slurry of vegies and fruit. I can see no
difference in there ravenous attitudes towards either dish set before
them! I just thought Bernese were always hungry and would eat anything!
  Guess I was wrong. It's so interesting to hear about the different
habits of other dogs of the same breed.

Good luck with your fussy eater. If I were you, I would try to get her
to eat the dry kibble with a heaping spoonfull of cottage cheese mixed
in. I think it might make the medicine go down a little more enjoyably
and it's gives them a little extra calcium! I'm no expert, but I think
it keeps their skin from getting too dry.

Bernerly yours,
Melissa Chan, Portland, OR
The kids, Griffin and Loki ?????

2003-02-09 Thread Sylvia Katvala
I'm receiving a lot of errors from this email address. Actually its the
reply to one. 
This person is not a member of the Berner-l, but maybe someone knows them.

I need to get in contact with them.

Thanks for your help

Sylvia Katval
On Error Duty

Re: BMDCA Lobby Raffle

2003-02-09 Thread Janice Parky

Oh, Auntie Laurie;

My mom has been a real slacker on sending in her check to the BMDCA Lobby
Raffle.  I was having a hard time figuring out how to write out a check to
send.  My paws are too big to hold a pen, and when I hold it in my mouth, I
just want to CHEW it!  But guess what!!!  I just figured out how to
write checks on the computer from my Dad's business account!  It's so much
fun to step on the keys and make checks!  I'll carry it to the postoffice
tomorrow, myself, I promise.

After all, we Berners owe a lot to everyone who is out there making the
world a better place for all of us dogs.  Don't we?

Halley Parky-Cagwin
BARC's Comet Comes Home

 Well folks , I heard a rumor that Pat Long intends to WIN this BMDCA Lobby
 raffle ! Humph ! Now , I realize that Pat runs this show , and is my
 on the error crew , HOWEVER ..
 Apparently she has a really good chance of winning because hardly anyone
 bought tickets !! Come on ! We all have to give Pat a run for her money !!
 It will keep her teeth grating and her hair standing on end , HAHA ! Not
 mention it's a good cause ! No matter what your Berner politics are ,
 buying tickets for this raffle will help ALL berners. My hubby doesn't
 that Valentine card THAT badly , heh , heh :-). A paltry $5 will get you a
 chance to win a sketch of your berner. The sketch samples on the website
 gorgeous ! Go take a look and let's make Pat Long sweat bullets until Feb
 website :

 Laurie Montoya (Hannah and Shelby the Wonder Mutt)(probably now fired
 error crew member)

Re: Food for thought

2003-02-09 Thread Jeff Mary Chapdelaine - SnoBear berners

My puppy owners are free to tell me what they think works, and offer up a
diet different from the one I reccomend,
I'm not unreasonable.
I do not however believe a diet of imported pepperoni and white cake are
good for a puppy, (yes, actual diet I was informed my puppy was eating.) Oh,
he also would eat white castle hamburgers, but only if they take him to
white castle to eat them there. Nor do I believe that cat food is the food
of choice for a growing puppy.
No, they won't die, the dog I mentioned will be ten years old in June, but
he was 128 lbs. on a frame that should hold 90 - 95 lbs. and recently the
vet told them his cause of breathing problems was all the fat constricting
his heart. They finally got it! He went on a kibble diet, no more dog
candy, and has lost 18 lbs. He now walks over 5 blocks each time without
stopping where he had only made 1/2 a block before sitting down and resting
These Berner kids can be VERY manipulative and convensing. if I can't have
the pepperoni I'll just starve myself to death.
I have to step in and try to bring a reasonable diet back into the dish.
When this boy came for a visit while Mom  Dad were in Italy he turned his
nose up at hot dogs, etc. Within 3 days he was eating kibble AND enjoying
Too bad it didn't last. They met us the night before he was being shown and
kept him in their motel room.
I asked the next morning if he had eaten his dinner. Yes! They replied. We
ordered him a large cut prime rib, he loved it!

Frail??? As far as eating?
Nah, but  they can be quite manipulative!
Exercize?? You should see our gang running, jumping and chasing down (in
play) my son's mixed breed that is built like a Gazelle! Never had one torn
or ruptured cruciate.
And they leap at full speed over that diving board, and race around the



Jeff  Mary Chapdelaine
SnoBear Berners
N. California, USA

When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself.
 Wayne Dyer - Psychotherapist, Author and Speaker

Digest 4102

2003-02-09 Thread msontag
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Re: Weird things eaten

2003-02-09 Thread Sharon Greenberg

I'm certain it's okay for her to eat those tags as Schoenli IS the consumer!

Sharon (Snow again in St. Louis)
- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, February 09, 2003 9:47 AM
Subject: RE: Weird things eaten

 Schoenli specializes in eating the tags that come on pillows that say
 from every seat cushion and pillow in the house.

 Audrey Lyke

Re: Weird things eaten

2003-02-09 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 02/09/2003 9:48:28 AM Central Standard Time, 

 Schoenli specializes in eating the tags that come on pillows that say 

And she is consuming them, hence she IS the consumer LOL.

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.)  Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,2 yrs.)
BMDCSEW Tracking Test Chair/Sec.
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Hugo's puzzle - and hopes of water therapy

2003-02-09 Thread iguanalove
It has been a rough go lately with Hugo.  The surgeon's x-rays on Saturday
showed nothing unusual.  Blood and urine normal. He's not sure what caused
Hugo's setback eight days ago but was certain it wasn't due to the kind of
home-grown physical therapy I was giving him (holding out treats so he would
move a few inches, kicking and finally stretching his neck to get the

The surgeon said Hugo definitely had feeling in his feet but at this point
wasn't using his brain motor to move the legs purposefully.  He suggested
an MRI but we said we weren't putting him through any more surgery and he
understood that.

Back home, we sat him up for his meal. As I was holding the bowl to his
face, I looked down to see he was no longer holding his front paws out the
way he has for the last week, completely stiff and rigid from the shoulder
with a big triangle of space between him and the floor.  Now he was bending
his elbows in a relaxed position!

He only wanted to stay up for a few minutes but it was a start.  I did some
gentle ROM exercises with one front paw and noticed it was now able to move
all the way forward.

My question is - what can we attribute this positive change to?
Subcutaneous fluid?  Or not getting his prednisone for a day because of the
vomiting (I doubt it)?  Or was it something the surgeon did - holding him
into a pseudo-standing position or just all that moving around?  If you have
any thoughts on this, please email me.

To the kind emailer who was concerned about what Hugo wants, please be
assured that we want what is best for him and what he wants.  And if it
becomes evident that he wants to go, we will let him do that.  But it is not
clear yet what his chances are of recovery.  I am hoping to get him into
hydrotherapy this week, if the surgeon and the hydro-therapist ever connect.

Donna and Hugo, Southern Calif.


2003-02-09 Thread Laura Lopez Mendez
Querida Halley,
I have a new kitten at home, Lloyd that has become very handy with his tiny,
little paws; they work amazingly well in the computer keyboard! Now I don't
have to bribe Abby to do the typing for me ;-)...the little fellow is sooo
attached to me, he does everything I ask, ha!
Anyway, I really want my portrait!!! I have to find the way to buy some
tickets...I'll just ask Lloyd to send a check to aunt Joye, she can cash
foreign ones! I read it in the website!

Fondly in love with your pictures,

Laura and the MexGang
Ravel, Abby, Lloyd and our AngelDogs, Normann and Baxter

Laura Lopez-Mendez, DVM
Mexico City

Oh, Auntie Laurie;

My mom has been a real slacker on sending in her check to the BMDCA Lobby
Raffle.  I was having a hard time figuring out how to write out a check to
send.  My paws are too big to hold a pen, and when I hold it in my mouth, I
just want to CHEW it!  But guess what!!!  I just figured out how to
write checks on the computer from my Dad's business account!  It's so much
fun to step on the keys and make checks!  I'll carry it to the postoffice
tomorrow, myself, I promise.

After all, we Berners owe a lot to everyone who is out there making the
world a better place for all of us dogs.  Don't we?

Halley Parky-Cagwin
BARC's Comet Comes Home