Re: Adding a second berner to the family

2003-02-15 Thread Sylvia Katvala

Two dogs are more work, but also fun.
I started out with one Sheltie, waited 5 years, before adding our first
Berner, but less than a year for the second one. Taking two for walks is not
so bad, but if you add the third one. Oh, I love all my dogs and even
dog sat my friends dogs and had as many as 6 dogs in my house without
problem. But after loosing first our Sheltie, realized how nice two dogs are
to have. Than lost not too long later our first Berner and we are back to
one dog.
I do enjoy having just one dog. Neala goes to more places with me. She gets
more spoiled. I'm able to buy her different more expensive foods.
The biggest drawback of having more than one dog is when they get sick. Vet
bills can add quickly if you have more than one dog, just in normal
maintenance, like yearly blood work, chiropractic maintenance, etc.
If I want her to play with other dogs, than make friends with someone who
also has a dog. Right now want to set things in place that she can go every
now and than to a doggy day care. We have a wonderful place in Tucson.
Also think that Neala enjoys it more to be the only dog. Now she gets all
the petting:)

So, lots of people love having more as one dog, but you do have the ones who
think one dog is just fine:) Nothing wrong with either one.

Sylvia Katvala and a spoiled Neala

Mic and The Baby

2003-02-15 Thread Eileen Morgan
Friends of ours (Trish and Aaron) had a baby this fall, and recently they
visited us for the first time since Kate's arrival. Kate has Borzoi at home,
so have large wet noses and tongues poking and slurping does not distress
her (she's about three months old).

Well, all four of our dogs were very mannerly with the baby; Cassie the
rescue Pyr has lived with babies before and mostly said, oh, hi, another
one of these. My three have met some babies but not often--Lliira the Pyr
girl and Nessie the Newfie were fascinated and inclined to come and
investigate at regular intervals. Mic was not fascinated but he was fine,
checking her out and then wandering off to do his own thing. Until she
cried. The crying thing he was not so sure about--first he checked her out,
then he came over to me as if to say, ok, make it stop now, please! The
visit was a success all around (and as you might recall, Mic went through a
phase where he was only allowed to be around very calm, mannerly, dog-wise
children while he was leashed, due to some growling incidents--he has now
been allowed to be loose and interacting with children/infants for about six
months, and while I don't trust him the way I do the girls, he is getting
better and better).

Fast forward a few days. I am on my treadmill, with a tape of Star Trek Next
Generation going, doing my morning masochist, er, exercise routine. It's the
episode where Counselor Troi has a baby. Well, the TV baby starts crying.
Mic, who usually ignores the TV, jumps up, runs over, and listens to the
sound coming from the speaker, head tipping left and right. Then, off he
explodes, running to all the front windows, looking out at the driveway for
Trish and Aaron's van. That failing, he runs upstairs to look out at our
bedroom side window, which overlooks the rest of the driveway. No dice. Down
he comes, very puzzled, peeking out the front windows again. What the heck,
he thinks, the baby is here crying--where are they hiding???

Eileen Morgan
The Mare's Nest

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Sleeping In

2003-02-15 Thread Eileen Morgan
So I had the bright idea I was going to sleep in this morning. I set the
clock for the vastly sinful time of 8:30am (I'm not kidding--when you live
on a horse farm, that is serious sloth!).

6:00am.  Eileen wakes up. Nature calls. Gets up, falls over Nessie the
Newfie, who blends into the carpet in the dark.
6:15 am.  Back in bed, organizing covers. Mic  the Berner boy climbs in bed.
Wedges in-between spouse and Ei.
6:40 am.  Nessie begins snoring like large, fat man.
7:00 am. Cassie the Pyr bays like the Hound of the Baskervilles, leaps up
from the foot of the bed, races outside to tell off a squirrel, or maybe
some dread monster like the local Chickadee population.
7:30 am. Nessie wonders why Eileen is not out of bed yet, comes over to poke
her with a very wet, sticky nose and tongue. Eileen wonders if Newfs are in
the frog family as she unsticks her hair from the pillow.
7:45 am. Lliira the Pyr comes prowling in. Climbs on bed. Mic is in her
spot, so she stands on Eileen's stomach (good thing we did not ignore that
call from nature at 6). Snuffles Eileen's face careful, full of concern that
she is not out of bed. Turns around carefully, sits down with her behind in
Eileen's armpit, slowly ooches into a down position, wedged on the edge of
the bed. Nessie decides someone is getting attention, comes up and starts
hovering over the pillows, flinging slime, licking anything sticking out of
the covers, such as an ear, elbow, or eyebrow. Mic realizes other dogs might
be getting petted without him, so he rolls over and then commando-crawls up
the bed until he is lying on top of Eileen, paws on her shoulders, nose in
her face. Lliira feels left out, gets up, turns around again, and starts
snuffle-snorting all over what Nessie and Mic have not covered with slime,
kisses, and nose pokes. Cassie is outside, barking down the house at the
Slate-colored Junko's in the Maple.

8:00 am. Eileen gives up. Feeding horses will be easier than sleeping in.

Eileen Morgan
The Mare's Nest

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Version: 6.0.449 / Virus Database: 251 - Release Date: 1/27/2003

Re: BARF/YahooGoup

2003-02-15 Thread E M Poster
Dear Vicky... I just went to YahooGroups and did a search for NaturalBerners
in every shape and form that I can think of but alas I can not find it.  Can
you help me here?
BTW... I/We are new to the this list as well as a waiting list for a Berner
Pup.  This E-List is a veritable fountain of information and we are loving
every mintue of it.  Thank you all.
Erica, Brad  Edyn
Nikomis (feline family member)

Re: Adding a second berner to the family

2003-02-15 Thread Rita
Cindy - I don't have any answers - but the same questions you do.

I'd love if you can share with me what you find out (as I know people
don't all post their replies to the list and may just email you
privately with their response.

Rita Ehrnfeldt
Jewl 19 months - 
New Jersey

--- Cindy Buhner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi All,
 I have a question.  We are *very* seriously considering adding a
 male berner to our family and I'm trying to understand how much
 work a second dog is once you've gone through the adjustment of
 one?  I know a lot is dependent upon personality, age, etc and
 will be more hair, poop to clean up, costs but I'd like to hear
 those who have gone this route what their thoughts are.  
 Cindy Buhner and Paws (the BARC boy)
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Re: BARF/YahooGoup

2003-02-15 Thread Liz Caldwell
At 10:39 AM -0500 2/15/03, E M Poster wrote:
Dear Vicky... I just went to YahooGroups and did a search for NaturalBerners
in every shape and form that I can think of but alas I can not find it.  Can
you help me here?
BTW... I/We are new to the this list as well as a waiting list for a Berner
Pup.  This E-List is a veritable fountain of information and we are loving
every mintue of it.  Thank you all.
Erica, Brad  Edyn
Nikomis (feline family member)





2003-02-15 Thread James and Karen Gross
Is this true?  Do you eat Scrapple?  My husband is from Nebraska and he has
been trying and trying to find scrapple since he moved here (Oregon), of
course, no body here even knows what scrapple is
Do you have a recipe?  I would love to surprise him sometime and make him

oh oh, I think I goofed in my reply.  I think Pat Long eats scrapple, not
snapple.  Maybe she drinks snapple, not coffee?  No, wait, if she's drinking
all that other stuff...  oh, I need more coffee!

jane heggen

CGC test

2003-02-15 Thread Ruth Rudesill
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Thanks for puppy wart info!

2003-02-15 Thread Dog Krazy
You Guys are great!!!
After getting all your emails with your advise and experience with puppy
warts, I canceled Jasper's surgery. And of course since then the warts
are getting smaller and I know will soon be gone. You have saved Jasper
the pain of surgery and of course my bank account that has been
suffering since paying for my Diesel's illness and death in april and
then losing my beloved bassethound Roscoe jan 4th, the medical bills are
astounding but it does not stop us from taking care of our furkids that
we love with all our hearts.
My Jasper misses his grandpa Roscoe as we all do and I know that my
Diesel is watching over me and helping me train Jasper and probably
laughing at the sight.
So thanks to all who helped me make a great choice. I really did not
want to put Jasper through anymore stress.
Hope you all had a wonderful Valentines day with you berners.
Thanks again,
Karen and Kalynn Butcher
Jasper Jax {Best Bet's Rock My World}
In Memory of :
Bearsdens Diesel Dazzler CGC, RXPET.12/12/90-4/7/02
Roscoe P. Coal Train RXPET 3/31/88-1/4/03

kidney disease

2003-02-15 Thread Platts8015
Does anyone have any experience with or knowledge of kidney disease most likely as a 
result of genetic immune system problems?  My 4 year old male is in the stages of 
kidney failure and is on IV fluids at the vet's while tests are being run. There may 
not be enough live kidney left to sustain his body and his prognosis does not look 
good.  If anyone has experienced this or knows of any treatments I would be grateful 
for any information.  He was diagnosed with diabetes insipidus a couple of years ago 
and has also had thyroid problems.  This is quite a shock as he went from being his 
normal self to near death in 2 days.  

Kathy Platt
Bloomington, Indiana
Shersan's Lucky Shamrock Rocky
Ch Stonehill's Inherit the Wind Spencer
Ch Skylyn's Custom Classic Cody
Skylyn's Sun Spirit of Rocky Creek Spirit

Photo of the first Costco Berner

2003-02-15 Thread TERRY ZIMMERMAN
Does anyone have a digital photo of the original stuffed Bernese Mt Dog that
Costco came out with a few years ago. The first one laying down. I need it
for a raffle and I only have the 2nd one here at the house. Please email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and thank you in advance.

Terri Zimmerman, Zephyr, Zaltana, Zion, Kita 
Zodiac, gone from this earth but not from this heart.
Washington State, USA Puget Sound with clouds, moss and lots of mud puddles.

Adding a second Berner

2003-02-15 Thread Melissa Chan
Hi Cindy,
We brought another berner baby into our home about 5 months ago. It has
been a joy and a workout.

It is a lot of work, but I am facinated daily by the interactions
between our dog and the pup. We have a 2 1/2 yo neutered male, Griffin
and a 7 month old spayed female, Loki.

How our lives have changed:
1.I had forgotten how mentally and physically taxing puppies are. The
good part is, it is much easier to distract the puppy from doing bad
things because the older dog is there to play with, or sometimes annoy!
Griffin sometimes needs a break from the Lokimaniac.

2.I think that the hair factor has increased by more than 100% because
they run around a lot inside together and wrestle a fair amount. Before,
Griffin mostly slept when he was inside or followed me around. We did
most playing outdoors.

3.We get a discount at the self-serve dog wash for using the same tub
for two dogs.

4.We pick up twice as much poop out of the yard.

5.My husband and I each get a cuddlebug dog when we watch movies.

6.We get twice as many Berner kisses.

7.When we go to the park, I know they'll have another dog to play with.

8.I'll be extra warm when we go camping.

9.Training is funny because I'll be working with Loki and Griffin will
be doing every command at a distance expecting to get a treat. I guess
you have to be there to see it!

10.I think now that I have two Berners, I hope I will always have two. I
love watching them interact and I'm facinated by their different
personalities! If you want to see pictures of them together, you can go
to our website @

Bernerly yours,
Melissa, Griffin, Loki (Portland,OR)

Another Canine Good Citizen!

2003-02-15 Thread RM Johnson
I'm proud to announce that Timber passed his Canine Good Citizen Test 
(CGC) this morning!   He gave me high five's after ever exercise and 
we had so much fun together!  He did all of the exercises really well.  
I am so proud of my sweet, loveable, huggable puppy!!

Thank you to Sascha's Jamaica and Can. BIS BISS Ch. Bernina's Bach Bruno 
v. Lowenzehn for passing down their extraordinary temperaments.  Timber 
is a total joy to love and work with.  A big thank you to Rose Tierney 
for breeding such a lovely boy.  He is the light of my life! 

Ruth Johnson
Sascha's Woodman CGC  (5 months)
Ch Sunshine's Tundra Terra CGC CD (4 years)
Tundra's Bells 'N Whistles (11 weeks)

Bloody urine results

2003-02-15 Thread tami winner
I would like to thank everyone who has responded to my recent crisis. Tulie 
is doing really good today, working hard at holding the floor down.

The Vet called and said it looks like it is a bladder/urinary tract 
infection. I was sent home yesterday with some Clavamox antibiotics, so it 
is almost 24 hours since Tulie has been on them now. They said to expect 
blood today, but should start to clear up.

Tulie's RBC and WBC were fine, which is good news for the hemangiosarcoma I 
hope.The Liver and Kidney enzymes were fine. The urine test showed moderate 
amounts of bacteria and inflammatory cells. Her PH is 7.5, so that needs to 
come down a little.

Thank you to all of you knowledgeable people on the list. I have not had any 
experience with this in human or canine. If it were just the blood, I 
wouldn't had been so worried, but the blood clots really paniced me. As long 
as all of this ends with the antibiotics, we will be fine.

Tami Winner
Merced, CA

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Repost - Sleeping with more than one dog

2003-02-15 Thread Pat Long

Thanks for reminding me of this, I found it in my Berner-L index under humor 
- thanks to Hugh who has the digests online temporarily!!


Date: Fri, 16 Feb 1996 13:50:29 -0700 (MST)
From: Steve M Dudley
Subject: Humor interlude!

I will address myself mostly to the rules for sleeping with two dogs. For 
the few who have already mastered this technique, I will later add a cat, 
although I urge beginners to leave the cat out. To achieve any sort of 
success, certain arbitrary conditions must be assumed, the first one being 
that you must have a king-sized bed. There is no point in lying down in 
anything smaller. While the size of the breed of dog is not important 
(people who sleep with dogs know that before the night is over everybody 
collects into a pile), the condition of the dogs may be. Very thin dogs, for 
example, are lumpier. I have selected the two-dog minimum because, as we 
shall see, it is the only way to stay in bed at all. The key word here is 
LEVERAGE. All dogs spend the night pressed tightly against their human 
bedfellows, but no two dogs ever sleep on the same side. This is, in part, 
an expression of the Let Sleeping Dogs Lie Principle. It is also to create 
leverage. Because the human being is always in the middle, held tightly in 
place by the dogs and by his blanket (which the dogs are sleeping on top 
of), restlessness and recurring cramps are difficult to handle. Here is the 
OF YOU, spread your legs three inches apart. Stiffen and hold out NO MATTER 
HOW GREAT THE PRESSURE! When the time comes to turn over, bring the legs 
together quickly under the now slightly slackened blanket and revolve BEFORE 
THE DOGS WAKE UP. As soon as you have assumed a new position, allow for 
those crucial three inches again; otherwise, you're a mummy for the rest of 
place to sleep is in the hollow created by legs too widely spread, and once 
settled, he and you are frozen into position until morning. (There is a way 
out of this trap, but it is difficult to describe without slides). Dogs who 
prefer to sleep on their backs MUST BE GIVEN SPACE THREE TIMES THE HEIGHT OF 
THE DOG AT THE SHOULDER. Dogs who like pillows may be accommodated if you 
sleep on your side with the legs scissored so that each dog has an ankle for 
a chin rest. Above all, BEWARE OF CURLING! When the curl is reversed, both 
dogs are dislocated, resulting in low growls on both sides of you. When you 
are ready to add a cat, position is all important. All cats prefer to sleep 
in hollows, but NO CAT WILL SLEEP ON THE SAME SIDE AS A DOG. (Remember, you 
have only two sides). YOU MUST THEREFORE BECOME A TRIANGLE! Do this by 
assuming a horizontal diver's crouch, thereby creating not only three 
more-or less exclusive sides but two hollows as well. With one dog at your 
front, and the other against your back, the cat can curl into the hollow at 
the back of your bent knees, separated from both dogs. All will then sleep 
soundly. This entire technique still needs a lot of refinement. A method 
that deals with early morning scratching needs to be developed, and the 
problem of pretending to sleep while being closely scrutinized by various 
animals needs to be solved.

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Re: Virus type warning for Pay Pal Users

2003-02-15 Thread Ray Pat Burgett
Thus far we have been lucky as of  yet we have any received any of these
emails. We use PayPal 3 to 4 times a week and sometimes more often than

Thanks for posting the heads up Pat.

Ray  Pat Burgett Eaglecap Bernese
Talee,Lexi,,Bell, Shadow  Max
Draminski Ovulation Detector Rep

famous writer speaking on dogs

2003-02-15 Thread Brnrmom

nothing new here, but I like the way he says it.  This is 
from an interview with a writer named Jonathan Carroll:

RT: Speaking of Petals, why do dogs figure so prominently in your works, 
particularly as figures of pathos? They seem to be bridge characters, 
conduits for fabulism...
JC: ...the letters from there to here. People always ask, what's this dog 
thing? And I always say, dogs are like minor angels. They love you purely. 
They forgive you purely. They're happy to see you. You can wake a dog up at 
three in the morning and say, hey let's play ball, and they'll say OKAY! My 
wife won't do that. My son won't do that. My friends won't do that. Three 
o'clock in the morning-let's go get pizza! OKAY! We overlook these 
extraordinary qualities even though we wish they would manifest themselves 
in people. I always have bull terriers because they're funny and they're 
ugly. That's what I love about them. They look like little pigs walking 
around. They kind of sober you up and straighten you out when you're blue 
or you're angry. You look at this little pal sitting under your feet 
saying, Hey! Let's go out! And you say, Okay, let's go out. They remind you 
of reality. All I've done is ratcheted that up a little, so you have 
magical dogs. I like the idea that we're constantly surrounded by things 
that are angelic and supernatural-but we put them in this convenient, sort 
of degraded place because that's easier for us.
RT: Biologists have been looking at dogs, at those qualities as 
evolutionary traits. The wolves that happened to come closest to the 
campfire got hooked in-
JC: Right. It reminds me of James Michener's book The Source-there's a 
wonderful section about the first dog ever to be friendly with man-or that 
scene in Dances With Wolves where the wolf circles him for days, then takes 
the food out of his hands. I think there is a wonderful symbiosis between 
dogs and men, unless you're a monster and mistreat them. You serve each 
other's needs. I know my dog is a good friend of mine.

Vilma Briggs (Kistner)
Mt. Gilead, OH
U-UD Mocha Java Slurp, UDX, HIC, TT
Ch. Brighteye Expresso Bean, UD, NDD, TT
U-CDX Our Little Buddy, UD, NA, TT
Thirdtym's A Charm, CGC
and Ted

Re: Dog Bath Tubs

2003-02-15 Thread Ray Pat Burgett
Looking for a online place to get a dog bath tub. All ready checked Valley
Vet and Foster  Smith.
They both have the one piece style and we are looking for the type that has
a base and the tub sets on top so one does not have to kneel down to wash


Ray  Pat Burgett Eaglecap Bernese
Talee,Lexi,,Bell, Shadow  Max
Draminski Ovulation Detector Rep

RE: update on he's afraid of crate

2003-02-15 Thread JEvans

It's great to hear Paws is making progress.  One comment I wanted to make 
(but had
forgotten):  If the crate has solid sides, try smearing a little p-nut 
butter  there for Paws to
go in an lick off.  At first it can be near the entrance, then farther and 
farther inside.  If the
crate is wire, try rigging up something you can smear p-b on.  It does 
really work to make
the crate a very special place where RGS (really good stuff) happens.
Keep us posted on the progress and continued good luck,
Jill with Indie and Gabby

Moses readmitted to Angell with pain, fever, ? neuro. symptoms

2003-02-15 Thread Lisa D Allen
My sweet Bernerboy was readmitted to Angell Memorial Animal Hospital in 
Boston, Massachusetts this evening with fever, pain, and considerable 
difficulty remaining ambulatory.  Moses' internal medicine specialist met us 
there; he told me, when I spoke to him on the phone, earlier, to bring Moses 
right to the hospital, as an emergency.  They have called the neurologist to 
examine Moses  as there might be some posturing.  They will run blood work 
and do Xrays.  Moses' prognosis is listed as guarded.  The osteosarcoma 
could well have returned and I knew that this might happen, even with 
amputation and chemotherapy, which he has had, although these treatments 
offer the best guarantee for a remission.
They will carefully examine his back and spine to determine if the problem 
might be in this area.
My heart is heavy and I fight back tears.  Moses tried to be so cheerful and 
cooperative, very typical of him, in the hospital, even though he was 
feeling so unwell.
Lisa Allen

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Re: Dog Bath Tubs

2003-02-15 Thread Brnrmom
We just built our house (what a pain!)  and had a dog room put in w/ 
crates, grooming table, and elevated tub just for the dogs. It was much 
cheaper to buy a  seconds regualr  human bathtub at Home Depot and just 
have that put up on a secure platform and eclosed. The builder put in a few 
steps for them and presto! Bigger and sturdier and about half the price of a 
dog tub. The builder asked me how high I wanted it, so I stood there and 
held my hands out straight in front of me and said my dogs are all about 26 
inches tall, so 26 inches down from here! 

Works great. Besides, mine probably think they are human anywayor perhaps 
they think we are canine!  :-)

Vilma Briggs (Kistner)
Mt. Gilead, OH
U-UD Mocha Java Slurp, UDX, HIC, TT
Ch. Brighteye Expresso Bean, UD, NDD, TT
U-CDX Our Little Buddy, UD, NA, TT
Thirdtym's A Charm, CGC
and Ted

Re: Dog Bath Tubs

2003-02-15 Thread barb wagner
It was much 
 cheaper to buy a  seconds regualr  human bathtub
 at Home Depot and just 
 have that put up on a secure platform and eclosed.

That is exactly what I did when I had a boarding and
grooming kennel, back in Michigan.  Worked great 
You can also pick up used tubs when people are
remodelling their homes.  Just ask contractors.

Also, along the same lines..old hydrolic salon
chairs make great bases for grooming tables.  Just
take off the seat and build a plywood box, and cover
with matting.  Instant, stable, table that goes up and
down and spins.   :)  Plus you can easily build in a
drawer for all your items.

Happy grooming.

down the Jersey shore

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping - Send Flowers for Valentine's Day

Berner Cell phone faceplates

2003-02-15 Thread gaturner
Does anyone have the website that sold the Berner cell phone faceplates last year?  

Gary  Penny Turner

Gary A Turner
First National Bank
Network Engineeer

Re: Dog Bath Tubs

2003-02-15 Thread gwebara
Check out . They have the booster bath and
are less expensive than anyone else I've found.  I love these tubs and
have finally ordered one

Susan Ablon
Gweebarra BMD
Balch Springs, Tx

On Sat, 15 Feb 2003 17:19:43 -0800 Ray  Pat Burgett
 Looking for a online place to get a dog bath tub. All ready checked 
 Vet and Foster  Smith.
 They both have the one piece style and we are looking for the type 
 that has
 a base and the tub sets on top so one does not have to kneel down to 
 Ray  Pat Burgett Eaglecap Bernese
 Talee,Lexi,,Bell, Shadow  Max
 Draminski Ovulation Detector Rep

Franklin Tennessee show

2003-02-15 Thread Carol Bailey
Anybody out there planning on going to the Franklin Tennessee show?

Carol Bailey

Tubs, tubes and tummies

2003-02-15 Thread Burlile\\MemoriesBMDs
Thanks for the link to the Booster Tub, Susan!  I have been looking for one
of those washer/washing attachments ever since New England Serum stopped
carrying them.  Warm baths here in the winter months consist of loading up 4
dirty Berners at a time and hauling them to my vet's on the weekend.  Since
the groomer isn't there on the weekend, he rents me the tub, dryer, etc.
It's great ... till it's time to haul out the shop vac and try and catch all
the Berner hair that's everywhere!

The collection tubes for the cancer study at Fred Hutchinson came.  Rebecca
has gladly donated to the control group, as any gracious lady over 10 years
old would do :)  She also appreciated that her doggie sitter is a retired
vet tech so we did the blood pulls at home.  Of course for all her effort,
she got a cookie  Rebecca, that is; not Julie, the doggie sitter :)

One suggestion I'm going to make to Heidi Parker at FHCRC is that they have
a return address label on the containers they send out.  I received this
canister with a metal top addressed to myself with no return address label
on it.  My husband asks, What did you have coming from Ebay in that?  My
mind draws a blank.  Then he says, Maybe it's some leftover Anthrax.
Umm, I think.  Check the postmark and it's from WA  now, who do I
know in WA that would be sending me a canister?

On to tummies:  We have 7 new little Berner tummies here!  Reba is doing
everything she can to keep them full and happy.  She's succeeding... mostly
:)  Want to know where dogs learn to work for a reward?  Watch a litter
nursing.  They work their little hearts out tugging and kneading and sucking
as hard as they can and all of a sudden, their efforts pay off and they
are rewarded with a tummy full of fresh, warm milk.

Off to rub a few of those little tummies ..
Cathy Burlile,
Memories BMDs

Progression of Moses' illness

2003-02-15 Thread Lisa D Allen
Yes, Berners can go rather quickly from being fine to, sometimes, quite 
ill.  That is why Moses' quickly going from having a little more trouble 
walking to almost collapse did not surprise me as much as it might a new 
Berner owner, as I have been owned by the breed for twenty years.
I cannot sleep.  This is 99.9% because I am worried about Moses and the rest 
is due to the fact that my other dog, Piber, has been following me back and 
forth from bed to couch and, of course, is always allowed to share both with 
me even if it means I have only room to curl my late middle-aged body up 
into a ball.  Too, I realized that due to the events of the day, what with 
Moses' decline and admission to Angell, I had neglected to partake of the 
four or five or whatever food groups.  So, I am sipping on the requisite 
Diet Coca Cola and munching on a lightly buttered pastry.
Moses has been ill for two years, starting with immune-mediated 
polyarthritis, becoming or merging with age-related degenerative arthritis, 
and, then, in late 2002, being diagnosed with bone cancer and being treated 
for such (amputation, chemo.  His medical care, the very best, has exceeded 
the twenty thousand dollars mark; I don't care; I just want my sweet boy to 
live well and be happy, as with any family member.
Lisa Allen

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