colourproblem in berners

2003-04-01 Thread Margareta Strand
we have been on our morningwalk and I must say I have a bernerproblem I hope
some of you can help us with.
Overnight Vincent changed colour so the bernerwhite is brown, the brown is
black and all the rest in brown.

Have he eaten something wrong or is it common in his age, he will become 4
in the end of this month.
Please help!
Vincent and Margareta

Re: attacks on livestock

2003-04-01 Thread Liz Bradbury
Hi Brooke,
We live in the country in the middle of sheep  cattle farmers...
 My Berner girl would probably chase anything that moves outside the house, be it cat, 
low flying jet planes, water, cars, cows, sheep.  I think she would hurt,  maybe try 
to eat, anything she catches too - she pinned down one of my cats (who think they're 
honorary canines  walk with us) and I found teeth marks on his scalp after I rescued 
Then she started escaping, over a 5' fence, or through small holes at the bottom the 
fence.  We had a month to make our 1 acre escape proof - sheep and cattle are put out 
to grass from the end of March, and I could not contemplate having a dog who chased 
unless she was fully contained.
My husband finished putting 7' deer fencing all the way round the garden, 3 days 
before a bazillion sheep arrived in the fields.  I was very relieved the animals 
hadn't arrived any earlier and I am now focusing on walking past the sheep with her on 
a lead and persuading her that they don't exist - it helps that Toby, my Alpha Newfy, 
ignores the silly animals.  But I wouldn't even trust him if he got amongst them.  
Sheep are stupid, one runs, they all go and dogs just love to chase.  That's when a 
game turns into a massacre.
My girl is the sweetest, most obedient dog in the house, in the town, at the vets.  I 
just have to make sure she's under control the rest of the time and if that means lead 
walking past stock in the summer months, and checking up on her whereabouts regularly, 
then that's what I'll do.
Good luck with your boy - I'm sure he'll enjoy the extra attention that keeping an eye 
on him constantly, brings!  I know my 'butter wouldn't melt in her mouth' girl does!
Liz Bradbury in Sheep County g, Scotland

On Mon, 31 Mar 2003 20:56:23 -0500, Brooke Hallowell wrote:
Does anyone have experience with Berners attacking livestock? We've
trouble with a beautiful, obedient, sweet, loving one attacking pet
and sheep.  Have any of you heard of this? We have yet to find a
failsafe way of keeping him from getting loose on occasion. T

RE: Housebreaking Help

2003-04-01 Thread Rose Tierney
Hi Brigitte,
When a puppy urinates within ten minutes of returning back into the house I
would assume a urinary tract infection. These infections are very very
common in puppies and are usually quickly cleared up with a course of
amoxicillin or clavamox. You will have to try and collect a sample for the
vet to analyse or being a male it is easy for the technician to catheritise
them and empty the bladder. Try to keep him from lying for too long on cold
damp surfaces. Inside the house he'll be fine on the vinyl or tile flooring
but don't use that chill bed just yet:-)

Rose T.

-Original Message-
Sent: March 30, 2003 8:25 AM
Subject: Housebreaking Help

We've had Eli for nearly 2 weeks and are still having trouble with
housebreaking.  He has good days and bad days.  On a bad day (like today),
he'll go outside, doo his business, come in (on his own) and go to the
bathroom in the house only minutes later... help!

We haven't had him long enough to fill out a Berner survey yet, but he's
racked up a naughtiest already -- he seems to think that the door molding
on our bathroom is one giant chew toy - a large chunk has been chomped off!

Luckily we love him... :+)

Thanks to the poster who mentioned canine cooler mats - never heard of
them, found on and ordered.  Eli thinks it's hot now (only mid
50's) -- wait till our Jersey summers -- thought this might help him.

Thanks again!

Berner Mom in NJ

Re: attacks on livestock

2003-04-01 Thread gwebara

On Tue, 1 Apr 2003 11:46:23 +0100 Liz Bradbury
Sheep are stupid, one runs, they all go and 
 dogs just love to chase.  That's when a game turns into a massacre.

Hahaha, truer words were never spoken. I had a small flock for a short
time (the other saying is sheep were born looking for a place to die) and
my dogs found the chase quite thrilling. I did have verbal control to
call them off (at least verbal control after I hit one stubborn Berner
girl in the head with a 2x4 to get her attention after she refused to
quit running the sheep in the pen). I never found the dogs to attack the
sheep however, because of the stupid sheep factor they could easily
injure themselves trying to escape. I have also had dogs that chased cows
and horses however aggressive steers and stubborn horses can turn on a
single dog and give it it's come-uppence. I found the best solution to
the problem was to teach the dogs to go get the sheep, cattle, horses
under supervision to stop when told and come back when called. Outside of
teaching left and right (come by and way to me) I guess training is the

Susan Ablon
Gweebarra BMD
Balch Springs, Tx

re: tails

2003-04-01 Thread bernerlover
I had to gigglethis  post came  up a while back and I suggested sippy
cups for serving our guests a fine wine.


Tails and berner moving

2003-04-01 Thread Simone de Lima
My built-in kitchen table is at the exact width and height such that Doppo,
my 11 month old BMD can stand under it, lean his head back to lick what's on
my dish on one side, while simultaneously swiping the other side of the
table clean of dishes, cereal, etc. Add the bump and you'll see why we're
all considering wearing special protection garments while eating.

At lunchtime, though, he will just lie under the dinner/lunch table on the
porch, spread out in such a way that none of the members of the family can
(a) sit close to each other (b) close to the food or (c) at any angle that
is comfortable.
By the way, how do you MOVE a berner who's decided to stay put be propped up
and carried? Dog biscuits don't do it anymore, neither does bread or cake,
and I really don't have a fresh supply of liver lying around at all times.
(Nor do I wish to have gucky fingers, when, say, leaving for work and find
doppo blocking the doorway so that I can't close the house and leave.
Simone de Lima
Brasilia Brazil

Tail safe

2003-04-01 Thread Wendi Giordano

I couldn't agree more!  Cheap wine glasses YES!  Cheap
wine, never!


Wendi Giordano [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Striving to be worthy of my beautiful Berners...
In gratitude to and loving memory of Miss Kitty (Swiss Stars Cat Balou)
Dec. 1, 1994 - Feb. 14, 2003
Splash (Swiss Stars Over Niagara)
Cutter (Swiss Stars Black Diamond)

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Tail wagging

2003-04-01 Thread Karen
Stevie is a tail wagger personified!! We just simply clear the decks and let
him go to it. We certainly don't live in a show palace and between the hair
and muddy paws and frequent tail induced spills, my house is, shall we say,
lived in. One bonus from the tail-wagging, is in the summer if they are
positioned just right, there is no need for a fan!! In winter however, keep
those legs and feet well covered 'cause its cold!!!
Karen and Stevie
NB, Canada

whole dog journal past issues

2003-04-01 Thread Andrea Brin
i am looking for the following articles from the whole dog journal. if you
have any of them and would be willing to copy them for me and mail or e mail
them i would be so appreciative. i will be happy to cover all costs.
i am pursuing becoming certified in massage.
Putting It All Together  May 2000

Pre- and Post-Sports Massage August 2000

A Touch Should Do It July 1998

Petting With a Purpose  December 1999

Knead Your Dog  January 2000

Conscious Contact April 1998

Compression Technique April 2000

Re:Garden designs

2003-04-01 Thread Anne Gribbon
Ah Liz
I too have a landscape designer in my home!  Ain't it grand?  Saves s
much time and money each Spring - no more wasted trips to the nursery for
me!  Funny, if something grows from the ground up (ie weed) it can stay
interminably, but if it suddenly appears (ie new planting) it must be
removed from the ground and destroyed immediately.

Dale's 2002 designs ranged from Hole To China  through to Nucleur Holocaust,
then in late summer before the drought broke we had Lunar Moonscape,
capitlising with my personal favourite.Complete and Utter Destruction.

His latest release of the 2003 range is looking impressive.  We've had a
great deal of rain recently resulting in a surprising spurt of greenery.
This sudden influx of alien plant life has inspired my demon child
enormously, so currently we are sporting the first stages of Enter At Own
Risk - Twisted Ankles and umm, Hidden *Landmines* Abound!

With much empathy, but please don't let your guys near the email - Dale
doesn't need any more bright ideas!
Dale - Director of Destructo Mutt Enterprises

the digging thing

2003-04-01 Thread Ellen Lauber
Hi, Listers -  My girl had a bit of a digging problem when she was young.  I
was never really able to get a handle on it, but I think mostly because I
used to get s kick out of watching her do it!  She was so determined and
focused, those paws furiously flying, the ears flopping up and
downCracked me up:)
 My friends and I took on the summer project of building a brick patio in
the backyard 2 years ago.  We had to excavate a large area and therefore had
a HUGE pile of dirt in a section of the backyard.  Well, that became
Harper's Hill.  She would chase the other dog off of the hill (a 140lb
Rottie), dig a hole on the side and plop down.  Nose covered, paws brown
with dust, belly clumped with dirt and she was happy as can be.  How do you
get mad at that?

When it became too much, I used to try filling a hole with poop.  That
seemed to help for that section, but she would just move to another part of
the lawn.  She eventually grew out of it.  It was funny to watch though!
-Ellen  Harper

Arts Crafts

2003-04-01 Thread BernerFolk
Thanks to the generousity of several artists and production people, we have 
the opportunity to do some unique, fine art and craft items to help fund 
BMDCA public outreach efforts.

But I'm missing a couple of pieces...I'd like to find:

1) People who make *handmade paper* or can provide some other type of high 
quality, 'artsy' paper and would be willing to donate their work.

2) The donation of a bold and graphic piece of artwork well suited for solid 
block silkscreen printing.  This can be an opportunity to do a Berner piece 
that's a bit more 'artsy' and off the beaten track than what's widely 
available so if you're artistically inclined, go for it.

If either of these click for you, or you know someone I should contact, 
please drop me a note.

Sherri Venditti

re:coffee table tails

2003-04-01 Thread HenochNJ
I wish coffee tables were the extent of our tail problem. My male is big and tall 
and has quite a gay tail.
When he walks by the dinner table wagging, there's no telling what you're going to 
find in his tail (or your dinner)...spaghetti sauce, pieces of rice, pasta--whatever 
he can sweep up sticks pretty well to that velcro tail.
If you just add a little endust you could get some serious cleaning done...If I 
applied that to my much smaller female, I could probably cover all levels of 
with Maddie and Titan
Cranford, NJ

2003 Entries Close THIS Wednesday

2003-04-01 Thread Lynne Hawkinson

There's just a wee bit of time left to enter the 2003 National Specialty.
All entries close tomorrow - WEDNESDAY APRIL 2nd!

TO ENTER CONFORMATION  OBEDIENCE classes online*, via fax* or by
FedEx/Overnight mail:

TO ENTER AGILITY classes via FedEx/Overnight mail:

OR TO ENTER AGILITY classes online*:

FOR A DRAFT TEST PREMIUM LIST to enter via FedEx/Overnight mail:

*Additional fees may apply

NOTE: Conformation, Obedience and Draft entries close at 12:00 PM PST;
Agility entries close at 8:00 PM PST.

Joint pain meds

2003-04-01 Thread Julie Toft
Zack is 6 1/2 now and has just started showing signs of joint
discomfort. There is now a delay between his front half getting up and
his back half.
Would you kindly lend me the benefit of you experience and tell me what
supplements and/or treatments have worked best for sore berner joints?
Thank you!
Julie Toft

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2003-04-01 Thread Julie Toft
Regarding keeping objects save from berner tails, I have begun using a
sofa table that goes along the sofa at the rear and is that height,
rather than a coffee table.
It works better for keeping your drinks out of tail range, and I like
the aesthetic of an open room, uncluttered with tables.
Julie Toft

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Hot Question

2003-04-01 Thread Lynne Robinson
Does anyone know if hot sauce is harmful to dogs?

I'm asking because that is the only way we can get one of our dogs to 
eat -- by putting Frank's hot sauce on his food!

This particular dog developed the nasty habit of eating some of the 
other dogs' poop. We tried a number of things to break the habit. We 
tried various additives to food (from meat tenderizer to licorice). We 
have tried to keep the yard scooped, but with 10 dogs there is always a 
poop hiding in the bushes somewhere. So, we resorted to the brilliant 
idea of pouring a glug or two of hot sauce (we prefer the brand 
Frank's) on top of fresh poops, assuming that anyone (anydog) who ate 
them would get burned and be taught not to eat poop.

Well, that did not work either. In fact, it seems that one of the dogs 
has become quite addicted to Frank's and now will not eat his meals 
unless there is a few drops of hot sauce on them.

Not only is this inconvenient, but we are starting to worry that hot 
sauce may have some undesirable side effects.

So, does anyone know if hot sauce is harmful to dogs?


Rick Robinson

Re: Berner tails -- deadly weapons

2003-04-01 Thread Laura McDonald
Our boy Niko managed to knock over one of our halogen
pole-lights with his tail.  My family had come over
for dinner, and as they came in the front door Niko
bounced out to say hello, his tail swung out and
wrapped around the lamp, and down went the whole kit
and kaboodle!  Only in a Berner home can you smash a
lamp (thankfully there was no broken glass) and not
even have it interrupt the conversation.  My husband
grabbed the toppled light and marched it downstairs
while I carried on chatting, greeting, gathering
coats, etc.

We've replaced the light, but it's now safely tucked
in a corner behind the loveseat.

Laura, Niko (did I do that??), and Brodie (it was HIM!)

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Griffin: bad news and good news

2003-04-01 Thread Cecilia Ståhl
Dear Listers,

Griffin's new vet confirmed my suspicions today - he does have systemic
reactive hystiocytosis. Griffin presented a classic case: nose lesions,
conjunctivitis with mucosal involvement, nasal congestion with stuffy
respiration. The biopsy taken from a lesion in January was also reviewed
again and thankfully we won't need another one.

Please don't be sad for us  we're okay and we are going to be even
better as soon as the meds kick in. We've been through stuff before and we
will get through this too.

The wonderful new vet was full of optimism. She said that Griffin's lymph
nodes were not enlarged and that as long as he tolerates the med combo
(cyclosporine  ketoconazole), everything will fine.

You know what?

If it weren't for this list, I never would have found the histio site,
recognized the symptoms and persisted with my suspicions.

If it weren't for this list, Margareta and I would have never found each
other and Griffin would have had to wait even longer for a correct

If it weren't for this list, I would have gone crazy this weekend.

Thank you all so very much! I am so endlessly grateful.

Cecilia Ståhl  Griffin
Stockholm, Sweden

Re: To make your house BMD tail-safe!

2003-04-01 Thread Burlile\\MemoriesBMDs

 What did you guys have to do to protect your belongings against your dogs

 Put them away or display at least 5 feet above ground level :)
Decorative items need to weigh, oh, maybe about 50 pounds to stay put on
tables :)

Table-height tailwags,
Memories BMDs

BMDCA annual dues

2003-04-01 Thread lbfarley
!!!IMPORTANT - This message is for BMDCA members only and 
does not apply to Alpenhorn renewal for non-members.

This is a reminder that If I have not received your 2003 membership 
dues, they are now past due.  The membership year runs from April 
1st thru March 31st.  An annual dues notice and the membership fee 
schedule is published in the inside back cover of the February 
Alpenhorn.  I will be sending out a reminder postcard to the 590 
plus 2002 members whose renewals have not been received, but Please 
if you know you have not sent your payment, go ahead and stick it in 
the mail today. If you do not send your membership dues by May 1st 
you will be removed from the membership roles. 

To be reinstated, you will have to apply for reinstatement between May
and August 1st by contacting me for a board approved reinstatement form.

This form will need to be filled out and sent along with a check for the
required $15 reinstatement fee. Reinstatement is not allowed after
August 1. 

Please forward dues appropriate for your level of membership to me at
the following address:

Laurie Farley
BMDCA Membership Chair
416 Maclor Forest Rd
Franklin, NC 28734

For problems call:(828) 349-6006
or email (preferred) - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Laurie Farley  
BMDCA Membership Chair
Laurie B Farley
BMDCA Membership Chair
416 Maclor Forest Rd
Franklin, NC  28734 

Ang: Griffin: bad news and good news

2003-04-01 Thread margareta . strand

Hi all,
I will also be in the choir If it weren´t for the list.
My Vincent was diagnosed with systemic reactive histiocytosis in December
2002 and I got so very god information from many of you on the Berner-L, I
will mention and say thank you to:
Pat Long
Marion Brown
Terrill Eckert
Heidi Parker
Cecilia Stahl
Peter F. Moore
Verena Affolter
and the wonderful veterinarian Kerstin Bergvall, DjurAkuten in Stockholm.

The wonderful new vet was full of optimism. She said that Griffin's lymph
nodes were not enlarged and that as long as he tolerates the med combo
(cyclosporine  ketoconazole), everything will fine.

You know what?

If it weren't for this list, I never would have found the histio site,
recognized the symptoms and persisted with my suspicions.

If it weren´t for the list and you all, all over the world, my bernerboy
was not a rather healthy boy today!
We started the medication with ketaconazol and cyclosporin A the 6th of
December 2002 and now Vincent feel good with less medication for every
The biggest and warmest bernerhugs -
Vincent and Margareta Strand
Stockholm, Sweden

Systemic Reactive Histiocytosis

2003-04-01 Thread HenochNJ
Can I take this opportunity to ask what this disease is all about (not that I think I 
need one more thing to worry about)...I assume from the postings that it is a much 
less lethal form of histiocytosis than the dreaded MH that has been the topic of many 
postings lately...Is this another form of cancer Bernese are prone to, or something 
else altogether?

with Maddie and Titan
Cranford, NJ

FW: Systemic Reactive Histiocytosis

2003-04-01 Thread Margareta Strand
Hi Anne,
Here are good websites were you find a lot of information. The second one Dr
Peter F.Moore´s website at ucdavis have a lot of useful information upon the
systemic reactive form of histiocytosis.

Some count the disease as a form of cancer, a tumour disease - often
treatable if you be in time at your veterinarian and if you meet a
veterinarian with knowledge in this special form of histiocytosis.

You will se swellings, like bumps on the nose - very red eyes with
corneaoedema - there can be other symptoms as well.

Perhaps Cecila will add more later on, she is so much better in the English
language than I am.

And again Thank heaven for the Berner-L and all the listers! I got help
and courage from all of you and I feel so thankful!

And big hugs to Griffin Cecilia!
I know he will feel so much better very soon,

Vincent and Margareta Strand
Stockholm, Sweden 

Amy Kessler, baby gift!

2003-04-01 Thread jean cheesman
Pat forwarded me some pics from Amy of newly adopted baby Cara with her new
friend Rocky which she wanted to share with you all.

Have just uploaded:


All love,

Jean, Sunny, Simmy, Barney and the Gang

digging dogs

2003-04-01 Thread Margareta Strand
We have a golden around the corner, Kolan is her name - she is a digging

In the summertime at their house at the countryside Kolan is digging her a
big hole - it will be colder to lay there. A new hole each summer. Her
family use to fill the hole with earth in the autumns.

Sometimes Kolan has another golden retriever friend with her for some weeks
and she then digging a hole for her friend also.

They must be good friends
and perhaps we will meet Kolan at our nightwalk very soon.

Vincent and Margareta

RE: BMDCA annual dues - Foreign Cheques

2003-04-01 Thread Pat Long Paul Dangel
For those of you who are in other countries, as always - Joye Neff and I
are happy to help convert foreign cheques to US dollars. Our bank does
not charge extra for deposits of foreign cheques. Contact us as soon as
possible to make arrangements so that you don't have to go through a new
membership approval process instead of just the reinstatement.

Pat Long ( Luther)
Berwyn PA

Longlease Updates

2003-04-01 Thread jean cheesman
Where to start?

Tonight, beautiful pics from Amy Kessler and newly adopted baby girl, Cara,
with her baby gift, Rocky!

And from Cecilia Stahl, lovely picture of Griffin, As you may know Griffin
is not too well at the moment, possibly with systemic reactive
histiocytosis, we pray that today's visit to the vet has gone well!

And on Histio Roll Call Site have added in a new individual page for Susie
Folk's, Charlotte, sadly lost to Histio just before Christmas.

And talking of Histio! Just a few days left on the Fundraiser! If you
haven't put in for your Raffle Tickets for those beautiful paintings by
Willem, do it now! (Ooops, Joye! I am one of the laggards here too, will
mail you next!)

Other recent updates (so many, have even been updating the updates!)
New litters for Baker's Bernese Blessings. Cassie has a very Patriotic Pup,
Prince Valiant. And Sweetie gave birth to a very health litter of nine pups.
She and sister, Cassie, have been sharing nursing duties here and Chris and
Herb have sent me some wonderful fun pics.
The latest update on Stevie is there if you missed Karen's post to the list.
My Guys and Gal posing with daffodils, what's left of them after Barney
trashed them

And still to add, recent Nick Neff pics! Hmm! What time is it here UK?

All love,

Jean, Sunny, Simmy, Barney and the Gang

Hiking with Berner puppies

2003-04-01 Thread Linda DeHarak
I am in search of some general information. I have what we believe is a five
month old rescue male Bernese mix. He has a long sad story for such a young

The question is, what are safe distances for hiking with these young guys?
What about inclines? I generally hike in the mountains, and I do not want to
cause him trouble.

I just need some general rules to follow as he grows.

Thanks in advance for any help!
Linda DeHarak
Franktown, Colorado

Re: attacks on livestock

2003-04-01 Thread Michaela Simmons

My first Berner was a devil for chasing livestock. Bad news for me living
surrounded by 360+ square miles filled with nothing but livestock. But
CHASING is different from attacking. Not to the farmer, of course, who would
shoot first and answer later.

Could you tell us more about the exact circumstances? Did it start as a
playful chase - something that maybe went on for a while - and slowly
escalated from there? Or was it an attack out of the blue?

By the way, you can ABSOLUTELY cure a dog from attacking livestock. Not
every one, but the vast majority. If one couldn't, we wouldn't have any dogs
left in Devon! That's the good news.

The bad news is, that it's hard. REALLY hard. On you. This is the ONE time
you will have to turn into Lucifer personified. Your dog must be left in no
doubt that whatever fun he just had attacking that sheep is FAR outweighed
by the consequences. Or, if you can't do that, you have to accept that you
can't ever let your dog off the leash around livestock. Not ever.


 Does anyone have experience with Berners attacking livestock? We've had
 trouble with a beautiful, obedient, sweet, loving one attacking pet llamas
 and sheep.  Have any of you heard of this? We have yet to find a
 failsafe way of keeping him from getting loose on occasion. This is a
 really rare but really awful thing for him to do.  He's absolutely
 wonderful with little children, people of all ages, and cats.

Creatin Levels

2003-04-01 Thread Vicky Whitney
ORIGINAL POST (snipped):
From Kelliher, Christine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
In the beginning of March, I took my two year old female berner Kina to the 
vet for pre-surgery blood work.  The blood work revealed that she had the 
lymes disease antibodies and a high creatin (sp?) level.  When she returned 
on March 27th to be spayed, the vet advised me that the creatin level 
increased again.  I was told this has to do with her kidneys.  She has never 
had any problems holding her urine.  The vet has recommended Science Diet 
K/D and special biscuits.  I've been told this means no special treats such 
as Frosty Paws and peanut butter
flavored dog biscuits.  The vet also assured me this has nothing to do with 
cancer.  Has anyone ever experienced this or can explain this to me?  Any 
information would be appreciated.

My spayed girl had some seriously out-of-wack blood levels (high creatin 
levels included) at 19 months, which my vet diagnosed as severe kidney 
failure.  The high creatin levels indicate that the kidneys are not properly 
filtering toxins from the blood.  I don't believe that would have anything 
to do with a kidney or bladder infection, which WOULD show up as too 
frequent urination and pain.  The nasty thing about kidney disease and/or 
failure is that generally there are NO symptoms until the kidneys have 
gotten so bad that they are barely functioning.  This is usually 
irreversible by this stage, so it's best to catch a problem early -- like 
you and I did.

At the time, my vet also recommended a prescription kibble and medication, 
which she said Maddie would have to be on for the rest of her life.  I chose 
to decline her suggestion and put Maddie on a reduced protein BARF (bones 
and raw foods) diet instead, and a year later her kidney failure was cured.  
(My vet warned me that I would be killing my dog -- she just told me the 
other day that we are her favorite clients, because I am always raising 
questions and issues with her and she's learned a lot through me.  She's 
very impressed with Maddie's health today.)

Proteins and sodiums are difficult for failing kidneys to process.  But in 
addition to reducing the quantity of protein, it's important to provide the 
very best *quality* protein.  And from my research, I believe that is fresh, 
raw meat protein as opposed to highly-processed meat and plant protein 
(kibble).  Given the right tools, the body can heal itself -- so you can 
reserve the more radical treatments for later, if necessary.  I don't want 
to start a nutrition war here, I'm just relating Maddie's experience and 
offer any help I can.  If you'd like more information on what worked for my 
girl, please e-mail me privately.

Good luck -- it sounds like you've caught this early, and with the right 
diet she'll be fine.

Vicky Whitney in Bozeman, Montana

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Histio Fundraiser

2003-04-01 Thread Pat Long Paul Dangel

I heard a disturbing rumor that Joye has free time. I was just shocked!
Joye simply never ever has any free time, so it's undoubtedly not true.
However... if she isn't logging lots of fundraiser tickets, maybe, just
maybe - I have a better chance to win one of the paintings. Once again,
I offer to make the sacrifice in order to save the cost of shipping
either one of them to anyone else. I will magnanimously offer to donate
my cost of shipping them - to the very next fundraiser!

Ain't I just a stinker? VBEG

Pat Long ( Luther)
Berwyn PA

Re: The bulb is gone

2003-04-01 Thread Dino Candelaria
Look harder for baby proofing latches.  I had some that screwed to the inside of
the cabinets.  They don't show and don't deface and actually add value to a rental-the
next renter could have small children or the next potential renter with children might
find the child proof cabinets a selling point. Any way the door opens
part way only just enough to get your fingers in and depress the plastic bar that is
holding it shut. The only potential hazard I can see is that the dog may just try hard 
ruin the cabinets with his nails.


 Radha Iyengar [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/01/03 06:06AM 
Well, Smokey is now lightbulb free.  I will spare
everyone the gory details but needless to say, he is
still the light of my life--but won't be able to
literally light up which all for the best.  

Thanks to everyone on the list.  As I said, I would
not have been able to react as calmly (not that it was
really all that calm) as I did had it not been for all
the wonderful people who emailed me suggestions and
stories about their dogs.  You don't realize just how
much these guys are part of your life until something
like this happens.  Well, we are happy and healthy and
lightbulbs are now going on the TOP SHELF of the

Say does anyone have a good way of dog-proofing their
cubbards. I  know this sounds crazy but Smokey can
open things that don't have latches.  He just keeps
pawing them and eventually they open.  In this way he
has stolen loads of cereal, ripped open a box of raw
pasta (which apparently is the only thing he has ever
tasted that is not worth actually eating), and
finished many a box of dog treats.  I think there are
things that one uses to baby proof but since I rent
right now I can't deface the cabinets or anything--and
so the ones that I saw you have to screw into the
outside of the cabinets wouldn't work.  Any
suggestions would be great.

Thanks again to everyone on the list.  You are
wonderful people.

Radha and Smokey (mom--now that I'm better, I am going
to dig--my friend told me about this place called
China and I hear if you dig a lot you can get there!!!)

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Tax Center - File online, calculators, forms, and more

Karen Martin

2003-04-01 Thread Kim Morrow
If anyone has an email address or phone number for Karen Martin, could you
please contact me privately?  Thanks!

Kim Morrow
Susa Reg'd
Saskatoon, SK

ADMIN: Another Completely Plain Text Digest!

2003-04-01 Thread Pat Long Paul Dangel
All right, you guys are going to spoil me now! That's two - in one week
without a single HTML post! 

THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!! You are the BEST! I know it is a pain to do,
but trust me - it is very much appreciated!!

Arrgghhh, a brag!!

Pat Long ( Luther)
Berwyn PA

[no subject]

2003-04-01 Thread Trina Westbrook

Hi,  Could I please be removed from the mailing list.

Although I LOVE reading about the Berner experiences,  I just dont have that 
kind of time to read!

Thanks very much!


Help STOP SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*

Re: BERNER-L digest 4349

2003-04-01 Thread Kathy Boyce
Forgot two things. Jeff was called last night from the play house to be in
My Fair Lady and Send me no flowers. So, now he'll be gone most nights for
for the next several months. Also Dr. A's favorite borzoi (Jordan) died  o f
cancer on monday. We're going to lunch thurs. She was the same age as
- Original Message -
From: Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 5:41 PM
Subject: BERNER-L digest 4349

 BERNER-L Digest 4349

 Topics covered in this issue include:

   1) Re: At what age...?
 by _Adam Conn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   2) Re: Creatin Levels
 by Margareta Strand [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   3) Re: re tail safe/lovely words
 by Margareta Strand [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   4) re:coffee table tails
 by Emma Goodall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   5) Pacific Grove Parade
 by Lary Lawson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   6) colourproblem in berners
 by Margareta Strand [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   7) Re: attacks on livestock
 by Liz Bradbury [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   8) RE: Housebreaking Help
 by Rose Tierney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   9) Re: attacks on livestock
  10) re: tails
  11) Tails and berner moving
 by Simone de Lima [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  12) Re: Berner tails-- deadly weapons
 by Radha Iyengar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  13) The bulb is gone
 by Radha Iyengar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  14) Re: colourproblem in berners
 by Liz Bradbury [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  15) Tail safe
 by Wendi Giordano [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  16) Tail wagging
  17) whole dog journal past issues
 by Andrea Brin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  18) Re:Garden designs
 by Anne Gribbon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  19) the digging thing
 by Ellen Lauber [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  20) Arts  Crafts
  21) re:coffee table tails
  22) 2003 Entries Close THIS Wednesday
 by Lynne Hawkinson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  23) Joint pain meds
 by Julie Toft [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  24) tables
 by Julie Toft [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  25) Hot Question
 by Lynne Robinson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  26) Re:  Berner tails -- deadly weapons
 by Laura McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  27) Griffin: bad news and good news
 by =?iso-8859-1?Q?Cecilia_St=E5hl?= [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  28) Re: To make your house BMD tail-safe!
 by Burlile\\MemoriesBMDs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  29) BMDCA annual dues
 by lbfarley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  30) Ang: Griffin: bad news and good news
  31) Systemic Reactive Histiocytosis
  32) FW: Systemic Reactive Histiocytosis
 by Margareta Strand [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  33) Amy Kessler, baby gift!
 by jean cheesman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  34) digging dogs
 by Margareta Strand [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  35) RE: BMDCA annual dues - Foreign Cheques
 by Pat Long  Paul Dangel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  36) Longlease Updates
 by jean cheesman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  37) Hiking with Berner puppies
 by Linda DeHarak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  38) Re: attacks on livestock
 by Michaela Simmons [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  39) Creatin Levels
 by Vicky Whitney [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Tail safe

2003-04-01 Thread CEastley
We have a new command.

One of my human kids was sitting in a low chair with a glass of soft drink,
when I suddenly heard her say Coffee.  I turned around in time to see a
tail thumping nose bumping Berner suddenly stop dead in its tracks.
I guess coffee has a much more gutteral sound than wine which makes it
more effective. Many precious things at our house are now called coffee.

Carol Eastley

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Re: colourproblem in berners

2003-04-01 Thread jean cheesman
Mostly in the Winter my Bernese are Tri-Coloured,

Black, Tan and Pink!

We have heavy red clay in this area and it stains the white bits.

In the Summer this goes away naturally with a lot of brushing.

Refer to earlier mail here, I am combing my three outside now!

Hair floats away, actually pretty windy at the moment! Birds do come and
collect the hair for nest building, have yet to observe crow picking out the
white fluff!

All love,

Jean, Sunny, Simmy, Barney and the Gang

Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Victoria, Australia

2003-04-01 Thread dawsonl
Hi Everyone,
the BMDCV is having it's second ever champ show in May. Last year when we had our 
first one (and discovered how much work was involved!) some kind individuals and clubs 
donated some items as prizes and raffle items.
If anyone is able to make a donation this year, I will be attending the Speciality at 
Long beach on the last two days (SatSun) and would be able to take items back in my 
luggage and save on postage. Looking forward to meeting you all there.
Lynette Dawson
Vice President

Re: ADMIN: Another Completely Plain Text Digest!

2003-04-01 Thread L. Montoya
Um , maybe you could make your error crew the recipient of your brag money
In the form of a nice bottle of champagne ??? Just a thought
blink , blink

Laurie Montoya  (proud member of the volunteer berner-l error crew)
ps , thank you all for making our esteemed leader so happy :-)))
(a little groveling goes a long way)

 All right, you guys are going to spoil me now! That's two - in one week
 without a single HTML post!

 THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!! You are the BEST! I know it is a pain to do,
 but trust me - it is very much appreciated!!

 Arrgghhh, a brag!!

 Pat Long ( Luther)
 Berwyn PA

Look,my beautiful girl friend

2003-04-01 Thread kekes
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seizure like episodes

2003-04-01 Thread Annette Tucker
For those of you who remember Boone's health problems, he continues to
baffle his regular vet and his neurologist at the vet school...

Has anyone had experience with seizure-like episodes that really aren't

Boone's neurologist is starting to doubt that he is having seizures.  He
used to have what we called a seizure about every 1 1/2 months.  Since the
end of February he is all of the sudden having much more - 6 in 7 weeks.  He
has been on Phenobarbital for 2 weeks and has had two episodes since being
on it (although he is on a low dosage).  The main reason we are wondering if
his episodes are seizures is because he ONLY has them when he is excited
about something (I read somewhere that seizures usually occur when the dog
is at rest).  In addition, the last episode he had, I was playing with
him, he started breathing funny, swaying back and forth.  I caught him and
helped him to the ground and then he whimpered a little and it was over in a
total of about 10 seconds and he was fine.  Usually he starts howling after
he falls over (lasts about 30 seconds total) but it was almost like I was
able to calm him down and stop the episode.  There has been no evidence of
heart problems or low blood sugar, but we are considering testing him
further.  I have a theory that maybe it all has something to do with his
cervical disk compression that was fixed a year ago in May.  The neurologist
says that it could still be unsteady and causing problems, but could
pressure on his spine in his neck cause such episodes?  How about pain?
Any other ideas I should bring up with the vets?

My second question is about the medicine Gabapentin.  Has anyone used this
on their dogs before?  For what reasons? Did it help?  This is an idea the
neurologist has, but she brought that up before we started doubting he is
actually having seizures. Supposedly it works to prevent seizures, but also
helps get rid of pain when other pain meds don't tend to work.  But it costs

Once again any advice/suggestions are welcome!  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks so much!
Annette Tucker and our beloved Boone (5 1/2) whose been struggling with
these neurological problems for almost 2 years now
Raleigh, NC

Nicco Pics - 6 weeks to 8 months

2003-04-01 Thread Cindy Reid
Dear List,

I have finally gotten around to uploading some recent pictures of Nicco to
his webshots photo page.  Can't believe that cute lil' pup is almost 9
months old now!!  His webpage has photos from six weeks to 8 months -  How
fast they grow!  Just click the link below.

Nicco is a funny, happy pup and loves everybody.  His is just getting over a
bout of pano and we are back to taking our long walks down to the river in
back of our home.  Well, husband Dan and Nicco are walking down to the
river...I am recovering from knee surgery and should be able to keep up with
them in another week or so.

Berner puppies grow so fast...into such beautiful dogs :)

Cindy Reid
 and Maine's Lake Country Nicco
Corning, NY

Happy Birthday Mutzi!

2003-04-01 Thread kdeyo
Hapi Mtn is celebrating Mutzi-Man's EIGHTH birthday today!  Mutzi was born
April 1, 1995 in Switzerland and came to us at four months old.  He lived
in Minnesota with his co-owner, Debby Hendrickson, for a short while
before coming to live with us in Idaho.  Mutzi gives new meaning to a dog
with his own agenda, but has mellowed into a fine gentleman, ready to
please, devoted, healthy  happy, sound in body  mind, and a real
sweetheart to the girls (he LOVES the girls)!  He's certainly proud of his
kids, too!  Many more birthdays, Mutzi!  We celebrate you! (Ch Mutz V
~ Kathy M. Deyo  the Hapi Mtn kids in Orofino, Idaho (PARTY TIME!!!)

re:coffee table tails

2003-04-01 Thread Lucy Yogi
Oh Anne, I was going to write to the list that I think THIS is why gay 
tails are a fault!!!  grin  Nothing to do with structure or appearance...

Tucker, my big tall boy with a high gay waggy tail, recently walked by the 
kitchen table when it had a tray of paint on it (I was doing the ceiling) 
-- by the time I noticed, I had swish marks three feet high down the hall 
and into a dark blue bedroom!

That tail sure is a great fan in the summer though!
P.S. The solution to your dogs' tails spilling coffee table drinks is 
simple - drink only white wine - the stain doesn't show, and the more you 
drink the less it all matters.  grin

At 10:08 AM 01/04/2003 -0500, you wrote:
My male is big and tall and has quite a gay tail.
When he walks by the dinner table wagging, there's no telling what you're 
going to find in his tail (or your dinner)...spaghetti sauce, pieces of 
rice, pasta--whatever he can sweep up sticks pretty well to that velcro tail.

Q: Bernese in Australia

2003-04-01 Thread Canine-Corner
A distant relative who resides in Australia is seeking a Berner, possibly...
(Are there quarentine laws to bring a dog into Australia from the U.S.?) ;
and can someone send me the Australian Bernese club contacts (if there is
one) and webpages and other information that may assist an individual in
seeking information about this breed in Australia.

If you can respond to me privately it would be greatly appreciated!
thanks so much!.
Rebecca Kent

~Rebecca (owned by Bernese since 1989)
Canine-Corner from hair to heel
Grooming  Training
CC Bernese
Red Hook, NY


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