Re: Your application

2003-08-22 Thread aprilr
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indoor games

2003-08-22 Thread Lori Simidian
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OT: Microsoft

2003-08-22 Thread Patricia Tackett
Folks with Microsoft windows may want to check this

Pat Tackett

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Decker dog

2003-08-22 Thread Sweattees
I am heartbroken to report that this week Decker's MS progressed to the point 
where he could no longer walk, we helped him to the rainbow bridge this 
morning.  He would be 9 on Sept. 2nd.
Patt Wiegand

A small thing to do to fight puppy mills

2003-08-22 Thread S. Walquist and J. Patenaude
Dear Berner list--Please take a few minutes to
copy,paste, and sign (or make up your own)the below
email and send to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Please send it
off to any other animal lovers, and have them submit
to NBC.  For more puppy mill information and 15 things
you can do, go to  This is one of the 15
Stephanie Walquist
Temple, NH

Dear Mr. Rose,

Would you please consider re-running your excellent
expose of puppy mills, "A Dog's Life," in the very
near future?  Puppy mills mass-produce puppies with no
thought of the present or future health and happiness
of dogs.  Their only concern is profit.  Very few
people understand the connection between puppy mills
and pet stores.  Your journalism can go a long way to
educating the public and revealing this terrible
secret of the pet industry. 

Those of us who volunteer in animal shelters see the
terrible suffering of unwanted and neglected pets,
many of whom were bred by unscrupulous puppy mills and
then purchased on impulse, sometimes even given as
gifts rather than being specifically chosen by their
new human guardians. If you re-run "A Dog's Life", Mr.
Rose, you could personally greatly reduce the number
of these innocent and helpless
creatures that are purchased as gifts from pet shops
and a few months later end up in our over-crowded and
disease-ridden "shelters." You could prevent so much
suffering. Those of us in the shelters would be
immensely grateful.

Very Sincerely,

Stephanie Walquist

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Red Eyes

2003-08-22 Thread Vicky Whitney
Mike, my first Berner developed red, irritated eyes soon after we got her at 
8 weeks.  It was diagnosed as conjunctivitis and treated unsuccessfully with 
a succession of prescription ointments, herbal washes, etc., all with no 
success.  Two different vets were treating this.  It got a little worse in 
her left eye, where she was "tearing" and blinking continuously.  I finally 
had her seen by a veterinarian opthalmologist, who diagnosed entropion in 
that one eye.  Temporary tacking to train the eyelid didn't work, and 
several months later (giving her time to hopefully grow out of the problem 
as it was not serious enough to affect her cornea) the vet opthalmologist 
did corrective surgery.  I couldn't stand her being uncomfortable any 
longer, or taking a chance on her injuring her eyeball.  The surgery worked, 
and she's been fine ever since -- he did a beautiful job.  (IMHO, there is 
an "art" to this type of surgery and I wouldn't want to take a chance on an 
inexperienced or general vet doing it.)

I understand that ectropion, where the eyelids are "outwardly" loose can 
also cause irritation, as dust and pollens can easily get in under the 
eyelids that way.  Anyway, my advice is to have your puppy checked out by a 
certified veterinarian opthalmologist if other standard remedies are not 
working.  The one I used lives 800 miles away (Denver) and comes through 
Montana twice a year (we had the surgery done in his office in Denver, 

Good luck, and give your boy a big hug!
Vicky Whitney in Bozeman, Montana
My BMD pup of 7 months has been having red eyes with yellowish
discharge for a couple weeks. My vet hasn't been able to find anything wrong
with Rufus; no parasites, no other symptoms of bad health. He's on Hill's
i/d for a sensitive stomach. Aside from a possible allergy does anyone have
an idea what would cause an otherwise healthy pup to have red, discharging
Mike Gonzales
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using MSN Messenger

RE: Red eyes

2003-08-22 Thread Rose Tierney
Hi Mike,
If the discharge is yellow then puppy has an infection and should be
treated with a topical eye ointment. Your vet can check the corneal surface
for abrasion and if clear give you a corticosteroid type ointment that will
alleviate the discomfort while helping with the infection. If puppy has
loose fitting eyelids check that they are not rolling inwards and
irritating the eyeball itself. Seasonal allergies especially high pollen
times or pollution can cause eye soreness, if you are in the country with
harvesting going on or lots of trees around then it may be pollen. Check
the products you use in the home and garden and limit those with added
perfumes. These chemically enhanced plug in air freshners or aerosol sprays
are not good for sensitive tissue like the inside of the eyelids or lungs
etc. Does anyone smoke in the house? Review your environment, have carpets
been cleaned lately, local yards sprayed for weeds, new perfumes etc.

If your dog's eyes are not improving then it is essential to consult with
an opthamologist to determine if there is a physical reason. Any problems
with itchy skin, yeasty ears, chewing feet? Review your dog's diet if the
opthamologist cannot identify a specific eye condition.

All the best and let us know what progresses. Conjunctivitis must be

Rose T.