Re: mouthy puppy

2003-08-03 Thread Dave or Stephanie
Hi Brandon,
This is going to sound silly and I felt very silly doing it when my girl
used to be a little biting monster but it really works.  When she bites you,
let out a loud yip like a littermate would do if she bit them to hard and
stop playing with her.  Eventually she will hopefully get the hint that she
is doing something wrong when she bites you too hard.  I'm sure that others
on the list will give you some other great ideas to try also.  This is just
what worked well for my girl.
Good luck!
Stephanie Heeter and Brina
N. Edwards, CA
- Original Message -
From: "Brandon Diem" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, August 01, 2003 3:07 PM
Subject: mouthy puppy

> I have a 8 week old Berner pup and for the past week she has become
> increasingly more mouthy. My arms, hands, toes, pant legs and any other
> nearby close appendage or article of clothing has to be in her mouth and
> squeezed hard with those little razor teeth. My wife and I have
> placed chew toys in her bear trap for a mouth when ever she begins this
> behaviour but she is only fooled by the decoy for a few moments before she
> wages her next assult. I have adopted the habit of spraying down my sweet
> flesh with bitter apple spray before a session with my monster. This seems
> to keep her actions at bay until the potency subsides, generally after 2
> minutes.
> I do realize she is just a little pup and she really is a sweetheart when
> not in attack mode, but I am wondering if anyone has had success with
> correcting this behavior. Ignoring the problem has just made her squeeze
> chompers harder. I have 2-3 more weeks before her final shots, which
> translate to 2-3 more weeks before she begins obedience training and
> playdates (battle sessions)with other dogs.
> Thanks,
> Brandon
> _
> The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*

Re: diahrria

2003-06-11 Thread Dave or Stephanie
Hi Terry,
We once had a dog who would get diarrhea every time we gave him anything
with milk in it.  Even milk bones. So maybe it is the cheese.  Take care.
Stephanie Heeter and Brina
So. California
- Original Message -
From: "Terry & Cathy Bering" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Berner-l" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 1:30 PM
Subject: diahrria

> Members,
> My pup is nine months old. She seems to have diahrria often, up to once or
twice per week,. A few times the diahrria was very serious. I know she has
gotten hold of some things from outside. She is at the stage where she tries
to pick up anything when we walk.  She is usually good about 'dropping it'
but a few items she chewed quickly and swallowed it, maybe something dead,
it was hard to tell.
> I now have her in the witness protection program the past week and changed
her diet from raw meat, a slice of cheese cut up and dry dog food to.
dry dog food, brown rice and sometimes cheese. She is not happy about it but
it seems to be working. Does cheese or raw meat cause diahrria. We use good
doog food, Innova. We sometime let her have a bull stick after discontinuing
raw hides. Can bull sticks cause it? Terry Bering

National Specialty

2003-02-22 Thread Dave or Stephanie
Hi everyone
I'm soo disappointed.  I was sooo excited about the national specialty being
so close and really looking forward to going.  Well I got my clinical
rotation schedule for school and My rotations will be lecture on Friday,
clinic on Saturday and Sunday during the month of the specialty :-(.  So my
question is how many of you will be there on the other days of the week?
I've never been to a specialty and I don't know how many people come for all
of the days.

Stephanie Heeter and Brina
N. Edwards, CA

call names

2003-02-18 Thread Dave or Stephanie
Brina (Sunshine Brina's Out To Romp) was origionally going to be named
Sofie, but then a friend of ours had a baby girl and named her Sofie so we
chose Brina instead.  I wanted her registered name to resemble her mothers
name (Sunshine's Mt Shasta Born To Fly).  And because I wanted to show her I
liked out to romp because it could either mean out to play or out to win

Stephanie Heeter and Brina
N. Edwards, CA

Re: show etiquette

2003-02-16 Thread Dave or Stephanie
Hi Rhona,
The best thing to do is to always ask first if you can pet the dog.  I never
minded people petting Brina at the show.  If she was going to win I would
hope that it would be based more on structure and movement than on every
hair being in the right place :-).  Besides that it made showing more
enjoyable for Brina.  Most of the people showing at the benched shows know
going in to it that people are going to want to pet their dogs and ask
questions.  So just ask, the most that can happen is that they say noand
I bet you'll get a few go aheads also!  Usually the people are a lot more
relaxed and in a better social state of mind after their ring time.  Before
that it is a more stressfull time.  Please keep in mind that this is just my
opinion and I always went to the shows with the attitude that if I won,
great, if I didn't it was good practice.  That way I was never stressed(very
nervous though :-) !!).
- Original Message -
From: "Rhona Vantine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 1:30 AM
Subject: show etiquette

> I attended Crufts Dog Show last year and loved it!  I
> hope to go again this year.  My question is, what is
> the proper etiquette when you go to these shows.
> Someone mentioned recently that at a big show its
> probably not the best of times to bounce up to a
> handler and start asking questions.I desperately
> wanted to touch all those beautiful benched berners
> but wasnt sure if I should.  The handlers all seemed
> to be grouped and chatting.
> I can count on one hand the amount of dog shows Ive
> been able to attend but at one in San Antonio, Texas I
> touched a Golden Retriever and the handler asked me to
> please not touch the dog.  I felt really bad.
> Rhona and Louis
> In The Netherlands
> __
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Shopping - Send Flowers for Valentine's Day

Re: Czara

2003-01-12 Thread Dave or Stephanie
I'm so sorry to hear of your pain.  It is so hard to loose a good friend
when it comes so quickly.  Just know in your heart that you made the right
decision.  IMO it's not right to keep a dog alive longer for yourself if
they are going to be in pain.  They give so much love so freely that I think
it's our responsibility to keep them from pain if possible.  I hope you find
comfort soon.
Stephanie Heeter and Brina
- Original Message -
From: "Gargušová Terézia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, January 11, 2003 2:04 AM
Subject: Czara

> Hello all,
> With a great  grief in my hearth I am writing to you that I loosed my
> beloved Czara.
> She looked so healthy with no problems till last week. I never thought
> she will go so early and so quickly. She was just a week before her 8-th
> birthday.
> She was so exceptional for me and I will never forgett her. If there is a
> dog heaven above us, I am sure that she is sitting there, wagging her tail
> and sending her typically smiles to me saying: Please do not cry Terezia,
> was the best what you was able to do for me and for you also.
> Her problems started on 30.12. evening. She got a big pain in her abdomen
> area. It continued next day therefore we went to vet hospital. I thought
> that she eated something wrong.
> Sorrow the x-ray and following ultrasound showed the big masse in her
> abdomen what pressed the surrouding organs and caused the pain.
> The vet ordered us on this Tuesday for next examination.  On Tuesday we
> to hospital again. Czara felt much better, eated normally, no signs of
> problems.
> The vets took her urine and her blood for tests and we did ultrasound
> The masse was covering the left size of abdomen, her right kidney looked
> be destroyed and affected.
> I was very surpriced. Czara was spayed in Jule with ovario-hysterectomy.
> There was no problem with she and no tumor in her abdomen. So it must grew
> very quickly, there was nothing five months ago. We decided to operate her
> just in this day and remove this masse. Czara went to opeation room and we
> waited. About a one hour later the vet come to me saying that he is very
> sorry but the tumor is not removable. It is very big and full of blood,
> going cross her veins. Under his opinion Czara has no chance to live more
> than a few weeks and in a pain.
> I had no time, Czara was on the table and the vets waited for my decision.
> agreed with euthanasion.
> I hope that it was the right decision
> The vet opinion is that it was hemangiosarcom, but they sent sample for
> examination to be sure in this diagnose.
> I miss her very much...
> Int. Czara z Gemerskej Polomy
> 13.01.1995 - 07.01.2003
> Terezia
> Terezia Gargusova
> bernese from Gemerska Poloma
> Slovakia

x-ray question

2003-01-10 Thread Dave or Stephanie
sorry to have to repost this.  I forgot to switch to plain text.  I was
wondering if there were any breeders who had their dogs knees x-rayed for
problems.  I was wondering because I had a shepherd once who started
favoring his right rear leg.  He had been x-rayed before when he was younger
and his hips were good but since he was getting older I had them x-rayed
again to make sure.  The vet said that his hips were in good condition but
his knees were the problem.  Is this an x-ray that is just not done often
like the elbows used to be or is this just not a common problem?  I've often
thought about having Brina's knees x-rayed just because her hips were rated
excellent by GDC but every once in a while her rear movement will just seem
"off". Who knows, maybe it's just a stiff muscle!
Stephanie Heeter and Brina

question about xrays

2003-01-09 Thread Dave or Stephanie
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Re: dremel question

2002-12-30 Thread Dave or Stephanie
Thanks Teresa That was a great web site!  I've been thinking about using a
dremel but wasn't sure how to do it!
Stephanie Heeter and Brina
- Original Message -
From: "Teresa Dominguez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Berner-L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 29, 2002 11:11 AM
Subject: Re: dremel question

> Use the sanding bands, kinda like an emery board .. the grinding stones
> too hot and use the low speed.
> Here is a great site on dremeling dog nails, great detail with pictures.
> Teresa, Patriot and Romeo
> - Original Message -
> From: "Andrea Brin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > woofit and chi now have a dremel. it is cordless and has two speeds. it
> > comes with a collet on it and some accessories. can you use the collet
> > alone? what should we ideally use for their nails. this is a lot more
> > complicated than i thought it would be. their groomer just grinds!

Brina the tickler

2002-12-29 Thread Dave or Stephanie
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Re: low lying pillows, newspapers, and magazines are in danger!

2002-12-29 Thread Dave or Stephanie
Hi Greg
My Brina girl, who is four, will still chew things up in the house if she is
left in too long with out a potty break.  It's like she gets stressed
because she has to go and doesn't want to go in the house so she chews
something to relieve the stress.  We try to make sure that if we are going
to be gone for quite a few hours that someone can come and let our dogs out
to go due their business.  Maybe your boy needs someone to let him out for a
walk or a potty  break while your at work.  Good luck with him!!
Stephanie Heeter and Brina
- Original Message -
From: "Bonawitz, Greg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 27, 2002 5:55 AM
Subject: low lying pillows, newspapers, and magazines are in danger!

> I have a 16 month old male Berner who has suddenly developed a bad habit.
> My wife and I both work, and for months Chester "behaved himself"
> while we were gone (we pretty much give him free reign in the house).  In
> the past few weeks, all of a sudden, if there are any newspapers or
> magazines lying on the coffee table (in our family room, which due to it's
> size we can't close off), we come home to find that he's shredded them
> better than an Enron employee.  He seems to know that it's bad since as
> as we open the door and see it, he takes off.  I've tried taking him over
> the shredded papers and telling him "no" as well as taking him to [OK]
> papers lying on the table and telling him "no", but it does no good.  We
> leave no papers on the coffee table, but he then goes after the pillows on
> the sofa (smart little bastard!).
> I would really prefer not to crate him all day, especially since he was so
> good for ~ 8 months of this (and day care was too expensive).  However,
> family room has lost it's comfort with all of the pillows now stored up on
> top of the sofa backs and no reading material on the coffee table while
> we're gone.  We have bones lying there for him to play with, which he does
> do sometimes, but I don't know if he gets bored with it or what.  Any
> suggestions as to what I can try doing?
> Thanks
> - Greg

Re: berner pup or baby - which should come first???

2002-12-08 Thread Dave or Stephanie
I had two adult dogs when I had my first child.  A German shepherd(who was
my guide dog puppy who did not pass the program...was too obedient..would
not do the intelligent disobedience to keep the person from getting run over
by a told him to go he was or not :-) ).  He was
completely trust worthy with kids as he had been extremely well socialized
with all types of people and situations.  We also had a Aussie mix who was
just lovable to everyone, didn't have a mean bone in his body.  We got our
rescue golden when she was about 10 months old and our second(and last)
child was about six months old (They are now BEST buddies).  Our Aussie mix
got out on the fourth of July (We had the dogs in the house and had I just
let them out for a second for a last pee before we went to bed and he split)
we searched and searched and the next day when I was out putting up flyers
we got a call from the vet.  He had been hit by a car :-(.  We got
Brina(BMD) when my kids were 2 1/2 and 1.  She is wonderful with the kids
and loves to hang out with them when they play outside.  I feel very secure
about my childrens safety when the dogs are with them.  I have no doubt that
they would lay their lives down to protect our children.  I think children
and dogs are a wonderful mix IF the temperment of the dog is right and you
train each of them to respect the other one.  I have the cutest picture of
our son, Billy, and Brina sleeping together under the kitchen table.  He
just crawled under there with her and fell asleep on her tummy!
Stephanie Heeter and Brina

Re: Berners & Horses

2002-11-26 Thread Dave or Stephanie
A Welsh pony and Arabian cross whose living the life of retirement at the
age of 31...riding style used to be hang on if you canshe lived up to
her name of Spirit! She LOVED to run. Hates all other dogs except mine!  She
will even run back and forth at the fence with my dogs if there is a stray
running behind the fence!
Stephanie Heeter and Brina
- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 7:06 AM
Subject: Berners & Horses

> As I was drooling over Ray and Pat's puppies I began to wonder how many
Berner folks were also horse people?  How about a new poll? Name your horse
and riding style-
> *We have a morgan/standardbred cross for English pleasure who loves 16
month old berner boy Augustus

Re: Berner home needed

2002-11-23 Thread Dave or Stephanie
I know this post is old,  I don't have a chance to read my e-mails often,
but I hope somebody has taken this poor old guy in.  He sounds like he could
really use some loving right now.  I hope everything turns out alright for
Stephanie Heeter and Brina
- Original Message -
From: "paula" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 18, 2002 1:57 PM
Subject: Berner home needed

> I'm trying to help a friend place an older Berner boy.  His owner (her
> sister) is dying, is in a nursing facility and Sam is currently being
> boarded at a vet clinic.  None of the family involved is able to take
> Sam and his situation is adding to their already substantial stress.
> Sam is 12 years old, arthritic and has recently been ill with vomiting.
> The vomiting has since stopped and I believe the vet thinks it was
> stress related, however tests have been done to rule out stomach cancer
> and I'm not sure what else.  The vet could probably answer these
> questions. Sam takes 2 meds for arthritic sorts of things and Ecogesic
> which stopped the vomiting.
> He is used to city life with a "single" parent, but takes happily to
> whomever has been assigned to walk him.  He's very easygoing, but has
> been overindulged.  He is not USED to living with children, but they
> love him, and there has never been a problem.  As you must know, small
> children immediately try to ride him.
> He has no experience living with other dogs or with cats.  He plays at
> the
> dog park with other dogs very well.  He's a friendly, affectionate,
> lovey dog, who has not received his share of loving for months now,
> since his owner has been so very sick.  They adore him at the vet's.
> Sam is currently in the Washington, D. C. area, but the family is
> willing to help relocate him to the right home.  He comes with all the
> dog stuff (beds, leashes, dishes, assorted odds and ends) he will need
> as well as cash to help pay for any future medication and/or veterinary
> care.
> If you, or anyone you know, could provide a retirement home for Sam,
> please let me know and I will put you in touch directly with his owner's
> sister.
> Thanks.
> Paula Whiting