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2003-08-14 Thread Denise Birse
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2003-07-15 Thread Denise Birse
Has anyone heard of a judge by the name of Mrs. D. Welsh.  I don't know
where she is from, and I'm sorry but all I have is her name.
Any information would be appreciated.
Denise Birse
Anderlea Bernese
Kitchener, Ontario.
In fond memory of those who have gone before me, but who will never be
Jade 1992-2001, Misty 1987-2001, Lance 1991-2002


2003-06-16 Thread Ed and Denise z


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2003-06-16 Thread Ed and Denise z
Did i read the prices correctly one hundred and ten dollars for a dog 
collar!  I hope its made out of gold by some swiss elves!!!

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Re: [Fwd: Invisable Fencing]

2003-03-14 Thread Denise Vickers
When I lived in a development I used IF on my Mel who was attacked by a 
stray Rhodesian Ridgeback that walked thru the IF.  This stray, 
purebread dog, lived eight miles away in a different city!  I do not 
denounce IF but, if someone has no other alternative but to install an 
IF, then they deffinately should hear the bad bad xperiences as well as 
the good.  I am simply stating my experiences so that others can make a 
well informed determination on which type of fencing is best for their 
- Denise
Michigan USA

Nancy wrote:

RE: Invisable Fencing
"Nancy Melone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fri, 14 Mar 2003 10:11:49 -0800
"Denise Vickers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Denise --
In many cases, the problem when people inquire about IF is that they are not
allowed to erect a physical fence without violating their housing plan
rules. This problem is becoming more prevalent and so people are searching
for information on alternative ways to protect their dogs from auto injury
and roaming off premise in their neighborhoods.  I live in such a
neighborhood -- my neighbors contain their dogs, so there is virtually no
problem with outside dogs roaming into our yards (it is against the law
anyway, so our development can easily enforce this should someone be a bit
lax -- a reminder letter usually does it).  In addition, many people have IF
signs posted in the yard indicating that an IF is present. There are ways of
handling the situations that you describe and still use IF.  What typically
dictates how one handles containing one's dog (physical fencing or in-ground
wire) are the constraints the individuals faces in their specific living
environment.  I have done both and can tell you that both options involve
significant outlays of money when you are fencing multiple acres.
Nancy Melone
-----Original Message-
From: Denise Vickers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 3:58 PM
To: Berner List
Subject: Invisable Fencing

Regarding invisible fencing.  I do not have one, I have a physical
fence.  I have almost 3 acres fenced  - yes it is expensive and there is
maintenance, but I have piece of mind.  Friends visit often bringing
their dogs over for a run off leach in a large, safe, fenced area.  They
could not do this if I had a invisible fence for they would have to
train their dog on my invisible fence line with a shock collar - or keep
it leached up.   I baby-sit my sisters and my parents dogs and no dogs
have ever escaped.  My neighbors dogs who wander often can only pick a
fight through the fence.  An invisible fence can be deceiving to
children, the postman and responsible adults.  Most don't realize they
are in or near an invisible fence area until it is too late.  Not all
dogs like children or adults for that matter, and not all people are
comfortable with dogs - especially unleashed dogs.  Have you ever walked
through a neighborhood on a quite evening and had the poop scared out of
you when a barking, unleashed dog rushed the sidewalk only to stop four
feet from you for no apparent reason.  Granted no harm was done but the
two year old in the stroller cried for several more blocks.
Michigan, USA

Invisable Fencing

2003-03-13 Thread Denise Vickers
Regarding invisible fencing.  I do not have one, I have a physical 
fence.  I have almost 3 acres fenced  - yes it is expensive and there is 
maintenance, but I have piece of mind.  Friends visit often bringing 
their dogs over for a run off leach in a large, safe, fenced area.  They 
could not do this if I had a invisible fence for they would have to 
train their dog on my invisible fence line with a shock collar - or keep 
it leached up.   I baby-sit my sisters and my parents dogs and no dogs 
have ever escaped.  My neighbors dogs who wander often can only pick a 
fight through the fence.  An invisible fence can be deceiving to 
children, the postman and responsible adults.  Most don't realize they 
are in or near an invisible fence area until it is too late.  Not all 
dogs like children or adults for that matter, and not all people are 
comfortable with dogs - especially unleashed dogs.  Have you ever walked 
through a neighborhood on a quite evening and had the poop scared out of 
you when a barking, unleashed dog rushed the sidewalk only to stop four 
feet from you for no apparent reason.  Granted no harm was done but the 
two year old in the stroller cried for several more blocks.

Michigan, USA

Re Being A Breeder Topic

2003-03-11 Thread McGuinness, Denise
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Protection Dog or Not? Story

2003-03-05 Thread Denise Vickers
Tami,  These dogs make me laugh everyday.  Here's a story that my 
neighbor will never live down.

My nearest neighbors, the Beardslees, are five acres away.  He and his 
wife are in their eighties and we are extremely blessed to have them as 
neighbors.  Anyhow, another neighbor, Bob, ten acres across the way, was 
visiting the Beardslees for lunch one afternoon when he saw a 'bear' run 
across the Beardslees front pasture.  Bob cried out to Mr. Beardslee, 
"Wendell, there's a bear running through your front pasture!"  Mr. 
Beardslee glanced out the window and replied, in his laid back country 
manner, "Oh, no, that's not a bear Bob, that's the Vickers dog, 
Bueford."  Well, Mrs. B immediately pickup up the phone to call out an 
APB while, Bob, realizing this "bear" was the neighbors treasured pet 
dog, grabbed his coat and quickly raced out to fetch the poor lost 
creature.   Now then my Bueford is not quite two years old (no brain 
yet) and when he sees anyone jumping around calling to him he 
immediately thinks, A; they want to play, or B; they have food.  He's 
large - 120lbs, 28" tall - sweet and goofy.  Be that as it may, any 
berner looks small when he's 300 ft out in a fourty acres pasture, but 
when he comes running at you full speed,  the word 'steamroller' comes 
to mind.   Bob made a split second decision, turned and darted  inside 
choosing life over neighborliness.  A sensible decision I entirely 
understand.  I came along shortly to apprehend the escapee and found Mr. 
B outside feeding Bueford treats and Bob inside shaking his head and 
muttering something along the lines of   . . . don't look like any dog 
I've ever seen.

I know that presently my Bueford has no backbone and wouldn't hurt a 
bug.  He leaves the guard dog duties to his older brother, who is slowly 
teaching him the ropes.  I am accustom to his size, strength and 
boisterous manner - this is the "bear" I snuggle in bed with every 
morning.  I am bewildered by others initial anxious reactions to my boy, 
but I suppose it is justifiable.  When I see my boy standing alert in 
the field, tail up, head held high, stance perfect (why can't you do 
that at a show) I admire his beauty, his lines and his character.  He 
will someday soon be gaurdian of the farm, but today we must play.

Later the next day Bob stopped by with his wife to show her the "bear" 
that almost  . . . .

-Denise Wertsch-Vickers
Michigan, USA
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog.  You are his 
life, his love, his leader.  He will be yours, faithful and true, to the 
last beat of this heart.  You owe it to him to be worthy of such 

Berner hair/sheddin/reducing the amount

2003-03-04 Thread Ed and Denise z
We have two wonderful berners.  My wonderful wife vac's once a day and wet 
mops the floor at least once a day.  Along with going to the groomers every 
3-6 weeks has greatly reduced the berner hair in our home.  I do notice that 
two days proceding a bath they lose alot of hair(tons).  We therefore try to 
keep them in the outside kennel the day or two after bathing.  Regular 
bathing using a sheding blade and brushing the opposite way does wonders.  


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I too have a Berner who has had diet

2003-03-03 Thread Denise Vickers
 Hi Diana,
How is Fidelios doing?  I hope all is well.  I've been out of the loop 
lately - my computer was down for a week - so I haven't been reading the 
'L'.  Have you learned any more from Fidelios recent tests?  
How is the new diet working?   This past weekend I cooked up the weekly 
meal paks and baked treats for the dogs.  At the time I was blanching 
all the veggies for the dogs, I was also making stuffed mushrooms for 
human dinner.  Well I threw the mushroom steams in the dogs pot instead 
of the trash, and because I was running out of room on the stove top, I 
also tossed into the pot BooBoo the dogs chicken breasts.  Apparently 
this mixture looked quite tasty because the next thing I knew my husband 
is helping himself to a bowl full!   I calmly stated to him, "honey, 
that's the dogs dinner, yours is in the oven".  And as all dogs sat 
drooling with anticipation - he ate it any ways.   Later though, when I 
was baking the liver biscuits, he got so sick to his stomach from the 
smell of liver that he actually took the dogs for a walk - in freezing 
temperatures - just to get out of the house!  At least I know he won't 
be eating the dogs biscuits!

-Denise with
BooBoo the Dog
The BlackCat, The GrayCat and Jimmy

Berner vs Golden

2003-02-28 Thread Denise Rasmussen

Just wanted to take a minute to thank the many that responded to my post 
regarding Berners vs Goldens. It was very enlightening to hear so many 
different opinions..from the casual pet owner to the respected breeder! I 
had some recommended readings given to me, I placed an Amazon order right 
away! I thank all of you for your input, we will continue to do our research 
before we make a decision...hopefully sometime this summer/fall. I will 
continue to listen and learn from all of you.

Thanks, Denise

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Berner vs Golden

2003-02-23 Thread Denise Rasmussen
I have been a 'quiet' listener (ie...learner!)  to the list for the last 3-4 
months. My family (husband, two boys...3 & 4) and I are thinking about 
getting a dog after waiting until our lifestyle would allow the time 
neccessary to spend with a pet.  We were first drawn to Goldens because of 
their temperments with children. My brother has one and the boys adore her! 
While I know that no dog should ever be 'totally' trusted around a child 
(for the dog's sake as much as the child's!), my husband and I want to have 
a member of the family that we do not fear will harm our boys...let alone 
the many 'friends' that they will meet. We want to have some degree of 
comfort that this animal will love us as much as we love them and would 
never desire to harm one of us. I also want to be confident that the dog can 
be around other children/strangers and not be (unnecessarily) aggressive to 

Then I saw a BMD, and like many others have commented,  was totally taken 
with their good looks. I started searching for all the info I could about 
this breed (like joining this list) and began to think this might be the dog 
for us. From what I am reading on the list, it seems like they are an 
awesome family dog as well. It sounds like they are very loving and develop 
a strong relationship with the families that provide for them.

I've heard many comments from the members that they have had Goldens in the you have any inputs about the charateristics of the two breeds and 
how they compare in regards to family life with young children? I also would 
be interested to know about any other differences you have found. While I 
know that an individual dog may not follow the typical characteristics of a 
given breed, I want to make sure that we do not make an unwise choice for 
the family.


Denise in Iowa

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Re: Curious....I too have a Berner who has had siezures....

2003-02-20 Thread Denise Vickers,
Hi Diana,

You did not say how old Fidelio is, and age plays into the diet as well as epilepsy. 
My BooBoo is
almost 10 years old therefore, he is a little less active requiring a maintenance 
diet.  The only
supplement I give is Chrondroctin/Glycosamine and I give this to all my dogs.  Studies 
have shown
that some types of epilepsy respond to vitamin B6.  Also, a deficiency of B6 or an 
interference with
its function can cause seizure activity.  I feed Solid Golds Holistic Blendz dry 
kibble to BooBoo. 
I feed twice a day; a light meal of kibble in the morning; and a dinner consisting of 
cooked meat
(chicken, fish or beef) mixed with carrots, beans, potatoes and/or squash and yogurt.  
I only feed
fresh, washed vegetables and fruits, not canned or frozen which may have added salt, 
sugars or
preservatives.  Once a week I treat meals with a hard boiled egg and a sardine. Dogs 
treats are
homemade liver cookies.  

The following may help you make a determination on whether or not to proceed with an 
MRI:  There are
two types of epilepsy: Primary epilepsy: also known as idiopathic, genetic, inherited, 
or true
epilepsy. There are no positive diagnostic findings that will substantiate the 
diagnosis of Primary
epilepsy.  It is a case of ruling out other possibilities.  And Secondary epilepsy 
referring to
seizures for which a cause can be determined, i.e..: Toxic (lead, arsenic), infectious 
encephalitis), traumatic (acute injury), metabolic (hypoglycemia, cardiovascular 
Studies in Switzerland at the University of Berne show that Idiopathic Epilepsy has a 
recessive mode of inheritance in the BMD.  The diagnosis of idiopathic epilepsy is 
based upon the
clinical signs and ruling out other known causes of seizures through neurological 
laboratory tests, computed tomography (CT) scans and MRI scans to examine the skull 
and brain.  When
the results of the examinations and tests have been analyzed, one of three conclusions 
are drawn: a
definitive diagnosis, a potential cause of seizures requiring further tests to 
confirm, or no
suggestion of a cause. - U of OH.

The most dramatic improvement in BooBoo was seen when the use of pesticides (i.e. 
heart worm, flea &
tick, fertilizer) was eliminated and his vaccination schedule was changed to a minimal 
program.   It
was almost a given for BooBoo to seize shortly after his annual booster vaccine.  His 
last seizure
was two weeks after a rabies vaccination.  Annual checking of titer levels has 
replaced BooBoos
annual vaccination schedule.  Changing a vaccination program is not usually a topic of 
between dog owner and vet.   Annual vaccinations are considered to be part of a 
standard, baseline,
health care program for all dogs.  But not all dogs are the same.  Since birth BooBoo 
has battled
allergies as well as epilepsy.  Back then a holistic diet was never suggested by my 
vet nor was a
minimal vaccination program and discontinuing the use of heart worm and flea/tick 
preventatives was
absolutely frowned upon.  My current veterinarian has been supportive of my 
suggestions from the
beginning of our relationship, yet, another vet, in the same office, looks down her 
nose at me for
not "protecting" my dog.  For an article on considerations in designing a safe 
vaccination program
go to: 
.  Avis is
also a great website regarding canine health in general.

This is just my opinion and what has worked for me over the years.   Good luck to you 
and Fidelio
and keep the 'L' posted on his diagnosis.

Subject: CuriousI too have a Berner who has had siezures
From: Diana Gerba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2003 08:07:07 -0800
Hello Denise,

I'm glad to hear that BooBoo is doing well.  This epilepsy thing is a hard
one.  My boy, Fidelio has had three siezures all about a minute to a minute
in ahalf in length.  . .  My vet (neurologist) does not want to start him on drugs 
yet... we are
talking about doing an MRI...but I'm not sure if we'd really learn anything. . . . .
On my side I've been investigating doing a home diet for him.

Seizures and Berners

2003-02-17 Thread Denise
Dear Stephaine & Emma,

My BooBoo dog (Drachmboui) has had Epilepsy since he was about one year old.  He will be ten this summer.  He has the type of seizures called "cluster" or "roller coaster" seizures; as the first seizure begins to slow down and stop, a second one starts, and then a third begins and so on. He remains conscious, responds to my voice and always vomits at least once.

If Emma truly is Epileptic, it will take some time for a seizure pattern to develop.  This last seizure may have been a "fluke" or it could be the onset of Epilepsy.   Most seizures last a few minutes, sometimes more, sometimes less, but after ten or twenty minutes, it's time to race to the emergency vet.  A dogs body temperature rises when they seize and the longer they seize the higher their body temp goes.  This can kill a dog or cause brain damage.  I have spent a lot of time and money in the E-vet office.  There is no "test" to diagnose Epilepsy.  The only symptom is the seizure, therefore, if the dog shows a pattern of seizures it is diagnosed with Epilepsy.  After your vet prescribes a preventative, such as Phenobarbital or Valium, Emmas blood will need to be checked to monitor the level of medicine - which needs to be kept at a therapeutic level.  Chances are she may have seizures even when on a therapeutic preventative program.  These are called 'break through' seizures in the Epileptic world.  When this happens your vet may increase the dosages of medication or try a different medication all together.  

Does all this seem kinda scary?  I'm so used to it I tend to speak too frankly of it.  If you want to read up on Canine Epilepsy go to any search engine and type in 'Canine Epilepsy'.  There is some really good research on the internet.  

In his younger years BooBoo typically had a seizure about every three months with an E-vet visit at least once a year.  Over the years we have minimized his vaccination program, eliminated pesticides (heartworm, flea preventatives) and changed his diet. The results were and are more than we expected and BooBoo's quality of life improved threefold.  The seizures have been reduced to maybe one a year, his coat and skin are healthy, he has no other aliments and is happy and full of life.  Three weeks ago today, BooBoo had a seizure that lasted for more than an hour.  It is devastating to watch your baby have to go through something like this.  An hour is way, way too long.  Afterwards, he was severely ataxic for a week (walking into walls, falling down, stumbling), this is not normal and mom & dad were extremely worried. For a week he remained under moms watchful eye and received the utmost pampering.  He slowly came out of his stupor and today all that remains is a slight "tick" in his face.  It is hard to believe any dog could survive through such a horrible seizure. My BooBoo is a fighter.  

I pray you and Emma do not have to go through life with Epilepsy.  But it can be done.  BooBoo and I have made it this far - we're not given in yet!

Sending lots of berner hugs and prayers your way. . .
-Denise Vickers, Michigan USA
with Bueford and The BooBoo Dog (Drachmboui) who was chasing a squirrel 
for a half hour this morning!
The BlackCat, The GrayCat and TheHamster

PS -Feel free to email me anytime with questions or just to talk.

The Power of Prayer - Drachmboui Update

2003-02-05 Thread Denise
Camille, Martha & Molly, Jen, Joye Neff, Kelly Weir & Hope, Ann Lee 
Fuller, Laura & the MexGang Ravela and Abby, Karen & Dave Ransom - 
Rocky, Grizzly, Sugar, and Harley. Pat Long, Maurice - berner mom to 
Karlie-sage, Susan Kowitz with Mercedes & Bentley, Diana Gerba and 
Fidelio, and the 'L' List:

It has been nine days since Drachmboui had his seizure.  I want to thank 
everyone for sending their kind messages and prayers our way - they 
really helped!  I am so happy to say that our little BooBoo dog has made 
a miraculous recovery!  He slowly began to regain his mobility and on 
day five, although still wobbly, he was no longer falling over or 
walking into walls.  Today he is once again running in the fields and 
back to work protecting his farm -watching this is a joy!  He has a 
'twitch' in his face that was not there before and he has slowed down a 
bit - this, he & I can live with.  And he is still sharp-as-tack.  This 
morning I told him to go-by-back and without hesitation he obeyed like 
the good boy his is.

We know our BooBoo Dog's life was shortened by this last seizure and our 
vet has forewarned us that he may not live through another.  So, until 
then, we will take longer walks in the woods, cuddle more on the couch 
and let him chase the cats.  Thanks again everyone.

Denise & Paul Vickers with
Bueford, Drachmboui, TheBlackCat and TheGrayCat

To: Berner List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Prayers Needed
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2003 13:19:28 -0500

Dear L'ers,
Drachmboui had a rough night last night.  He's epileptic and seized last 
night for over an hour.  He's suffering from ataxia this morning and is 
not doing well.  This is not his normal post seizure behavior and mom & 
dad are quite worried. 

Couch Gene

2002-12-19 Thread Denise Vickers,

I have a distressed 'real' leather couch in the living room and fabric in the family 
room.  The dogs
are not allowed on the leather couch, but they can be a potato on the fabric couch.  
This doesn't 
mean they have never been on the leather couch.   It is easy to clean with a damp 
cloth if it gets
spattered (with slobber), requires no vacuuming just a lite dusting now and again.  
The dogs do tend
to scratch it with their nails but they have not been able to puncture it even at a 
flying leap.   I
love leather because it does not collect the dog hair or absorb smells like cloth.  My 
furniture is
always clean and dog hair free!


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Breeding at 9 months

2002-12-12 Thread Ed and Denise z

Hi AllI would love to hear some feedback on the topic of breeding prior to the bitch being physically mature!  Like in her first heat at 9 months.  I tried to explain what ive read to someone but i dont believe i made my point!  Could i get some feedback that i can relay to others on this topic! 
Thanks Again

Ed and Denise

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2002-12-10 Thread Ed and Denise z

I have male BMD 9 months old and a FM BMD 5 Months old i feed them IAMS large breed puppy food.  The male is about 85-90lbs the FM weights about 35-40  lbs.  They are fed twice a day 2-3cups max.  Their poop is solid and black but they go about 5 times each per day.  Any suggestions??  Change Food?? I tried Nutro and the poop changed to light brown and looser.  I also tried Science Diet and it didnt agree with his digestion (very loose).  HELP Signed Pooped out!!  

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Need help in how to avert endless questions!

2002-12-05 Thread Denise Vickers,
... Invariably, the person starts asking a thousand questions about
them. I AM flattered and I am normally only too happy to talk at length
about Bernese, but sometimes I would just like to have a conversation with
the friend I have come to meet, or drink my cup of coffee in peace and
quiet. Two of my friends are by now so cheesed off by these constant
interruptions that they refuse to meet up if I have the dogs with me...

I always have the same problem when I'm in public with my boys.  BMD's attract a lot 
of attention! 
First my husband and I thought a sign would work: "..A Bernese Mt Dog", but Buef just 
ate the sign. 
So then we resorted to T-shirts, one for me one for my husband.  That didn't work - no 
one looked at
us!  So we decided to put a 'sign' on the dog.  Buef now has his own black t-shirt 
that says
'Bernese Mt Dog', 'BMD', 'Berner', 'Sennenhund' and 'I'm a Bernese Mt Dog' all over 
it!!  His back
pak also says BMD on it.  BooBoo wears a t-shirt that says "BooBoo The Dog"!  My 
husband and I
usually team up together when we have the dogs out in public.  One of us will answer 
questions, while the other concentrates on shopping.

If I really don't want to be disturbed, I turn my back and avoid eye contact.  As soon 
as you
acknowledge someone with a smile or eye contact their all over you.  I know it sounds 
rude, but you
gotta do what ya gotta do!  I want all my dogs to be properly socialized and become 
CGC's and that
means going out into public places with them. 

Michigan USA

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Berners in an outside Kennels during Winter

2002-11-21 Thread Ed and Denise z

I have two berners  one 8.5 months @78lbs and one 5 month old at 35 lbs.  I have a kennel 10 X 10 with a roof and recently tarped the all four sides except for the door.  In side the kennel are two igloo dog house with plastic flaps.  So far the these two sleep in together in one of the two houses.  They are in the house in Early AM and go out when we are at work.  When we come home in the pm they come inside.   In the summer months they pant at the door at bed time and we usually let them out for the night.  My question is considering the kennel is sheltered from the wind and their being insulted dog houses inside the kennel how cold is to cold for these guys?? 
Thanks for the responses 


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Lawns for dogs

2002-11-07 Thread Denise Vickers,
I must admit, my kennel is also adorned with several colorful throw rugs as is the 
deck, porch,
barn, garage, car.

Another use for old rugs:
In lawn areas that have totally gone to dirt we usually toss down a rug or place 
something (mulch)
over the ground so dirt does not get tracked in the house.  Trying to grow grass in 
these areas is
literally impossible with Berner traffic, right?  Here's what you do; Loosen up the 
ground a bit
with a rack - don't be fussy.  Go to your collection of outdoor rugs and select a size 
that will
cover the spot.  Spread a liberal amount of annual rye grass seed on the spot, water 
and cover it
with the rug.  Stake the rug down with tent stakes if you have to.  Rye grass sprouts 
within two or
three days and will grow under the rug for several days.  The rug not only helps the 
grass grow
faster but helps to hold the grass seed in place so it can grow.  This method gives 
the grass
seedlings the head start they need to survive big Berner feet.  By the way, leave the 
rug on too
long and you'll kill the grass.  I use annual rye because it is tuff stuff, will hold 
up in high
traffic areas and it grows fast and thick.

I am an avid gardener and spend hours tending to my flower beds and vege garden which 
are all
entirely out of reach of Berners.  It takes tens of years for a tree to reach maturity 
- it takes a
Berner ten second to chew down a 2" sapling!

Gardening is my passion just as Berners are my passion, but the two cannot coexist 
without one
diminishing and I'll take Berners over a green lawn any day!!

-Denise with
Bueford (the grub eater) &
BooBoo (the grub digger)

Anyone have any dog safe ideas for getting rid of ground moles?  Buefs gettin' a 
little overweight.


2002-11-07 Thread Denise Vickers,
I am looking for opinions based on experience with the use of Flint River Ranch and/or 
Solid Gold
dog food.  I have likes and dislikes for each, but am swayed more towards Solid Gold.  
information would be greatly appreciated to help me make this important decision.


Look,my beautiful girl friend

2002-10-18 Thread denise

Re: Need Kansas Berner Fix!!!

2002-10-15 Thread Denise Vickers

Staying on 35 turns into to 70 

My parents have been traveling via trailer-in-tow for the past two
months - Bernerless!  Can you believe it!  They are in serious need of a
Berner fix.  They are in the Wichita, Kansas area right now and will be
staying in Kansas for the next few days.  Is there anyone in the Wichita
area that could provide these great folks with some Berner Hugs?  I'm
afraid if they don't get a fix soon they will return home to Michigan to
see their much missed Berner grandson Buef - and I've killed all my moms

-Denise with
Bueford (spoiled rotten by grammy & grampa)
& Booboo the dog (I actually bit him last night & for the first time
made him cry-yippie for me)


Correction:  They are on the move again!  They are traveling through Kansas
City and will stay in a campground off US70 for the night.   They will be
in route to Nashville on Wednesday.  That's retired people for you!!  Thanks
for the offer LIz - my folks almost turned around to visit you.  But, they
are having a hard time finding open campgrounds this late in the season and
didn't want to chance it.  It doesn't look like they are heading back to
Michigan any time soon - I still have time to replace all the house plants!

- Denise 



Re: Berner Sighting!!

2002-10-15 Thread Denise Vickers

Anybody know who the Berner butt belong to in the Flonase commercial?

Gary A Turner wrote:

>Yes indeed that is a Berner butt.  We have seen that commercial for a few
>weeks now.  We taped it so we could watch in slow-motion.  So watch
>closely...there is nothing like a good Berner butt!!
>Gary & Penny Turner and Archie (the best Berner butt there is!!!)

Berner Sighting!!

2002-10-15 Thread Denise Vickers

Last night I was watching. . . . . .  oh , I can't remember the 
show, but they kept replaying a 'Flonase' (sp.)(nasel spray for 
allergies) commercial.Anyway, at one point in the commercial three 
dogs walk towards the 'Flonase' user and I swear I saw a Berner butt! 
 Can anyone confirm my suspicions?  

I wonder if Flonase would work for dogs?  


Need Kansas Berner Fix!!!

2002-10-15 Thread Denise Vickers

My parents have been traveling via trailer-in-tow for the past two 
months - Bernerless!  Can you believe it!  They are in serious need of a 
Berner fix.  They are in the Wichita, Kansas area right now and will be 
staying in Kansas for the next few days.  Is there anyone in the Wichita 
area that could provide these great folks with some Berner Hugs?  I'm 
afraid if they don't get a fix soon they will return home to Michigan to 
see their much missed Berner grandson Buef - and I've killed all my moms 

-Denise with
Bueford (spoiled rotton by grammy & grampa)
& Booboo the dog (I actually bit him last night & for the first time 
made him cry-yippie for me)

"Are you going to breed them?"

2002-10-11 Thread Denise Vickers

Jen wrote:

  ...this is the first question they ask, and when the answer is no, 
they then ask why not. There usually isn't much time to get
into the whole responsible breeding spiel, so other than "she's spayed" 
I haven't come up with a really short response to this yet.

Dear Jen, Cessi and Tucker:  

The most frequent question and the one that makes me laugh the most is, 
"Are YOU going to have puppies?"   With a blank stare, I generally 
reply, "that would be genetically impossible".  They then reiterate, "I 
mean, is he going to have puppies?"  Again, the answer is no - he is a 
HE.  Eventually they get around to asking the question correctly, "are 
you going to breed these dogs?"  My answer is always;
"No, I am not a breeder, that is not my intention."  If they want a pup 
I add, " if you are seriously interested I can put you in contact with a 
responsible breeder."
I give interested parties the 'Bernese Baseball Card', my calling card 
and the whole breeding conversation ends there.  If they are seriously 
interested in a Bernese they will call me at a later date.  Some do and 
some don't.  They have the baseball card.

Some people persist and rattle on about how beautiful he is, what a 
sweetheart, absolutely adorable, how can you not want puppies!  In all 
seriousness I tell them, "There are underlying faults to this and any 
dog that you cannot see by simply looking at him and petting him. 
 Careful consideration needs to be taken when selecting Bernese breeding 
stock."   That is usually too indepth for them, they look at you as if 
you have horns and go on there way.  

You could always simply tell people, "They (Cessi and Tucker) are not a 
married couple."

- Denise