Yahoo Groups

2003-09-06 Thread Fran Jones
I for one am really sorry we have to leave Prairienet for Yahoo.  I'll 
tell you that in my experience, belonging to a Group on Yahoo is an open 
invitation for spammers.  Since I host my website on Yahoo Geocities and 
 I belong to a couple of other groups there, I have been getting ever 
increasing amounts of spam.  It's a colossal pain in the back passage! 
But if it is a case of the List on Yahoo, or no List at all, there's no 
contest.  We'll all just have to bite the bullet and install 
Mailwasher to intercept the CRA* and bounce it.

Fran  Sisco ( Jeez, mom, spam smells good - what's the problem?!)

SportSound Music:
Phone: 604-926-0084  Fax: 604-926-9543

Re: tag on upper jowl

2003-06-18 Thread Fran Jones
Hi Lisa

Rudy's sea urchin is very probably an oral wart which is the result of the 
canine papilloma virus. These oral warts are very common in young dogs and you 
may find more of them appearing in the next little while.
Sisco contracted the virus when he was about 8 months old and had warts in
his mouth and on his tongue.  His were never so bad that they caused him
any distress.  We were told, and confirmed through research and our
vet, that this condition will spontaneously clear up after about 2 - 3
months and then the dog will be immune to further outbreaks, and in
fact, this is exactly what happened with Sisco.  Some dogs will develop them in 
the throat or other locations which really bother them, and in that case, the 
vet can take them off in a simple procedure, but most of them are never a 
problem.  I would just confirm with your vet that this really is the c.p.v. and 
then wait it out.

One thing we learned is that Vitamin C seems to aid in clearing it up.
So we supplemented him with daily C as well as a Multi-vitamin.
Sisco's case took about 3 months to disappear entirely and he's never
had a recurrence.
Fran Jones
West Vancouver, BC

SportSound Music:
Phone: 604-926-0084  Fax: 604-926-9543

Re: Murphy

2003-06-09 Thread Fran Jones
Hi Kate, and a very big welcome to Murphy from his buddy in Vancouver, Sisco. 
Now it's time to get some pics up there on Murph's very own website so we can 
all see the little moose while he is still congenitally utterly cute.  In about 
six or seven months you won't recognize the gangly teenager he's grown into so 
enjoy the little tank while he's a big fluffball.

Fran  Sisco
West Vancouver, BC

SportSound Music:
Phone: 604-926-0084  Fax: 604-926-9543

Re: At what age?

2003-03-31 Thread Fran Jones
Sisco was close to two before he consistently lifted his leg.  But it's funniest 
in the a.m. when he first goes out to dump the night's load.  This happens in 
two stages.  Stage one is the strategic leg lift which results in first relief. 
 This is followed by stage two which reverts to the squat because he then lets 
go for about 2 or 3 minutes and it's difficult to do the balancing act for that 
long. You can almost see him sighing with relief.

On walks, he's so eager to cover every bush, tree, and blade of grass that he 
rushes along in such a hurry that he ends up hopping along on three legs, peeing 
all the way.  And now that he's 3 he's finally developed the studly scratch, 
scuffle and stomp after he does a particularly satisfying irrigation.  Dirt, 
leaves, and pebbles go flying 3 or 4 feet out the back and you'd better get out 
of the way if you don't want to get bombarded ;-

Fran  Sisco (Well, mom, this p-mail is serious stuff; you shouldn't be laughing)


SportSound Music:


2003-03-20 Thread Fran Jones
Sorry, List - this is a test.  Flushing bu**ers drain down removal request

SportSound Music:

Re: Flushing ticks down the drain

2003-03-20 Thread Fran Jones
A local Entomologist I know informed me that flushing ticks down the drain does 
not actually kill them.  The little bu**ers live to suck another day.  She says 
that a sure way to eliminate them permanently is to plop them in a vial of 
alcohol where they soon succumb.  I would suggest using Methyl rather than Ethyl 
alcohol since one wouldn't want to waste good booze on the little vermin ;-

West Vancouver, BC

SportSound Music:
Phone: 604-926-0084  Fax: 604-926-9543

Re: Dog Treats

2003-03-19 Thread Fran Jones
Hi Terry
Many people give rawhide with no problems but a lot, Sisco included, have a real 
problem with the stuff.  According to our vet, it just sits in the gut and 
ferments; it's not digested. Heaven knows where some of this stuff comes from. 
It caused us a couple of trips to the vet for gastritis/colitis and many bouts 
of diarrhea before we wised up to the stuff.  We never give it to him any more. 
Personally, we prefer to give him big sticks of what is called (in Canada) 
Natural Beef Chew (organic, and cello-wrapped).  They last a long time, and give 
a lot of chewing enjoyment.

Fran  Sisco (mmm, love dem beef chews, mom)
West Vancouver, BC

SportSound Music:

Re: My Gang - Springtime 2003

2003-03-15 Thread Fran Jones
At last, some happy pics!  There have been way too many sad stories lately.  I 
almost hate to receive another List for fear of hearing of another Berner who 
has gone to the Bridge.  Anyone have any funny/happy stories this spring?

Fran  Sisco (hey, I'm always happy, mom)

SportSound Music:

Re: New Nick Neff and Buddy Daisy Pics

2003-03-11 Thread Fran Jones
What a great bunch of photogenic Berners.  Nick Neff is truly a gorgeous little 
TANK.  He looks like he'll be huge!

Sisco took one look at Maria's Daisy and drooled all over the keyboard; he's had 
a crush on Daisy since he was a pup.  And Buddy is growing up into a very 
handsome boy too; he's looking positively mature ;-

Fran  Sisco (oooh Daisy, pant pant)

SportSound Music:

Re: Removing ticks

2003-03-09 Thread Fran Jones
Hey Rose!
Sounds like a good remedy; but I have to ask, how much gin went on the dog and 
how much went into the bipeds?!  A squish for the dog; a slug for the biped; a 
squish for the dog; a slug for the biped.  LOL  Sounds like a great remedy! 
We'll try it next time ;-

West Vancouver, BC

SportSound Music:
Phone: 604-926-0084  Fax: 604-926-9543

Removing ticks

2003-03-08 Thread Fran Jones
Wow, it's only the beginning of March and already we had to remove a tick from 
Sisco today.  May I prevail on the good nature of our resident vet(s) to outline 
a definitive proper procedure to remove ticks attached to a dog.  My research on 
the net turned up as many instructions as a dog has fleas! (not our Berners, of 
course ;-).  Some sources say to use all kinds of stuff from oil to vaseline to 
alcohol to insecticide (shudder) to prep the little bu**ers before pulling 
them off; and others say to use nothing because all this stuff dabbed on them 
will cause them to deposit more mouth juices into the wound.  Even among the 
experts there seem to be diametrically opposed procedures.  

Fran  Sisco (ouch! get that danged thing off me, mom!)

SportSound Music:
Phone: 604-926-0084  Fax: 604-926-9543

Re: Suckling hefalump; was suckling pup

2003-01-13 Thread Fran Jones
Sisco doesn't suckle in his sleep but does suckle, a lot, numerous times per day 
even, using his stuffed fleece bear as a surrogate mummy.  Whenever he comes 
home from a walk, or after being out for a while, he runs straight for his bed 
where mummy is waiting for him.  He grabs her, shakes her a few times, flips 
her around until her head is facing to his right, lies down and wraps his paws 
around her, and proceeds to suckle on her head for 10 - 15 minutes, sometimes 
accompanied by little moans /or whimpers.  This is a three year old 115 pound 
unaltered stud dog we're talking about here.  After a few days, mummy's head 
gets so saturated with drool that she becomes heavier and heavier until she gets 
the old heave-ho into the washer.  We have two or three mummies on the go at 
any one time so he's always got one to work on while the others are in the wash.

When Sisco's litter was born, their mother was very sick and unable to nurse 
them, so our breeder found a willing GSD who had just weaned a litter and was 
willing to take on another.  While she was willing to nurse them, she didn't 
want to spend too much time with them just being a mummy to them, so we figure 
that maybe somewhere in Sisco's little psyche is an unsatisfied need for 
mothering.  Anyway, it's hilarious to watch him in full mummy mode.  He 
obviously gets a lot of comfort out of it.

Fran  Sisco (aw, mom, d'ya haf ta tell everyone about embarrassin' stuff!)
West Vancouver, BC

SportSound Music:
Phone: 604-926-0084  Fax: 604-926-9543


2002-12-20 Thread Fran Jones
Hi Jordan
So glad to see Hesse up and around.  I can't help wondering whether his eye was 
affected by the radiation treatment or not.  Also, will his lovely fur grow back 
or has the treatment destroyed the hair follicles on the side of his face?

Give your boy a big hug and belly scritch from us.

Fran  Sisco
West Vancouver, BC

SportSound Music:
Phone: 604-926-0084  Fax: 604-926-9543

Re: Neutering poll

2002-12-08 Thread Fran Jones
Sisco is our 3 year old intact male who we co-own with our breeder.  He was kept 
intact while the rest of his litter was early spayed/neutered because our 
breeder saw potential as a future show quality guy.  As it turned out, she was 
right and he finished his Can. Ch. when he was around 2.  He has sired two 
litters so far, producing 14 little furballs.  The best thing about the big 
goofball is his personality and temperament.  Even after he became sexually 
mature and found out what the ladies are for, he remained sweet, loving, goofy, 
and very easy to manage even though he's a big clown at heart.  He will go out 
of his way to avoid confrontations with other dogs, and we never have to worry 
about him in off-leash situations.

He started lifting his leg when he was about 2 years old and will mark every 
leaf, blade of grass, tree, and bush on his hikes, and around our house, but 
never inside.  He still squats to do a big dump, like first thing in the a.m. 
And interestingly enough, very recently he's just started the studly scratch 
and stomp the ground dance when he's through peeing out in the woods. There's 
never a dull moment with the big galloot around.  For anyone who's interested, 
he can be seen on my website (URL below).

Fran  Macho Man Sisco
West Vancouver, BC

SportSound Music:
Phone: 604-926-0084  Fax: 604-926-9543

Re: The CH Budman

2002-12-08 Thread Fran Jones
W  woo! Buddy, You rock, man.  Let me welcome you to the wonderful 
world of romancin' the guuurls.  They got big brown eyes and flirty little 
butts that they wave under your nose.  Let me tell 'ya, Bud, the best is yet to 
come, man! (nudge, nudge, wink, wink). Congrats, big fella!

Sisco Jones
West Vancouver, BC

Re: Twitching Belly Rubs

2002-12-06 Thread Fran Jones
Sisco has his sweet spot that will cause one back leg to animate itself like 
an egg beater when you scratch in just the right place.  He just lies on his 
back and flails away as long as you keep up the scritchies.

Fran  Sisco (oh mom, just a little more to the right; ahh)

SportSound Music:
Phone: 604-926-0084  Fax: 604-926-9543

Re: Chasing tails

2002-12-06 Thread Fran Jones
Sisco used to chase his tail all the time up until he was about 2 yrs. old. 
When he caught it, he would sort of pause and then rotate slowly with it in his 
mouth until he lost interest and went back to general frapping.

Fran  Sisco (tail chasing is a carefully studied form of calisthenics, mom)

SportSound Music:
Phone: 604-926-0084  Fax: 604-926-9543

Male problems

2002-11-29 Thread Fran Jones
Anybody out there with intact males or even altered ones ever experienced the 
following?  About 8 months or so ago Sisco had a couple of days of occasional 
few drops of bloody discharge from his penis.  Took him to the vet who, of 
course, couldn't find anything wrong and figured he just might have snagged his 
privates on some brambles or something on one of his rambles through the woods. 
 Nothing was done, and it went away.  Now he's just started with the encore 
performance in the past few days.  Occasionally, once or twice a day, a few 
drops of blood, again discharged from his penis; shows up on the floor after 
he's been lying around, and when examined, you can see it coming from the actual 
penile canal opening.  No pain, no swelling, no sensitivity to being handled, no 
change of any appetite, behaviour, or bodily discharges - nada.  Anyone?

Fran Jones  Sisco (MOoom, that's my privates you're discussing!)

SportSound Music:
Phone: 604-926-0084  Fax: 604-926-9543

Re: Berners Horses

2002-11-25 Thread Fran Jones
For a number of years we had two horses in the family, both ridden by my 
daughter.  An American Saddlebred gelding who got used for everything from 
English pleasure to eventing to costume classes, dressage, and ghymkanas - you 
name it, he did it.  Our serious competition horse was a Warmblood/Thoroughbred 
cross mare who was a spectacular Eventer and Dressage horse.  Our gelding loved 
dogs; the mare disliked them but would tolerate them, so Sisco learned to be 
careful around her.

Fran  Sisco
West Vancouver, BC

SportSound Music:
Phone: 604-926-0084  Fax: 604-926-9543

Happy Birthday Sisco!

2002-11-18 Thread Fran Jones
Today is the very happy hoppy third birthdy of Ch. Enstone's Daring Discovery, 
a.k.a. Sisco, the goofball, energizer bunny, goofy nuts, fruit loop, 
nut bar and a bunch of other slightly less flattering but endearing names. 
The big guy will be celebrating with mumpy's patented sauted ground sirloin/ 
cheddar cheese cake for dinner, and a lovely rainy hike in the woods with 
daddy.  Sisco would like to wish all his brothers and sisters of Enstone's D 
litter a very happy day.  We're still waiting for UPS to deliver his adult set 
of gray matter.  Gotta happen some day this year maybe.  Happy Birthday big 
goofy boy, from mumpy, daddio, and Kristy!

West Vancouver, BC

SportSound Music:
Phone: 604-926-0084  Fax: 604-926-9543