Fw: Driver who killed guide dog jailed - article in today's Denver Post

2003-07-23 Thread Jeanne Schoech

Thought this story in today's Denver Post might be of interest:



Fw: questionable tactics <<#221735-414501#>>

2003-07-10 Thread Jeanne Schoech
This is the most recent email I have received from Cabelas concerning their
puppy sale program... Note it is now put in the context of "seminar."
- Original Message - 
From: "Cabela's Customer Service" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2003 10:31 AM
Subject: Re: questionable tactics <<#221735-414501#>>

> Dear Ms. Schoech,
> Thank you for your recent correspondence concerning the Sporting Dog
Seminars recently held at the Cabela's Dundee Showroom location.  The
seminars are all directed to the sporting dog and include crate training,
retrieval training, and what to look for in a puppy when purchasing a
hunting dog, to name a few.
> There are a limited number of AKC registered sporting dog breeders on-hand
as well, which are allowed to attend only after they have met stringent
guidelines in place for the protection of each animals welfare.
> We respect your position, which appears to parallel our own, and have
forwarded your comments and concerns to our Executive Management Team.
> Sincerely,
> Dustin
> Email tracking number: 414501
> ---
> Cabela's Customer Relations
> Customer Relations: Mon - Fri (6 am to 6pm); Sat (8 am to 3pm), MST
>  Toll Free Ph # -  800-237- (U.S./Canadian residents)
>  Direct Fax #   -  308-254-6745 (U.S. residents)
>308-254-7345 (International residents)
> Order Department:  (24 Hours per Day,  7 Days per Week)
>  Toll Free Ph #  - 800-237- (U.S./Canadian residents)
>  Toll Free Fax # - 800-496-6329 (U.S./Canadian residents)
>  Direct Fax #- 308-254-2200 (International residents)
> --- Original Message ---
> From: "Jeanne Schoech" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Received: 07/09/2003 03:09pm Central Standard Time (GMT - 5:00 )
> To: "Cabela's Customer Service" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: questionable tactics
> Your form letter sounds good, but in practice it is a great many failings.
> It would seem the seller is jumping through a number of hoops, but I would
> like to point out the errors of this and thus, the harm which is done to
> buyer as well as to the well-being of the puppies. My response is **
> >
> >  The guidelines are as follows;
> >
> > 1. Breeders Must register with Cabelas before displaying or selling
> puppies.
> **Is a background check done.  What insures that this registration
> is not done by a puppy miller, irresponsible breeder, etc?
> > 2. Breeders Must have a suitable exercise pen for displaying puppies. No
> puppies will be sold out of the back of any vehicle.
> **"suitable exercise pen does not address weather conditions,
> particularly the heat... What about water, etc>?  Who is Cabela's is
> monitoring this?
> > 3. Breeders shall include an offer to refund the buyers money and/or
> replace the puppy if it develops health problems. Breeders shall reimburse
> the buyers documented related veterinary expenses in the case that health
> problems arise within seven days of purchase.
> **Sound great.. The key word in the above is "offer."  Is there a
> written, legal contact as to such.  Health problems rarely turn up within
> week of purchase.  I personally know of a lab breeder (that is
> who breeds his dysplasic bitch which has resulted in crippled pups.
> problems - some hereditary cancers, auto-immune problems, and hip & elbow
> problems - do not appear until much later.  I assure you that most
> breeders WILL have a contract and WILL follow up on their puppies.  They
> no need Cabela's parking lot to do so - nor would they.
> > 4. Breeders will provide registration and pedigree records showing
> breeders name, address, and telephone number for each puppy sold.
> **When?  At the time of sale?  Pretty easy to say, "Oh.. forgot
> papers... Will put in the mail."  Is Cabelas going to monitor this?
> > 5. Breeders will sell only puppies of sound health and temperament.
> **Hope so, but health and temperament are often not determined at
> the time of sale... Perhaps a temperament evaluation is in order AND a
> veterinarian's statement of examination & good health - proof of
> vaccinations, worming, etc.
> > 6. Breeders will provide all genetic test results for the sire and dam
> be able to answer questions about heredity problems in their breeding
> for several generations back.
> **What genetic tests?  I assume to prove parentage.  This should also
> a written document.  NO puppy s

Fw: questionable tactics <<#221735-414501#>>

2003-07-09 Thread Jeanne Schoech
This is the response I received from Cabela's. I wonder if anyone else
received similar posts.  Jeanne
- Original Message - 
From: "Cabela's Customer Service" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2003 6:56 AM
Subject: Re: questionable tactics <<#221735-414501#>>

> Jeanne Schoech,
> I would like to take a moment to thank you for your concerns regarding our
puppy central days at Cabela's. As the majority of our outfitters live the
outdoor lifestyle, we share a common interest regarding the welfare of
animals that are sold during our events. Because of this care and concern,
we have adopted stringent guidelines that all of our breeders must follow in
order to present puppies for sale. The guidelines are as follows;
> 1. Breeders Must register with Cabelas before displaying or selling their
> 2. Breeders Must have a suitable exercise pen for displaying puppies. No
puppies will be sold out of the back of any vehicle.
> 3. Breeders shall include an offer to refund the buyers money and/or
replace the puppy if it develops health problems. Breeders shall reimburse
the buyers documented related veterinary expenses in the case that health
problems arise within seven days of purchase.
> 4. Breeders will provide registration and pedigree records showing
breeders name, address, and telephone number for each puppy sold.
> 5. Breeders will sell only puppies of sound health and temperament.
> 6. Breeders will provide all genetic test results for the sire and dam and
be able to answer questions about heredity problems in their breeding stock
for several generations back.
> 7. Breeders shall supply vaccination worming and health records for
> 8. Breeders shall honestly disclose genetic and potential faults of their
puppies as well as their strengths.
> In addition our Dundee location is privileged to have one of the better
known trainers in the area running this event. We believe that overall, our
standards are outstanding, and that we are committed to the welfare of the
> Shelley
> Email tracking number: 414501
> ---
> Cabela's Customer Relations
> Customer Relations: Mon - Fri (6 am to 6pm); Sat (8 am to 3pm), MST
>  Toll Free Ph # -  800-237- (U.S./Canadian residents)
>  Direct Fax #   -  308-254-6745 (U.S. residents)
>308-254-7345 (International residents)
> Order Department:  (24 Hours per Day,  7 Days per Week)
>  Toll Free Ph #  - 800-237- (U.S./Canadian residents)
>  Toll Free Fax # - 800-496-6329 (U.S./Canadian residents)
>  Direct Fax #- 308-254-2200 (International residents)

Fw: Fw: animal welfare

2003-06-05 Thread Jeanne Schoech
Received this post this morning.  Please note there is a deadline on
responding to USDA!  Believe Pat will post a sample letter.  Jeanne

Date: Tue, 3 Jun 2003 21:06:12 EDT
Subject: Wellpet OT - Puppy Mills and USDA regs- deadine 6/10/03
Permission to cross-post (from the siberian husky list)

Folks, there's simply no excuse for animal activists to not write to the
USDA in support of their proposed new regulation. If passed, this regulation
will force puppy millers to keep medical records for every shot, pill,
wormer, and vet visit, etc. on every dog in their kennels for  at least one
year after they dispose of the dog. The USDA wants to better  monitor their
care program. This volume of record keeping will  inevitably put a
substantial number of puppy millers out of business.

Time is short. Your don't have to compose a lengthy letter. Just reference
the docket number and say you support the proposed regulation.  Please do it
TODAY!  You must contact the USDA before June 10, 2003.  You may submit
comments by postal mail or e-mail.  If you use Post Office please submit 4
copies  to:

> >Docket No. 97-033-1
> >Regulatory Analysis and Development
> >PPD, APHIS, Station 3C71
> >4700 River Road   Unit 118
> >Riverdale, MD.  20737-1238

> > Please state that your comments refer to Docket No. 97-033-1  If you use
e-mail, address your comments to:
 Please include your name and address in your message and Docket No.
97-033-1 on the Subject line.

> > ~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+


April 11, 2003 (Volume 68, Number 70)]
 [Proposed Rules]
 [Page 17752-17755]

AGENCY: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, USDA.
ACTION: Proposed rule.
SUMMARY: We are proposing to amend the Animal Welfare Act regulations to
require that research facilities, dealers, and exhibitors maintain medical
records as part of their program of adequate veterinary care.  We believe
research facilities, dealers, and exhibitors should maintain medical records
as a means of communication concerning the care being provided to animals
and to ensure that animals receive adequate veterinary care. In addition,
these records would provide a basis for the Animal and Plant Health
Inspection Service to better assess the veterinary care programs of research
facilities, dealers, and exhibitors.

DATES: We will consider all comments that we receive on or before June 10,
 ADDRESSES: You may submit comments by postal mail/commercial delivery or by
e-mail. If you use postal mail/commercial delivery, please send four copies
of your comment (an original and three copies) to:

 Docket No. 97-033-1,
 Regulatory Analysis and Development, PPD, APHIS, Station 3C71, 4700 River
 Road Unit 118, Riverdale, MD 20737-1238.

 Please state that your comment refers to Docket No. 97-033-1. If you use
e-mail, address your comment to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Your comments
must be contained in the body of your message; do not send attached files.
Please include your name and address in your message and ``Docket No.
97-033-1'' on the subject line.

You may read any comments that we receive on this docket in our reading
room. The reading room is located in room 1141 of the USDA South Building,
14th Street and Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC. Normal reading room
hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except holidays. To be
sure someone is there to help you, please call (202) 690-2817 before coming.

APHIS documents published in the Federal Register, and related information,
including the names of organizations and individuals who have commented on
APHIS dockets, are available on the Internet
at http://www.aphis.usda.gov/ppd/rad/webrepor.html.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dr. Jerry DePoyster, Senior Veterinary
Medical Officer, Animal Care, APHIS, 4700 River Road Unit 84, Riverdale,  MD
20737-1231; (301) 734-7586.

The Animal Welfare Act (the Act) (7 U.S.C. 2131 et seq.) authorizes the
Secretary of Agriculture to promulgate standards and other requirements
governing the humane handling, housing, care, treatment, and transportation
of certain animals by dealers, research facilities, exhibitors, carriers,
and intermediate handlers. The Secretary of Agriculture has delegated the
responsibility of enforcing the Act to the Administrator of the Animal and
Plant Health Inspection Service  (APHIS). The regulations established under
the Act are contained in title 9 of the Code of Federal Regulations (9 CFR),
chapter I, subchapter A, parts 1, 2, and 3. Subparts C and D of 9 CFR part 2
(Sec. Sec.  2.30 through 2.40, referred to below as the regulations)
require, among other things, that each research facility, dealer, and
exhibitor have an attending veterinarian and maintain a program of adequate
veterinary care.

veggies & fruit

2003-04-05 Thread Jeanne Schoech
Think our two would eat just about anything... I have given raw carrots,
cabbage, broccoli, spinach, sweet potato, etc.  Fruits; pears, apples,
pineapple, bananas, peaches... and so it goes.  I do use the food processor
& add to their meals, but also use as treats.  Think we all know, no onion
ever.  They have also tried a CD, underwear, magazines, and my favorite wool
clogs.  Didn't mention just nibbles on the coffee table... Jeanne

joint pain diet

2003-04-02 Thread Jeanne Schoech
The recent posts on joint pain management were very interesting to me.  Our
fellow has begun to limp occassionally (right front leg).  We have been to
the vet and she did recommend glucosamine as well Rimadyl (no xrays at this
visit).  I am most reluctant to use the Rimadyl at this point and  would be
interested in knowing what foods would be appropriate for joint pain.
Recently read raw cabbage, pineapple, and cherries would be good for joint
pain.  I have fed both cabbage & pinapple, but am a bit concerned about that
the cabbage in  particular might cause excess gas (bloat).  Hank does get
lots of raw veggies (particularly green leafy & carrots), yogert, raw bones,
and turkey, liver, etc.  When  he gets kibble (one meal a day) it is Canidae
& Innova mix (don't ask-- it's a long story having to do with my husband
selling one at his lumberyard & my preference to the other).  Would sure
appreciate hearing about food specific for joint pain (anti-inflamitories I
suppose).  Thanks. Jeanne


2003-03-27 Thread Jeanne Schoech
Have enjoyed reading the survey results.  It seems to me that more that a
goodly bunch of us Berner folk are ending & beginning each day with a Berner
hopping into bed with us for some cuddles.  This is one of the bestest parts
of our day with the Berners... and knowing so many of us -each in our own
space & time- are sharing such a sweet moment is warming to the heart.  Just
a thought before call it a day... Jeanne

Re: Pet Therapy

2003-03-23 Thread Jeanne Schoech
I do therapy work with our Berners.  Start with a basic obed class (do this
regardless of what you are planning to do) and work towards getting a Canine
Good Citizen Certificate.  That is the basic start, but in the meantime
contact several of the national therapy organizations (Delta, TDI, TD, Inc.-
I am with the latter) and find out their qualifications/requirements.  Work
towards those requirements by lots of socialization, confidence building,
and exposure to many different experiences.  There are several therapy dog
groups thru Yahoo you might join and an excellant book is "Therapy Dogs -
Training Your Dog to Reach Others" by Kathy Diamond Davis.  Good luck with
seeking out therapy work.  It can be life-changing.  Jeanne

how to make your dog throw up

2003-03-23 Thread Jeanne Schoech
We had to induce vomiting with our girl after eating onions, green pepper,
and tomatoes... Couldn't get it down her, but a turkey baster did the trick.
- Original Message -
From: "Nancy Melone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 9:14 AM
Subject: RE: how to make your dog throw up - quantities

> For a 26 lbs puppy, the 1 TBS qty is what emergency vets told me.  For a
> bitch around 75-80 lbs, I was told 1/4 cup of hydrogen peroxide.  The
> laped it up in no time and we acheived the goal.  On the other hand, we
> never did succeed in getting my wise girl to drink the stuff -- in fact,
> was all over us, the laundry room walls, the floor, everywhere -- and
> a drop passed over her lips!  Fortunately, she did not exhibit any signs
> poisoning.
> When I was on the road, I was responsible for someone else's dog whom the
> owner had suspected had consumed chocolate.  It took me 3 tries to get him
> to vomit. Administer Hydrogen Peroxide, wait 10 minutes, administer HP,
> 10 minutes, etc.  Fortunately, it came up on the third try -- sure enough,
> there were a few Hersey's kisses there...probably not enough to hurt, but
> the owner felt better, if not the dog!
> Nancy Melone, Ph.D.

Lily is growing up

2003-03-08 Thread Jeanne Schoech
A bit of a brag & a sweet story:  Lily earned her third leg for her CD in
Feb. at the Denver show.  Three shows, three legs with nice score of two 184
and 191.  (I am either too hard on myself or the AKC judges are lightening
up with scoring...these were really good scores for our ring performance).
Lily is also now a registered therapy dog (TD,Inc.) and has begun to go to
school with me (rotating with Hank) and is part of the Paws For Reading
program at our local elementary school. Sweet story:  I had introduced Lily,
told the kids a bit about her, and asked that they help us out (remembering
library manners, etc.) because this was new for Lily. When reading time
began, one little boy placed himself beside Lily, just petting and giving an
occassional smooch. The librarian finally came over & reminded him that he
could/should get a book to read to Lily. His reply was, "Oh no. I'm taking
care of her today. This is her first time here and I must help her be happy
here."  I wonder who needed who more... Certainly is a win-win situation in
any case.  Jeanne

tricks & more

2003-02-01 Thread Jeanne Schoech
Just have to share this story since this subject came up.  I work with
Special Ed (emotional disorders) &  Hank goes to work with me.  One day a
week is "Dog Day."  Part of this time is spent teaching tricks to Hank.  We
had one young man who would not participate, but since no one else could
teach Hank to "go to sleep," (Hank really resisted this) "Johnny" stepped up
to the challenge. He was always stepping up to the impossible -- not very
effectively at that.  He was as angry and frustrated as any child we have
had in our middle school program.  He was sometimes violent, always verbally
abuse to his peers and most staff.  And yet: He taught Hank to "go to sleep"
by gently rubbing Hank's tummy and ever so softly saying, "Hank, head
down... head down."  For a brief time every week, this young man found
tenderness and trust... The memory of the two of them together is dear.
Hank & Johnny developed quite a bond over the months he was with us.  Johnny
eventually learned to regulate his periods of frustration by asking for Hank
to be with him.  More than afew hours were spent with the two of them
literally curled up together under Johnny's desk.  Johnny ended up in a day
treatment facility, but recently was admitted into high school. I only hope
those times with a dog - a Berner - will stay with him.  They do for Hank
and I:  I still use this command when we are listening to students read.
Some "trick" me thinks.  Jeanne


2003-01-30 Thread Jeanne Schoech
Most every dog can "speak" on command, but we added a bit more which has
been great fun - espically when visiting schools, kids, etc.  First I taught
Hank to speak, but added "whisper."  When we go out, I often ask him to say
Hi and, ofcourse, it is always a big, big bark.  (use a hand signal so no
matter what word you use - Hi, Bye, etc. he will respond to by barking)
Then I say something like, "Oh, Hank, that's really too loud!" or "Hum..
Hank's got better library manners than that."  Using the "shhh" signal
(finger to lips) I ask Hank to "whisper."  He has learned a quiet bark in
response to this.  Great fun... espically if you ask a crowd of kids to help
you remind your dog to speak quietly.  This is not "rocket science" trick
training, but sure is fun.  Jeanne

present for procedures-was vet specialist

2003-01-10 Thread Jeanne Schoech
In regards to being with one's dog for surgery procedures per Eileen's
post...  It brought to mind when Hank had a spinal tap (in relationship to
aseptic meningitis).  I was present throughout the procedure.  As we were
standing beside Hank before he showed signs of waking, the vet commented,
"He knows you're here.  Look, he's wagging his tail."  He was - thou it was
a while before he truly "woke up."  I am ever touched by this memory.
Funny, he still wags that tail at the slightest touch or the whisper of his
name.   Jeanne

travel ?

2002-12-13 Thread Jeanne Schoech
Has anyone traveled to Las Vegas with their dog(s).  If so, any
recommendations on lodging?  Thanks.  Jeanne

Fw: Bernese Tile on the Web

2002-11-26 Thread Jeanne Schoech
Received this concerning the Berner tile... thought some of you/us might be
interested.  Jeanne
- Original Message -
From: "Len Goodman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Jeanne Schoech'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 10:24 AM
Subject: Bernese Tile on the Web

> Hi:
> I just put up a special web page for the tile with framing options.
> Here is the link.
> http://www.ariustile.com/Bernese/Bernese.htm
> The tile can be order directly from the page on a secure server/
> If you would like to post this to a list, we would be delighted.
> Be Well
> Len Goodman

Re: BERNER-L digest 4143

2002-11-26 Thread Jeanne Schoech
Inquired about the Berner tile &  received a picture of it. (Sante Fe, NM
produced).  However, it was sent as an attachment so if you are interested
in seeing this please email me privately & will sent it directly to you.
The price is $19.00 and $9.00 postage (each tile thereafter is $1.00
postage).  It also can be framed by the company which produces it.  Neat
tile.  I would prefer traveling to Sante Fe to personally pick on up.
Anyone wanna go?  :-)  Jeanne
- Original Message -
From: "Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 11:01 PM
Subject: BERNER-L digest 4143

> BERNER-L Digest 4143
> Topics covered in this issue include:
>   1) Costco Dogs
>   2) Horses and Berners Together
> by "Jim Dilda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   3) Ohso close to my goal for the AKC CHF Fundraiser!!!
> by "Dr. William B. Neff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   4) Re: BERNER-L digest 4142
>   5) Histio Roll Call & Berners & Horses
> by "Sharon Greenberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   6) Looking for Stepping Stone
> by Kim Morrow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   7) Re: Histio Roll Call But What About the Others...
> by "Janice Parky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   8) Celebrating Seniors
> by Sheila Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   9) Power Tools + Animals
> by "mtndog" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  10) Re: Berners & Horses
> by "Sarah Jarrett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  11) horses & bernese
> by "The Hartzheims" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Nose to Nose?

2002-11-19 Thread Jeanne Schoech
Can someone tell me where I can purchase Nose To Nose?  I know it has been
posted before, but can't seem to find that post.  Thanks.  Jeanne

Alternative breeds

2002-10-07 Thread Jeanne Schoech

Per Mary Shaver's post about the family considering another breed besides a
Berner:  Just gotta get me 2 cents worth in on this one... How about a
Border Terrier?  Grand little dogs and if ever we have another breed join
our Berners it will be a BT.  Ofcourse, there's (my choices for us) PWD,
Bloodhounds, Corgi, Irish Wolfhound, and on & on... Our 20 yr. old daughter
has remarked, "Oh Mom, there are so many dogs and so little time."  I, in my
middle years know this to be true...  And from working a bit with the local
humane society know that the dogs know this too.  Besides the standard mixes
I have recently seen 2 Huskies, a Bullmastiff, a Pyr, and a German Shorthair
come thru the local, small town H. Society.   As we all know, breed rescue
is worthwhile and just might be an option for this family.  Jeanne