baka: no blockages but still having hind end problems

2003-09-06 Thread stmaybe
i'm greatly relived to know baka's diarrhea problem was unrelated to the 
hind end weakness and pain. baka's been blood tested (came back perfect 
except showing some dehydration), xrayed (intestine walls  stomach 
looks 100% normal now), examined by hand multiple times (nothing gets a 
negative reaction, she just grins  wags), and ultrasounded (nothing out 
of the ordinary).

last night baka ate several small bland meals (she was ravenous), peed 
fine, no vomiting, no nausea, no dry heaves nor grass eating. baka even 
pooped last night, the first half was a little soft  full of grass, but 
the second half looked perfectly normal  formed. the digestion problem 
should be cleared up completely by tomorrow night i think  the vet is 
very confident there is not a blockage.

unfortunately that leaves us without an explanation for baka's inability 
to stand up the other day. baka is standing up on her own as of 
yesterday and she'll walk from spot to spot when she's in the mood, but 
she's still arching her back  walking strangely with her hind legs. 
baka's also still slow to rise and slow to lay down, as if she were 
stiff or sore (like she used to before her hip surgery a couple years 
ago). our vet didn't feel or see anything obviously wrong, so we're a 
little confused. and we don't want to put any pain killer in her system 
until we're certain the diarrhea is completely resolved (she lost 6 lbs! 
in just those 4-5 days).

i'm thinking of taking baka to see the chiropractor vet who is 30 
minutes away. my thinking is that maybe her hands are more sensitive  
could feel something being off that our regular vet might miss? either 
way, my vet is expecting my call monday to see how baka did over the 
weekend  decide what to do next. i'm trying not to worry, but this is 
certainly confusing. i don't like seeing my baby hurt  not know ho to 
fix it (and baka *so* unhappy now that the weather's cooled off  i 
won't let her go to the dog park, every time we walk past the car she 
whines at it).

thank you to everyone who's emailed their support  advice.

laura  baka
chapel hill

baka spends yet another day at the vet

2003-09-04 Thread stmaybe
i came downstairs this morning to find my almost 3 year old baka unable 
to stand. we rushed off to the vet. baka did stand and walk a few steps 
at the vet, after being carried in on a stretcher. her back was all 
arched  her rear end looked weak.

i told the vet about a diarrhea problem we've been home treating 
(fasting, boiled beef  rice, the usual). it started up a couple days 
ago, after a little too much recreational bone. but other than that, 
baka has seemed healthy and happy.

the vet couldn't find anything that felt strange, baka's temp was at the 
high end of normal, but still normal, and the vet couldn't identify any 
specific places that hurt from her exam. she did notice baka seemed to 
be a little more full of gas than she'd normally be.

they did two sets of xrays. the first showed baka's hips  back looked 
fine, but the vet said baka's intestine wall was strangely thick. it 
also didn't appear to be doing anything (though i'm not sure how you 
could see that in an xray). the second showed baka's stomach which the 
all the vets at the clinic agreed didn't look normal- there might be 
something in there causing problems, they're just not sure.

so they took some blood, gave baka some sub-q fluids, a shot of pain 
killer, a shot of anti-vomiting meds, and sent us home with 
anti-diarrhea pills. they think baka's rear end weakness is a general 
weakness from the diarrhea.

tomorrow morning i'm to call the vet  tell her how baka did overnight  
if she's getting up at all. then we'll have the test results  most 
likely re-xray to see how baka's stomach looks  see if they can get a 
better look at the part that doesn't look normal.

baka is home, crashed out on her bed next to my computer  while she did 
walk down the ramp  into the house on her own, she hasn't moved since. 
i guess i'll be sleeping in the office tonight.

laura  baka
chapel hill, nc

Re: baka's lump - update

2003-07-04 Thread stmaybe
got the results for baka's lump last week, but its been so busy i 
haven't had a chance to write up an email. turns out it was just a 
really nasty looking follicular cyst  nothing scary.

the day after the cyst was removed baka was clearly feeling a thousand 
times better  wondering why we were being so mean as to keep her away 
from the dog park  make her wear that silly funnel on her head.

thank you to everyone who sent information, suggestions  their support 
- it meant a lot!

have a wonderful weekend!
laura  baka
chapel hill, nc

baka's lump

2003-06-20 Thread stmaybe
well, we saw the vet today.

he shaved some fur off around baka's lump to get a better look at it. 
she was very good  stood wonderfully still for us earning herself a few 
hot dog bits.

it was rather gross to look at  it had clearly opened up a great deal 
more than we'd thought. i didn't see anything brown  curd like (though 
i probably wouldn't know what i was looking for too well) - the edges 
looked like an open wound surrounding a core lump of something. he was a 
little concerned over its appearance  wanted to take it off completely, 
just in case. so baka spent the afternoon in surgery - wagging her tail 
even while most of the way under the sedative (she knows this vet  the 
tech who was working today  likes them both very much).

the vet didn't find quite what he was expecting, as he was removing the 
lump. there was the core lump and then a kind of offshoot. its the 
offshoot he's worried about. we agreed that we should send it off for 
further analysis. we'll have the test results back by next friday.

in the mean time baka's home, groggily coming out of the sedative  
being snuggled as much as she can stand (which is a lot). we're going to 
have to resort to an elisabethan collar i think as she keeps wanting to 
lick at the stitches  staples.

any  all good thoughts are welcome over the next week, while i try to 
not to let my natural need to worry run away with me.

laura  a sleepy baka
chapel hill, nc

Re: oozing cyst?

2003-06-19 Thread stmaybe
if i'm standing behind baka - its on her back, just before you get to 
her tail. just a little off to the left. the area of a berners back that 
is usually being presented for a good butt rub *giggle*

this had been a solid dry lump around the size of a nickel  raised a 
quarter inch. we went to my vet several months ago, when we first found 
it, to have it checked it. she stuck a needle in it  pulled out some 
stuff that she said felt greasy between her fingers. she said that meant 
it was a fatty cyst  we should just keep an eye on it because it would 
eventually burst.

later i learned from looking for a fatty cyst on the internet that she 
got her names mixed up (fatty lipoma or sebaceous cyst, not fatty cyst). 
 i learned from reading berner-l posts that she really should have put 
it under a microscope before she told me what she thought it was.

so we're going to see a different vet tomorrow. i'll make sure to 
mention biopsy  lab analysis this time. i'm hoping the right wording 
will help me get the kind of care i'm looking for.

thanks for your help  thanks to everyone else for their suggestions!


Rose Tierney wrote:

Hi Laura,
Exactly what part of the hip/butt area is this lump? High on the pelvic
bone or actually located on the back of the upper thigh high up similar to
a position like the cheek of a human butt or lower down? Sebaceous cysts
that can break open ooze curd like debris but wet sores that are lumpy
might be more ominous. I would request a biopsy and lab analysis. Do not
Rose T.


oozing cyst?

2003-06-17 Thread stmaybe
hi all,

yesterday i noticed baka's lump (on her hip/butt) had grown ( changed 
shape somewhat). when i touched it lightly to feel its size, baka 
growled to let me know i was hurting her. so i called our vet today to 
make an appointment to get it checked out again.

today we noticed that baka's fur was wet around the bump  she no longer 
minded if we touched that spot ( its back to its original shape). so, 
i'm guessing it was a cyst like the vet suggested  its in the process 
of bursting. our appointment with the vet is friday. in the meantime, 
does anyone have any home treatment suggestions - anything i should do 
to take care of it, prevent it from getting infected, etc? or should i 
just let it alone till friday? i didn't find anything in my doggie 
health book  haven't gone internet searching yet.

laura  baka (ow that hurt!)
chapel hill, nc

Re: berners on a card?

2003-06-14 Thread stmaybe
heh :)

i did think *real* hard about buying the 5 that were left. but i'm kind 
of unemployed at the moment, so i'm trying to be good  curb my spending 
a little.

chapel hill, nc

Laura,  You bought only one!?!?  How could you?!!??

berners on a card?

2003-06-13 Thread stmaybe
i wandered into my local hallmark today to pick up some wrapping paper 
and a card for my sister-in-law's baby shower present. as i flipped 
through all the cards, searching for something slightly less goopy than 
most new baby cards, what did i see... ?

a card with two beautiful berners on the front cover  blank on the inside!
i just had to buy one! not for the baby shower of course, but i'm sure 
i'll find some use for it.

laura  baka
chapel hill, nc

Re: keeping cool

2003-06-13 Thread stmaybe
our first canine cooler, bought a little over two years ago, came 
without instructions (which you wouldn't think are that necessary, i 
mean you just put water in it, right?) - it quickly sprung leaks that we 
duct taped closed. then baka, who was still teething on those last 
molars, chewed off the cap. so that one was dead.

i'd heard such good things about the canine coolers though, that i had 
to try another. this one, just purchased a year ago, is much more study. 
it came with instructions on how to fill it, maintain it  make sure i 
don't have air trapped in it that can help create leaks. so far its 
working well  hasn't leaked at all, nor been chewed on this time.

baka's cooling down from her nightly walk on it right now.
so, we like ours very much.
laura  baka
chapel hill, nc

Re: Elbows and Obedience Training

2003-03-13 Thread stmaybe
my baka had all kinds of trouble with down too. she did great at puppy 
kindergarten and obedience I - everything except the down. now of course 
if we had a treat and lured baka into a down, no problem. but take away 
the lure and we'd get that blank stare. baka also has hip  elbow 
problems, so we too wondered if they were causing problems.

for us it turned out that baka just wasn't understanding what down 
meant. we couldn't sign up for obedience II class while we were waiting 
to have the hip surgery, so i picked up a book on clicker training  we 
started our own little training sessions at home. i was amazed when we 
got to working on down - you could literally see when baka finally 
understood what down meant. she looked at me and you could tell she was 
thinking, oh! that's what you've been yammering on  on about. that's 
easy! why didn't you explain it better the first time?

of course this was just my one experience  its only something else to 
consider. maybe watch maddie during the day, when you're not training  
she's doing what she wants to do. does she seem uncomfortable laying 
down or getting up then?

laura  baka
chapel hill, nc

costs of owning berner - just got cheaper!!

2003-01-16 Thread stmaybe
ok, this is slightly off topic. but i'm so excited i had to share...

i just got a job at my vets new office!!!

its walking distance from my home, which means no more 2 hour round trip 
commute and more time to spend with my beautiful baka. i'll be doing 
reception, so i get to snuggle all the adorable puppies that come in. 
best of all is the incredible employee discount - the costs associated 
with owning my berner just got drastically reduced!

many thanks to those folks who were sending me good job hunting vibes!

laura  baka
chapel hill

thing's will get different - i can't promise that they'll be better, or wonderful, but they will change and be different.

berner sighting!!

2002-12-17 Thread stmaybe
there was a berner ( his/her owner) wandering around not far from my 
home today! i *never* see other berners in our town. how exciting! i 
wanted to say hi  pet the beautiful berner, but i was on my way to a 
job interview  couldn't risk being late.

laura  baka
chapel hill, nc

Re: Berners and Cats

2002-11-26 Thread stmaybe
oh absolutely! baka has two older kitty brothers  loves them to death. 
unfortunately they both rather wish she'd go back to where ever she came 
from, though they're tolerating her presence fairly well.

baka even plays like a cat, using her paws all the time. we have to look 
out - those clodhoppers she calls paws pack quite a wallop. she learned 
that from her best friend, simon the tuxedo kitty. she's been a bit 
lonely since he died this past fall. i've been wanting to bring her a 
new brother or sister, kitten or puppy, but have been threatened with 
major relationship problems if i do it before we find a bigger home. 
kirk just needs a little convincing, that's all. ;)

laura  baka
chapel hill, nc

Hmm! New poll suggested here! How many Berner Owners have Cats? I have three of each and my Berners love small critturs too! (could include rabbits,