Re: books?

2003-08-26 Thread wendy beard
Just to follow up on Joye's post about Boris's book site:

Last week we received a cheque (check ;-) ) from Amazon for $101.72
This is comission earned from purchases over the last 6 months through 
Boris's site. This all goes to the BMDCA Health Fund. Thank you all for 
clicking through the links to get this "free" money to benefit our Berners!

Boris is pleased to be of assistance in collecting it :-)

At 12:01 AM 26/08/2003 -0500, you wrote:

The best place to buy books is through our own "BORIS BOOKS" site.There
is a link to and I get most of my books through them.   They
always seem to have whatever dog books I'm looking for which makes it even
better!The best part is that the BMDCA Health Fund gets money when we
buy books through this link.
Boris Beard
Ottawa, Canada

Re: Boris' book site

2003-08-04 Thread wendy beard
At 08:43 PM 03/08/2003 -0500, you wrote:
Boris' Book site is:
Thanks to Wendy Beard and all the contributors, it's a great site!
Thanks Pat!
Actually, I've been rather lax recently and not done any updates in a 
while. If anybody spots any broken links or wants to recommend a new book 
that isn't listed, please drop me and Boris a line!


Boris Beard
Ottawa, Canada

Re: Harnesses & Haltis?

2003-07-29 Thread wendy beard
At 12:01 AM 29/07/2003 -0500, you wrote:

But, and it is an almighty BUT...
Maggie & Roxie play off each other: if they see another dog, or if
people stand just out of their reach (and say "ooh, you've got your
hands full there." Arrrgh)
Oh, I wish I had a pound for every time someone said to me "ooh, you've got 
hands full there." I'd be comfortably well off by now!!

It's a bind taking my three dogs out at the same time. Boris just loves to 
dawdle and pee, and sniff, and pee, and pee (you get my drift). The two 
Belgians like to pretend that they are really two sled dogs and pull like 
they're in the Itarod. Heaven help me if they see another dog, squirrel, or 
horrors - a cat!

Long story short, I have started walking them on a "supposedly no-pull" 
halter. This brand is called "Holt" and it came from petsmart. There are 
other makes like the sporn halter, but this is just the one I happened to 
try. It works, sort of. They are easier to handle, but they still pull a 
bit. Tanja, not so much as Tyra. The halters aren't too expensive so I 
reckon it's worth a try.

Wendy, Boris and the pointy-pests

Boris Beard
Ottawa, Canada

Boris and the night creature

2003-07-17 Thread wendy beard
Picture the scene:
It's midnight. Hubby is snoozing peacefully on the couch in front of the 
TV. Teenagers upstairs in respective bedrooms. Self catching up on e-mail 
and getting ready for bed.
Two staccato woofs can be heard from outside. A familiar odor permeates the 
house. Son and heir emerges from bedroom. "Pwwar! Has Boris been skunked?"
Rush downstairs in panic. Hubby stirs. No mistaking that smell (no, it's 
not hubby!).
"got any of that stuff to spray on to get rid of the smell" he enquires
"what stuff"
"you know, that stuff"
Mind in a whir - think. Seen it often enough on the Berner-L. What IS it 
that they use? Light bulb goes on *AHA* "Tomato Juice!" I declare triumphantly.
"got no tomato juice" says hubby
"AH, but we have a tin of diced tomatoes and a liquidizer" I retort. "Get 
that dog in the bath while I juice the tomatoes".
Whir, whir. Off I trot upstairs to the bathroom. Tanja and Tyra stand 
grinning outside the door. They are wise dogs, they say, Boris is oh, so 
foolish. Open the door, hubby standing looking helplessly at Boris.
"He won't get in the bath" he says forlornly.
"well, of course he won't!" I say exasperatedly "Make him".
I grab one end, he grabs the other and we heave. 1-2-3 HUP! Boris stands 
panting in the bath. I quickly climb in beside him and tip tomato pulp over 
his head.
"What's that supposed to do" asks Paul
"I dunno, I just read it somewhere".
Suddenly - "Boris NO!". Too late. He shakes and the whole room is 
covered in tomato. Start to rinse it off him.
"Is he supposed to be covered in pips?"
"Hey, I'm doing my best here"
Rinsed and shampooed, Boris gives a few more hearty shakes. I'm now 
completely drenched and covered in tomato. Boris looks forlorn. Get towel, 
place on edge of bath and  give a push. Out he tumbles.
Bathroom looks like it's been the scene of a very bloody battle. Black hair 
and tomato everywhere.
Leave the scene and head downstairs to the basement where blower awaits. By 
now, it's 1am and I'm not looking forward to a lengthy grooming session. 
More hair. Tanja stands next to Boris. She likes the blower. Tyra prances 
around gleefully. Finally get some semblance of dryness. Brush out yet more 
Tumble into bed, exhausted. The bathroom will have to wait

Wendy, Boris and the pointy pests

Ottawa, Canada

Happy Birthday Boris!

2003-06-23 Thread wendy beard
 My Big Bouncing Berner Boy, Boris (how's that for alliteration!) is 5 
years old today! Woo Hoo!
Extra cheese for Boris today. No long walks, it's just too hot. 33C again 
today. Phew! Hoses and the wading pool, I think!

Funny story: yesterday morning, Boris was entered in his first agility fun 
match. We entered the ring, Boris raring to go. Bell rings - ready! Off he 
gallops round the ring, out the ring, goes to visit a nearby tent, back in 
the ring and out the other side without taking a single obstacle! I 
politely bow out and go and retrieve my dog who is happily prancing round 
in a neighbouring field. On returning, I was chatting to one of the other 
competitors who was admiring my beautiful dog and heaping praise on his 
doggish good looks. He was about to console me over Boris's performance in 
the ring by saying, "oh, he's still young, he's be fine when he matures a 
bit". Then he asked "how old is he?" 5 tomorrow, I reply. "ah" he says.

Here's to Boris, the eternal puppy. Happy Birthday my big daft dog!

Wendy and the Pointy Pests

Boris Beard
Ottawa, Canada

Re: Dogs and Bikes

2003-05-30 Thread wendy beard
At 01:49 PM 29/05/2003 -0500, you wrote:

Hi All,
I was surprised to read about people attaching their dogs to their bikes. 
What happens when the dogs bolt because they see a rabbit, squirrel or 
another dog? That sounds like a very bad accident waiting to happen.
Well, you could ask the same question and apply it to your daily walk. 
Would you allow your dog to bolt after a squirrel or another dog when you 
were walking in the street?
It's all about training the dog to trot besides the bike just as you'd 
train it to go out for a walk on leash.
I, personally, wouldn't take a dog out on a bike holding the leash in my 
hand. Too dangerous. I want my hands for braking and signalling. The 
springer is great for this. Keeps your dog close to you and your hands are 
free. Incidentally, there is a quick release for emergencies. A series of 
plastic links are used on the attachment which will break with a certain 
amount of sharp force.
I enjoy taking my girl out for trips with my bike and it's good for her 
condition. I would avoid shared bike/walking paths as much as possible, 
especially on a weekend or summer's evening, they are just not suitable. 
Not to mention that many pedestrians hate cyclists and will be as awkward 
as possible in their vicinity, despite the path being for everyone.

Anyway, I'll continue biking with my dog as long as I can. Sooner or later 
Ottawa Council will ban bikes or dogs
(or both)

Wendy Beard,
Ottawa, Canada

Re: Conditioning with a Bicycle and "Springer"

2003-05-29 Thread wendy beard
At 07:39 PM 28/05/2003 -0500, you wrote:
Does anyone else use a springer with your dog and bike?  Any experience with
the dog getting on the wrong side?  What can happen?  Can you just continue
riding and the dog will go back on the correct side, or must I immediately
stop and reposition him?
Vicky Whitney in Bozeman, Montana
Hi Vicky,
This got me wondering - how have you attached your dog to the springer?
I always use a harness with my girl when going out on the bike. The lead is 
then attached at the left side of the harness. It would be very difficult 
for her to get round the wrong side of the bike from the right.
I don't have photos of the springer up at the moment but I have a couple of 
shots I made about a month ago when I was test-driving a couple of 
alternative devices.

I would guess that your lead's too long if he's getting on the wrong side 
of the bike. Are you using the one supplied with the springer with the 
quick-break plastic thingy? If he does happen to get on the left side of 
you, I'd stop and put him back. You don't want the lead hitting your back 

Wendy Beard,
Ottawa, Canada

Re: Dog show photos

2003-05-29 Thread wendy beard
At 07:39 PM 28/05/2003 -0500, you wrote:

   Bonnie and I entered a DDX test in Ottawa last weekend - didn't pass, but
none of the other DDX dogs did, either.  Four of the seven DD dogs earned
titles, though!   We'll probably be trying again in the fall - plenty of 
time to
  Bonnie is on the second page, last photo.

Jana &Bonnie
We saw this dog in action and she did an amazing job. All the dogs were 
superb, but the amazing part is that Bonnie is blind. Congrats on a job 
well done, Jana! You'll get that title next time for sure!

And guess what! My baby Tyra is photo number 8 in the same album!

Wendy Beard,
Ottawa, Canada

fibromatous epulis

2003-03-25 Thread wendy beard
Hello All,

Does anyone have experience of the treatment for a fibromatous epulis?

Wendy & Boris
Boris Beard
Ottawa, Canada

Re: fabric or leather?

2003-03-18 Thread wendy beard
At 12:01 AM 18/03/2003 -0600, you wrote:
Hi All,
I'm about to buy a new vehicle for my dogs since they don't all fit in the 
current one. I'm actually forcing myself to buy something I really dislike 
(a mini van) and is totally out of my personality.
Oh, I know! I vowed that I would never ever buy a minivan. Ysterday, I 
caught myself looking through the specs for minivans on the msn site. Now 
number 3 dog's here, the current car is getting a bit of a tight 
It's a slippery slope ;-)

Anyway, if I could afford it I'd definitely go for leather. The car we had 
previously (a Renault Laguna Station wagon we weren't allowed to import 
into Canada) had leather seats They were brilliant! I'd have them again, no 
doubt about it.
The velour seats we have at the moment aren't bad but I prefer the leather 
any day.

Hmmm, perhaps I just have expensive tastes ;-)


Boris Beard
Ottawa, Canada

Re: Searching for the Bernerproof Trashcan

2003-03-18 Thread wendy beard
At 12:01 AM 18/03/2003 -0600, you wrote:
Subject: Searching for the Bernerproof Trashcan

Hello all.  :)

I am in search of a trash can that my "angels" can't
get into, knock over, and "play" with.
Hi Barb,

I have the perfect trash can here at home. It was bought precisely for that 
reason about 5 years ago. I bought it in Holland and it cost me an arm and 
a leg but that is probably because it was an american import (=trendy).

It's made by the United Metal Receptacle Corp, Pottsville PA
Mine's the R1530E
Brilliant! Best thing I ever bought.


Boris Beard
Ottawa, Canada

Re: Vacuum, cleaners

2003-02-23 Thread wendy beard
I asked the same question about 18 months ago. We had moved from the 
Netherlands to Canada and had to leave most of our electrical equipment 
behind (different voltage & frequency).
We were renting a fully carpeted house (beige carpet!!) and eventually 
settled on a Hoover windtunnel mach 4.7 upright cleaner. It seemed to cope 
pretty well at first but went through belts like nobody's business. Sniff, 
sniff, smells like burning rubber, ah yes, the hair has just tangled round 
the roller and is about to ruin yet another belt.
It comes with a little rotary hand power brush for doing things like 
stairs. Great! Well, if it didn't tangle up with hair I'm sure it would 
work quite well.
Now we've moved into our own house and installed pergo on the ground floor. 
The hoover only has to cope with the upstairs rooms and it's still burning 

How I wish I could find a Philips Vision Canister vac here in Canada.


Boris Beard
Ottawa, Canada

Berners and Brains

2003-02-23 Thread wendy beard
At 12:01 AM 23/02/2003 -0600, Catherine wrote:
Since I'm still waiting for my 2 yr old Berner's brains to arrive via
UPS I'll pass on the "when are they mature" question.
For those of you anxiously awaiting their Berner's brain to arrive - make 
sure the UPS man knows where you live!
When we moved house, we forgot to inform them of  a change of address. As a 
result, Boris's brains got sent back to the depot and somehow got lost, 
never to be found.
Boris will be 5 this year and we still live in hope that they will be found 
and re-routed in time for this birthday but we're not holding our breath!

As a little aside, Boris took his CGN (Canine Good Neighbour) test on 
Friday. Well, he nearly passed. He was a very good boy and he charmed the 
helpers. He got 11 ticks out of 12 which was very good! But, he decided 
that as it was a hall with lots of other dogs and lots of treats being 
handed out on the sidelines then he was at a dog training class and it was 
okay to perform for food. Fair assumption on his part. One part of the test 
was that he should sit still while the tester approached me and greeted me. 
He should not approach, jump up and mug her. Well he didn't. Not really. 
The tester greeted me, offered her hand and I shook it. Boris decided that 
he should do the same. He stood up, and offered his paw.
Now to go and reprimand the person in our household who taught him that a 
paw-swipe is the appropriate way to ask for treats. Could have been worse, 
he could have greeted her with the famous bernese nose-poke.


Boris Beard
Ottawa, Canada

Re: Call Names

2003-02-18 Thread wendy beard
At 10:47 PM 17/02/2003 -0600, you wrote:

Lucy (7) can tell you that she has been called Molly more than once!

Martha Hoverson and Molly

Hee hee, and I've been called Tania a few times before now, after my 
Belgian, Tanja! Never been called Boris though.thank goodness!
Although we've played the name game before our pups have arrived home we've 
never actually decided on one until they've arrived. With Boris, it took a 
couple of days. Why Boris? Well, he just looked like one!!! Funnily enough, 
his grandad had been called Boris too!
My new terv pup earned her name the night we picked her up from the 
airport. There was a snowstorm and it took us 3 1/2 hours to get home 
instead of the normal 1 1/2 - 2. She shouted all the way home and earned 
the name Tyra. Short for Tyrant. Absolutely nothing to do with her 
registered name though. Her litter was to have a "dream" theme. We joked 
that she would be Blackcomb's Bad Dream ;-)

Wendy, Boris and the tervs Tanja and Tyra

Boris Beard
Ottawa, Canada


2003-02-14 Thread wendy beard
At 11:26 PM 13/02/2003 -0600, Pat wrote:

My understanding of the four basic food groups for humans is
as follows:

Potato Chips

That's not a mistake, chocolate is important enough to be two separate
food groups

Hee hee. Someone on the Belgian list has a sig. line which states
"Chocolate: it's not just a food group; it's THE food group."

too true!

Boris Beard
Ottawa, Canada

Re: agility

2003-02-01 Thread wendy beard
At 12:01 AM 01/02/2003 -0600, you wrote:

> Hi Everyone-  I have an 8 mo old Berner who is quite smart.  We would like
> start training him for agility.  Have found a trainer who gives an 8 week
> course for this. My question is this- is he too young to start training
> this?  I wouldn't want to do anything to harm him - I know he has alot of
> growing to do and wouldn't want to jeopardize his hips or legs. Anyone
> any advice for me?  Love listening to all of your suggestions and advice
> everyday. I've learned sooo much.  Thanks again for any help you can give
>  Denise & "Deuce"

I've just started my 4.5 month pup in agility classes (though she's a 
belgian tervuren, not a berner, there is a St Bernard in the class). There 
is no jumping. There is a lot of attention work in the first eight week 
session. Then there's obstacle familiarisation which builds awareness of 
the dog's legs and what he's doing with them e.g. walking through a ladder 
on the ground, walking along a plank raised one brick high off the ground, 
tunnels and tyres placed at floor level. It's fun for the dogs and builds 
confidence and a good relationship with the handler. I would recommend it 
to anyone.
Boris (my Berner) will be 5 in June and I enrolled him in the beginners 
class last year. The first session he was doing identical exercises to the 
puppies in the puppy class. The second class built up jumping very 
gradually. In fact, I think that even then the jumping was more like 
walking over a 10" high pole. Two more classes later and he will now jump 
16" if he's feeling inspired and it's unlikely I will ask him to jump any 
higher than that. The main thing for me is that he is enjoying it. He 
adores all contact obstacles (Oh, how I wish my others did!). Imagine a 110 
lb berner thundering over a dogwalk, drool flying out of his mouth in 
anticipation of the treat he earns for hitting and waiting at  the end of 
the yellow contact zone. It makes me smile just thinking about it.
I say "go for it". Just don't do any jumping with Deuce until he is at 
least a year old (some trainers even say 18 months for a large dog and may 
even ask for written agreement from a vet if the dog is younger). Don't try 
to do too much too soon, some people that I've taken classes with have got 
frustrated that they are not running a full blown course by the end of the 
8 weeks. Take your time and build everything up gradually, but above all - 
Enjoy it.! I do, and so do my dogs!

Wendy, Boris, Tanja AADC and Tyra

Boris Beard
Ottawa, Canada

Re: Guard Dog?

2003-01-12 Thread wendy beard
I would never have had Boris down as a guard dog, rather a dog who would 
let in any potential burglar and lead them to the family silver. Boris 
greets all visitors silently but enthusiastically, either with a paw to the 
shoulder or a nose-poke to the groin. Always goes down well with the male 
visitors ;-)
One day last year, Paul was down in the basement with a couple of workmen. 
He had arrived home when Boris and Tanja were out for a romp in the woods 
with the dogwalker, and was still down there when the two beasties arrived 
home. Apparently, Boris heard strange voices in the basement and thundered 
down the stairs, all guns blazing, barking furiously. Surprised everybody, 
that's for sure!


Boris Beard
Ottawa, Canada

Re: Berner Calendar 2003

2003-01-06 Thread wendy beard
At 06:17 PM 06/01/2003 -0600, you wrote:

Anyone having information where I can obtain one please correspond with me
directly at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks for your help.

Everyone MUST have one of these calendars. All the photos are taken by the 
talented Bernd Guenter and yet again, they are WONDERFUL!.
You can see the covers here:

(Calendars are also available through Amazon - buy through the link on 
Boris's site and the BMDCA Health fund gets the commission!)

Boris Beard
Ottawa, Canada

Re: Cabana Crate Sizing

2002-12-29 Thread wendy beard
At 12:01 AM 29/12/2002 -0600, you wrote:

Hi Everyone!

I've been basically a lurker on this list on and off for about 6 years. I
finally have my very own Berner boy, Berkley! We've had him for two months
now and he is wonderful. He's now 8 months old and 46 pounds. Needless to
say he's going to be on the small side.

I'm looking at getting a Cabana Crate (for those who are interested and
don't know what I'm talking about and was wondering if
anyone on the list uses one and what size you have. Especially those of you
with smaller Berners. The X-Large "may" fit in my trunk but it will be
really close and was thinking that for my small berner I may be able to use
a Large.

Hi Kelly,

Hmm, 46 pounds is pretty small. My Belgian, Tanja, weighs about that and 
she's a dainty little thing. Having said that, when I was looking at buying 
a cabana crate though a large would have been adequate for her, I decided 
to go with the extra large. I reckoned that if I ever wanted to bring Boris 
along, then it would be okay for him to fit into. (Boris is 110 lbs but not 
hugely tall). By getting the extra large, it also means that there is 
plenty of room for Tanja to stretch out. If I was pushed, I could probably 
fit the two of them in it. You may want to consider that for your two!
Do you know anyone at your club with a cabana crate? I was lucky in that an 
agility friend of mine has the extra large crate, so I could see exactly 
how large the thing is. She has a German Shepherd.
Remember,  Berkeley might not get big, but he still has some growing to do too.
One more thing that might sway you - the old stye X-Large crates are on sale!


Boris Beard
Ottawa, Canada

Re: 2003 Specialty

2002-12-27 Thread wendy beard
At 05:29 PM 24/12/2002 -0600, you wrote:

My first Specialty!  The specialty being on the west coast and not more than
a 7 hour drive away from us, this is perfect, WRONG!  I have made contact
with the hotel and RV parks and even the names of the people to contact on
the Specialty internet site and hear the same words, ALL FULL.  Waited too
long to call.  How dumb I feel.

Don't feel dumb.
I sent my reservation form in to reserve a room for two people at the Host 
Hotel. I sent it Expresspost which has a guaranteed delivery time (and is 
trackable) so that my application would reach the hotel by the first day 
that they were accepting bookings for the hotel. (can't remember the exact 
date, mid-june beginning of july?)
In August, I received a letter to say that the the hotel was sold out, but 
they were establishing a waiting list. Fine, I thought, there are alway 
people dropping out when it comes to stumping up the deposit.

I've just been doing a little tidying up and filing on my day off today and 
just found the letter. I re-read it. The third paragraph down tells me if I 
want to be put on the waiting list to telephone or e-mail and I'll be put 
on the waiting list in the order that the request is received. When I read 
the letter back in August, I stopped reading at the bit which said "as we 
already have your reservation request".

Now who feels dumb!
(if you're reading this - Sorry Chantal! I'm a dozy so-and-so!)


Boris Beard
Ottawa, Canada

Re: Nose to Nose in Europe

2002-12-04 Thread wendy beard
At 08:51 PM 04/12/2002 -0600, you wrote:

The problem is that the book is not available in Europe. Amazon UK
doesn't yet carry it.

For those of you in Europe that would like copies, I'm sure Joye Neff or
I can help out. Email us privately.

Pat Long (& Luther) ship all over the world, Pat!

I've just been experimenting with buttons that puts the book directly into 
your shopping cart, making it even easier to shop (and earn commission for 
the BMDCA health fund!)
I think it works, but haven't tested it with all browsers. If someone would 
like to try it out for me I'd be eternally grateful.


Boris Beard
Ottawa, Canada

Re: Amazon

2002-11-21 Thread wendy beard
At 12:01 AM 21/11/2002 -0600, you wrote:

From: Jeannie Schoen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I would like to buy all the Boris books I don't
already own.  However I am waiting to see if  Amazon
will run another shipping free offer. I hope one
wouldn't cancel the other benefit.

Happy Trails, Jeannie Schoen, Greta, BARC Gulliver,
Sophie forever in Michigan

Hi Jeannie,
It shouldn't affect the commission, as the commission is just given on the 
I see they're offering free shipping at the moment, but only on certain 
books. Ah well, there's always dogwise who are offering free shipping until 
the end of November on all orders over $50 !

Wendy & Boris

Boris Beard
Ottawa, Canada

Re: Agility books

2002-11-20 Thread wendy beard
Maria wrote
>Hi L'ers, 

>Daisy (now 3 years old) loves her agility classes. My husband Jack has made 
>several jumps, the tire jump, weave poles (with springs) and is now working 
>on the dog walk. 

Humph. I'll tell you the secret of "work away" in return for you sending Jack up here 
to make a load of agility equipment for me too ;-).

I have the Jane Simmons-Moake book "Agility Training: The Fun Sport for All Dogs"
She has some videos available too, but haven't seen them.

I'll give you a little hint on how I'd make Boris work away from me.
Lob a hunk of cheese over a jump.

wendy, boris and tanja ADC
ottawa, canada

Re: Nose to Nose?

2002-11-19 Thread wendy beard
At 06:10 PM 19/11/2002 -0600, you wrote:

Can someone tell me where I can purchase Nose To Nose?  I know it has been
posted before, but can't seem to find that post.  Thanks.  Jeanne

Amazon has it.

If you purchase it through the link on this page, 15% of the purchase price 
goes to the BMDCA health fund.

Wendy & Boris (Tanja & Tyra)

Boris Beard
Ottawa, Canada

Dogwise - free shipping

2002-11-15 Thread wendy beard
Dear All,
Just thought I'd mention that Dogwise (dog & cat books 'n' stuff) have free 
shipping until the end of November on orders over $50.
Great for those of you who plan ahead when buying their Christmas gifts ;-)
There's another reason for me mentioning it, and that is because any 
purchases made through clicking the dogwise banner on Boris's Book Pages 
earn commission for the BMDCA Health Fund

Last quarter we received a check from Amazon for over $50 for the same 
thing. Commission earned from click-through sales. Okay, so it's not much, 
but it's a nice easy way to generate funds for a good cause - and the good 
thing is - it doesn't cost us a penny!

Wendy and Boris (Tanja and Tyra too)

Boris Beard
Ottawa, Canada

Re: Question re Flexi leads

2002-11-05 Thread wendy beard
Sherri wrote:
>I know plenty of people who've bought the webbed flexi, but no one who uses 
it . 
>The problem is that it's very heavy and cumbersome...most people just don't 
like it. 

I have, and I do!
My only gripe about it is that the tape freezes up in the snow and doesn't retract too 

Wendy, Boris and Tanja too (with 2.5 inches of snow - whoo hoo!)

wendy beard
ottawa, canada

RE: Alternative Breed Recommendations

2002-10-07 Thread wendy beard

Julia wrote:
>The first thing that comes to my mind is a Cavalier King Charles 
>Spaniel. Yes, they are A LOT smaller, but they do meet the criteria you 
>set out. 

Funny you should say that.
Boris has two tri-coloured Cavalier King Charles Spaniels in his agility class. They 
are SO tiny by the side of him. Because of their colouring, we often joke that they 
are mini Berners.

wendy beard
ottawa, canada