Hi Valerie and Babe,

Biggest Hugs to you all!

>Babe is doing well right now - no symptoms.
>We have the recommended
> chemo in hand and will start as soon as blood tests are done.

Good on you.! Sure you are dealing B-cell here Lymphoma here, so a lot of
hope that she will respond well to treatment..
Ask if possible that you are there with the IV treatments, am sure this
helps so much, with Sam first one was given minimum sedation and jumped
happily on the table and stayed there for the hour long treatment. After
first one and Ros was sure he would be OK, no sedation at all!

>I am terrified to give it to her as I am afraid she will be sick, but I
know we
> have to do it.

First and most important is that chemo doses given to our furry friends are
not the heavy dose knock you out stuff that we humans are given! As Ros said
when we started Sam's treatment, the aim is for quality of life! Wish the
human doctor's would apply the same standard, if I get really sick take me
to my vet! Babe will not lose her hair! Hair growing in from Biopsy sites
may be slow growing but will come back! She may get some nausea after the
second week of treatment, Sam sailed through his first week (and was still
alive, a miracle, he was T-cell 3 Lymphoma ) but then we had some vomiting
and refusing food! Weird things like he associated the nausea and vomiting
from eating out of his normal bowl, could hand feed from a different bowl in
a different location! Also chemo affects the sense of smell and taste (have
this also from humans on chemo!) you may spend a few weeks tempting Babe to
eat! Sardines go down well when all else fails! Very smelly and rich in
Omega-3! Did have Sam initially on anti-emetic drugs but got some E-Tea and
have to say that this helped a lot and his appetite was back within a few
days! Also got him on the supplements from Marina soon after, his next six
months were normal! Apart from the chemo, once a week and all those pills!
He was a healthy boy and his quality of life was very good! Well, extra
good, he lived on best steak and chicken breasts, sardines, salmon, tuna!

And thoroughly enjoyed his romps in the woods!

> am not real good right now responding to my emails but am trying.  You
> how distracted you are when dealing with this stuff.  Plus I am giving my
> aged cat sub-Q fluids which is a little new for me - needles and all!

Oh, Sweetheart!

Biggest Hugs to you and Babe and hoping the blood work comes back and is
B-cell lowest grade!!! And even bigger hugs to aged Kitty!

Will post on to the other groups so do not worry!

Jean, Sunny, Sim, Barney and the Longlease Gang
Mr Rainbow Sam says "No way yet, Babe!"

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