I used Biospot 2 summers ago to my Vincent. I called Bayers in Sweden and
they did not like to tell me what Biospot contains of,  it was a secret.
They said,  maybe ecalyptus - but no real answer.

I saw ads - how natural Biospot would be.

Biospot didnīt work and it also hurt the skin. Meaning I just used it once
and not again.
Think I will try garlic this summer.

Margareta Strand

I was looking into a product called " Biospot " that I saw in the Drs
and Smith catalogue. It's supposed to kill fleas, ticks AND mosquitos.
maybe they mean repellent in the case of the mosquitos. Has anyone used
to any effect ?? It's also a LOT more affordable than Frontline. I always
use Frontline , and haven't seen a flea in years. On the tick side of
, I've been lucky with the dogs. Lyme is a BIG concern in my area. I've had
it and wouldn't wish it on a dog :-(. Any opinions on this brand , Biospot
???                Thanks !!         Laurie Montoya  S. Central PA.

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