Whew, I feel like I can take a deep breath for the first time in many days.
Woke up this am to many kind posts...tried to respond only to find I must
have "burned out" my old keyboard with all the e-mails of the past week. And
it was OLD. How old you ask? Still used Roman Numerals! Now have very spiffy
silent kind [Office Max on sale for only $6.49!!].

Ari is doing wonderfully. Sleeping and healing. I think her "tail up,
prancing around" act yesterday morning was just a ploy.."get me outta
here!". But I can't imagine I'd be prancing around 5 days after having my
spleen removed, stomach re-rotated 360 degrees and stapled to my insides,
either. Eating small meals of whatever concoction I can tempt her with.
Mashed potatoes with baby food mixed with a little finely minced cooked
chicken has worked. Right now I'm just wanting to get a little something in
her. She went in weighing 83 lbs, and I would guess that she's down to about
70. Of course with her belly and halfway up her sides shaved, she looks like
a tri-colored greyhound, so maybe it's an optical illusion. I should have
had her weighed on the way out.

I have Bacchus going into the referral vet in Akron on Tues. Karen forwarded
me info from the Naturalberners list about an Oct Dog World article about
the University of Illinois Cancer Care Clinic wanting dogs diagnosed with
osteosarcoma to participate in a drug trial using the drug Pamidronate. I
wrote down all info to take with me Tues. Let's hope I don't have to use it.

And again thank you all for the prayers and support you have sent and
continue to send me. I know I wouldn't have been able to cope as well as I
have if it hadn't been for each and every one of you.

Cathi with Bacchus and Ari

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