Dear List,
Holy Cow, I didn't realize just how hard this was going to be to say good
bye. I feel like I am leaving old friends and this is just so darn
difficult. I have been in tears ALL morning, and the precious emails that I
have received from so many already mean a great deal to me. Just so that you
all know, from the very start of this whole ordeal we received 770 "Stevie"
emails. And I still am getting some even now. I appreciate every single
thing that you all have done for us. I have taken the suggestions about
going to the library for updates and mail from the list, however, we live in
a very tiny rural area and a round trip to the library is 1 1/2 hours.
Unfortunately, I would never be able to leave my Sweet Stevie that long and
wouldn't want to. We definitely will be "disconnected" so to speak from much
of the big world out there. This is why this list has been my life-line and
my saving grace. But I will keep in touch and I am setting up a Yahoo mail
box right now. My yahoo address will be [EMAIL PROTECTED] and when I
have access to a computer then I will check my mail. Many of you have asked
for my snail mail address:
Karen McFarlane (and Stevie)
4564 Route 880
Havelock, NB
E4Z 5K6
>From the deepest recesses of my heart I want to thank you all for both
Stevie and I. As I have said previously, we never, ever would have made it
through this without the love and support and much provided and needed
strength from the list. I have made so many new friends from all over the
world and I am truly thankful. I hope that someday I will have the
opportunity to meet some of you, there will be many hugs and berner belly
rubs to give out. My heart is heavy and words just don't seem enough at this
point. So I will say bye bye for now, and please feel free to drop me a
line, either way. I will be thinking of you all with nothing but love and
warm thoughts.
Love to you All.
Big huge belly rubs and gentle kisses
Karen and Stevie

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