Dear Cecilia,
You know that my thoughts and prayers are with you now and in the days
ahead. I am sure that I am safe in saying that the whole list will be
praying for Griffin and you. I am wishing you God's Speed in being able to
obtain some answers for Griffins health problems. Cecilia, you have been a
constant support for Stevie and I during some of our darkest days, and we
are so appreciative of everything that you have done for us. We are sending
all the love and warmth that is in our very full heart, that we can possibly
muster. So much of our heart was filled up by this list.
This list was so supportive to Stevie and I during our time of need and
continues to be and I am confident in the knowledge that it will be to you
as well. Draw strength from it, you are an amazing person who has already
brought your precious Griffin through so much and I know that you are up for
this fight. I am right there beside you girl, and will be whenever you need
Big Huge Berner Hugs and Gentle Kisses
Karen and Stevie
NB, Canada

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