RE: Eye Discharge

2002-12-05 Thread Rose Tierney
Hi Joby,
Right now Bella is changing her teeth and it is not unusual to have a bit
of redness or even droopiness in the eye during this time. However if the
discharge is yellow or green in colour then she needs some eye ointment
from the vet. All eye discharge should be from the inner corner, any watery
discharge from the outside corner could be an indication of entropia

Buy some 100% cotton pads that are normally used to remove eye makeup and
with some warm water gently clean the eyes using a different pad for each
one. Check inside her ears as well, if she is beginning to exibit food
allergy the inner ears are usually affected as well and also if she is
chewing her feet excessively and they are pink and raw between the toes.

Personally I would not feed rawhides but find her a nice meaty bone without
too much fat or marrow and let her chew that to ease her mouth discomfort
while teething.


Re: Eye Discharge

2002-12-04 Thread jean cheesman

> Recently my 4 month old BMD (Bella) has been having an inordinate amount
of eye discharge.

Any sort of eye discharge in any of my animals I always keep a tube of
Brolene. Used to be Golden Eye ointment here UK, no doubt in the US you have
a similar cream over the counter, chemist/pharmicist,  for simple eye
infections.  If no better after a couple of days, consult the vet!

Love Jean, Sunny, Simmy, Barney and the Gang

Eye Discharge

2002-12-04 Thread Joseph Reiley
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