> Hi,
> Oh is the new girl at our house is a smart one - the little flirt....
> She is trying all sorts of ways to get Caspar to play with her - and she
is almost there...
> She twirls her tail in his face, lays with her nose near his, jumps around
> him like tigger from Winnie the Pooh, lays in the grass and tries to make
> herself flat as the grass (that is funny), then pounces as he passes by
> runs for his ball then circles wide, barks and yips as he takes off
> He just doesn't know what to do about her.  He starts to play and chase,
> then stops suddenly, lifts his tail picks up his ball and runs the other
> way.  If she doesn't follow, then he turns around and looks for her.  I
> think tonight she overwhelmed him, he finally picked up his ball and went
> into the house.  She looked at me then went running after him and they
> left me standing alone in the back yard with all the rest of the toys.
> they barked at ME? because I was still outside........
> KIDS!!!!
> Never a dull moment.......
> The neighbors and school and church and the dog club have all figured out
> that Capsar did not grow long hair overnight - but that we have another
> dog........
> Yes, I like long hair
> Yes, I know she has big feet (so did the person asking)
> Yes, I know she sheds - (so did the person asking)
> Yes, I know she will eat alot (so did the person asking)
> Yes, I know she looks like a Berner - SHE IS.....
> Yes, I know she looks like my other dog - HE would differ in opinion...
> Yes, I know I should sweep every day -0 I'm saving it for a sweater...
> Yes, I know that you're glad she lives at my house and not yours - (we are
> glad you live at your house also)
> And we wonder why our dogs smile.....
> LeAnn Zogg
> Pax and Paws

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