"Count Your Berner Blessings"

Tis The Night Before Christmas,
And all through the house,
Not a Berner is stirring,
To ourselves we say, "Wow!"

Not one Berner opening a present,
Not one Berner chewing a bow,
Not one swiping Christmas cookies,
They are all asleep in a row!

All dreaming of bisquits,
Squirrels, a pond,
Chasing a butterfly,
Here and beyond,

Yes, we do have those furballs,
Mudprints, a chewed child's toy,
But we also have the blessings,
Of our Berner hugs, kisses, and joy!

They are our Christmas angels,
So deeply asleep,
Our beautiful furry children,
Lodged into our hearts so deep.

Author: Mary Chapdelaine

Seasons Greetings!
We wish you all peace, love & joy!

Mary, Jeff, & Kids (Furry & Non)

Jeff & Mary Chapdelaine
SnoBear Berners
N. California, USA

"When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself."
 Wayne Dyer - Psychotherapist, Author and Speaker

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