Re: My education failed(:

2003-02-05 Thread Janice Parky
 >  > the cost of the puppy.  I think a good probably breeder under sells
the pet
> store price all of the time.

I meant a "good breeder probably"

Back to my crate for the evening,
Janice Parky

Re: My education failed(:

2003-02-05 Thread Janice Parky

I think we all share your frustration at times.   Many of us, as consumers,
can be impulsive.   How many people want a dog, but don't necessarily want
do the necessary research, or don't know where to begin, and can't resist
the adorable "puppy in the window"?  Ironically, a Berner puppy in a local
puppy store just sold for $2000.  The original price was $3200, but after 4
weeks, was dropped.  He was purchased for that price.  He had no pedigree
papers to be seen when I went in to check on him, but I was assured he was
bred by a "very good breeder in Missouri."  I don't know of too many
responsible, caring breeders who are selling their dogs for $3200, with no
AKC registration.  A local vet told us that every one of the pups she has
seen come from this store has worms, intestinal parasites, etc.  Add that to
the cost of the puppy.  I think a good probably breeder under sells the pet
store price all of the time.

I agree, it is pretty disturbing.

Janice Parky
Cape Cod, MA

Re: my education failed

2003-02-05 Thread Mary Shaver
Tami wrote:
>"...but no they got a pup out of a Pet Store. AR."

>How timely, one of my best friends (of many years) just last night
emailed >me a picture of her new pup, an American Eskimo they bought
from a petstore, >& I've been thinking the same thing.  Everytime she
mentioned wanting a dog >I told her about puppy mills, responsible
breeder criteria, rescues, health >clearances, etc.
>Now I know how so many parents feel when their kids run amok. . .
"where >did I go wrong?"

***  but sometimes it succeeds.  I have been having an ongoing dialog
with a woman who bought her puppy from our resident Georgia puppy
miller.  After two weeks of intestinal illnesses/bloody stools, and the
knowledge of what she had done in making this purchase, she did what I
consider an incredibly courageous thing...she returned the puppy.  I am
frankly amazed the guy took the puppy back (and returned her money), and
she is understandably devastated over the whole thing, but at the end of
the day she did the RIGHT THING!!!  And she did it all on her own.  My
tongue was bitten in two, but I didn't tell her what to do.  When she
told me where she got the puppy from, I informed her of what we knew
about the guy, but I wasn't going to rake her over the coals... I just
figured it was water over the dam, and it would do no good to alienate
her, especially as she had gotten such an earful from the puppy miller
about what horrible people we "show" people were.

I hope when she is ready to get another berner pup - and she isn't ready
right now - we will be able to thank her for having done the the right
thing by finding her a healthy, happy bouncing baby berner.  This PPO
can just as easily represent the future of our breed as the PPO's who
have to have the first puppy they see.

It doesn't always work out this way, and I would never have thought this
situation would have resolved itself in the way that it did...But it is
gratifying to know that sometimes our educational efforts are NOT in
vain, that they DO have merit and people DO listen and read and at the
end of the day, they DO make the right choices.

Mary and the girls, Laurel and Bailey
Fayetteville, GA

Re: my education failed

2003-02-05 Thread Tami Kapphahn

"...but no they got a pup out of a Pet Store. AR."

How timely, one of my best friends (of many years) just last night emailed
me a picture of her new pup, an American Eskimo they bought from a
petstore, & I've been thinking the same thing.  Everytime she mentioned
wanting a dog I told her about puppy mills, responsible breeder criteria,
rescues, health clearances, etc.

Now I know how so many parents feel when their kids run amok. . . "where
did I go wrong?"

And to add something Berner-related;  I would highly recommend to anyone
out there who is considering getting a Berner, go visit your local club.
We've been to about half a dozen shows, and had the good fortune to meet
some very nice people & dogs, but going to the Twin Cities BMD club meeting
was pure joy.  Literally about a ton of happy dogs running around, sitting
on your feet, leaning into you, rolling over to be pet - my husband & I
still occasionally talk about how much fun that was, and that meeting was a
few months ago :-)
Great people too - everyone was very nice & willing to introduce their
dog(s) and answer questions.  A big (and overdue) thank you to the members
of that club for making us feel so welcome!

Tami K-Baker
St. Paul, Minnesota

My education failed(:

2003-02-04 Thread Sylvia Katvala
Remember a while back when I wanted information about Cavalier Kings Charles
Spaniels. Talked to the lady about puppy mills, pet stores, send her a ton
of info, but no they got a pup out of a Pet Store. AR. They told her
the pups come from local breeders. Yeah right, they all say this, give me
prove on this.
Did wish the pup a happy and healthy life and at least it's in a good home.
Doesn't help when I tell, her told you so.

Why they didn't want to go to a good breeder was because they cost too much.
How can you argue with this?

To make it Berner related. They are also rather expensive and how can you
justify the price at times. Just think there is a limit what a dog, any dog
should cost.

Sorry for rambling, but I'm rather frustrated right now.

Sylvia Katvala with Neala
Tucson, AZ