Need help in how to avert endless questions!

2002-12-06 Thread Vicky Whitney
Bipeds, bipeds, bipeds.  Tsk, Tsk.  I thought my mom TOLD you already how to 
avoid all those annoying people asking questions about us.  Now sit, STAY, 
and F-O-C-U-S, okay?

Dress yourself in shorts and tee shirt, sit on the floor and brush your dog 
vigorously (but gently) -- give LOTS OF TREATS.  Make sure you're 
well-covered in dog hair before venturing out -- I personally like to add a 
whole bunch of slobber marks to my mom's clothes (and love scratches to her 
legs, using my dewclaws).

When you encounter anyone who stops to ask you about us, signal your dogs to 
take off after something (my Berner buddies Belle, Beau, and Breezie exiting 
a store was enough for Maddie and me), and have your dog yank you off your 
feet and on down the sidewalk.  Believe me, those pesky people will learn 
all they need to know about living with us Berner kids, and will just sort 
of slink away.  (This is easier with a sister Berner, but I'm confident I 
could do the job on my own.)

I guarantee it!

Bernerly yours,
Sascha's Ursa Major (known as Major Noodlehead), and is not allowed use the 
initials CGC for now
Bozeman, Montana

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Need help in how to avert endless questions!

2002-12-05 Thread Denise Vickers,
... Invariably, the person starts asking a thousand questions about
them. I AM flattered and I am normally only too happy to talk at length
about Bernese, but sometimes I would just like to have a conversation with
the friend I have come to meet, or drink my cup of coffee in peace and
quiet. Two of my friends are by now so cheesed off by these constant
interruptions that they refuse to meet up if I have the dogs with me...

I always have the same problem when I'm in public with my boys.  BMD's attract a lot 
of attention! 
First my husband and I thought a sign would work: "..A Bernese Mt Dog", but Buef just 
ate the sign. 
So then we resorted to T-shirts, one for me one for my husband.  That didn't work - no 
one looked at
us!  So we decided to put a 'sign' on the dog.  Buef now has his own black t-shirt 
that says
'Bernese Mt Dog', 'BMD', 'Berner', 'Sennenhund' and 'I'm a Bernese Mt Dog' all over 
it!!  His back
pak also says BMD on it.  BooBoo wears a t-shirt that says "BooBoo The Dog"!  My 
husband and I
usually team up together when we have the dogs out in public.  One of us will answer 
questions, while the other concentrates on shopping.

If I really don't want to be disturbed, I turn my back and avoid eye contact.  As soon 
as you
acknowledge someone with a smile or eye contact their all over you.  I know it sounds 
rude, but you
gotta do what ya gotta do!  I want all my dogs to be properly socialized and become 
CGC's and that
means going out into public places with them. 

Michigan USA

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RE: Need help in how to avert endless questions!

2002-12-05 Thread Nancy Melone
Buy a packet of "Berner Baseball Cards" from Pat Long (the donation supports
BLEF, I believe).  With a simple mailing label, you can (or maybe Pat will)
tailor the "contact for further information" section on the card to your
local Berner Club or yourself, if you are indeed willing to answer questions
at a later time. When someone approaches you, say that you have an
appointment with someone and cannot chat about dogs now, but (hand them the
card) this card will give you some information on the breed, along with
contacts for learning more.  If the person rudely persists, say, "As I
stated previously, I have an engagement and cannot talk just now." Then
Nancy Melone
Mars, PA

Re: Need help in how to avert endless questions!

2002-12-05 Thread Marjie

Oh Michela, the problem is you!  Yes, the dogs are gorgeous and everyone wants
to talk about them.  But--if you're not so approachable, the problem will be
solved!  Wear curlers in your hair, a dirty old housecoat, ratty pink slippers,
a cigarette hanging out of your mouth,  an overloaded ripped shopping bag.  Have
a bit of eau de skunk ready and spray a bit as the curious ones approach.  Get a
big wad of pictures of drooling infants and tell them they have to see your
grandchildren before talking about the dogs.

Those pesky admirers will soon disappear!


Re: Need help in how to avert endless questions!

2002-12-05 Thread Bernd Guenter
How about a sign that says:

"Dogs in training! Please do not approach!" :-)

Bernd Günter

> . Who knows an effective phrase which will keep all parties happy?

Re: Need help in how to avert endless questions!

2002-12-05 Thread Jeff & Mary Chapdelaine - SnoBear berners
Hi Michaela,

Maybe you could order some breed baseball cards and say something like, "I'm
sorry, I'm unable to talk about my dogs right now but would you like one of
these cards which will give you information on the breed?"
Hand them the card and go back to your coffee.
You can educate, and have time with your friends.  :  )



Jeff & Mary Chapdelaine
SnoBear Berners
N. California, USA

Need help in how to avert endless questions!

2002-12-05 Thread Michaela Simmons
I need your input with a seemingly daft question.

 Here is the thing: I, thanks to our relatively dog friendly laws in cafes
and pubs, almost always have my boys in tow when I'm out and about. I enjoy
having them with me and they enjoy tagging along. So far, so good.

Both my boys are born schmooze bears and overjoyed when approached by
strangers. They are very handsome dogs and appear to "invite" cuddles from
everywhere. Invariably, the person starts asking a thousand questions about
them. I AM flattered and I am normally only too happy to talk at length
about Bernese, but sometimes I would just like to have a conversation with
the friend I have come to meet, or drink my cup of coffee in peace and
quiet. Two of my friends are by now so cheesed off by these constant
interruptions that they refuse to meet up if I have the dogs with me. I CAN
understand them, we never get to have a conversation! My friends sit there
for a long time, bored witless, whilst I talk to perfect strangers about

Moreover, I have taught the boys to lie down quietly in those places, but
with an endless stream of people coaxing them over, it has turned into an
equally endless up-down-up-down-up-down. Not really what I want. Sure, it's
a minor problem BUT is annoying all the same.

I, not being English, don't know how to signal in a POLITE way that this
isn't a good time for me to answer their questions. I have tried. But people
are amazingly persistent and I don't want to be brusque with them.

Hence, who knows a good way to deflect questions? I like my friends, I like
having my dogs with me and I don't want to snub nice but intrusive
strangers. Who knows an effective phrase which will keep all parties happy?

Michaela, Harvey & Rupert ( but we LOVE all that attention - lying down
quietly is boring!)