My Greta did something this past weekend I wanted to share.  My dog club
had a picnic at the lake near where we live.  Our picnic site had a roof
over several picnic tables, then there was a wooded hill down to the water.
There were a few of us down at the water.  Greta, who has become quite the
water bug and a yellow Lab were in the water.

The yellow Lab hasn't been to the water much and the owners weren't sure
what she'd do.  Well the Lab loved the water and you could tell she wasn't
really use to it.  She would swim around and then head out way off the
shore.  Greta likes to paddle around get on the shore and then run back in
the water. After a while the owners of the Lab were worried their dog was
getting tired and she wasn't coming out of the water.  They kept calling her
and she wouldn't come out.  The more they called her out the more distressed
their voices were and the Lab was just swimming around in a circle.

 Then all of a sudden Greta got on the shore went down a little ways and
headed out in the water like she was flanking the Lab.  Greta got behind the
Lab and literally pushed the Lab to the shore swimming.   I wasn't really
sure what I was seeing.  The owners of the Lab had no doubt.  Relieved their
Lab was on the shore they thanked Greta for rescuing her.   It was pretty
neat. If I didn't see it for myself I don't know if I would have believed
it. I wondered (and a couple others) if it was the "Newfie" that's in
Berners that made her do it.  Other people thought Greta was herding the
Lab. My husband thinks she sensed the distress in the voices that were
calling the Lab and reacted.

 One thing Greta did that I'm glad I didn't see. When Greta decided she
wanted to cool off while hanging around the picnic tables she took off down
the hill and leaped off a huge rock about 7 feet high and dove into the
water.  I was running after her and couldn't see through the trees, someone
in my club happen to be down there and told me.  Greta was swimming around
and I was worried she might have hurt herself, but not at all, thank
goodness.  I would never have thought she'd do that.

 Greta had such a good time and was exhausted when we got home. She loves
those kind of social events.

Kathy Schmitz, Woodstock, Georgia
Brighteye Meine Liebe "Greta" OAP, NJP, CGC
"Mattie" Matterhorn Princess CD, NA, CGC  & Gunner  (in loving memory and
together again at the bridge)

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