Re: Move over Dog!!

2003-07-05 Thread Sara Steele
Hi Rose,
That experience with lightning was really scary. The Man upstairs was on
your side that day!  Here in New Jersey, not long ago, we had lightning take
out one of the TV sets and the furnace! My Mother, out in Illinois, had a
completely different experience---lightning, rather than take out an
appliance, actually turned her oven
on! Years ago, when we lived in Massachusettes, I was sitting across from
the front door, which was open, when the rain started. All of a sudden, I
felt my
hair stand on end. I dashed to the front door and slammed it shut. The bolt
didnt hit close, but it was close enough. I realize that I was taking a huge
risk by rushing to the door to close it. There was no time to think, but I
knew that it is best if your doors and windows are closed (screens don't
count.) At that time, I somehow thought that my chances were better at
getting the door closed than trying to retreat backwards across the room.
Once you feel your hair stand on end, lightning is targeting you. So, I
figured, that, maybe it would chase me across the room. So, better to block
its path by closing the door. Right or wrong?At least, I didnt have to learn
the hard way.
Another time, here in New Jersey, I, who grew up in Illinois (tornado
territory) and should know better,  did the wrong thing. Seemingly, all of a
sudden, it got very dark, very windy, and the rain started blowing fiercely
from the southwest right into the sun room. It was like someone was pointing
a garden hose in the room.
Not wanting a soaked room, I dashed to the door and closed it!  Then,
thinking tornado, I herded the dogs to the basement, and huddled them in the
southwest corner. At that time, it sounded like a huge tractor trailer was
lumbering up the steep hill in front of the house, in first gear. Later, I
learned that it really was a tornado. Not a common thing for New Jersey!
This tornado, of over a decade ago, left a path of damage, some of which can
still be seen to this day.
A horse barn roof, several miles away in the town to the southwest of mine,
lost it's roof. The pathway was obvious in the back of my house. My roof was
spared. Miles away, way out on I-80, to the northeast of us, on the way to
New York City, a huge trail of ripped up trees was to be seen. One should
NOT, I am told,  close the doors and windows in the case of a tornado. This
creates a pressure that can contribute to lifting the roof off the house. I
would be interested in hearing what safety tips the rest of you might offer
all of us on dealing with lightning and tornados.  Twice, now, I have had to
make split second decisions. It helps, if one knows ahead of time what to
My Yutzi is terrified of thunder and high winds. He knows that the high
winds may be followed by thunder. How he ever developed a fear of thunder, I
do not know. Fireworks, the deep-sounding ones, frighten him, too,, as they
are thunder-like. Once, we were carting in a parade, and one of the
bandsmen, struck a roll on his bass drum---spooking the heck out of Yutzi. I
wonder, how the wolves manage with all this,
sara steele

Re: Move over Dog!!

2003-07-05 Thread Marion Brown

I know exactly how you feel!

A few weeks ago our house was struck by lightening. One of the concrete
parapets on the roof was thrown onto the driveway, right where I had been
standing a couple of minutes before as I got the dogs into the safety of
the house. I was left a trembling wreck at the thought of what might have
been! The dogs actually handled it better than I did and, of course, my
husband was out at the time and all I could do was call him and tell him to
get back home as quickly as possible.

All is quiet now as it is winter and we don't expect rain until

Marion Brown
Teversal Bernese Mountain Dogs
South Africa
Dogs Never Lie About Love (Jeffrey Masson)

Re: Move over Dog!!

2003-07-05 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 07/05/2003 5:21:35 AM Central Daylight Time, 

 . One should NOT, I am told,  close the doors and windows in the case of a 
tornado. This creates a pressure that can contribute to lifting the roof off 
the house. 

The most recent studies have shown that this is NOT true.  I too, was always 
taught to leave the windows open at the southwest corner to equalize the 
pressure inside and outside the house.  It turns out, it makes no difference and it 
is just important that inhabitants of the house go to the lowest level away 
from all doors, windows and outside walls, preferable under something.  Some 
people have survived by crawling into their bathtub and pulling a mattress over 
themselves.  Since I'm still up here in IL and in the vicinity of strong 
storms, if the alarms sound, the dogs and I huddle in the hallway with all doors to 
other rooms closed!

Anne Copeland (Flash CGC, TDIA, 9 yrs. old, Berner; Gypsy CGC, TDI, 2 yrs. 
old, Cavalier)
Northern Illinois   [EMAIL PROTECTED], Corr. Sec. BMDCA

RE: Move over Dog!!

2003-07-05 Thread Rose Tierney
Hi Susan,
 The telephone connections to the computers are separate from the power
source and it was through those lines that the modems got fried.


-Original Message-
From: Susan Berlin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: July 4, 2003 8:43 AM
To: Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List
Subject: Re: Move over Dog!!

Just a comment -- I, too, once lost a fax machine that way. That's why I
have my computer and accessories plugged into a surge protector AND I
the whole thing every time I close down the computer.


with Djinn and Riley

 By the way that was why I was quiet on the list for a few days because
 although we were not on-line both computers had their modems fried!

Re: Move over Dog!!

2003-07-04 Thread Susan Berlin
Just a comment -- I, too, once lost a fax machine that way. That's why I
have my computer and accessories plugged into a surge protector AND I unplug
the whole thing every time I close down the computer.


with Djinn and Riley

 By the way that was why I was quiet on the list for a few days because
 although we were not on-line both computers had their modems fried!