Odd Request

2003-06-10 Thread Coral and David Denis
My friend in England would like to get a collar for her lovely big Berner
boy that looks like jewels around it.  Does anyone have any ideas.  You can
contact me privately if you like.

Thank you.


Request for Input - BMDCA Info Sheet Re: Understanding Pedigrees

2003-06-06 Thread RobinHamme
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Re: Request for Input - BMDCA Info Sheet Re: Understanding Pedigrees

2003-06-06 Thread berner1
reposted in plain text for Robin. 

Read up people, I know you have questions and input about this one - I'll dig up some 
of the old digest posts about the registry information that some of you have done, 
anything else you've posted that you think might help, let me know and I'll try to 
find it to give to Robin!   Pat

- Original Message -

Hello Everyone,

As I shared in an earlier post today about the BMDCA Info Series, work is underway to 
prepare an Info Sheet on the topic of understanding and putting information to work 
gleaned from pedigrees when researching breeders and selecting puppies. Please 
remember the audience for this public information series -- those considering the 
breed and/or new to the breed.

What would be really helpful to the volunteers working on this project is to hear from 
those new to purebred dogs and/or new to the breed. Specifically, we'd really 
appreciate understanding what you didn't know back then and what you have found 
insightful since that time regarding pedigrees and related topics. 

And, BMD breeders, we need your help as well. Please reflect on your novice puppy 
buyers re: their knowledge or lack thereof in terms of pedigrees and offer any 
insights than you can.

Writing this Info Sheet is proving to be harder than it sounds. And we really want to 
be helpful to the target audience. Please be advised that I plan to share your input 
with the team working on this unless I am advised that I may not forward the thoughts 

Many thanks in advance.

Best wishes,

Robin Hamme
Editor/BMDCA Info Series
 ShadyOak BMDs
Evansville, IN, USA

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2003-02-08 Thread Brrnrlovr
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Fwd: Request for assistance - Pawprints

2002-12-24 Thread Maureen Barry

We're well into the festive season and only now am I
doing some greeting cards (they'll be handed to family
members tomorrow). One such card is To Gramma ...
from my BMD Jake. Any ideas on how to safely get his
pawprint onto the card? I suspect those ink pads from
Staples are indelible, and food colouring probably
isn't a better option. I could always just wet his paw
and stamp the card, then outline it and fill it in
myself, but it's just not the same. Any suggestions
would be appreciated!

Happy holidays to all!

Maureen Barry  Jake (who hasn't liberated a single
ornament from the tree!)
Montreal, Quebec

Maureen Barry
Montreal, Quebec

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RE: Rescue Transport Request

2002-11-25 Thread Pat Long Paul Dangel
Posted in plain text for Ellen:


I need to start over to get Teddy sent to NJ  I seem to have enough help
from Pa...but need help from Wisconsin to PA...Can you post this?  
Thank you ...Ellen K.


BMD pictures request

2002-11-18 Thread berner1
Forwarded for Ann Milligan (not a List member), please help if you can, she writes 
some great stuff! I'm looking forward to this one!
Please respond directly to Ann at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]



I'm looking for digital BMD pictures.

What I am interested in are pictures representing the variety of 
physical traits  commonly seen in the breed.

If you have a digital picture that exemplifies of any of the following traits please 
kindly send me the photo for use in a document I'm designing to both explain and 
celebrate our breed's  diversity.

Here are the pics I would like. If you have a digital picture of a BMD who has any of 
these features please send it to Ann Milligan at  

1. A BMD male or female exemplifying overall excellence in breed type 
(mature 3 years of age+)
2. A BMD with a straight shoulder
3. A BMD with extreme rear angulation
4. A BMD with a beautiful face including  correct ear size and 
placement, a strong muzzle, well shaped and set eye, a broad backskull and correct 
5. A BMD with a narrow backskull
6. A BMD with a round eye
7. A BMD with a light eye
8. A BMD with a low ear set/large ears
9. A BMD with a long back
10. A BMD with a short back
11. A BMD with long legs
12. A BMD with short legs
13. A BMD with a gay tail
14. A BMD with a deep capacious chest
15. A  BMD with a narrow body
16. A BMD with fine bone
17. A BMD with heavy bone
18. A BMD with a straight long coat
19. A BMD with a curly coat (adult or pup)
20. A BMD with loose eyes (ectropion)
21. A BMD with loose flews
22. A BMD with a long back and short legs
23. A BMD with a short back and long legs
24. A BMD with a Collie type head
25. A BMD with a St. Bernard type head
26. A BMD with a Rottweiler type head
27. A BMD with a short neck
28. A BMD with a long neck
29. A BMD a short tail
30. A BMD with a long tail
32. An BMD as an adolescent
33. A BMD as an 8 week old puppy
34. A BMD senior 9+ years of age
35. A BMD with a wide front
36. A BMD with a narrow front
38. A BMD with a narrow rear as viewed from the rear
39. A BMD with a correct rear as viewed from the rear
40. A BMD with close hocks as viewed from the rear
41.  A BMD out at the elbows
42. A BMD with a dip behind the withers
43. A BMD with a rear quarters higher than the withers
44. A BMD with withers higher than hips
45. A BMD with a fiddle front
46. A BMD with weak pasterns
47. A BMD with knuckled over front legs
48. A BMD with cow hocks
49. A BMD with well set under elbows (prominent forechest and posternum)
50. A BMD with  tuck up of the underline

There is no perfect BMD, but every Bernese Mountain Dog I have ever met has had traits 
to admire and a few that could be better if we lived in an ideal world. I would like 
everybody either already in our breed or people coming into the breed as breeders or 
pet owners to have a better understanding of BMD traits.

Thanks so much for sending any pictures which will help me to compose a comprehensive 
document for educational purposes.

Ann Milligan

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Unsubscribe request

2002-11-17 Thread Kathy Boyce

Please unsubscribe me temporarily. Will be moving and changing ISPs.

--- Kathy Boyce