Bet ya won't find this on Martha's show Friday w/the Berners :0)

I received this from a friend.  It's a cute one.
Having a berner we have multiple ingredents below.
Just in time for the holidays. :0)

Happy Howlidays, 
Beth Schmoyer
Misha BARC's Alot
Bethlehem, PA

> With Thanksgiving just around the corner these cooking tips might come 
> in handy.... 
> The proper way to cook with dog hair--by Mary E. Wooley 
> Do you remember the last time you had company for dinner and how 
> embarrassed you were when you dug up several dog hairs from your best 
> gourmet effort? That is because there is a right way and a wrong way to 
> cook with dog hair. 
> First, we must remember each dish calls for a different variety. If you 
> are unfortunate enough to own only one variety, I'm sure you can come up 
> with a friend who will be willing to exchange the proper variety of hair 
> with you. Or one could send off an order for a rare variety as they are 
> light and easy to mail. 
> There are many dishes that are basic to most menus these can always be 
> spiced up with the Buff variety. These are especially useful when baking 
> biscuits, pastries and yellow cakes. The Black and Tan hairs go well 
> with fall dishes, Thanksgiving turkey, mince, or pumpkin pies or even 
> yams. Black of course is for your roasts, steaks, ribs and hearty dishes 
> including stews which carry blacks well. 
> Naturally, Chocolate will go well with most desserts, unless it is a 
> very light Jell-O type dessert. then go back to the Silver Buff. If you 
> are especially interested in foreign foods most varieties can be used in 
> Mexican Japanese and Chinese cooking. In fact, any nationality food will 
> accept most dog hairs without hurting the food. 
> A good rule of thumb to remember which dog hairs go with which dish is-- 
> use them as you would a good wine-- white wine and light hair with the 
> delicate dishes. Dark wine and dark hair with the more robust, heartier 
> dishes. 
> Use your dog hair in Good Health!!!!! 
> (Comment overheard at a dog show..... " one sure way to tell a real dog 
> person, if we find a human hair in our food, we immediately say "oh 
> yuck, I can't eat that it has hair in it!" If its a dog hair we just 
> flick it out and go right on eating..... Think about it !!!!) 

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