Re: Sponsors

2003-01-20 Thread BernerFolk
In a message dated 1/20/2003 8:16:31 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

> I just began to investigate joining the BMD club and am confused by the 
> sponsors needed to become a member?  How does one go about this if I don't 
> have any Berner owners near me or who know me? 
> I am not 
> sure how to proceed or if I should just forget it and continue to rely on 
> this mail list as my Berner link?

Hi Jan, welcome to the Berner-L!

The BMDCA is the "parent" club for Bernese (in AKC lingo) in the US.  The 
reason for the 'sponsor' requirement for membership is that as the "parent" 
club, the BMDCA is responsibile for the breed standard and all dialogue with 
the AKC relevent to the breed.  For those purposes, it makes sense to have a 
membership that already has a strong foundation in the breed.  Which brings 
me to how to get that foundation...

The starting point for most people is here, on the email lists focusing on 
Bernese...especially a broad subject one like the Berner-L.  The next stop is 
your regional BMD club.  The Regional clubs are in place specifically to 
provide owners with opportunities to meet one another, learn from each other, 
do fun things and learning things, and to support group efforts like rescue 
and public ed, etc.  

You'll find links to the regional clubs (along with a lot of other excellent 
information) on the BMDCA website (  Also, if you post where 
you're located, you may find other folks from your area on the Berner-L.

So...join your regional club, participate in activities, volunteer to help 
out.  Before you know it, you'll have an ever-widening circle of Berner 
friends.  Then, if your interest lies in getting more involved with the breed 
on a national level, you'll have no problem finding people to sponsor your 
membership in the BMDCA.

-Sherri Venditti
(Can you send some puppy breathe this way?)


2003-01-20 Thread jan labas
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