Dear List,
Stevie actually walked from my living room to the kitchen today almost
unassisted!! Looks a bit like an inebriated partier. He is now eating just
about anything that is put in front of him, except kibble. He will eat a
little of that if it is hand fed to him. But just a few pieces. He shakes
his head alot, because of his ear, but I can't think that it is good for his
wee brain. His little kitten (George) just cannot figure out why Stevie
isn't chasing him around and carrying him in his mouth like he used to. Even
his eyes seem to be a little tiny bit closer together. My sister has to
leave to go home tomorrow :( and I will miss her terribly, so it will be
back to my boy and me!. But that is ok we will be just fine I am sure. I
went to the woods this morning (mostly just to face the demons I guess) I
towed that *#@*!* limb out with an ATV, my son is going to saw it up and we
are going to ceremoniously set it on fire!!! But I will wait until Stevie is
better, because I want him to take part in the exorcism!! Alot of emotions
ran the gamut as I approached that spot, believe me. But I needed to go
back, for my own peace of mind. I will take Stevie back there once he is
perfectly well. It looks like the end of my baby finger will most likely
survive, but I will need some plastic surgery a little later on. I'll be
fine. Thanks to all you who have asked about my fingers! Bye for now. Love
to all.
Karen and Stevie

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