Re: Tribute to Winston Poohbear

2003-01-05 Thread Dr. William B. Neff
Hi Johanna,

I am so sorry to learn of your loss.   It sounds like Greta was a very 
special Berner.   I know the pain that you are experiencing now, but also 
know that the pain in your heart will someday be replaced with many happy 
memories of time that you spent with Greta.  She is now at the Bridge and I 
know that Winston would have run to catch  up with her to let her know that 
he was going to accompany her on their journey.   Berners are a gift from 
God for us to love and share our lives with while we are both here on 
Earth.   The sharing of time here together has just been temporily 
interrupted - it will continue at the Bridge someday for a much longer time 
~ in fact, an eternity.   She will have plenty of wonderful company to 
enjoy while she waits for you and I know that Winston will help her meet 
some of his friends who are already there.May Greta live in your heart 
and soul forever...

Joye Neff (Samantha and Ben)
Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA
In loving memory of SeaVaRidge's Winston Poohbear (Jan. 8, 1998 - Jan. 4, 

Tribute to Winston Poohbear

2003-01-05 Thread Ekobob
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Re: A Tribute to Winston Poohbear (1998-2003)

2003-01-05 Thread Ilene

January 8, 1998 ~ January 4, 2003

We're so sorry for your loss, what a "joy" it has been to hear your
tales about Winston and his accomplishments.Even in his passing he's helping
Berner's yet to come.
O my I think I see him, over the Bridge, Butterfly on his nose, running
to greet those gone before.
Sierra, Cheyenne & Ilene

Re: A Tribute to Winston Poohbear (1998-2003)

2003-01-05 Thread Liz Steinweg & Crew
Joye --

We weep with you as we have rejoiced with you in the past, and will again in
the future. I know Toby was there to greet Winston and that neither of them,
nor the many others who died much too soon, are in pain anymore.

We, who are left behind, feel the pain and mourn the loss. We will rejoice
again when we meet our loving companions at the Bridge.

Liz Steinweg & The Crew
Blue Moon's Baloo Berry Torte "Baloo"
Bobby Sox (husky-x), Figaro (20+ lb Forest Cat)
Rio & Sahara (the "Rat Cats")
and in loving memory of my 1st BMD - Toby (6/29/97 - 6/30/00 lost to MH)
Colorado Springs CO

Re: A Tribute to Winston Poohbear (1998-2003)

2003-01-05 Thread Sue German

I know that Shelby was on hand to welcome Winston at the Bridge, along with
a lot of other Berners with bright eyes and wagging tails. I know they'll
take good care of him until you're able to be together again.

Sue G. with thoughts of my wonderful Shelby-bee, Memories Shelby V Pioneer,
CGC, CD, NDD, BNDD Reg. Therapy Dog taken too soon by malignant
hemangiosarcoma (1993 - 2001)
Chino Valley, AZ

Re: A Tribute to Winston Poohbear

2003-01-04 Thread Mary Shaver
Joye,  I felt the whole berner - l family sink to its collectively knee
and offer up a prayer for Winston Poohbear, as we wept into the
shoulders of our beloved berner babies.  You are being very brave.  Even
though we know better than to take it for granted that our berners will
be with us tomorrow, it cannot but be a huge emotional shock to go
through so much in such a short period of time. Oh, evil disease...

I hope in memory of Winston we will ALL redouble our efforts on behalf
of our noble dogs.  

Extra special berner hugs,

Mary Shaver and the girls, Laurel and Bailey
Fayetteville, GA

Re: A Tribute to Winston Poohbear (1998-2003)

2003-01-04 Thread Janice Parky

January 8, 1998 ~ January 4, 2003

Winston was the "star", and you Joye, are the "light".   Your dedication to
the health, rescue and other issues for our precious Berners has been and
will always be Winstons legacy and your gift to the breed.  Rest assured
that he was met at the Bridge by many of our special ones, all healthy, all
sound, all free.

Janice Parky and Halley
North Truro, Ma

Re: A Tribute to Winston Poohbear (1998-2003)

2003-01-04 Thread jean cheesman
Biggest Hugs to Joye and Bill,

And a very special candle burning here at Longlease tonight!

>January 8, 1998 ~ January 4, 2003

>We had the vet draw blood before Winston was euthanized so he can be part
>of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center study on Malignant
>Histiocytosis.   This is the same study that we just raised about $3,800
>(plus matching funds) on the Berner-l AKC CHF Fundraiser.   Little did I
>know at that time that Winston would be participating because he had been
>diagnosed with Malignant Histiocytosis.

Joye and Bill, very special hugs tonight, you are so brave to have posted
because I know just how shocked and bereft you are feeling! And Winston just
a few days short of his fifth birthday! This is such an awful disease!

Winston's star is shining so brightly tonight!

A new pledge to help research into cancer of all types! Winston's blood was
sent off for research into Histio, my Sam's blood was research into
Lymphosarcoma. This is such an important part of new Research.

Biggest Berner Hugs!!!

And hoping that folks will take more seriously the donation of blood samples
which will be the clue to beating this disease!

Even if you have healthy dogs, please donate the sample!!.

We can all help here!!

All love,

Jean, Sunny, Sim, Barney and the Gang

Re: A Tribute to Winston Poohbear (1998-2003)

2003-01-04 Thread Dr. William B. Neff
Hi Susan,

Thanks for your note of condolence.   I guess it's good that histio takes 
our berners so fast so they don't suffer so long, but it sure is hard on 
those of us left behind.   Winston was a very special boy.


--On Saturday, January 04, 2003 6:11 PM -0600 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:r

I am sorry to hear of your Winston passing. You are so right about
Malignant histio. It is so fast. Thank you to Winston for helping find a

Susan Ablon

Re: A Tribute to Winston Poohbear (1998-2003)

2003-01-04 Thread MBlake1595
Joye and family,

I am so, so, so sorry for your loss.  So many types of cancer can move so 
quickly in our beloved breed.  Like with your Winston my Berner-mix, Tippy, 
seemed fine but with a touch of something and than she was gone.  It is 
always heartbreaking to lose one of the fur-babies  But it is even 
harder, I think, when it moves so quickly because while we are so busy doing 
everything we can to find out what is wrong and how to deal with it we don't 
have the time to consider how we will move on should it come to that.

You are such a dear woman who has done so much for this breed that it just 
doesn't seem fair to me that you and Winston didn't get to spend 10-12 years 
together.  Although I know that life isn't always fair...  it is at times 
like this I really wish that it was.

I will hold you my thoughts and hope that, in time, your memories will once 
again bring your family more joy than pain.

Marilynn and Star

Re: A Tribute to Winston Poohbear (1998-2003)

2003-01-04 Thread gwebara
I am sorry to hear of your Winston passing. You are so right about
Malignant histio. It is so fast. Thank you to Winston for helping find a

Susan Ablon

A Tribute to Winston Poohbear (1998-2003)

2003-01-04 Thread Dr. William B. Neff
January 8, 1998 ~ January 4, 2003

It is with profoundsadness and a broken heart that I write to tell you that 
my Winston crossed the Rainbow Bridge this morning, January 4, 2003 at 
10:30 a.m.   He was diagnosed with Malignant Histiocytosis on Tuesday, 
December 31, 2002, just four short days ago.   He had refused food for the 
first time in his life on Monday, December 23rd, but we thought that the 
medication he was taking for his recently diagnosed PRA (Progressive 
Retinal Atrophy) was causing him to have an upset stomach.   By Christmas 
Day he was not eating much and was lethargic.   We took him to a vet from 
our Three Rivers' Bernese Mountain Dog Club, Dr. Larry Gerson, and he did 
x-rays, blood work and an EKG on December 26th.   By Friday morning, 
December 27th, he was not drinking or eating at all and was becoming very 
weak.   He was hospitalized and placed on IVs from Friday through Sunday, 
when we brought him back home around noon.   He had an appointment with a 
vet internist on Monday, December 30th and she did a sonogram and other 
tests and we picked him up around 6 p.m. that evening to bring him home. 
We got the diagnosis of Malignant Histiocytosis on Tuesday, December 31st. 
Winston was such a sweet Berner and always did whatever we asked of him. 
I fed him pureed food with a syringe and gave him water that way too until 
the prednisone kicked in and he began to drink some water.   I have spent 
practically ever minute, except when I was at work on Wednesday and Friday, 
since then cuddling with him, telling him that I loved him and that it was 
okay to go to the Rainbow Bridge when he was ready.   This morning we took 
him to our vet and he was euthanized, because his liver had failed and he 
was so very sick.   He went peacefully, embraced by Bill and me as I told 
him that I loved him so very much.   I guess that one of the reasons that 
they haven't been able to find a cure for Malignant Histiocytosis is that 
it takes our Berners so quickly that there is no time to try to find 
treatments that might work.   Winston is now playing at the Rainbow Bridge 
with our first Berner, Bern Aare Jamar and our first dog, our beagle, 
Gwendolyn's Bobdog.

We had the vet draw blood before Winston was euthanized so he can be part 
of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center study on Malignant 
Histiocytosis.   This is the same study that we just raised about $3,800 
(plus matching funds) on the Berner-l AKC CHF Fundraiser.   Little did I 
know at that time that Winston would be participating because he had been 
diagnosed with Malignant Histiocytosis.   Winston is still working to help 
the breed, even though he isn't here with us physically anymore.   I would 
encourage other who are faced with this diagnosis to participate in this 
study, too.   If you have a Berner who is ten years old or older and has 
never been diagnosed with Malignant Histiocytosis, please participate also. 
You can contact Pat Long to get the instructions and tubs for the blood 
donation for the study at: 	[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Winston was so special -  when he was a puppy, everyone referred to his as 
"Mr. Congeniality."   Winston and I went everywhere together and did so 
many interesting things.   We loved to be with each other and enjoyed 
training for obedience and drafting.   We were a team and I know that he 
enjoyed doing things with me as much as I enjoyed doing them with him.

Winston was a gift from my son and his wife (Jay and Lisa) and he was the 
most wonderful gift that there ever was.   We bonded immediately and that 
bond only got stronger as we did more things together.   Winston was our 
second Berner ~ Bern Aare, our first Berner, lived to be 9 years old and 
died of mast cell tumors in his chest.   I vowed then that I would always 
have another Berner and Winston was an answer to that prayer.   When I got 
Winston I didn't know there was a Bernese Mountain Dog of America or that 
there was such a thing as the Berner-l.  It was because of Winston that I 
found so many wonderful and caring friends, who are just as dedicated to 
Berners as we are.

Pat Long 'roped me in' and encouraged me to do a "little raffle" on the 
Berner-l in November 1998 and it just snowballed from there - and all 
because of my little Winston.   I have been committed to raising money for 
health research, rescue and other Berner causes and my commitment has just 
soared beyond what it had previously been.   Winston will be my guiding 
light in raising money to fight Malignant Histiocytosis and other diseases 
that devastate our beloved Berners and take them from us so much too soon. 
I will not succumb to 'gloom and doom' - it has no place in my life and is 
counterproductive to helping to make a difference in our breed.   I will 
look back at the things that Winston and I have accomplished together - his 
CD, CGC, TDI ~ his "almost" draft title on three separate occasions - his 
visits to the