Me and Friend, Tim,

Working very early hours this morning to restore my system, after a few
glasses of wine when had successful clean connection back to the World Wide
Web again!

This BugBear is too BigBear! No way can he propagate!

Hits the system too hard, almost crashed mine and I considered myself well
protected but I know I got in very new variation! Well, far as I can be sure
this one went no further than Longlease!

Virus that hits system too hard and causes crucial failures! System not left
to spread it on!

Hmm! So saying! I am totally clean uploaded early hours this morning! Since
then have uploaded twice today new Dat Files!

No doubt new variation up and about!!! Very clever one!

Be careful my friends! Save down as much of your essential stuff as you can,
check those antivirus updates, all paws crossed here that Bugbear
dies a natural (hmm! not so nice - hope it's unpleasant!) death

Having just bounced some seventy spam porn mails and deleted yet another
spam porn mail on the Longlease Guestbook (now moderated!)

Just wishing these folk had better things to do, like go cuddle their

Hah, Sunny girl did five ten minute walks today and got very frisky on the
path where the ponies had been rolling!

Doing so good!! Longlease almost back up and running again normally!

Off to cuddle mine!

Love Me and the Clean Gang?
Been raining heavy here tonight!

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