the funnel//Re: baka's lump - update

2003-07-04 Thread Margareta Strand
About your words: " wear that silly funnel on her head."

Many years ago when we had our first Bernerboy Chaplin a young fellow said
when Chaplin was having a funnel after a surgery.

" Has Chaplin rigged out himself to be a lily of the valley?"

So there are different ways to look at this funnel. Vincent do not like it
at all - so we never use it one him, we try to watch to see what he is up to
and telling him not to lick on certain areas.
So far it has worked.

Bernerhugs to you all from,
Vincent and Margareta

Re: baka's lump - update

2003-07-04 Thread stmaybe
got the results for baka's lump last week, but its been so busy i 
haven't had a chance to write up an email. turns out it was just a 
really nasty looking follicular cyst & nothing scary.

the day after the cyst was removed baka was clearly feeling a thousand 
times better & wondering why we were being so mean as to keep her away 
from the dog park & make her wear that silly funnel on her head.

thank you to everyone who sent information, suggestions & their support 
- it meant a lot!

have a wonderful weekend!
laura & baka
chapel hill, nc

baka's lump

2003-06-20 Thread stmaybe
well, we saw the vet today.

he shaved some fur off around baka's lump to get a better look at it. 
she was very good & stood wonderfully still for us earning herself a few 
hot dog bits.

it was rather gross to look at & it had clearly opened up a great deal 
more than we'd thought. i didn't see anything brown & curd like (though 
i probably wouldn't know what i was looking for too well) - the edges 
looked like an open wound surrounding a core lump of something. he was a 
little concerned over its appearance & wanted to take it off completely, 
just in case. so baka spent the afternoon in surgery - wagging her tail 
even while most of the way under the sedative (she knows this vet & the 
tech who was working today & likes them both very much).

the vet didn't find quite what he was expecting, as he was removing the 
lump. there was the core lump and then a kind of offshoot. its the 
offshoot he's worried about. we agreed that we should send it off for 
further analysis. we'll have the test results back by next friday.

in the mean time baka's home, groggily coming out of the sedative & 
being snuggled as much as she can stand (which is a lot). we're going to 
have to resort to an elisabethan collar i think as she keeps wanting to 
lick at the stitches & staples.

any & all good thoughts are welcome over the next week, while i try to 
not to let my natural need to worry run away with me.

laura & a sleepy baka
chapel hill, nc