RE: baka: no blockages but still having hind end problems

2003-09-07 Thread David Sandler
Hi Laura.  The symptoms sound like Lyme Disease.  Our Charisma experienced
the same upset stomach and lameness last summer.

David Sandler and Charisma

-Original Message-
Sent: Saturday, September 06, 2003 4:53 PM
Subject: baka: no blockages but still having hind end problems

i'm greatly relived to know baka's diarrhea problem was unrelated to the
hind end weakness and pain. baka's been blood tested (came back perfect
except showing some dehydration), xrayed (intestine walls  stomach
looks 100% normal now), examined by hand multiple times (nothing gets a
negative reaction, she just grins  wags), and ultrasounded (nothing out
of the ordinary).

last night baka ate several small bland meals (she was ravenous), peed
fine, no vomiting, no nausea, no dry heaves nor grass eating. baka even
pooped last night, the first half was a little soft  full of grass, but
the second half looked perfectly normal  formed. the digestion problem
should be cleared up completely by tomorrow night i think  the vet is
very confident there is not a blockage.

unfortunately that leaves us without an explanation for baka's inability
to stand up the other day. baka is standing up on her own as of
yesterday and she'll walk from spot to spot when she's in the mood, but
she's still arching her back  walking strangely with her hind legs.
baka's also still slow to rise and slow to lay down, as if she were
stiff or sore (like she used to before her hip surgery a couple years
ago). our vet didn't feel or see anything obviously wrong, so we're a
little confused. and we don't want to put any pain killer in her system
until we're certain the diarrhea is completely resolved (she lost 6 lbs!
in just those 4-5 days).

i'm thinking of taking baka to see the chiropractor vet who is 30
minutes away. my thinking is that maybe her hands are more sensitive 
could feel something being off that our regular vet might miss? either
way, my vet is expecting my call monday to see how baka did over the
weekend  decide what to do next. i'm trying not to worry, but this is
certainly confusing. i don't like seeing my baby hurt  not know ho to
fix it (and baka *so* unhappy now that the weather's cooled off  i
won't let her go to the dog park, every time we walk past the car she
whines at it).

thank you to everyone who's emailed their support  advice.

laura  baka
chapel hill

re: baka: no blockages but still having hind end problems

2003-09-07 Thread Sharon Montville
Hi Laura and Baka,

I finally realized I had a similar (but not exactly
the same) episode with my dog Tanzi in June.  We had
showed on Saturday and she was not quite as perky as
usual, and had mild diarrhea.  Got home, she ate as
usual and spent most of the evening outside.  At
bedtime I called and she did not come.  So I had to go
out and find her (very large fenced backyard).  She
was unable to get up (she is 2 1/2).  I helped her and
she was very lame in her hind end (her GDC's are
excllent, with normal elbows).  So I called the
emergency clinic and took her in.  I had to basically
carry her into the clinic.  They gave her morphine for
pain and told me it might make her vomit.  Sure
enough, it did - and up came a large pair of panties
(not mine) rolled into a nice compact cylinder
garnished with hair and grass, so it looked like a
dead rat.  Since I had paid about $3500 for her dam's
treatment and surgery the prior year, related to
swallowing an entire pair of pantyhose (not mine,
again) in one piece, we had a few good yucks over all
the money I had saved, and I took Tanzi home.

She was a dead weight and I had to set her down in
order to open the front door.  I could carry her if
she was elevated, but I could not really pick her up
from the ground.  So I somehow got her just inside the
front door (up one step) and set up an x-pen around
her.  Checked her at 7 a.m. and she had not moved and
was not much better.  She ended up going back to the
emergency clinic in the afternoon - but now she was
lame in the front!  X-rays revealed inflammation of
the joints.  So they put her on Rimadyl and sent me
home.  By that night, she was completely normal again.

And has been normal ever since.

However, I just heard about a friend's dog who had to
be spayed due to pyometra that had also resulted in
peritonitis.  From what I understand, she had lameness
and swollen joints as well.

I had been worried Tanzi might have been bloating and
had heard that hind end lameness can be related to
abdominal distress.  So maybe the panties had caused
that?? But what about that front-end lameness?  It was
almost like the inflammation was moving from joint to
joint???  Whatever it was, it was brief in duration
but it really scared me.  Within 24 hours, she was
fine.  But at times during those 24 hours, I was
worried that she might die.  To see a normally
incredibly sound and very active young dog, unable to
walk, is scary.

I hope all is well with Baka, but if you ever get more
explanation I would love to hear what it was.  We
don't have any answers on Tanzi.  I was thinking maybe
the hind-end was due to the panties, and the front-end
was just caused by straining to make up for the rear
but I am not at all convinced.  I am almost wondering
if she had some weird virus? 

Sharon Montville - Firstrax - Colorado

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baka: no blockages but still having hind end problems

2003-09-06 Thread stmaybe
i'm greatly relived to know baka's diarrhea problem was unrelated to the 
hind end weakness and pain. baka's been blood tested (came back perfect 
except showing some dehydration), xrayed (intestine walls  stomach 
looks 100% normal now), examined by hand multiple times (nothing gets a 
negative reaction, she just grins  wags), and ultrasounded (nothing out 
of the ordinary).

last night baka ate several small bland meals (she was ravenous), peed 
fine, no vomiting, no nausea, no dry heaves nor grass eating. baka even 
pooped last night, the first half was a little soft  full of grass, but 
the second half looked perfectly normal  formed. the digestion problem 
should be cleared up completely by tomorrow night i think  the vet is 
very confident there is not a blockage.

unfortunately that leaves us without an explanation for baka's inability 
to stand up the other day. baka is standing up on her own as of 
yesterday and she'll walk from spot to spot when she's in the mood, but 
she's still arching her back  walking strangely with her hind legs. 
baka's also still slow to rise and slow to lay down, as if she were 
stiff or sore (like she used to before her hip surgery a couple years 
ago). our vet didn't feel or see anything obviously wrong, so we're a 
little confused. and we don't want to put any pain killer in her system 
until we're certain the diarrhea is completely resolved (she lost 6 lbs! 
in just those 4-5 days).

i'm thinking of taking baka to see the chiropractor vet who is 30 
minutes away. my thinking is that maybe her hands are more sensitive  
could feel something being off that our regular vet might miss? either 
way, my vet is expecting my call monday to see how baka did over the 
weekend  decide what to do next. i'm trying not to worry, but this is 
certainly confusing. i don't like seeing my baby hurt  not know ho to 
fix it (and baka *so* unhappy now that the weather's cooled off  i 
won't let her go to the dog park, every time we walk past the car she 
whines at it).

thank you to everyone who's emailed their support  advice.

laura  baka
chapel hill