raw hide bones or Chew-ezee

2003-01-01 Thread Vicky Whitney
I no longer EVER feed rawhide, in any form.  Last year, just before Maddie's
second birthday, I had received free (from the Montana Company, with my Raw
& Real order) a couple of "natural" rawhide chews (no chemical processing,
yadda yadda yadda).  So I gave her one for a birthday treat.

About 10 minutes later, she got up and indicated anxiously that she had to
go outside.  On the way to the door, she "whistled."  Her eyes were wide,
and she was very antsy.  I bent to check on the strange sound, and yes, she
was "whistling" as she breathed.  I checked her mouth, but saw nothing.  But
she just wasn't "right," so I wrenched her mouth open as wide as I could and
reached back in her throat -- there was the stiff end of the rawhide chew,
jammed tightly in her throat.  The soft chewed end had gone in easily, but
the stiff unchewed end had hung up in her throat.  I did finally get it out,
much to her relief.

So based on this event, plus all I have read about these things sometimes
causing internal obstructions, it's just something I will never allow again.

As I feed my two raw ground meats, bones, and veggies for their regular
meals, they get plenty of easy-to-chew and safe *RAW* rib and neck bones
(beef, elk, deer, pork).  Their teeth are clean and white with no plaque (no
expensive vet teeth cleaning sessions, under anesthesia), no brushing
necessary, sweet clean breath, and they're safe and happy doing what nature

Better safe than sorry!

Vicky Whitney
Bozeman, Montana

RE: raw hide bones or Chew-ezee

2002-12-30 Thread Rose Tierney
Definately no rawhides in this house, we feed beef rib bones and discard
the rib when the meat and crunchy thick end are finished. I use nylabones
for aggressive chewers and teeth are nice and clean.

Too many chemicals in processing rawhides and many are made in countries
with standards below ours. They are very high in protein and unbalance the
diet and pieces can "weld" to the gut causing diarrhea and possible risk of
intersussception. They can act as plugs to the small intestines causing
vomitting and dehydration.

IMO Garbage!

Rose Tierney
Sascha Kennel Perm. Reg'd.

Re: raw hide bones or Chew-ezee

2002-12-29 Thread BernerFolk
In a message dated 12/28/2002 11:24:04 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

> I would like to give my berner raw hide treats but only if they are safe. 
> What is the berner-l  position ongiving this product to our breed.
>  My berner loves her chew-ez.

I can't speak for the Berner-L...but for myself, neither one would be found 
in my house.  It's not that I worry so much about the chemicals used in 
processing, or the reports of heavy metals in the hides, or the risk of 
parasites (hadn't heard that one)...it's the physical risk these things pose 
for many Bernese.  

My dogs used to crack off and swallow large chunks...(your puppy still has 
her milk teeth, things change a lot when her adult ones come in).  Lots of 
potential for choking,  the sharp edges can carve up the gut, and the pieces 
can get stuck in the gut as they aren't digestable.

Last fall I had my adult male doing a day of "Meet the Breeds" public ed at a 
Pet Expo.  All of a sudden I noticed him choking, trying to get something 
either up or down.  I reached down his throat and pulled out a 3" rawhide 
circle that someone had given him when I wasn't looking!

Around here, it's raw femur bones or Nylabone Knots (shaped like a rawhide 
knotted bone).  Not perfect, definitely hard on the teeth, but I'd rather 
risk a tooth than the dog.

-Sherri Venditti

raw hide bones or Chew-ezee

2002-12-28 Thread Terry & Cathy Bering
I am sure I am using trademark names but never the less I am sure
everyone is familiar with the products, raw hide bones or Chew Eze.
First of all. I have raised at least two labs on these products over a
span of 20 years on one or both of these products. They lived 14 and 13
years, respectively. My last lab died of liver failure. I heard these
products might cause 'liver parasites',  in spite of the fact the
products are being marketed in every pet store such as Pet Smart. I
heard the products are not governed by the FDA or USDA therefor the
products may contain parasites.
Many  of these raw hide products are manufactured in other countries
like Brazil and Mexico where safeguards are less monitored.  I am aware
the difference in inspection process of the U.S. versus other countries
is significant.
I would like to give my berner raw hide treats but only if they are
safe. What is the berner-l  position ongiving this product to our breed.
My berner loves her chew-ez. Terry Bering