**another** connection timed out; no servers could be reached

2009-05-27 Thread Beavis
I have 2 dns servers running the same zones,hints and named.conf each
of them acts as a master (I do most of the updates of the zones i have
through a script)

I'm running a simple query from both of the box and it seems that I
can't query the 2nd box.

#1 box

$ dig @ www.yahoo.com

;  DiG 9.3.4  @ www.yahoo.com
; (1 server found)
;; global options:  printcmd
;; Got answer:
;; -HEADER- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 31303
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 4, AUTHORITY: 2, ADDITIONAL: 0

;www.yahoo.com. IN  A

www.yahoo.com.  300 IN  CNAME   www.wa1.b.yahoo.com.
www.wa1.b.yahoo.com.60  IN  CNAME   www-real.wa1.b.yahoo.com.
www-real.wa1.b.yahoo.com. 60IN  A
www-real.wa1.b.yahoo.com. 60IN  A

wa1.b.yahoo.com.299 IN  NS  yf1.yahoo.com.
wa1.b.yahoo.com.299 IN  NS  yf2.yahoo.com.

;; Query time: 219 msec
;; WHEN: Tue May 26 17:52:42 2009
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 146

#2 box

$ dig @ www.yahoo.com

;  DiG 9.3.4  @ www.yahoo.com
; (1 server found)
;; global options:  printcmd
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

both boxes sit on the same subnet, and they both have the same hints
file. no fw(pf) installed on any of the boxes.

if it's a straight forward query for box#2 it calls out the
connection timed out; no servers could be reached but when i add the
+trace on the query it can actually resolve the site.

I'd did a bit of googling, and most of the posts i see regarding this
is a firewall issue.

any help would be awesomely appreciated.

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AW: file descriptors and max-clients-per-query

2009-05-27 Thread Philippe Maechler
Thanks for the feedback 

 How many sockets are open when you see this message?  Normally the
 socket() call shouldn't fail even if named uses many sockets 
 (it will fail anyway, but the failure mode is normally 
 different), so it's very odd to see the above message.  

As Jeremy suggested we updatet our 9.4.2 Server this week to 9.4.3-P2
Luckily we hadn't a DNS outage so the message didn't reappear. 
So I can't say how many sockets where open when we had the message last time

 Are you perhaps limiting the system resource for the number of 
 allowable open sockets?  Do you set the 'files' option in 
 your named.conf?

Not that I'm aware of :)

$ sysctl -a | grep socket
kern.ipc.numopensockets: 38
kern.ipc.maxsockets: 25600
socket:  356,25608, 37,   4099, 25140481
security.jail.socket_unixiproute_only: 1
security.jail.allow_raw_sockets: 0

The only limits I set in named.conf is ttl-stuff (lame-ttl, max-ncache-ttl,
...), clients-per-query and recursive-clients

If I see the message again I'll let you know.


bind-users mailing list

RFC2317-style inverse resolution (Was: request for advice

2009-05-27 Thread Stephane Bortzmeyer
On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 11:15:37AM +0800,
 Myo Than mt...@iaspire.net wrote 
 a message of 59 lines which said:


There are probably women on this list, also.
 129 CNAME 129.128-

It seems OK.

  set type=ns

nslookup has always been a lousy tool and is now deprecated. Use dig.

 2. But, I got error on NS query for individual IP
  set type=ns
 Server:  localhost
 *** localhost can't find Server failed

This may be a problem with your resolver (localhost). Because it works
for me:

% dig ANY
;; -HEADER- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 31030

 Please advise me on how to fix the problem ?

Test with dig and, first, test by querying directly the authoritative
name servers (with the @ syntax), to avoid dependency on your
bind-users mailing list

Fwd: **another** connection timed out; no servers could be reached

2009-05-27 Thread Beavis
found what the problem is, i stop bind completely and re-run it again
and the hintlist worked again. bug? maybe I'm running OpenBSD 4.2 and
it's built-in bind server.
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