Re: DNSSec mess with SHA1

2024-01-03 Thread Petr Menšík
I would like to add decision to not allow SHA1 signatures verification 
were done on openssl component in RHEL9. It was not proposed by bind 
maintainer and because the crypto library prevents that operation, there 
is a little bind package made by any vendor can do. Unless they want to 
support their own SHA1 implementation.

Of course you can configure DEFAULT:SHA1 crypto policy manually, which I 
believe is the safest option. Sadly, that will also enable SHA1 
acceptance in TLS connections, which were primary target anyway. 
Unfortunately I do not know a way to enable SHA1 for named.service, but 
disallow it in other programs.

On 12/15/23 13:38, Scott Morizot wrote:
The question I have is why you're posting the issue to this list and 
what you expect the ISC to do? It could be submitted as a bug to the 
distribution you're using. Or if you want to change the way algorithms 
are treated, the dnsops list at the IETF would be an appropriate place 
to start. (There has been a fair amount of discussion there on 
algorithms, but I admit I haven't been following it closely and it has 
mostly been focused on the signing side.)

As far as I know, RFC 8624 from 2019 remains the last published 
standards track instruction to validators. Here's the table from it.

 The following table lists the implementation recommendations for 
DNSKEY algorithms [DNSKEY-IANA].

   | Number | Mnemonics          | DNSSEC Signing  | DNSSEC Validation |
   | 1      | RSAMD5             | MUST NOT        | MUST NOT          |
   | 3      | DSA                | MUST NOT        | MUST NOT          |
   | 5      | RSASHA1            | NOT RECOMMENDED | MUST            |
   | 6      | DSA-NSEC3-SHA1     | MUST NOT        | MUST NOT          |
   | 7      | RSASHA1-NSEC3-SHA1 | NOT RECOMMENDED | MUST            |
   | 8      | RSASHA256          | MUST            | MUST            |
   | 10     | RSASHA512          | NOT RECOMMENDED | MUST            |
   | 12     | ECC-GOST           | MUST NOT        | MAY           |
   | 13     | ECDSAP256SHA256    | MUST            | MUST            |
   | 14     | ECDSAP384SHA384    | MAY             | RECOMMENDED       |
   | 15     | ED25519            | RECOMMENDED     | RECOMMENDED       |
   | 16     | ED448              | MAY             | RECOMMENDED       |

Algorithms 5 and 7 are not recommended for signing but remain valid 
options until they are moved to MUST NOT. And as long as they are 
valid options, DNSSEC validation has to remain MUST. ISC BIND 
functions in part as the reference implementation for the DNS 
standards as published through the IETF. If your distribution removed 
the libraries for an algorithm (and openssl is a separate project) on 
which BIND depends for validating those algorithms and it's the only 
algorithm available I'm not sure what other result BIND can 
legitimately return.

Yes, there's a statement in the validation portion of RFC 4035 that if 
the resolver doesn't support any of the algorithms in the delegation, 
it should treat the zone as unsigned. But that doesn't apply here from 
what I can tell. The DNSSEC algorithm itself (algorithm 7 in this 
instance) is supported in the resolver and must be supported for 
validation to be standards conformant. Support for the hash algorithm 
used by the supported algorithm has been removed from the operating 

There is a little we can do. Used crypto backend does not allow SHA1 
validation and there is no configuration named can use to request it. 
Choices any DNSSEC validation service has is:

1) Ignore the problem. Causes SERVFAILs on any SHA1 signed zones 
unfortunately on RHEL9 and derivatives in default configuration.
2) Do not use system provided crypto libraries. I think named 
maintainers lack expertise and manpower to properly maintain own set of 
crypto libraries. I would not recommend that either.
3) Disable SHA1 algorithm to make it equivalent to unsigned. Yes, it 
violates RFC 8624 this way. But does not cause SERVFAILs, still protects 
all other zones signed with stronger algorithms. Just small subset 
becomes unprotected. Either by runtime autodetection or manual 
4) Completely disable DNSSEC validation. I would not recommend this 
option, this is the worst choice.

I have chosen the choice 3) for RHEL bind package and ISC has taken it 
as well. I don't think there were any better choice anyway.

I think the future solution might be having separate openssl SHA1 
provider, which would be explicitly requested by API in named, but not 
used for common applications doing TLS connections.

I don't see anywhere that BIND is returning the wrong result. In that 
situation, it looks like the only option. The ISC has no control over 
those building distributions nor do

Re: DNSSec mess with SHA1

2024-01-03 Thread Petr Menšík

Hello Wolfgang,

I would suggest using policy DEFAULT:SHA1 instead. It does not enable 
all outdated algorithms, but enables only SHA1 in addition. Good choice 
for dedicated DNS servers.

$ update-crypto-policies --set DEFAULT:SHA1

With my bind maintainer hat on, I need to clarify that it was ensured 
SHA1 disabling does not cause fatal errors with default Red Hat provided 
configuration. The magic happens in include provided by the system:

include "/etc/crypto-policies/back-ends/bind.config";

That ensures SHA1 algorithm is disabled, making SHA1 signed content just 
unsigned, but otherwise resolvable. When you change policy to 
DEFAULT:SHA1, it should make SHA1 enabled again automatically. Making it 
secure again.

If you have custom named configuration, I would recommend to include 
crypto-policies snippet in your options {} block. Unless you are 
prepared to handle it manually of course.

The above should work for our RHEL9 supported versions (and derived 
rebuilds) and also for ISC provided builds or your own builds. Newer 
stable BIND releases have built-in autodetection of SHA1 support, which 
makes it not necessary. But it is not error to include that anyway.

Best Regards,

On 12/15/23 13:21, Wolfgang Riedel via bind-users wrote:


To answer my own question, the following will work:

Chapter 4. Using system-wide cryptographic policies Red Hat Enterprise 
Linux 8 | Red Hat Customer Portal 

With:dnssec-validation auto;

_Not working:_
sudo update-crypto-policies —show

update-crypto-policies --set LEGACY

sudo update-crypto-policies --show

Wolfgang Riedel | DistinguishedEngineer | CCIE #13804 | VCP #42559

On 15. Dec 2023, at 12:46, Wolfgang Riedel via bind-users 

Hello Petr,

The issue is not just BIND local, as you can see on 

The whole chain of trust is broken. 

My question is more how you all deal with the fact on current and 
updates systems???

Attached the requested information.

_1) Error Messages:_

15-Dec-2023 12:36:38.772 lame-servers: info: insecurity proof failed 
resolving '': 2600:1480:800::43#53
15-Dec-2023 12:36:39.302 lame-servers: info: no valid RRSIG resolving 
'': 2600:1401:1::42#53
15-Dec-2023 12:36:40.151 lame-servers: info: no valid RRSIG resolving 
'': 2610:20:6b01:3::10#53
15-Dec-2023 12:36:40.681 lame-servers: info: no valid RRSIG resolving 
'': 2600:1401:2::d8#53
15-Dec-2023 12:36:40.779 lame-servers: info: no valid RRSIG resolving 
'': 2600:1480:9000::40#53
15-Dec-2023 12:36:41.304 lame-servers: info: no valid RRSIG resolving 
'': 2600:1406:32::43#53
15-Dec-2023 12:36:41.321 lame-servers: info: no valid RRSIG resolving 
'': 2600:1480:f000::41#53
15-Dec-2023 12:36:41.784 lame-servers: info: no valid RRSIG resolving 
'': 2610:20:6005:92::10#53
15-Dec-2023 12:36:41.828 lame-servers: info: no valid RRSIG resolving 
15-Dec-2023 12:36:43.094 lame-servers: info: no valid RRSIG resolving 
15-Dec-2023 12:36:43.148 lame-servers: info: no valid RRSIG resolving 
15-Dec-2023 12:36:43.237 lame-servers: info: no valid RRSIG resolving 
15-Dec-2023 12:36:43.288 lame-servers: info: no valid RRSIG resolving 
15-Dec-2023 12:36:43.305 lame-servers: info: no valid RRSIG resolving 
15-Dec-2023 12:36:43.771 lame-servers: info: no valid RRSIG resolving 
15-Dec-2023 12:36:43.823 lame-servers: info: no valid RRSIG resolving 
15-Dec-2023 12:36:43.824 lame-servers: info: broken trust chain 
resolving '': 2610:20:6005:92::10#53
15-Dec-2023 12:36:45.905 lame-servers: info: broken trust chain 
resolving '': 2600:1480:f000::41#53
15-Dec-2023 12:36:47.403 lame-servers: info: broken trust chain 
resolving 'csrc.nist.g

Re: migration from auto-dnssec to dnssec-policy deletes keys immediately

2024-01-03 Thread Matthijs Mekking

On 12/28/23 12:58, Adrian Zaugg wrote:

Hi Nick

Not changing the key algo does help indeed when introducing dnssec-policy, see
the log below. Thank you very much for pointing this out.

But I do not understand why BIND deletes valid and published keys, just
because there should be another algo used. Couldn't this be done in a smooth
key rollover process aswell? Maybe someone with more insights than I have,
could explain this behaviour. Thanks!

I suspect because it did not have the right key states set. In order to 
do this all automatically we need to maintain state. Prior to 
dnssec-policy there is no such state. When migrating to dnssec-policy we 
try to derive the key states from the key timing metadata in the key files.

You should check if the migration is complete and all key states are in 
omnipresent. You can do so with 'rndc dnssec -status '. From that 
point on it should be safe to make policy configuration changes, such as 
algorithm rolls, and old keys are phased out smoothly.

I am thinking of adding an additional safety mechanism during migration, 
because you are not the first one to do this.

Best regards,

Best regards, Adrian.

Log of successful change from auto-dnssec to dnssec-policy (using the same
2023-12-28 11:53:00: zone (signed): generated salt: [...]
2023-12-28 11:53:00: zone (signed): checkds: set 4 parentals
2023-12-28 11:53:01: zone (signed): zone_addnsec3chain(1,CREATE,
2023-12-28 11:53:01: zone (signed): reconfiguring zone keys
2023-12-28 11:53:01: keymgr: DNSKEY (ZSK)
created for policy mypolicy_ecdsa
2023-12-28 11:53:01: Permissions on the file /var/lib/bind/keys/
+013+61287.private have changed from 0640 to 0600 as a result of this
2023-12-28 11:53:01: Permissions on the file /var/lib/bind/keys/
+013+38348.private have changed from 0640 to 0600 as a result of this
2023-12-28 11:53:01: Fetching (ZSK) from key
2023-12-28 11:53:01: Key Delaying activation
to match the DNSKEY TTL (86400).
2023-12-28 11:53:01: DNSKEY (ZSK) is now
2023-12-28 11:53:01: DNSKEY (ZSK) is now
2023-12-28 11:53:01: CDS for key is now
2023-12-28 11:53:01: CDNSKEY for key is now
2023-12-28 11:53:01: zone (signed): next key event: 28-Dec-2023
2023-12-28 11:53:01: zone (signed): sending notifies (serial

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