Hello -

Is it possible to enable inline signing of a zone in 2 different views with 2 
different keys?

I have the following config: 

view "external" {
    match-clients {;
    zone "test.com." {
        type master;
        file "external.test.com.";
        allow-update {
        key-directory "/config/external.keys";
        auto-dnssec maintain;
        inline-signing yes;
view "internal" {
    match-clients {
    zone "test.com." {
        type master;
        file "internal.test.com.";
        allow-update {
        key-directory "/config/internal.keys";
        auto-dnssec maintain;
        inline-signing yes;

When I run bind I get these errors:
11-Apr-2014 10:35:30.414 dns_dnssec_findzonekeys2: error reading private key 
file test.com/RSASHA1/49440: file not found
11-Apr-2014 10:35:30.415 dns_dnssec_findzonekeys2: error reading private key 
file test.com/RSASHA1/6124: file not found
11-Apr-2014 10:35:30.435 zone test.com/IN/external (signed): reconfiguring zone 
11-Apr-2014 10:35:30.436 zone test.com/IN/internal (signed): reconfiguring zone 
11-Apr-2014 10:35:30.436 dns_dnssec_keylistfromrdataset: error reading private 
key file test.com/RSASHA1/49440: file not found
11-Apr-2014 10:35:30.437 dns_dnssec_keylistfromrdataset: error reading private 
key file test.com/RSASHA1/6124: file not found

Is what I am trying to do not possible, or do I have a config error?

I created the key files using 
dnssec-keygen test.com
dnssec-keygen -fk test.com

In the 2 different directorys.
All permissions and file owner ship is correct.

It works properly if I only have one (either of them) of these zones configured 
for auto signing,
so I believe the key files are ok.

The man page and tutorials that I have found do not address multiple views.
Thank you

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