On 26.01.09 17:09, Todd Snyder wrote:
> I am trying to wrap my head around a weird configuration I ran across
> today, and see if my assumptions are correct.
> Working with the TLD .testdomain.
> We have the record:
> test2.testdomain.     IN      NS      ns01.blahblah.testdomain.
> But, on the same server, we also have the zone configured:
> zone "test2.testdomain" in {
>         file "slave/test2.testdomain";
>         type slave;
>         masters { all_masters; };
> };
> So, on the server, we have a delegation of test2.testdomain but we're
> also authoritative for that domain.
> My testing seems to indicate that the authorty overrides the delegation,
> but I wanted to see if I was correct.  Will it always override?  Is this
> a bad configuration?  Will it cause any problems along the way?

yes, authority "overrides" delegation. However they should match because
mismatch could lead to strange results.
Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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