Re: Exporting IPSec routes to OSPF

2013-07-07 Thread Simon Dickhoven
As far as I know, strongswan (which is closely related to openswan) installs 
all IPSec routes in table 220 rather than the main table (254).

So you should be able to create a second kernel protocol instance that connects 
to kernel table 220 and does:

import all;
export none;

(the default behavior of bird, so no need to specify explicitly)

Or you can create a second routing table in bird, use the kernel protocol to 
connect the new (bird) table to kernel table 220, and then use the pipe 
protocol to sync routes between the main (bird) routing table and the second 
(bird) routing table.

You may need an export filter for the existing kernel protocol instance and 
reject routes with "source = RTS_PIPE" in order not to copy everything from 
kernel table 220 to the main kernel table.

Do an

ip rule show

You should see something along the lines of:

220: from all lookup 220

So then do

ip route show table 220

You should see your IPSec routes in there.

I don't know if ipsec-tools work the same way.

- Simon

On Jul 7, 2013, at 21:58, "Michael Ludvig"  wrote:

> Hi
> I've got a handful of Linux IPsec gateways, some running OpenSwan some
> with ipsec-tools. Each gateway handles a number of tunnels with dozens
> of remote subnets. Unfortunately these remote subnets don't show up in
> the Linux routing table, i.e. "ip route show" only comes up with the
> standard two records for the link subnet and for the default route.
> Obviously bird doesn't see the ipsec routes either.
> Now I've got a script that parses the output of "ip xfrm policy show"
> and exports them as static routes but that involves a manual rebuild
> every time the tunnels change and "birdc configure" to propagate the
> changes.
> Is there any way to automatically export these ipsec routes to OSPF?
> Thanks!
> Michael

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Re: RIPng advertisement hop count 1 (should be 255 per RFC)

2013-06-20 Thread Simon Dickhoven
Alright. After a lot of digging I got a working RIPng hopcount check. 
See attached patch file.

Here's what I did:

1) In order to reduce any deleterious effects of my subsequent 
modifications I first introduced a new socket flag in lib/socket.h.

#define SKF_HLIM_RX 8   /* Report Hop Limit for RX packets */

2) I then modified sysdep/unix/io.c to do the following.

2.1) Based on the above flag, I added a setsockopt statement in the 
sysio_register_cmsgs function that causes the IPv6 HLIM field to be 
passed as ancillary data in the recvmsg call (which takes place in the 
sk_read function).

if ((s->flags & SKF_HLIM_RX) &&
setsockopt(s->fd, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT, &ok, sizeof(ok)) 
< 0)


2.1.1) In order to actually receive this additional information I had to 
increase the control message buffer size by 13 (a number I arrived at 
through trial and error and certainly a hack, rather than the correct 
way of doing this... FIXME!!!).

#define CMSG_RX_SPACE CMSG_SPACE(sizeof(struct in6_pktinfo) + 13)

2.1.2) For backward-compatibility with RFC 2292 I also included this:


2.2) Then I reworked the sysio_process_rx_cmsgs function to parse out 
the HLIM info from the control message and set the TTL field in the 
socket struct (s->ttl) (if and only if the SKF_HLIM_RX flag is set).

(see attached)

3) Finally, I modified proto/rip/rip.c to take advantage of this new 

3.1) In the new_iface function I set my newly created socket flag.

#ifndef IPV6
  rif->sock->ttl = 1;
  rif->sock->flags = SKF_LADDR_RX;
  rif->sock->ttl = 255;
  rif->sock->flags = (SKF_LADDR_RX | SKF_HLIM_RX);

3.2) Once that was done, the rip_rx function had access to the HLIM info 
via the socket struct (s->ttl).

if (s->ttl < 255) {
  log( L_REMOTE "%s: Discarding packet with HLIM = %d < 255 from %I on 
%s.", p->name, s->ttl, s->faddr, i->iface ? i->iface->name : "(dummy)" );

  return 1;

As far as I can tell, the only thing that could possible affect other 
protocols is 2.1.1). Other than that, all my changes exclusively apply 
to RIPng since that's the only code that sets the SKF_HLIM_RX flag. As 
long as this flag is not set, all my modifications are disabled and the 
code is functionally equivalent to what it was before.

Please feel free to use the above modifications and also to give me 
feedback on it.

I have tested these modifications with a Quagga (Vyatta) router and a 
Cicso router. I used ip6tables on the Quagga (Vyatta) router to mangle 
the HLIM in order to force a rejection of routing updates from it.

ip6tables -t mangle -A OUTPUT -p udp -m udp --sport 521 -j HL --hl-set 10

When I removed the mangle rule, routes were accepted. When I re-added 
it, routes were rejected again and removed from the routing table.

Note: The above modifications were made to version 1.3.7 of the source 
code so they may not apply to the latest code.


- Simon

PS: I saw that my Cisco router sets the class for RIPng advertisements 
to 0xe0 though I couldn't find any RFCs that call for that. The current 
BIRD code (or at least version 1.3.7 of the code) doesn't set the class 
at all because it hasn't (/hadn't) been defined by an RFC.

On 06/18/2013 05:48 PM, Simon Dickhoven wrote:

Correction: The RFC does state explicitly that advertisements must be sent with 
an HLIM of 255, as well as that receiving routers must check that the HLIM is 

So I guess my little patch makes BIRD half-compliant in that respect then :).

- Simon

On Jun 18, 2013, at 17:38, "Simon Dickhoven"  

Hi, again

If you were paying attention (unlike myself) you may have noticed that
the below fix doesn't actually make BIRD RFC-compliant.

Rather, it makes BIRD interoperate with other RFC-compliant RIPng routers.

After all, the RFC doesn't state that route advertisements must be sent
with an HLIM of 255 (though that's implied, of course), but rather that
routers must _check_ that the HLIM is 255 when they _receive_ routing

I tried getting that to work by checking s->ttl in the rip_rx function.
However, that always returns 255 (or, I suspect, whatever rif->sock->ttl
was set to in the new_iface function) regardless of the incoming
packet's HLIM.

I then tried using the sk_set_min_ttl function on the socket in the
new_iface function but got this error:

 Kernel does not support IPv6 TTL security

(i.e. the socket protocol doesn't support that option). Since I'm on
Linux (Debian) this error comes from sysdep/linux/sysio.h.

Anyway, I am not familiar enough with the BIRD code to understand where
I can obtain the actual HLIM (TTL) of the incoming packet in order to
ensure tha

Re: Propagating /32 from OSPF to BGP

2013-06-18 Thread Simon Dickhoven
A more detailed topology (with IPs and interface names) would be helpful 
to understand the setup better.

Is it possible that your ISP is accepting "le 32" on their BGP session 
with GW_2 (and that's the one they checked when you asked them to 
verify) but only "le 31" on their BGP session with GW_1?

I have certainly run into this problem before: Asked the ISP to verify. 
They did and said that all is good on their end. But when I finally 
asked them to send me their configs it turned out that they had screwed 
something up.

One thing I noticed is that GW_1 shows interface "tunVpnCust" for OSPF 
and "ifDmz1" for BGP whereas GW_2 shows interface "tunO2Oorc4" for both. 
Since I don't have a more detailed topology that explains where and are and what the respective interfaces 
connect to it's difficult to guess what's going on.

But double-checking with your ISP and possibly asking them for their 
configs is one thing you could do to rule out the possibility that the 
problem is on their end.

Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.

- Simon

On 06/18/2013 05:46 PM, Michael Ludvig wrote:


we've got a private AS with two uplinks to our ISP, and we've got a
number of subnets that we advertise. Now we got a new assignment and it
doesn't work as expected.

Here is the situation:

[DMZ1_GW] -- OSPF -- [GW_1] -- OSPF -- [GW_2] -- OSPF -- ...
 | |
 | |
   \   /
  ISP & Internet

Now if I advertise the new subnet /29 (or up to /31) from DMZ1_GW it
gets propagated to both BGPs and the ISP correctly routes the traffic to
GW_1 as it's closer to the box.

However if I advertise the IP/32 from DMZ1_GW then for some reason the
traffic is routed from Internet to GW_2 first. ISP confirmed they accept
up to /32 from us.

This is the relevant output from GW_1:
GW_1 ~ # birdc show route protocol ospf_eit | grep ^x.x.74
BIRD 1.3.8 ready.
x.x.74.114/32 via on tunVpnCust [ospf_eit 11:44] * E2
(150/1/1) [x.x.24.227]
x.x.74.112/31 via on tunVpnCust [ospf_eit 11:44] * E2
(150/1/1) [x.x.24.227]

GW_1 ~ # birdc show route export bgp_isp | grep ^x.x.74
BIRD 1.3.8 ready.
x.x.74.114/32 via on ifDmz1 [ospf_eit 11:44] * E2
(150/1/1) [x.x.24.227]
x.x.74.112/31 via on ifDmz1 [ospf_eit 11:44] * E2
(150/1/1) [x.x.24.227]

This is the relevant output from GW_2:
GW_2 ~ # birdc show route protocol ospf_eit| grep ^x.x.74
BIRD 1.3.8 ready.
x.x.74.114/32 via on tunO2Oorc4 [ospf_eit 11:44] * E2
(150/11/1) [x.x.24.227]
x.x.74.112/31 via on tunO2Oorc4 [ospf_eit 11:44] * E2
(150/11/1) [x.x.24.227]

GW_2 ~ # birdc show route export bgp_isp | grep ^x.x.74
BIRD 1.3.8 ready.
x.x.74.114/32 via on tunO2Oorc4 [ospf_eit 11:44] * E2
(150/11/1) [x.x.24.227]
x.x.74.112/31 via on tunO2Oorc4 [ospf_eit 11:44] * E2
(150/11/1) [x.x.24.227]

As it is now a ping from outside to x.x.74.113 (that's advertised as
/31) goes to GW_1, which is correct and a ping to x.x.74.114 (that's
advertised as /32) goes to GW_2, that's incorrect.

How come? I can't see what am I doing wrong...?

Any ideas?



Re: RIPng advertisement hop count 1 (should be 255 per RFC)

2013-06-18 Thread Simon Dickhoven
Correction: The RFC does state explicitly that advertisements must be sent with 
an HLIM of 255, as well as that receiving routers must check that the HLIM is 

So I guess my little patch makes BIRD half-compliant in that respect then :).

- Simon

On Jun 18, 2013, at 17:38, "Simon Dickhoven"  

> Hi, again
> If you were paying attention (unlike myself) you may have noticed that
> the below fix doesn't actually make BIRD RFC-compliant.
> Rather, it makes BIRD interoperate with other RFC-compliant RIPng routers.
> After all, the RFC doesn't state that route advertisements must be sent
> with an HLIM of 255 (though that's implied, of course), but rather that
> routers must _check_ that the HLIM is 255 when they _receive_ routing
> updates.
> I tried getting that to work by checking s->ttl in the rip_rx function.
> However, that always returns 255 (or, I suspect, whatever rif->sock->ttl
> was set to in the new_iface function) regardless of the incoming
> packet's HLIM.
> I then tried using the sk_set_min_ttl function on the socket in the
> new_iface function but got this error:
> Kernel does not support IPv6 TTL security
> (i.e. the socket protocol doesn't support that option). Since I'm on
> Linux (Debian) this error comes from sysdep/linux/sysio.h.
> Anyway, I am not familiar enough with the BIRD code to understand where
> I can obtain the actual HLIM (TTL) of the incoming packet in order to
> ensure that the HLIM (TTL) is 255.
> I'll keep digging but if anybody has any suggestions or pointers to get
> me moving in the right direction I'd appreciate it.
> Thanks.
> - Simon
> On 06/14/2013 05:41 PM, Simon Dickhoven wrote:
>> OK. I looked at proto/rip/rip.c a bit more and figured that I might as
>> well give it a shot and hack around a little bit. I ended up making this
>> tiny mod:
>> --- a/proto/rip/rip.c
>> +++ b/proto/rip/rip.c
>> @@ -706,7 +706,11 @@
>> rif->sock->dport = P_CF->port;
>> if (new)
>>   {
>> +#ifndef IPV6
>> rif->sock->ttl = 1;
>> +#else
>> +  rif->sock->ttl = 255;
>> +#endif
>> rif->sock->tos = IP_PREC_INTERNET_CONTROL;
>> rif->sock->flags = SKF_LADDR_RX;
>>   }
>> Subsequently, I did a full Debian package build based on
>> I added the above patch to the debian/patches dir and appended the patch
>> file name (I named it "011-ripng_hopcount.patch") to debian/patches/series.
>> The package built fine. I installed it on my test box and lo and behold:
>> Vyatta/Quagga is now happy and I'm seeing my IPv6 routes propagate via
>> RIPng.
>> Tcpdump reveals that RIP(v2) is still using a TTL of 1 and RIPng is
>> using an HLIM (IPv6 equivalent of TTL) of 255.
>> Thanks.
>> - Simon
>> On 06/14/2013 03:04 PM, Simon Dickhoven wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I just started experimenting with BIRD for an IPv6 deployment. I am
>>> using Vyatta VC6.6R1 router VMs on either side of my BIRD VM (which runs
>>> on a customized Debian Squeeze release with kernel 3.3.1). I installed
>>> bird/bird6 1.3.7 from the squeeze-backports repository.
>>> Here my setup.
>>> Lab Net --- Vyatta --- BIRD on Debian --- Vyatta --- Stub Net
>>> Anyway, I don't have any problems with my configs or anything like that.
>>> My problem is that Vyatta's ripngd (part of Quagga) complains about an
>>> RFC violation when it receives RIPng advertisements from BIRD:
>>> Jun 14 21:43:40 vyatta ripngd[1682]: RIPng packet comes with non 255 hop
>>> count 1 from fe80::20c:29ff:fef8:cbc5
>>> I looked at the source code in rip.c and see this line:
>>> rif->sock->ttl = 1;
>>> which is the only reference I can find to TTL/Hop Count. So I'm guessing
>>> this is the culprit. The latest source code (1.3.10) is identical in
>>> this respect.
>>> RFC 2080 states
>>> [...]
>>> As an additional check, periodic advertisements must have their hop
>>> counts set to 255, and inbound, multicast packets sent from the RIPng
>>> port (i.e. periodic advertisement or triggered update packets) must be
>>> examined to ensure that the hop count is 255.
>>> [...]

Re: RIPng advertisement hop count 1 (should be 255 per RFC)

2013-06-18 Thread Simon Dickhoven

Hi, again

If you were paying attention (unlike myself) you may have noticed that 
the below fix doesn't actually make BIRD RFC-compliant.

Rather, it makes BIRD interoperate with other RFC-compliant RIPng routers.

After all, the RFC doesn't state that route advertisements must be sent 
with an HLIM of 255 (though that's implied, of course), but rather that 
routers must _check_ that the HLIM is 255 when they _receive_ routing 

I tried getting that to work by checking s->ttl in the rip_rx function. 
However, that always returns 255 (or, I suspect, whatever rif->sock->ttl 
was set to in the new_iface function) regardless of the incoming 
packet's HLIM.

I then tried using the sk_set_min_ttl function on the socket in the 
new_iface function but got this error:

Kernel does not support IPv6 TTL security

(i.e. the socket protocol doesn't support that option). Since I'm on 
Linux (Debian) this error comes from sysdep/linux/sysio.h.

Anyway, I am not familiar enough with the BIRD code to understand where 
I can obtain the actual HLIM (TTL) of the incoming packet in order to 
ensure that the HLIM (TTL) is 255.

I'll keep digging but if anybody has any suggestions or pointers to get 
me moving in the right direction I'd appreciate it.


- Simon

On 06/14/2013 05:41 PM, Simon Dickhoven wrote:

OK. I looked at proto/rip/rip.c a bit more and figured that I might as
well give it a shot and hack around a little bit. I ended up making this
tiny mod:

--- a/proto/rip/rip.c
+++ b/proto/rip/rip.c
@@ -706,7 +706,11 @@
 rif->sock->dport = P_CF->port;
 if (new)
+#ifndef IPV6
 rif->sock->ttl = 1;
+  rif->sock->ttl = 255;
 rif->sock->tos = IP_PREC_INTERNET_CONTROL;
 rif->sock->flags = SKF_LADDR_RX;

Subsequently, I did a full Debian package build based on

I added the above patch to the debian/patches dir and appended the patch
file name (I named it "011-ripng_hopcount.patch") to debian/patches/series.

The package built fine. I installed it on my test box and lo and behold:
Vyatta/Quagga is now happy and I'm seeing my IPv6 routes propagate via

Tcpdump reveals that RIP(v2) is still using a TTL of 1 and RIPng is
using an HLIM (IPv6 equivalent of TTL) of 255.


- Simon

On 06/14/2013 03:04 PM, Simon Dickhoven wrote:


I just started experimenting with BIRD for an IPv6 deployment. I am
using Vyatta VC6.6R1 router VMs on either side of my BIRD VM (which runs
on a customized Debian Squeeze release with kernel 3.3.1). I installed
bird/bird6 1.3.7 from the squeeze-backports repository.

Here my setup.

Lab Net --- Vyatta --- BIRD on Debian --- Vyatta --- Stub Net

Anyway, I don't have any problems with my configs or anything like that.
My problem is that Vyatta's ripngd (part of Quagga) complains about an
RFC violation when it receives RIPng advertisements from BIRD:

Jun 14 21:43:40 vyatta ripngd[1682]: RIPng packet comes with non 255 hop
count 1 from fe80::20c:29ff:fef8:cbc5

I looked at the source code in rip.c and see this line:

 rif->sock->ttl = 1;

which is the only reference I can find to TTL/Hop Count. So I'm guessing
this is the culprit. The latest source code (1.3.10) is identical in
this respect.

RFC 2080 states

As an additional check, periodic advertisements must have their hop
counts set to 255, and inbound, multicast packets sent from the RIPng
port (i.e. periodic advertisement or triggered update packets) must be
examined to ensure that the hop count is 255.

The use of the term "must" leads me to believe that this is not optional
and is therefore required for RFC-compliance.

There seems to be no such requirement for RIP (v1/v2) so simply changing
the source code to indiscriminately set the TTL to 255 is probably not
the right thing to do.

Have others encountered this problem and is there possibly a patch or
something for getting RFC-compliance and hence interoperability with


- Simon

Re: RIPng advertisement hop count 1 (should be 255 per RFC)

2013-06-14 Thread Simon Dickhoven
OK. I looked at proto/rip/rip.c a bit more and figured that I might as 
well give it a shot and hack around a little bit. I ended up making this 
tiny mod:

--- a/proto/rip/rip.c
+++ b/proto/rip/rip.c
@@ -706,7 +706,11 @@
   rif->sock->dport = P_CF->port;
   if (new)
+#ifndef IPV6
   rif->sock->ttl = 1;
+  rif->sock->ttl = 255;
   rif->sock->tos = IP_PREC_INTERNET_CONTROL;
   rif->sock->flags = SKF_LADDR_RX;

Subsequently, I did a full Debian package build based on

I added the above patch to the debian/patches dir and appended the patch 
file name (I named it "011-ripng_hopcount.patch") to debian/patches/series.

The package built fine. I installed it on my test box and lo and behold: 
Vyatta/Quagga is now happy and I'm seeing my IPv6 routes propagate via 

Tcpdump reveals that RIP(v2) is still using a TTL of 1 and RIPng is 
using an HLIM (IPv6 equivalent of TTL) of 255.


- Simon

On 06/14/2013 03:04 PM, Simon Dickhoven wrote:


I just started experimenting with BIRD for an IPv6 deployment. I am
using Vyatta VC6.6R1 router VMs on either side of my BIRD VM (which runs
on a customized Debian Squeeze release with kernel 3.3.1). I installed
bird/bird6 1.3.7 from the squeeze-backports repository.

Here my setup.

Lab Net --- Vyatta --- BIRD on Debian --- Vyatta --- Stub Net

Anyway, I don't have any problems with my configs or anything like that.
My problem is that Vyatta's ripngd (part of Quagga) complains about an
RFC violation when it receives RIPng advertisements from BIRD:

Jun 14 21:43:40 vyatta ripngd[1682]: RIPng packet comes with non 255 hop
count 1 from fe80::20c:29ff:fef8:cbc5

I looked at the source code in rip.c and see this line:

rif->sock->ttl = 1;

which is the only reference I can find to TTL/Hop Count. So I'm guessing
this is the culprit. The latest source code (1.3.10) is identical in
this respect.

RFC 2080 states

As an additional check, periodic advertisements must have their hop
counts set to 255, and inbound, multicast packets sent from the RIPng
port (i.e. periodic advertisement or triggered update packets) must be
examined to ensure that the hop count is 255.

The use of the term "must" leads me to believe that this is not optional
and is therefore required for RFC-compliance.

There seems to be no such requirement for RIP (v1/v2) so simply changing
the source code to indiscriminately set the TTL to 255 is probably not
the right thing to do.

Have others encountered this problem and is there possibly a patch or
something for getting RFC-compliance and hence interoperability with


- Simon

RIPng advertisement hop count 1 (should be 255 per RFC)

2013-06-14 Thread Simon Dickhoven


I just started experimenting with BIRD for an IPv6 deployment. I am 
using Vyatta VC6.6R1 router VMs on either side of my BIRD VM (which runs 
on a customized Debian Squeeze release with kernel 3.3.1). I installed 
bird/bird6 1.3.7 from the squeeze-backports repository.

Here my setup.

Lab Net --- Vyatta --- BIRD on Debian --- Vyatta --- Stub Net

Anyway, I don't have any problems with my configs or anything like that. 
My problem is that Vyatta's ripngd (part of Quagga) complains about an 
RFC violation when it receives RIPng advertisements from BIRD:

Jun 14 21:43:40 vyatta ripngd[1682]: RIPng packet comes with non 255 hop 
count 1 from fe80::20c:29ff:fef8:cbc5

I looked at the source code in rip.c and see this line:

  rif->sock->ttl = 1;

which is the only reference I can find to TTL/Hop Count. So I'm guessing 
this is the culprit. The latest source code (1.3.10) is identical in 
this respect.

RFC 2080 states

As an additional check, periodic advertisements must have their hop 
counts set to 255, and inbound, multicast packets sent from the RIPng 
port (i.e. periodic advertisement or triggered update packets) must be 
examined to ensure that the hop count is 255.


The use of the term "must" leads me to believe that this is not optional 
and is therefore required for RFC-compliance.

There seems to be no such requirement for RIP (v1/v2) so simply changing 
the source code to indiscriminately set the TTL to 255 is probably not 
the right thing to do.

Have others encountered this problem and is there possibly a patch or 
something for getting RFC-compliance and hence interoperability with 


- Simon