Re: [bitcoin-dev] Taproot proposal

2019-05-18 Thread ZmnSCPxj via bitcoin-dev
Good morning list,

> > Can this "unknown discrete logarithm" be made provably unknown, so all 
> > signers are assured of this property? Bonus points if the outside world 
> > can't tell. The exact mechanism could be outside the scope of the BIP, but 
> > knowing that it's possible is useful.
> Yes, that's a TODO that's left in the draft, but this is absolutely
> possible (using a hash-to-curve operation). As ZmnSCPxj already
> suggested, there can even be a fixed known constant you can use for
> this. However, you get better privacy by taking this fixed known
> constant (call it C) and using as internal key a blinded version of it
> (C+rG, for some random value r, and G the normal secp256k1 generator);
> as long as the DL between G and C is unknown, this is safe (and does
> not reveal to the world that in fact no key-path was permitted when
> spending).

Gregory Maxwell commented some days ago:

> 2019-05-11T23:35:02   sipa: also someone might want to point out to 
> ZmnSCPxj  that his scheme for getting a NUMS point is insecure (it must also 
> commit to G because we don't know how G was generated)

I am assuming that gmax is referring to my description of the "hash-to-point" 
or "hash-to-curve" operation.

A little more research shows this:

>From the above, it seems the method that real cryptographers use is:

1.  Generate some random data d.
2.  Get x = h(G | d) where G is the existing generator for secp256k1.
3.  Find a point on secp256k1 with X coordinate x.
4.  If not found, go to 1.

In any case, I am almost sure that for every case where the "everyone agrees" 
path is unwanted in a taproot address, the simple "put your own pubkey lock on 
the door and throw away the privkey" technique would work without requiring a 
NUMS point: the same taproot assumption should also work here.
But generation of a NUMS point might be of independent interest in any case 
(e.g. setting up Pedersen commitments).

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[bitcoin-dev] Code not following proof of security

2019-05-18 Thread Zawy via bitcoin-dev
If MAX_FUTURE_BLOCK_TIME in chain.h is set smaller than
DEFAULT_MAX_TIME_ADJUSTMENT in timedata.h, the POW security can be
undermined by a 33% Sybil attack on the nodes. Blocks with accurate
timestamps would be rejected which allows various attacks. Code should
reflect a proof of security, so it should be coded as


(or sufficiently commented) otherwise future developers could make a
change that hurts security. "Unintended consequences due to how
disparate code interacts" is the result of code not following a proof
of security. I came across this while trying to "derive" POW security
from within Lamport's 1982 framework. The problem is that POW security
requires clock synchronization. But using median of network time for
it is a consensus mechanism that is subject to Byzantine attacks. So
POW requires an absolute bound on time (enforced by an oracle) that is
at least as stringent as  the allowed timestamp variation.  The rule
to revert to node time if network time is >70 minutes off is the real
bound that honest nodes can impose unilaterally, limiting the
potential damage of consensus (if MAX_FUTURE_BLOCK_TIME is not too
small). This fail-safe uses node operators as the oracle, who can all
approximately agree as to what time it is without asking each other. A
>50% Sybil attack on nodes fails because an honest new node joining
can unilaterally reject the chain if the current timestamp is not
realistic. Cryptonote appears to have done away with network time
without ill effect. The only other option to "the node operator is the
oracle" is to assume all internal clocks have a max drift, but this
would disconnect timestamps from real time to the extent of that drift
(if I'm reading Halpern, etc 1984 IBM correctly). I'm assuming Mike
Hearn was wrong in saying the centralization of NTP (or GPS) is

This affects coins who reduced MAX_FUTURE_BLOCK_TIME without either
removing the time consensus mechanism or reducing the
DEFAULT_MAX_TIME_ADJUSTMENT. Many have done this in order to have
faster responding difficulty algorithms, otherwise a large
MAX_FUTURE_BLOCK_TIME allows a sizable manipulation of difficulty.
Therefore, MAX_FUTURE_BLOCK_TIME should itself should be a function of
the size of the difficulty window for proof of security (instead of a
constant). I suspect more constants = less proof of security. For
MFBT = WindowTimespan / 10 would limit timestamp manipulation to 10% per window.
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