Re: [bitcoin-dev] Packaged Transaction Relay

2022-10-05 Thread Eric Voskuil via bitcoin-dev
>> ...sendaddrv2 messages are only sent to nodes advertising version 70016 or 
>> later (same as wtxidrelay)

> I don’t see this constraint in BIP155. Do you mean that addrv2 support was
> released in Core at the same time as wtxidrelay, or that it is an
> undocumented version constraint implemented in Core?

I see that it is the latter:

// BIP155 defines addrv2 and sendaddrv2 for all protocol versions, but some
// implementations reject messages they don't know. As a courtesy, don't send
// it to nodes with a version before 70016, as no software is known to support
// BIP155 that doesn't announce at least that protocol version number.

The version string in the log message I posted implies it may not be a Core 
release. Yet it is BIP155 compliant.

Protocol cannot be defined on an ad-hoc basis as a "courtesy" - and it's not 
exactly a courtesy to keep yourself from getting dropped by peers. It is not 
clear to me why such a comment would be accepted instead of specifying this 
properly. A new protocol cannot define a message for "all versions", it can 
only assume that older versions will disregard all unknown message traffic - or 
that implementers will patch it in this ad-hoc matter.

I would suggest that authors update BIP155 and BIP330 (both still in Draft 
status), as well any pending proposals that may have picked up this pattern 
from BIP155.

I doubt that anyone who's worked with it is terribly fond of Bitcoin's P2P 
protocol versioning. I've spent some time on a proposal to update it, though it 
hasn't been a priority. If anyone is interested in collaborating on it please 
contact me directly.


bitcoin-dev mailing list

Re: [bitcoin-dev] Packaged Transaction Relay

2022-10-05 Thread Eric Voskuil via bitcoin-dev
>> [Regarding bandwidth waste: I've pointed out in years past that
>> breaking the Bitcoin versioning scheme creates a requirement that any
>> unknown message type be considered valid. Up until a recently-deployed
>> protocol change, it had always been possible to validate messages by
>> type. I noticed recently that validating nodes have been dropping peers
>> at an increasing rate (a consequence of that deployment). Despite being
>> an undocumented compatibility break, it is now unfortunately a matter
>> of protocol that a peer must allow its peers to waste its bandwidth to
>> remain compatible - something which we should eliminate.]
> The only message listed as not being preceded by a bumped version number
> in:

Good find, still a work in progress.

> is addrv2 (though addrv2 is gated on mutual exchange of sendaddrv2, so
> it's presumably the sendaddrv2 message at issue),

addrv2 is listed as the BIP title, the message that would cause the break is 
sendaddrv2 (quoted text).

> however since [0]
> sendaddrv2 messages are only sent to nodes advertising version 70016 or
> later (same as wtxidrelay).

I don’t see this constraint in BIP155. Do you mean that addrv2 support was 
released in Core at the same time as wtxidrelay, or that it is an undocumented 
version constraint implemented in Core?

> ADDRV2 was introduced May 20 2020 after the
> 0.20 branch, and SENDADDRV2 gating was merged Dec 9 2020 and included
> from 0.21.0rc3 onwards.

To clarify, there was no Core release of addrv2 without sendaddrv2 apart from 
0.21 release candidates?

> [0]
> I'm only seeing "bytesrecv_per_msg.*other*" entries for nodes advertising
> a version of 0.17 and 0.18,

> which I presume is due to REJECT messages (for taproot txs, perhaps?).

Ideally you should not be seeing reject messages as protocol “other”, as these 
are valid messages as of protocol version 70002, and they are excluded by 
negotiated version before that. While there is no requirement to send them 
(BIP61 only defines a new message type), they remain defined messages until 
removed by a future protocol version.

> Otherwise, I don't think there are any unexpected
> messages you should be receiving when advertising version 70015 or lower.

Yet nodes with an advertised protocol version of 70013 are receiving 
sendaddrv2. I've removed the IP address from the log extract below.

17:53:45.022347 DEBUG [network] Peer [x.x.x.x:8333] protocol version (70016) 
user agent: /Satoshi:0.21.0()/
17:53:45.022377 DEBUG [network] Negotiated protocol version (70013) for 
17:53:45.022767 INFO [network] Connected outbound channel [x.x.x.x.135:8333]
17:53:45.022913 DEBUG [node] Ask [x.x.x.x:8333] for headers after 
17:53:45.023184 WARNING [network] Invalid sendaddrv2 payload from 
[x.x.x.x:8333] object does not exist
17:53:45.023317 DEBUG [network] Stop protocol version on [x.x.x.x:8333] object 
does not exist
17:53:45.023359 DEBUG [network] Outbound channel stopped [x.x.x.x:8333] success

To my knowledge the only other time we've seen consistent invalid message 
traffic on the network was during the work on BIP150 (withdrawn), at which 
point BIP150 nodes were being deployed on mainnet. I made comments here on the 
issue at the time, which as I recall were generally rejected in favor of 
forcing nodes to allow all invalid traffic. In any case BIP150 was withdrawn 
and BIP324 proposed, which fixes this particular issue (using a service bit).

Some argued at the time that allowance for invalid messages was a longstanding 
requirement in the protocol. I knew that this was not the case (except for 
BIP37, break documented in BIP60) because libbitcoin validates all messages, 
which led me to eventually document it. Recently I updated and posted that 
documentation (the github wiki link you found). This was a consequence of 
reviewing the Generic Package Relay proposal, which is also incompatible. In 
doing so I noticed this issue with BIP155 and BIP330 as well. This led us to 
check the logs for peer disconnects as a result of invalid messages, at which 
point the above was found to be an increasingly common occurrence.


> Cheers,
> aj

bitcoin-dev mailing list

Re: [bitcoin-dev] Packaged Transaction Relay

2022-10-05 Thread Anthony Towns via bitcoin-dev
On Tue, Oct 04, 2022 at 05:01:04PM -0700, Eric Voskuil via bitcoin-dev wrote:
> [Regarding bandwidth waste: I've pointed out in years past that
> breaking the Bitcoin versioning scheme creates a requirement that any
> unknown message type be considered valid. Up until a recently-deployed
> protocol change, it had always been possible to validate messages by
> type. I noticed recently that validating nodes have been dropping peers
> at an increasing rate (a consequence of that deployment). Despite being
> an undocumented compatibility break, it is now unfortunately a matter
> of protocol that a peer must allow its peers to waste its bandwidth to
> remain compatible - something which we should eliminate.]

The only message listed as not being preceded by a bumped version number

is addrv2 (though addrv2 is gated on mutual exchange of sendaddrv2, so
it's presumably the sendaddrv2 message at issue), however since [0]
sendaddrv2 messages are only sent to nodes advertising version 70016 or
later (same as wtxidrelay). ADDRV2 was introduced May 20 2020 after the
0.20 branch, and SENDADDRV2 gating was merged Dec 9 2020 and included
from 0.21.0rc3 onwards.


I'm only seeing "bytesrecv_per_msg.*other*" entries for nodes advertising
a version of 0.17 and 0.18, which I presume is due to REJECT messages (for
taproot txs, perhaps?). Otherwise, I don't think there are any unexpected
messages you should be receiving when advertising version 70015 or lower.

bitcoin-dev mailing list