Re: [bitcoin-dev] PSA: Taproot loss of quantum protections

2021-03-23 Thread Martin Schwarz via bitcoin-dev

> Does anyone think it would it be useful to write up a more official,
and even partly functional plan for Bitcoin to use zero-knowledge
proofs to transition to quantum resistance?

yes, this would be appreciated very much! Andrew Chow's write-up
gives already some high-level idea, but a more detailed exposition
would be essential for further discussion.

thank you,

On Mon, Mar 22, 2021 at 3:47 PM Erik Aronesty via bitcoin-dev <> wrote:

> The argument that hashed public addresses provide meaningful quantum
> resistance is flawed *when considered in the context*.of Bitcoin
> itself.
> This article by Andrew Chow is easy to read and makes a strong case
> against the quantum utility of hashed public keys:
> And then, of course, one should be mindful of the case against quantum
> computing itself - it is neither inevitable nor "just around the
> corner".   Mikhail Dyakonov summarized the arguments well here:
> My current stance (at my company at least) is that planning for
> quantum computing should be limited to "a provable and written ability
> to upgrade if it becomes clear that it's necessary."
> Does anyone think it would it be useful to write up a more official,
> and even partly functional plan for Bitcoin to use zero-knowledge
> proofs to transition to quantum resistance?
> - Erik Aronesty
>   CTO, Atkama
> On Mon, Mar 15, 2021 at 5:48 PM Luke Dashjr via bitcoin-dev
>  wrote:
> >
> > I do not personally see this as a reason to NACK Taproot, but it has
> become
> > clear to me over the past week or so that many others are unaware of this
> > tradeoff, so I am sharing it here to ensure the wider community is aware
> of
> > it and can make their own judgements.
> >
> > Mark Friedenbach explains on his blog:
> >
> >
> > In short, Taproot loses an important safety protection against quantum.
> > Note that in all circumstances, Bitcoin is endangered when QC becomes a
> > reality, but pre-Taproot, it is possible for the network to "pause"
> while a
> > full quantum-safe fix is developed, and then resume transacting. With
> Taproot
> > as-is, it could very well become an unrecoverable situation if QC go
> online
> > prior to having a full quantum-safe solution.
> >
> > Also, what I didn't know myself until today, is that we do not actually
> gain
> > anything from this: the features proposed to make use of the raw keys
> being
> > public prior to spending can be implemented with hashed keys as well.
> > It would use significantly more CPU time and bandwidth (between private
> > parties, not on-chain), but there should be no shortage of that for
> anyone
> > running a full node (indeed, CPU time is freed up by Taproot!); at
> worst, it
> > would create an incentive for more people to use their own full node,
> which
> > is a good thing!
> >
> > Despite this, I still don't think it's a reason to NACK Taproot: it
> should be
> > fairly trivial to add a hash on top in an additional softfork and fix
> this.
> >
> > In addition to the points made by Mark, I also want to add two more, in
> > response to Pieter's "you can't claim much security if 37% of the supply
> is
> > at risk" argument. This argument is based in part on the fact that many
> > people reuse Bitcoin invoice addresses.
> >
> > First, so long as we have hash-based addresses as a best practice, we can
> > continue to shrink the percentage of bitcoins affected through social
> efforts
> > discouraging address use. If the standard loses the hash, the situation
> > cannot be improved, and will indeed only get worse.
> >
> > Second, when/if quantum does compromise these coins, so long as they are
> > neglected or abandoned/lost coins (inherent in the current model), it
> can be
> > seen as equivalent to Bitcoin mining. At the end of the day, 37% of
> supply
> > minable by QCs is really no different than 37% minable by ASICs. (We've
> seen
> > far higher %s available for mining obviously.)
> >
> > To conclude, I recommend anyone using Bitcoin to read Mark's article, my
> > thoughts, and any other arguments on the topic; decide if this is a
> concern
> > to you, and make your own post(s) accordingly. Mark has conceded the
> argument
> > (AFAIK he doesn't have an interest in bitcoins anyway), and I do not
> consider
> > it a showstopper - so if anyone else out there does, please make yourself
> > known ASAP since Taproot has already moved on to the activation phase
> and it
> > is likely software will be released within the next month or two as
> things
> > stand.
> >
> > Luke
> > ___
> > bitcoin-dev mailing list
> >
> >
> __

Re: [bitcoin-dev] Timelocks and Lightning on MimbleWimble

2019-09-19 Thread Martin Schwarz via bitcoin-dev
Isn't there some way to "rebase" a relative lock-time to some anchor even
further in the past while cancelling out the intermediate transactions?

best regards,

On Thu, Sep 19, 2019 at 9:52 AM ZmnSCPxj via bitcoin-dev <> wrote:

> Good morning list,
> I was reading transcript of recent talk:
> And in section "Taproot: main idea":
> > Q: Can you do timelocks iwth adaptor signatures?
> >
> > ...
> >
> > A: This is one way it's being proposed by mimblewimble; but this
> requires the ability to aggregate signatures across transactions.
> >
> > Q: No, there's two transactions already existing. Before locktime, you
> can spend wit hthe adaptor signature one like atomic swaps. After locktime,
> the other one becomes valid and you can spend with that. They just double
> spend each other.
> >
> > A: You'd have to diagram that out for me. There's a few ways to do this,
> some that I know, but yours isn't one of them.
> I believe what is being referred to here is to simply have an `nLockTime`
> transaction that is signed by all participants first, and serves as the
> "timelock" path.
> Then, another transaction is created, for which adaptor signatures are
> given, before completing the ritual to create a "hashlock" path.
> I find it surprising that this is not well-known.
> I describe it here tangentially, for instance:
> The section "Payjoin2swap Swap Protocol" refers to "pre-swap transaction"
> and "pre-swap backout transaction", which are `nLockTime`d transactions.
> Later transactions then use a Scriptless Script-like construction to
> transfer information about a secret scalar x.
> My understanding of MimbleWimble is that:
> * There must exist a proof-of-knowledge of the sum of blinding factors
> used.
>   This can be trivially had by using a signature of this sum, signing an
> empty message or "kernel".
> * I believe I have seen at least one proposal (I cannot find it again now)
> where the "kernel" is replaced with an `nLockTime`-equivalent.
>   Basically, the `nLockTime` would have to be explicitly published, and it
> would be rejected for a block if the `nLockTime` was less than the block
> height.
>   * There may or may not exist some kind of proof where the message being
> signed is an integer that is known to be no greater than a particular
> value, and multiple signatures that signed a lower value can somehow be
> aggregated to a higher value, which serves this purpose as well, but is
> compressible.
> My understanding is thus that the above `nLockTime` technique is what is
> indeed intended for MimbleWimble cross-system atomic swaps.
> However, I believe that Lightning and similar offchain protocols are **not
> possible** on MimbleWimble, at least if we want to retain its "magical
> shrinking blockchain" property.
> All practical channel constructions with indefinite lifetime require the
> use of *relative* locktime.
> Of note is that `nLockTime` represents an *absolute* lifetime.
> The only practical channel constructions I know of that do not require
> *relative* locktime (mostly various variants of Spilman channels) have a
> fixed lifetime, i.e. the channel will have to be closed before the lifetime
> arrives.
> This is impractical for a scaling network.
> It seems to me that some kind of "timeout" is always necessary, similar to
> the timeout used in SPV-proof sidechains, in order to allow an existing
> claimed-latest-state to be proven as not-actually-latest.
> * In Poon-Dryja, knowledge of the revocation key by the other side proves
> the published claimed-latest-state is not-actually-latest and awards the
> entire amount to the other party.
>   * This key can only be presented during the timeout, a security
> parameter.
> * In Decker-Wattenhofer decrementing-`nSequence` channels, a kickoff
> starts this timeout, and only the smallest-timeout state gets onchain, due
> to it having a time advantage over all other versions.
> * In indefinite-lifetime Spilman channels (also described in the
> Decker-Wattenhofer paper), the absolute-timelock initial backoff
> transaction is replaced with a kickoff + relative-locktime transaction.
> * In Decker-Russell-Osuntokun, each update transaction has an imposed
> `nSequence` that forces a state transaction to be delayed compared to the
> update transaction it is paired with.
> It seems that all practical offchain updateable cryptocurrency systems,
> some kind of "timeout" is needed during which participants have an
> opportunity to claim an alternative version of some previous claim of
> correct state.
> This timeout could be implemented as either relative or absolute lock
> time, but obviously an absolute locktime would create a limit on the
> lifetime of the channel.
> Thus, if we were