Re: [Bitcoin-development] Bitcoin at POS using BIP70, NFC and offline payments - implementer feedback

2015-02-22 Thread Andy Schroder
I agree that NFC is the best we have as far as a trust anchor that you 
are paying the right person. The thing I am worried about is the privacy 
loss that could happen if there is someone passively monitoring the 
connection. So, in response to some of your comments below and also in 
response to some of Eric Voskuil's comments in another recent e-mail:

Consider some cases:

If NFC is assumed private, then sending the session key over the NFC 
connection gives the payer and the payee assumed confidence that that a 
private bluetooth connection can be created.

If the NFC actually isn't private, then by sending the session key over 
it means the bluetooth connection is not private. An eavesdropper can 
listen to all communication and possibly modify the communication, but 
the payer and payee won't necessarily know if eavesdropping occurs 
unless communication is also modified (which could be difficult to do 
for a really low range communication).

If we send a public key of the payee over the NFC connection (in place 
of a session key) and the NFC connection is assumed trusted (and is 
unmodified but actually monitored by an eavesdropper) and use that 
public key received via NFC to encrypt a session key and send it back 
via bluetooth, to then initiate an encrypted bluetooth connection using 
that session key for the remaining communication, then the payee still 
receives payment as expected and the payer sends the payment they 
expected, and the eavesdropper doesn't see anything.

If we send a public key of the payee over the NFC connection (in place 
of a session key) and the NFC connection is assumed trusted (and is 
actually modified by an eavesdropper) and use that public key received 
via NFC to encrypt a session key and send it back via bluetooth, to then 
initiate an encrypted bluetooth connection using that session key for 
the remaining communication, then the payee receives no payment and the 
attack is quickly identified because the customer receives no product 
for their payment and they notify the payee, and hopefully the problem 
remedied and no further customers are affected. The privacy loss will be 
significantly reduced and the motive for such attacks will be reduced. 
It's possible a really sophisticated modification could be done where 
the attacker encrypts and decrypts the communication and then relays to 
each party (without them knowing or any glitches detected), but I guess 
I'm not sure how easy that would be on such a close proximity device?

Erick Voskuil mentioned this same problem would even occur if you had a 
hardwired connection to the payment terminal and those wires were 
compromised. I guess I still think what I am saying would be better in 
that case. There is also more obvious physical tampering required to 
mess with wires.

I'm not sure if there is any trust anchor required of the payer by the 
payee, is there? Eric also mentioned a need for this. Why does the payer 
care who they are as long as they get a payment received? Just to avoid 
a sophisticated modification" that I mention above? I can see how this 
could be the case for a longer range communication (like over the 
internet), but I'm not convinced it will be easy on really short ranges? 
It's almost like the attacker would be better off to just replace the 
entire POS internals than mess with an attack like that, in which case 
everything we could do locally (other than the payment request signing 
using PKI), is useless.

I'm not a cryptography expert so I apologize if there is something 
rudimentary that I am missing here.

Andy Schroder

On 02/22/2015 08:02 PM, Andreas Schildbach wrote:

On 02/23/2015 12:32 AM, Andy Schroder wrote:

I guess we need to decide whether we want to consider NFC communication
private or not. I don't know that I think it can be. An eavesdropper can
place a tiny snooping device near and read the communication. If it is
just passive, then the merchant/operator won't realize it's there. So, I
don't know if I like your idea (mentioned in your other reply) of
putting the session key in the URL is a good idea?

I think the "trust by proximity" is the best we've got. If we don't
trust the NFC link (or the QR code scan), what other options have we
got? Speaking the session key by voice? Bad UX, and can be eavesdropped
as well of course.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list


Re: [Bitcoin-development] Request for a new BIP number (and discussion): Improved HD wallet generation.

2015-02-22 Thread 木ノ下じょな
Hello All,

I have updated the algorithm to include b in the derivation of a and vice

In the comment section of the gist, jhoenicke kindly pointed out that a
derivation was not including b at all, so colluding derivation was weak to
1 leaked descendant private node.

I am on my phone, but once I get home I will write out how to compromise
the parent private node with two child private nodes and the parent public

Hopefully writing that out will help give an understanding of any other
hidden tricks.

Sorry if a majority don't think BIP32 is a problem, but if anyone who has
interest could comment and double check the math, I would appreciate it.



> Hello All,
> I have put together a proposal for a new generation methodology of HD
> wallets.
> The method is a modification of BIP32, so if something is unclear or not
> explicit, please assume it follows BIP32.
> I am looking forward to any and all criticism and help with writing /
> making the BIP more secure.
> If some of my pseudo code / English is off I apologize, I am not good with
> words.
> If this is deemed worthy enough to be drafted into a BIP, I would
> appreciate if someone could tell me what the overall step by step flow
> would be.
> Thank you, I will paste the link to the proposal below.
> Jona
> --
> Comment:
> xsBNBFTmJ8oBB/9rd+7XLxZG/x/KnhkVK2WBG8ySx91fs+qQfHIK1JrakSV3
> x6x0cK3XLClASLLDomm7Od3Q/fMFzdwCEqj6z60T8wgKxsjWYSGL3mq8ucdv
> iBjC3wGauk5dQKtT7tkCFyQQbX/uMsBM4ccGBICoDmIJlwJIj7fAZVqGxGOM
> bO1RhYb4dbQA2qxYP7wSsHJ6/ZNAXyEphOj6blUzdqO0exAbCOZWWF+E/1SC
> EuKO4RmL7Imdep7uc2Qze1UpJCZx7ASHl2IZ4UD0G3Qr3pI6/jvNlaqCTa3U
> 3/YeJwEubFsd0AVy0zs809RcKKgX3W1q+hVDTeWinem9RiOG/vT+Eec/ABEB
> AAHNI2tpbm9zaGl0YSA8a2lub3NoaXRham9uYUBnbWFpbC5jb20+wsByBBAB
> Fc09ETLGKFxH2RcCOK2dzwz+KRU4xqOrt/l5gyd50cFE1nOhUN9+/XaPgrou
> WhyT9xLeGit7Xqhht93z2+VanTtJAG6lWbAZLIZAMGMuLX6sJDCO0GiO5zxa
> 02Q2D3kh5GL57A5+oVOna12JBRaIA5eBGKVCp3KToT/z48pxBe3WAmLo0zXr
> hEgTSzssfb2zTwtB3Ogoedj+cU2bHJvJ8upS/jMr3TcdguySmxJlGpocVC/e
> qxq12Njv+LiETOrD8atGmXCnA+nFNljBkz+l6ADl93jHzsBNBFTmJ9EBCACu
> Qq9ZnP+aLU/Rt6clAfiHfTFBsJvLKsdIKeE6qHzsU1E7A7bGQKTtLEnhCCQE
> W+OQP+sgbOWowIdH9PpwLJ3Op+NhvLlMxRvbT36LwCmBL0yD7bMqxxmmVj8n
> vlMMRSe4wDSIG19Oy7701imnHZPm/pnPlneg/Meu/UffpcDWYBbAFX8nrXPY
> vkVULcI/qTcCxW/+S9fwoXjQhWHaiJJ6y3cYOSitN31W9zgcMvLwLX3JgDxE
> AlTmJ9QJEEQfYmd9HZYrAhsMAABKbgf/Ulu5JAk4fXgH0DtkMmdkFiKEFdkW
> 0Wkw7Vhd5eZ4NzeP9kOkD01OGweT9hqzwhfT2CNXCGxh4UnvEM1ZMFypIKdq
> 0XpLLJMrDOQO021UjAa56vHZPAVmAM01z5VzHJ7ekjgwrgMLmVkm0jWKEKaO
> n/MW7CyphG7QcZ6cJX2f6uJcekBlZRw9TNYRnojMjkutlOVhYJ3J78nc/k0p
> kcgV63GB6D7wHRF4TVe4xIBqKpbBhhN+ISwFN1z+gx3lfyRMSmiTSrGdKEQe
> Spe3vsHZr6CqFg==
> =/vUJ


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Re: [Bitcoin-development] Bitcoin at POS using BIP70, NFC and offline payments - implementer feedback

2015-02-22 Thread Aaron Voisine
>> However, I don't think we should base
>> bitcoin around what Apple wants us to do. They've already had their war
>> on bitcoin. They are going to do whatever they can to protect their NFC
>> based payment system. We need to make their platform the the less
>> desirable one if they are going to play the game that way. If that means
>> an Airbitz like proposal is implemented as a fallback, maybe that is
>> fine and POS systems need to support both, but I just don't think we
>> should limit what we can do because of Apple's products capabilities.
> Ack on Airbitz, and ack on our relationship to Apple (-:

I also agree we shouldn't limit specs to Apple product capabilities. If
history is any indication, NFC will be opened up to developers in iOS 9,
just like touch id in was in iOS 8, and bluetooth LE in iOS 5, one major OS
revision after the hardware capability is first introduced.

Also, I'm pretty sure that Apple doesn't care about bitcoin at all. When
they banned wallets from the app store, it was prior to the 2013 FinCEN
guidance. At the time many of us, myself included, assumed USG would take
the same stance with bitcoin as they did against e-gold. It wasn't clear at
all that bitcoin didn't violate legal tender laws or who knows what. When
Apple allowed wallets back in, it was just weeks before Apple pay launched.
It's seems clear that bitcoin is too small for them to be concerned about
in the slightest.

Aaron Voisine
co-founder and CEO
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Bitcoin at POS using BIP70, NFC and offline payments - implementer feedback

2015-02-22 Thread Andreas Schildbach
On 02/22/2015 11:39 PM, Eric Voskuil wrote:

> The MAC address (and resource name) should be encoded using base58. This
> is shorter than base16, is often shorter than base64, better
> standardized and does not require URI encoding, and is generally
> available to implementers.

Of course this is just a minor detail, but Base64Url is well defined,
almost always more efficient than Base58 and never less efficient, and
implemented in way more libraries and OSes than Base58. Base58 was
designed for copy-typing by humans.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Bitcoin at POS using BIP70, NFC and offline payments - implementer feedback

2015-02-22 Thread Andreas Schildbach
On 02/23/2015 12:32 AM, Andy Schroder wrote:
> I guess we need to decide whether we want to consider NFC communication
> private or not. I don't know that I think it can be. An eavesdropper can
> place a tiny snooping device near and read the communication. If it is
> just passive, then the merchant/operator won't realize it's there. So, I
> don't know if I like your idea (mentioned in your other reply) of
> putting the session key in the URL is a good idea?

I think the "trust by proximity" is the best we've got. If we don't
trust the NFC link (or the QR code scan), what other options have we
got? Speaking the session key by voice? Bad UX, and can be eavesdropped
as well of course.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Bitcoin at POS using BIP70, NFC and offline payments - implementer feedback

2015-02-22 Thread Andreas Schildbach
On 02/22/2015 11:37 PM, Andy Schroder wrote:

> Andreas and I had a number of private discussions regarding the
> payment_url parameter. I had suggested a "additional_payment_urls"
> repeated parameter, but he didn't seem to like that idea and I
> personally am indifferent, so that is why we decided to just change
> payment_url to a repeated field. The spec is simpler without the
> "additional_payment_urls", but the wallets have to be a little bit
> smarter finding the right url they want to use in the list. It's maybe
> not a bad idea for the wallet to try all payment_url mechanisms in
> parallel. Should we add this as a recommendation to wallets in TBIP75?

I think it will cause too much chaos. My recommendation for the
payment_url field is prefer the same mechanism that was used for
fetching the payment request. Only if the recommendation fails use the
alternatives in order (or in reverse order, I'm not sure at the moment).

> Regarding the NFC data formats. I would like to clarify that the wallets
> are having those events dispatched by the android OS. The "URI" and
> "mime type" events are sent to the application in the same way as from
> other sources such as a web browser, e-mail, stand alone QR code scanner
> app, etc.. So, I don't think the wallet actually knows it is receiving
> the event from NFC.

I think it can know. The method for catching these intents is very
similar and you can reuse almost all code, but in fact you need to add
an additional line to your AndroidManifest.xml.

> That is one reason why so many existing wallets
> happen to support BIP21 payment request via NFC.

Many? Bitcoin Wallet and its forks were the only ones for about a year.
Only recently Mycelium caught up and the others still do not care I guess.

> I'm a little weary sending the "mime
> type" based format over NFC because of backwards compatibility and
> because of the long certificate chain that needs to be transferred. You
> want that tap to be as robust and fast as possible. A bluetooth
> connection can have a retry without any user interaction.

I agree whatever we do must be robust. However I see no reason why NFC
can't be robust, see my previous post.

> I don't really like the Airbitz proposal. Figuring out if your selecting
> is the right one is a real nuisance. The idea is neat in a few
> applications, but I just don't think it is going to work for people as
> the most efficient and trouble free option day to day. I realize they
> are probably doing it to work with Apple's limited functionality phones
> (and BLE is a new buzz word). However, I don't think we should base
> bitcoin around what Apple wants us to do. They've already had their war
> on bitcoin. They are going to do whatever they can to protect their NFC
> based payment system. We need to make their platform the the less
> desirable one if they are going to play the game that way. If that means
> an Airbitz like proposal is implemented as a fallback, maybe that is
> fine and POS systems need to support both, but I just don't think we
> should limit what we can do because of Apple's products capabilities.

Ack on Airbitz, and ack on our relationship to Apple (-:

> There is also the "ack" memo that I mentioned in reference [2]. I think
> we can improve upon this really. Can we make a new status field or
> different bluetooth message header? I know Andreas didn't want to change
> it because that is how his app already works, but I don't think the way
> it is is ideal.

I'm not against improving this point, but I felt the BT enhancements and
the r,r1,r2 proposals are already getting complex enough. I would like
to simplify the proposal by moving unrelated things to somewhere else.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Bitcoin at POS using BIP70, NFC and offline payments - implementer feedback

2015-02-22 Thread Andreas Schildbach
Jan, this is great stuff! Thanks for sharing your experiences.

I think the 4k payments requests issue must be solvable somehow. I had
no trouble transmitting that amount via NFC, although yes a bit of delay
was noticable.

About payment_url: Protobuf allows changing optional to repeated and yes
it's backwards compatible. Which is why I'm personally against parsing
two fields rather than just one.

> 2) @Andreas: Is the r, r1, r2 mechanism already implemented in Bitcoin Wallet?

No it isn't. It's implemented in bitcoinj though.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Bitcoin at POS using BIP70, NFC and offline payments - implementer feedback

2015-02-22 Thread Eric Voskuil
On 02/22/2015 03:35 PM, Andy Schroder wrote:
>> On 02/22/2015 02:39 PM, Eric Voskuil wrote:
>>> Hi Jan,
>>> This is really nice work.
>>> WRT the Schroder and Schildbach proposal, the generalization of the "r"
>>> and "payment_url" parameters makes sense, with only the potential
>>> backward compat issue on payment_url.
 TBIP75 furthermore proposes to include an additional 'h' parameter
 which would be a hash of the BIP70 payment request, preventing a MITM
 attack on the Bluetooth channel even if the BIP70 payment request
 isn't signed. This would have also been my suggestion, although I
 know that Mike Hearn has raised concerns about this approach. One
 being, that one needs to finalize the BIP70 payment request at the
 time the QR code and NFC URI is generated.
 3) Are there other comments regarding 'h' parameter as per TBIP75?
>>> Yes, this design is problematic from a privacy standpoint. Anyone within
>>> the rather significant range of the Bluetooth terminal is able to
>>> capture payment requests and correlate them to people. In other words it
>>> can be used to automate tainting.
>>> The problem is easily resolved by recognizing that, in the envisioned
>>> face-to-face trade, proximity is the source of trust. Even in the above
>>> proposal the "h" parameter is trusted because it was obtained by
>>> proximity to the NFC terminal. The presumption is that this proximity
>>> produces a private channel.
>>> As such the "tap" should transfer a session key used for symmetric block
>>> cipher over the Bluetooth channel. This also resolves the issue of
>>> needing to formulate the payment request before the NFC.
>>> As an aside, in other scenarios, such as an automated dispenser, this
>>> presumption does not hold. The merchant is not present to guard against
>>> device tampering. Those scenarios can be secured using BIP70, but cannot
>>> guarantee privacy.
>>> The other differences I have with the proposal pertain to efficiency,
>>> not privacy or integrity of the transaction:
>>> The proposed resource name is redundant with any unique identifier for
>>> the session. For example, the "h" parameter is sufficient. But with the
>>> establishment of a session key both as I propose above, the parties can
>>> derive a sufficiently unique public resource name from a hash of the
>>> key. An additional advantage is that the resource name can be
>>> fixed-length, simplifying the encoding/decoding.
>>> The MAC address (and resource name) should be encoded using base58. This
>> The MAC address (and session key) should be encoded using base58. This
> As I mentioned in my other e-mail, I don't know that we can consider
> this NFC a private channel, so I don't think a session key should be
> transmitted over it.

I don't think there is another option. The point of the NFC terminal is
to establish trust based on proximity.

I don't agree that it's insufficiently private. It's no less private
than if the customer pulled out an R2-D2 interface arm and plugged into
the merchant's terminal. The terminal connection can still be compromised.

IOW the merchant trusts that the person who just tapped on the NFC
terminal is the one who he/she is going to hand the product to, and both
parties trust that because of this handshake, no non-proximate
interlopers can monitor the content of the transaction. In the absence
of BIP70 (quite real in some scenarios) the payer also relies on
proximity to establish the identity of the receiver.

Otherwise, without proximity establishment, an *independent* secure
channel is required (see the Airbitz/RedPhone discussion). You end up
with an infinite regression problem. RedPhone terminates this regression
by relying on each party's ability to recognize the other's voice, and
in the difficulty of spoofing a voice. PKI deals with it by trusting
root CAs on presumed-trusted platforms (and a troublesome revocation
process). WoT establishes this by unspecified means (e.g. Peter Todd has
produced a nice video of him reading out his PGP key fingerprint).

If interlopers are so close to the NFC terminal that they can join the
session, they have effectively compromised an endpoint, so the privacy
problem becomes moot. Both endpoints must secure their devices to
achieve privacy in any design.

>>> is shorter than base16, is often shorter than base64, better
>>> standardized and does not require URI encoding, and is generally
>>> available to implementers.
>>> There is no need for the establishment of two Bluetooth services.
>>> I would change the payment_url recommendation so that the list order
>>> represents a recommended ordering provided by the terminal for the wallet.
>>> I wrote up my thoughts on these considerations last year and recently
>>> revised it by adding a section at the end to incorporate the "r" and
>>> "payment_url" generalizations from Andreas and Andy.
> The order is set so that it maintai

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Bitcoin at POS using BIP70, NFC and offline payments - implementer feedback

2015-02-22 Thread Eric Voskuil
On 02/22/2015 03:32 PM, Andy Schroder wrote:
> On 02/22/2015 06:06 PM, Eric Voskuil wrote:
>> On 02/22/2015 02:37 PM, Andy Schroder wrote:
>>> I'd like to see some discussion too about securing the bluetooth
>>> connection. Right now it is possible for an eavesdropper to monitor the
>>> data transferred.
>> Yes, this should be a prerequisite issue to all others.
>>> I'd personally like to see if wrapping the current
>>> connection with SSL works or if we can run https over a bluetooth
>>> socket.
>> There is no reason to add this significant complexity. The purpose of
>> SSL/TLS is to establish privacy over a *public* channel. But to do so
>> requires verification by the user of the merchant's public certificate.
>> Once we rely on the channel being *private*, the entire SSL process is
>> unnecessary.
> I guess we need to decide whether we want to consider NFC communication
> private or not. I don't know that I think it can be.

If the NFC communication is not private then there is no reason to use it.

> An eavesdropper can
> place a tiny snooping device near and read the communication. If it is
> just passive, then the merchant/operator won't realize it's there.

See my comments on an unmonitored terminal.

> So, I
> don't know if I like your idea (mentioned in your other reply) of
> putting the session key in the URL is a good idea?

My point is that you are not solving that problem by creating a more
complex system. Either you establish trust via proximity or you don't.
If you don't, it's a public network. If you do, then keep it simple.

There's nothing holy about a session key in this scenario. It's not
derived from long-lived keys and is itself used only once. There is
nothing wrong with the URL carrying the secret. If you want to secure
this channel without manual intervention, there is ultimately no other

>> Presumably we would not want to require PKI for privacy, since that's a
>> bit of a contradiction. But if one wants to do this NFC is not required,
>> since the private session can be established over the public (Bluetooth)
>> network.
>>> There was some criticism of this, but I don't think it has been
>>> tested to know if it is really a problem or not. If we just run https
>>> over bluetooth, then a lot of my concerns about the message header
>>> inconsistencies will go away and the connection will also be secure. We
>>> don't have to reinvent anything.
>>> Andy Schroder
>>> On 02/22/2015 02:08 PM, Jan Vornberger wrote:
 Hi everyone,

 I am working on a Bitcoin point of sale terminal based on a Raspberry
 Pi, which
 displays QR codes, but also provides payment requests via NFC. It can
 receive the sender's transaction via Bluetooth, so if the sender wallet
 supports it, the sender can be completely offline. Only the terminal
 needs an
 internet connection.

 Typical scenario envisioned: Customer taps their smartphone (or maybe
 in the future) on the NFC pad, confirms the transaction on their phone
 (or smartwatch) and the transaction completes via Bluetooth and/or the
 internet connection.

 You can see a prototype in action here:

 The above demo uses a release version of Schildbach's Bitcoin Wallet,
 so it
 works as shown today. However, some parts - especially the Bluetooth
 stuff - are
 custom extensions of Schildbach's wallet which are not yet standard.

 I'm writing this post to document my experience implementing NFC and
 payments and hope to move the discussion forward around standardizing
 some of
 this stuff. Andy Schroder's work around his Bitcoin Fluid Dispenser
 follows along the same lines, so his proposed TBIP74 [3] and TBIP75
 [4] are
 relevant here as well.

 ## NFC vs Bluetooth vs NFC+Bluetooth ##

 Before I get into the implementation details, a few words for why I
 decided to
 go with the combination of NFC and Bluetooth:

 Doing everything via NFC is an interesting option to keep things
 simple, but the
 issue is, that one usually can't maintain the connection while the
 user confirms
 the transaction (as they take the device back to press a button or
 maybe enter a
 PIN). So there are three options:

 1. Do a "double tap": User taps, takes the device back, confirms, then
 again to transmit the transaction. (I think Google Wallet does
 something like

 2. Confirm beforehand: User confirms, then taps and everything can
 happen in one
 go. The disadvantage is, that you confirm the transaction before you
 have seen
 the details. (I believe Google Wallet can also work this way.)

 3. Tap the phone, then establish a Bluetooth connection which allows
 you to do

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Bitcoin at POS using BIP70, NFC and offline payments - implementer feedback

2015-02-22 Thread Andy Schroder

Andy Schroder

On 02/22/2015 05:48 PM, Eric Voskuil wrote:

One correction inline below.


On 02/22/2015 02:39 PM, Eric Voskuil wrote:

Hi Jan,

This is really nice work.

WRT the Schroder and Schildbach proposal, the generalization of the "r"
and "payment_url" parameters makes sense, with only the potential
backward compat issue on payment_url.

TBIP75 furthermore proposes to include an additional 'h' parameter
which would be a hash of the BIP70 payment request, preventing a MITM
attack on the Bluetooth channel even if the BIP70 payment request
isn't signed. This would have also been my suggestion, although I
know that Mike Hearn has raised concerns about this approach. One
being, that one needs to finalize the BIP70 payment request at the
time the QR code and NFC URI is generated.
3) Are there other comments regarding 'h' parameter as per TBIP75?

Yes, this design is problematic from a privacy standpoint. Anyone within
the rather significant range of the Bluetooth terminal is able to
capture payment requests and correlate them to people. In other words it
can be used to automate tainting.

The problem is easily resolved by recognizing that, in the envisioned
face-to-face trade, proximity is the source of trust. Even in the above
proposal the "h" parameter is trusted because it was obtained by
proximity to the NFC terminal. The presumption is that this proximity
produces a private channel.

As such the "tap" should transfer a session key used for symmetric block
cipher over the Bluetooth channel. This also resolves the issue of
needing to formulate the payment request before the NFC.

As an aside, in other scenarios, such as an automated dispenser, this
presumption does not hold. The merchant is not present to guard against
device tampering. Those scenarios can be secured using BIP70, but cannot
guarantee privacy.

The other differences I have with the proposal pertain to efficiency,
not privacy or integrity of the transaction:

The proposed resource name is redundant with any unique identifier for
the session. For example, the "h" parameter is sufficient. But with the
establishment of a session key both as I propose above, the parties can
derive a sufficiently unique public resource name from a hash of the
key. An additional advantage is that the resource name can be
fixed-length, simplifying the encoding/decoding.

The MAC address (and resource name) should be encoded using base58. This

The MAC address (and session key) should be encoded using base58. This

As I mentioned in my other e-mail, I don't know that we can consider 
this NFC a private channel, so I don't think a session key should be 
transmitted over it.

is shorter than base16, is often shorter than base64, better
standardized and does not require URI encoding, and is generally
available to implementers.

There is no need for the establishment of two Bluetooth services.

I would change the payment_url recommendation so that the list order
represents a recommended ordering provided by the terminal for the wallet.

I wrote up my thoughts on these considerations last year and recently
revised it by adding a section at the end to incorporate the "r" and
"payment_url" generalizations from Andreas and Andy.

The order is set so that it maintains backwards compatibility by 
providing the https request first. As mentioned in the proposal, the 
order of the r parameters has the recommended (but not required) 
priority. The wallet is encouraged to use the same protocol (but not 


On 02/22/2015 11:08 AM, Jan Vornberger wrote:

Hi everyone,

I am working on a Bitcoin point of sale terminal based on a Raspberry Pi, which
displays QR codes, but also provides payment requests via NFC. It can optionally
receive the sender's transaction via Bluetooth, so if the sender wallet
supports it, the sender can be completely offline. Only the terminal needs an
internet connection.

Typical scenario envisioned: Customer taps their smartphone (or maybe smartwatch
in the future) on the NFC pad, confirms the transaction on their phone
(or smartwatch) and the transaction completes via Bluetooth and/or the phone's
internet connection.

You can see a prototype in action here:

The above demo uses a release version of Schildbach's Bitcoin Wallet, so it
works as shown today. However, some parts - especially the Bluetooth stuff - are
custom extensions of Schildbach's wallet which are not yet standard.

I'm writing this post to document my experience implementing NFC and offline
payments and hope to move the discussion forward around standardizing some of
this stuff. Andy Schroder's work around his Bitcoin Fluid Dispenser [1,2]
follows along the same lines, so his proposed TBIP74 [3] and TBIP75 [4] are
relevant here as well.

## NFC vs Bluetooth vs NFC+Bluetooth ##

Before I get into the implementation details, a few words for why I decided t

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Bitcoin at POS using BIP70, NFC and offline payments - implementer feedback

2015-02-22 Thread Andy Schroder

Andy Schroder

On 02/22/2015 06:06 PM, Eric Voskuil wrote:

On 02/22/2015 02:37 PM, Andy Schroder wrote:

I'd like to see some discussion too about securing the bluetooth
connection. Right now it is possible for an eavesdropper to monitor the
data transferred.

Yes, this should be a prerequisite issue to all others.

I'd personally like to see if wrapping the current
connection with SSL works or if we can run https over a bluetooth

There is no reason to add this significant complexity. The purpose of
SSL/TLS is to establish privacy over a *public* channel. But to do so
requires verification by the user of the merchant's public certificate.
Once we rely on the channel being *private*, the entire SSL process is

I guess we need to decide whether we want to consider NFC communication 
private or not. I don't know that I think it can be. An eavesdropper can 
place a tiny snooping device near and read the communication. If it is 
just passive, then the merchant/operator won't realize it's there. So, I 
don't know if I like your idea (mentioned in your other reply) of 
putting the session key in the URL is a good idea?

Presumably we would not want to require PKI for privacy, since that's a
bit of a contradiction. But if one wants to do this NFC is not required,
since the private session can be established over the public (Bluetooth)

There was some criticism of this, but I don't think it has been
tested to know if it is really a problem or not. If we just run https
over bluetooth, then a lot of my concerns about the message header
inconsistencies will go away and the connection will also be secure. We
don't have to reinvent anything.

Andy Schroder

On 02/22/2015 02:08 PM, Jan Vornberger wrote:

Hi everyone,

I am working on a Bitcoin point of sale terminal based on a Raspberry
Pi, which
displays QR codes, but also provides payment requests via NFC. It can
receive the sender's transaction via Bluetooth, so if the sender wallet
supports it, the sender can be completely offline. Only the terminal
needs an
internet connection.

Typical scenario envisioned: Customer taps their smartphone (or maybe
in the future) on the NFC pad, confirms the transaction on their phone
(or smartwatch) and the transaction completes via Bluetooth and/or the
internet connection.

You can see a prototype in action here:

The above demo uses a release version of Schildbach's Bitcoin Wallet,
so it
works as shown today. However, some parts - especially the Bluetooth
stuff - are
custom extensions of Schildbach's wallet which are not yet standard.

I'm writing this post to document my experience implementing NFC and
payments and hope to move the discussion forward around standardizing
some of
this stuff. Andy Schroder's work around his Bitcoin Fluid Dispenser [1,2]
follows along the same lines, so his proposed TBIP74 [3] and TBIP75
[4] are
relevant here as well.

## NFC vs Bluetooth vs NFC+Bluetooth ##

Before I get into the implementation details, a few words for why I
decided to
go with the combination of NFC and Bluetooth:

Doing everything via NFC is an interesting option to keep things
simple, but the
issue is, that one usually can't maintain the connection while the
user confirms
the transaction (as they take the device back to press a button or
maybe enter a
PIN). So there are three options:

1. Do a "double tap": User taps, takes the device back, confirms, then
again to transmit the transaction. (I think Google Wallet does
something like

2. Confirm beforehand: User confirms, then taps and everything can
happen in one
go. The disadvantage is, that you confirm the transaction before you
have seen
the details. (I believe Google Wallet can also work this way.)

3. Tap the phone, then establish a Bluetooth connection which allows
you to do
all necessary communication even if the user takes the device back.

I feel that option 3 is the nicest UX, so that is what I am focusing
on right
now, but there are pros and cons to all options. One disadvantage of
option 3 in
practice is, that many users - in my experience - have Bluetooth
turned off, so
it can result in additional UI dialogs popping up, asking the user to
turn on

Regarding doing everything via Bluetooth or maybe BLE: I have been
following the
work that Airbitz has done around that, but personally I prefer the NFC
interaction of "I touch what I want to pay" rather than "a payment
request comes
to me through the air and I figure out whether it is meant for me/is

## NFC data formats ##

A bit of background for those who are not that familiar with NFC: Most
wallets with NFC support make use of NDEF (NFC Data Exchange Format)
as far as I
am aware (with CoinBlesk being an exception, which uses host-based card
emulation, if I understand it correctly). NDEF defines a number of
record types,
among them 'URI' and 'Mime

Re: [Bitcoin-development] replace-by-fee v0.10.0rc4

2015-02-22 Thread Eric Lombrozo
On Sunday, February 22, 2015, Peter Todd  wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> On 22 February 2015 08:41:56 GMT-05:00, Eric Lombrozo  > wrote:
> >In case it wasn't clear in my earlier post, there's of course a third
> >possibility - namely, some outputs are kept but not all. Here, it is
> >generally impossible to tell whether the motivation was fee
> >replacement,
> >output replacement, or both. My proposal is to always treat these
> >instances
> >as output replacement and punish the sender. The sender needs to make
> >it
> >unambiguously clear it's only a fee replacement by creating a new
> >transaction that produces an output with the desired extra fee and then
> >adding an input that spends it to the original transaction.
> That's a really old idea - I proposed it about two years ago. The optimal
> way is to allow any txout to be replaced with one with an equal or greater
> nValue and same scriptPubKey, as well as additional txouts added.
> (obviously so long as none are removed)
That won't work because in general it is impossible to know which
transaction is the original. Did we add outputs to transaction A? Or remove
outputs from transaction B?

> Alas, there's lots of situations where this restricts you from doing
> useful things, for instance collapsing multiple payments into one by
> repeated updating to reduce tx size. Equally the benefit is marginal at
> best given how insecure unconfirmed transactions are - breaking what is
> already broken isn't a negative.
I think you're unnecessarily complicating use cases.

As for 0-conf security, there are instances where 0-conf transactions make
a lot of sense - i.e. paying for utilities, ISP, web hosting, or other such
services which could be immediately shut off upon detection of a

> AAoJEMCF8hzn9LncUOUH/3yY4wDyFSkL9o6GsntphAmJSN35wVAlxPxBmNTk0KR3
> YfVhY1cTBIXKqsfqz/n1Sqn264aMzW48xUTtDF2xLzJc1FY5qTBw7zbVrZgYIvvr
> GEakZW1SxLXsfSs2Onutl0WQWi8EMfxEXEPQIiiWy9mq4EtwxMOcDviETycu6Wmn
> pmHY00Lo8jhLUyuIkzIZrZetEtWz1VtovbJO5l7WfmLgPWzW+zERPY/pGGioqdiJ
> NOEaocQ+2+OZjyx3MJ4YAch5ZtfB45g+NBm8WyeGpBgxzK3ZIpmyZIQ6HqZr0gpl
> NMUQh6Sbi8WaTEp6hoYTiEfZcEy4IDPg6f0DEW71BPs=
> =1vbN
Download BIRT iHub F-Type - The Free Enterprise-Grade BIRT Server
from Actuate! Instantly Supercharge Your Business Reports and Dashboards
with Interactivity, Sharing, Native Excel Exports, App Integration & more
Get technology previously reserved for billion-dollar corporations, FREE
Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Bitcoin at POS using BIP70, NFC and offline payments - implementer feedback

2015-02-22 Thread Eric Voskuil
On 02/22/2015 02:37 PM, Andy Schroder wrote:
> I'd like to see some discussion too about securing the bluetooth
> connection. Right now it is possible for an eavesdropper to monitor the
> data transferred. 

Yes, this should be a prerequisite issue to all others.

> I'd personally like to see if wrapping the current
> connection with SSL works or if we can run https over a bluetooth
> socket. 

There is no reason to add this significant complexity. The purpose of
SSL/TLS is to establish privacy over a *public* channel. But to do so
requires verification by the user of the merchant's public certificate.
Once we rely on the channel being *private*, the entire SSL process is

Presumably we would not want to require PKI for privacy, since that's a
bit of a contradiction. But if one wants to do this NFC is not required,
since the private session can be established over the public (Bluetooth)

> There was some criticism of this, but I don't think it has been
> tested to know if it is really a problem or not. If we just run https
> over bluetooth, then a lot of my concerns about the message header
> inconsistencies will go away and the connection will also be secure. We
> don't have to reinvent anything.
> Andy Schroder
> On 02/22/2015 02:08 PM, Jan Vornberger wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I am working on a Bitcoin point of sale terminal based on a Raspberry
>> Pi, which
>> displays QR codes, but also provides payment requests via NFC. It can
>> optionally
>> receive the sender's transaction via Bluetooth, so if the sender wallet
>> supports it, the sender can be completely offline. Only the terminal
>> needs an
>> internet connection.
>> Typical scenario envisioned: Customer taps their smartphone (or maybe
>> smartwatch
>> in the future) on the NFC pad, confirms the transaction on their phone
>> (or smartwatch) and the transaction completes via Bluetooth and/or the
>> phone's
>> internet connection.
>> You can see a prototype in action here:
>> The above demo uses a release version of Schildbach's Bitcoin Wallet,
>> so it
>> works as shown today. However, some parts - especially the Bluetooth
>> stuff - are
>> custom extensions of Schildbach's wallet which are not yet standard.
>> I'm writing this post to document my experience implementing NFC and
>> offline
>> payments and hope to move the discussion forward around standardizing
>> some of
>> this stuff. Andy Schroder's work around his Bitcoin Fluid Dispenser [1,2]
>> follows along the same lines, so his proposed TBIP74 [3] and TBIP75
>> [4] are
>> relevant here as well.
>> ## NFC vs Bluetooth vs NFC+Bluetooth ##
>> Before I get into the implementation details, a few words for why I
>> decided to
>> go with the combination of NFC and Bluetooth:
>> Doing everything via NFC is an interesting option to keep things
>> simple, but the
>> issue is, that one usually can't maintain the connection while the
>> user confirms
>> the transaction (as they take the device back to press a button or
>> maybe enter a
>> PIN). So there are three options:
>> 1. Do a "double tap": User taps, takes the device back, confirms, then
>> taps
>> again to transmit the transaction. (I think Google Wallet does
>> something like
>> this.)
>> 2. Confirm beforehand: User confirms, then taps and everything can
>> happen in one
>> go. The disadvantage is, that you confirm the transaction before you
>> have seen
>> the details. (I believe Google Wallet can also work this way.)
>> 3. Tap the phone, then establish a Bluetooth connection which allows
>> you to do
>> all necessary communication even if the user takes the device back.
>> I feel that option 3 is the nicest UX, so that is what I am focusing
>> on right
>> now, but there are pros and cons to all options. One disadvantage of
>> option 3 in
>> practice is, that many users - in my experience - have Bluetooth
>> turned off, so
>> it can result in additional UI dialogs popping up, asking the user to
>> turn on
>> Bluetooth.
>> Regarding doing everything via Bluetooth or maybe BLE: I have been
>> following the
>> work that Airbitz has done around that, but personally I prefer the NFC
>> interaction of "I touch what I want to pay" rather than "a payment
>> request comes
>> to me through the air and I figure out whether it is meant for me/is
>> legitimate".
>> ## NFC data formats ##
>> A bit of background for those who are not that familiar with NFC: Most
>> Bitcoin
>> wallets with NFC support make use of NDEF (NFC Data Exchange Format)
>> as far as I
>> am aware (with CoinBlesk being an exception, which uses host-based card
>> emulation, if I understand it correctly). NDEF defines a number of
>> record types,
>> among them 'URI' and 'Mime Type'.
>> A common way of using NFC with Bitcoin is to create a URI record that
>> contains a
>> Bitcoin URI. Beyond that Schildbach's wallet (and maybe others?) also
>> su

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Bitcoin at POS using BIP70, NFC and offline payments - implementer feedback

2015-02-22 Thread Eric Voskuil
One correction inline below.


On 02/22/2015 02:39 PM, Eric Voskuil wrote:
> Hi Jan,
> This is really nice work.
> WRT the Schroder and Schildbach proposal, the generalization of the "r"
> and "payment_url" parameters makes sense, with only the potential
> backward compat issue on payment_url.
>> TBIP75 furthermore proposes to include an additional 'h' parameter
>> which would be a hash of the BIP70 payment request, preventing a MITM
>> attack on the Bluetooth channel even if the BIP70 payment request
>> isn't signed. This would have also been my suggestion, although I
>> know that Mike Hearn has raised concerns about this approach. One
>> being, that one needs to finalize the BIP70 payment request at the
>> time the QR code and NFC URI is generated.
>> ...
>> 3) Are there other comments regarding 'h' parameter as per TBIP75?
> Yes, this design is problematic from a privacy standpoint. Anyone within
> the rather significant range of the Bluetooth terminal is able to
> capture payment requests and correlate them to people. In other words it
> can be used to automate tainting.
> The problem is easily resolved by recognizing that, in the envisioned
> face-to-face trade, proximity is the source of trust. Even in the above
> proposal the "h" parameter is trusted because it was obtained by
> proximity to the NFC terminal. The presumption is that this proximity
> produces a private channel.
> As such the "tap" should transfer a session key used for symmetric block
> cipher over the Bluetooth channel. This also resolves the issue of
> needing to formulate the payment request before the NFC.
> As an aside, in other scenarios, such as an automated dispenser, this
> presumption does not hold. The merchant is not present to guard against
> device tampering. Those scenarios can be secured using BIP70, but cannot
> guarantee privacy.
> The other differences I have with the proposal pertain to efficiency,
> not privacy or integrity of the transaction:
> The proposed resource name is redundant with any unique identifier for
> the session. For example, the "h" parameter is sufficient. But with the
> establishment of a session key both as I propose above, the parties can
> derive a sufficiently unique public resource name from a hash of the
> key. An additional advantage is that the resource name can be
> fixed-length, simplifying the encoding/decoding.
> The MAC address (and resource name) should be encoded using base58. This

The MAC address (and session key) should be encoded using base58. This

> is shorter than base16, is often shorter than base64, better
> standardized and does not require URI encoding, and is generally
> available to implementers.
> There is no need for the establishment of two Bluetooth services.
> I would change the payment_url recommendation so that the list order
> represents a recommended ordering provided by the terminal for the wallet.
> I wrote up my thoughts on these considerations last year and recently
> revised it by adding a section at the end to incorporate the "r" and
> "payment_url" generalizations from Andreas and Andy.
> e
> On 02/22/2015 11:08 AM, Jan Vornberger wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I am working on a Bitcoin point of sale terminal based on a Raspberry Pi, 
>> which
>> displays QR codes, but also provides payment requests via NFC. It can 
>> optionally
>> receive the sender's transaction via Bluetooth, so if the sender wallet
>> supports it, the sender can be completely offline. Only the terminal needs an
>> internet connection.
>> Typical scenario envisioned: Customer taps their smartphone (or maybe 
>> smartwatch
>> in the future) on the NFC pad, confirms the transaction on their phone
>> (or smartwatch) and the transaction completes via Bluetooth and/or the 
>> phone's
>> internet connection.
>> You can see a prototype in action here:
>> The above demo uses a release version of Schildbach's Bitcoin Wallet, so it
>> works as shown today. However, some parts - especially the Bluetooth stuff - 
>> are
>> custom extensions of Schildbach's wallet which are not yet standard.
>> I'm writing this post to document my experience implementing NFC and offline
>> payments and hope to move the discussion forward around standardizing some of
>> this stuff. Andy Schroder's work around his Bitcoin Fluid Dispenser [1,2]
>> follows along the same lines, so his proposed TBIP74 [3] and TBIP75 [4] are
>> relevant here as well.
>> ## NFC vs Bluetooth vs NFC+Bluetooth ##
>> Before I get into the implementation details, a few words for why I decided 
>> to
>> go with the combination of NFC and Bluetooth:
>> Doing everything via NFC is an interesting option to keep things simple, but 
>> the
>> issue is, that one usually can't maintain the connection while the user 
>> confirms
>> the transaction (as they take the devic

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Bitcoin at POS using BIP70, NFC and offline payments - implementer feedback

2015-02-22 Thread Eric Voskuil
Hi Jan,

This is really nice work.

WRT the Schroder and Schildbach proposal, the generalization of the "r"
and "payment_url" parameters makes sense, with only the potential
backward compat issue on payment_url.

> TBIP75 furthermore proposes to include an additional 'h' parameter
> which would be a hash of the BIP70 payment request, preventing a MITM
> attack on the Bluetooth channel even if the BIP70 payment request
> isn't signed. This would have also been my suggestion, although I
> know that Mike Hearn has raised concerns about this approach. One
> being, that one needs to finalize the BIP70 payment request at the
> time the QR code and NFC URI is generated.
> ...
> 3) Are there other comments regarding 'h' parameter as per TBIP75?

Yes, this design is problematic from a privacy standpoint. Anyone within
the rather significant range of the Bluetooth terminal is able to
capture payment requests and correlate them to people. In other words it
can be used to automate tainting.

The problem is easily resolved by recognizing that, in the envisioned
face-to-face trade, proximity is the source of trust. Even in the above
proposal the "h" parameter is trusted because it was obtained by
proximity to the NFC terminal. The presumption is that this proximity
produces a private channel.

As such the "tap" should transfer a session key used for symmetric block
cipher over the Bluetooth channel. This also resolves the issue of
needing to formulate the payment request before the NFC.

As an aside, in other scenarios, such as an automated dispenser, this
presumption does not hold. The merchant is not present to guard against
device tampering. Those scenarios can be secured using BIP70, but cannot
guarantee privacy.

The other differences I have with the proposal pertain to efficiency,
not privacy or integrity of the transaction:

The proposed resource name is redundant with any unique identifier for
the session. For example, the "h" parameter is sufficient. But with the
establishment of a session key both as I propose above, the parties can
derive a sufficiently unique public resource name from a hash of the
key. An additional advantage is that the resource name can be
fixed-length, simplifying the encoding/decoding.

The MAC address (and resource name) should be encoded using base58. This
is shorter than base16, is often shorter than base64, better
standardized and does not require URI encoding, and is generally
available to implementers.

There is no need for the establishment of two Bluetooth services.

I would change the payment_url recommendation so that the list order
represents a recommended ordering provided by the terminal for the wallet.

I wrote up my thoughts on these considerations last year and recently
revised it by adding a section at the end to incorporate the "r" and
"payment_url" generalizations from Andreas and Andy.


On 02/22/2015 11:08 AM, Jan Vornberger wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I am working on a Bitcoin point of sale terminal based on a Raspberry Pi, 
> which
> displays QR codes, but also provides payment requests via NFC. It can 
> optionally
> receive the sender's transaction via Bluetooth, so if the sender wallet
> supports it, the sender can be completely offline. Only the terminal needs an
> internet connection.
> Typical scenario envisioned: Customer taps their smartphone (or maybe 
> smartwatch
> in the future) on the NFC pad, confirms the transaction on their phone
> (or smartwatch) and the transaction completes via Bluetooth and/or the phone's
> internet connection.
> You can see a prototype in action here:
> The above demo uses a release version of Schildbach's Bitcoin Wallet, so it
> works as shown today. However, some parts - especially the Bluetooth stuff - 
> are
> custom extensions of Schildbach's wallet which are not yet standard.
> I'm writing this post to document my experience implementing NFC and offline
> payments and hope to move the discussion forward around standardizing some of
> this stuff. Andy Schroder's work around his Bitcoin Fluid Dispenser [1,2]
> follows along the same lines, so his proposed TBIP74 [3] and TBIP75 [4] are
> relevant here as well.
> ## NFC vs Bluetooth vs NFC+Bluetooth ##
> Before I get into the implementation details, a few words for why I decided to
> go with the combination of NFC and Bluetooth:
> Doing everything via NFC is an interesting option to keep things simple, but 
> the
> issue is, that one usually can't maintain the connection while the user 
> confirms
> the transaction (as they take the device back to press a button or maybe 
> enter a
> PIN). So there are three options:
> 1. Do a "double tap": User taps, takes the device back, confirms, then taps
> again to transmit the transaction. (I think Google Wallet does something like
> this.)
> 2. Confirm beforehand: User confirms, then taps and everythin

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Bitcoin at POS using BIP70, NFC and offline payments - implementer feedback

2015-02-22 Thread Andy Schroder

Hello Jan,

Regarding a few of your questions:

Andreas and I had a number of private discussions regarding the 
payment_url parameter. I had suggested a "additional_payment_urls" 
repeated parameter, but he didn't seem to like that idea and I 
personally am indifferent, so that is why we decided to just change 
payment_url to a repeated field. The spec is simpler without the 
"additional_payment_urls", but the wallets have to be a little bit 
smarter finding the right url they want to use in the list. It's maybe 
not a bad idea for the wallet to try all payment_url mechanisms in 
parallel. Should we add this as a recommendation to wallets in TBIP75?

I had heard from Andreas a few weeks ago that the multiple r parameters 
was not yet implemented. Maybe your interest can motivate him to do so!

I actually also happen to be using nfcpy. I am having some reliability 
issues as well with it. What exactly are your problems?

I have seen your video before. I guess I'm wondering how your prototype 
works with bitpay and bluetooth. Doesn't bitpay sign the payment request 
for you with an https based payment_url? If so, how do you add the 
bluetooth payment_url while keeping their signature valid? In your video 
it looks like the phone still has cellular and wifi reception (it is not 

You mention workflow options 1,2,3. You forgot to mention that options 
1,2 are not backwards compatible with older wallets.

Regarding the NFC data formats. I would like to clarify that the wallets 
are having those events dispatched by the android OS. The "URI" and 
"mime type" events are sent to the application in the same way as from 
other sources such as a web browser, e-mail, stand alone QR code scanner 
app, etc.. So, I don't think the wallet actually knows it is receiving 
the event from NFC. That is one reason why so many existing wallets 
happen to support BIP21 payment request via NFC. Andreas can correct me 
if I am wrong on these statements. I'm a little weary sending the "mime 
type" based format over NFC because of backwards compatibility and 
because of the long certificate chain that needs to be transferred. You 
want that tap to be as robust and fast as possible. A bluetooth 
connection can have a retry without any user interaction.

I don't really understand why Mike Hearn has the objections to the h 
parameter. It seems like you should already be ready to produce the 
BIP70 payment request at the time when the URI is generated. I'd also 
like to clarify that the h parameter is for more than just unsigned 
payment requests. You can have a signed payment request with the wrong 
signer. There is way to much brainpower required to verify that the 
signer is actually the merchant you are doing business with. Just think 
how many times you shop at a store that you don't even know the name of. 
Also, the store may contract their payment processing out to another 
party, or they may have multiple store names but use the same payment 
processing system for all their stores, and the parent company has a 
different name. It's good to have both the h parameter AND the signed 
payment request.

I don't really like the Airbitz proposal. Figuring out if your selecting 
is the right one is a real nuisance. The idea is neat in a few 
applications, but I just don't think it is going to work for people as 
the most efficient and trouble free option day to day. I realize they 
are probably doing it to work with Apple's limited functionality phones 
(and BLE is a new buzz word). However, I don't think we should base 
bitcoin around what Apple wants us to do. They've already had their war 
on bitcoin. They are going to do whatever they can to protect their NFC 
based payment system. We need to make their platform the the less 
desirable one if they are going to play the game that way. If that means 
an Airbitz like proposal is implemented as a fallback, maybe that is 
fine and POS systems need to support both, but I just don't think we 
should limit what we can do because of Apple's products capabilities.

There is also the "ack" memo that I mentioned in reference [2]. I think 
we can improve upon this really. Can we make a new status field or 
different bluetooth message header? I know Andreas didn't want to change 
it because that is how his app already works, but I don't think the way 
it is is ideal.

I'd like to see some discussion too about securing the bluetooth 
connection. Right now it is possible for an eavesdropper to monitor the 
data transferred. I'd personally like to see if wrapping the current 
connection with SSL works or if we can run https over a bluetooth 
socket. There was some criticism of this, but I don't think it has been 
tested to know if it is really a problem or not. If we just run https 
over bluetooth, then a lot of my concerns about the message header 
inconsistencies will go away and the connection will also be secure. We 
don't have to reinvent anything.

Andy Schroder

On 02/2

Re: [Bitcoin-development] replace-by-fee v0.10.0rc4

2015-02-22 Thread Peter Todd
Hash: SHA256

Not that issue - that's both easily avoidable, and has nothing to do with the 
replace-by-fee patch. I'm talking about something in the specific patch - good 
test to see if you've fully reviewed it.

On 22 February 2015 14:25:24 GMT-05:00, Tom Harding  wrote:
>On 2/22/2015 9:12 AM, Peter Todd wrote:
>> Did you notice the even more obvious way to defeat ANYONECANPAY
>> scorched earth with that patch?
>Let's see.  I could pay 10 people 1 BTC each with one tx, then
>double-spend it with fees of 2BTC.  Now at least three of the 10 have
>work together if they want to scorched-earth me, since an individual or
>two-party claw-back wouldn't have high enough fees. Oops!


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with Interactivity, Sharing, Native Excel Exports, App Integration & more
Get technology previously reserved for billion-dollar corporations, FREE
Bitcoin-development mailing list

[Bitcoin-development] Bitcoin at POS using BIP70, NFC and offline payments - implementer feedback

2015-02-22 Thread Jan Vornberger
Hi everyone,

I am working on a Bitcoin point of sale terminal based on a Raspberry Pi, which
displays QR codes, but also provides payment requests via NFC. It can optionally
receive the sender's transaction via Bluetooth, so if the sender wallet
supports it, the sender can be completely offline. Only the terminal needs an
internet connection.

Typical scenario envisioned: Customer taps their smartphone (or maybe smartwatch
in the future) on the NFC pad, confirms the transaction on their phone
(or smartwatch) and the transaction completes via Bluetooth and/or the phone's
internet connection.

You can see a prototype in action here:

The above demo uses a release version of Schildbach's Bitcoin Wallet, so it
works as shown today. However, some parts - especially the Bluetooth stuff - are
custom extensions of Schildbach's wallet which are not yet standard.

I'm writing this post to document my experience implementing NFC and offline
payments and hope to move the discussion forward around standardizing some of
this stuff. Andy Schroder's work around his Bitcoin Fluid Dispenser [1,2]
follows along the same lines, so his proposed TBIP74 [3] and TBIP75 [4] are
relevant here as well.

## NFC vs Bluetooth vs NFC+Bluetooth ##

Before I get into the implementation details, a few words for why I decided to
go with the combination of NFC and Bluetooth:

Doing everything via NFC is an interesting option to keep things simple, but the
issue is, that one usually can't maintain the connection while the user confirms
the transaction (as they take the device back to press a button or maybe enter a
PIN). So there are three options:

1. Do a "double tap": User taps, takes the device back, confirms, then taps
again to transmit the transaction. (I think Google Wallet does something like

2. Confirm beforehand: User confirms, then taps and everything can happen in one
go. The disadvantage is, that you confirm the transaction before you have seen
the details. (I believe Google Wallet can also work this way.)

3. Tap the phone, then establish a Bluetooth connection which allows you to do
all necessary communication even if the user takes the device back.

I feel that option 3 is the nicest UX, so that is what I am focusing on right
now, but there are pros and cons to all options. One disadvantage of option 3 in
practice is, that many users - in my experience - have Bluetooth turned off, so
it can result in additional UI dialogs popping up, asking the user to turn on

Regarding doing everything via Bluetooth or maybe BLE: I have been following the
work that Airbitz has done around that, but personally I prefer the NFC
interaction of "I touch what I want to pay" rather than "a payment request comes
to me through the air and I figure out whether it is meant for me/is 

## NFC data formats ##

A bit of background for those who are not that familiar with NFC: Most Bitcoin
wallets with NFC support make use of NDEF (NFC Data Exchange Format) as far as I
am aware (with CoinBlesk being an exception, which uses host-based card
emulation, if I understand it correctly). NDEF defines a number of record types,
among them 'URI' and 'Mime Type'.

A common way of using NFC with Bitcoin is to create a URI record that contains a
Bitcoin URI. Beyond that Schildbach's wallet (and maybe others?) also support
the mime type record, which is then set to 'application/bitcoin-paymentrequest'
and the rest of the NFC data is a complete BIP70 payment request.

## Implementation ##

To structure the discussion a little bit, I have listed a number of scenarios to
consider below. Not every possible combination is listed, but it should cover a
bit of everything.


1) Scan QR code, transmit transaction via Bitcoin network
   Example QR code: bitcoin:1asdf...?amount=42

2) Touch NFC pad, transmit transaction via Bitcoin network
   Example NFC URI: bitcoin:1asdf...?amount=42

3) Scan QR code, fetch BIP70 details via HTTP, post transaction via HTTP
   Example QR code: 

4) Touch NFC pad, fetch BIP70 details via HTTP, post transaction via HTTP
   Example NFC URI: 

5) Touch NFC pad, receive BIP70 details directly, post transaction via HTTP
   Example NFC MIME record: application/bitcoin-paymentrequest + BIP70 payment 

6) Scan QR code, fetch BIP70 details via Bluetooth, post transaction via 
   Example QR code: bitcoin:1asdf...?amount=42&bt=1234567890AB
   Payment request has 'payment_url' set to 'bt:1234567890AB'

7) Touch NFC pad, fetch BIP70 details via Bluetooth, post transaction via 
   Example NFC URI: bitcoin:1asdf...?amount=42&bt=1234567890AB
   Payment request has 'payment_url' set to 'bt:1234567890AB'

Scenarios 1 and 2 are basically the 'legacy'/pre-BIP70 approach and I am just
listing them here for compa

Re: [Bitcoin-development] replace-by-fee v0.10.0rc4

2015-02-22 Thread Tom Harding
On 2/22/2015 9:12 AM, Peter Todd wrote:
> Did you notice the even more obvious way to defeat ANYONECANPAY 
> scorched earth with that patch? 

Let's see.  I could pay 10 people 1 BTC each with one tx, then 
double-spend it with fees of 2BTC.  Now at least three of the 10 have to 
work together if they want to scorched-earth me, since an individual or 
two-party claw-back wouldn't have high enough fees. Oops!

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Re: [Bitcoin-development] replace-by-fee v0.10.0rc4

2015-02-22 Thread Peter Todd
On Sun, Feb 22, 2015 at 08:36:01AM -0800, Tom Harding wrote:
> On 2/11/2015 10:47 PM, Peter Todd wrote:
> >My replace-by-fee patch is now available for the v0.10.0rc4 release:
> >
> >
> >
> This patch immediately simplifies successful double-spends of
> unconfirmed transactions.  But the idea that it "gives a path to
> making zeroconf transactions economically secure" is quite dubious.
> * You don't provide sufficient means to detect and relay
> double-spends, which is necessary to trigger a scorched-earth
> reaction.  Not all double-spends will conform to your replacement
> rules.

No, OTOH if they don't then the situation is no difference from what we
have now, and replace-by-fee does no harm. Meanwhile, relaying of bare
double-spend signatures can be implemented in the future, as I suggested
last year for your/Andresen's double-spend relaying patch.

Did you notice the even more obvious way to defeat ANYONECANPAY scorched
earth with that patch?

>   * Maybe XT nodes would help to overcome this.  But meanwhile, in
> the ANYONECANPAY design, Bob's replacement is a triple-spend.  Even
> XT nodes won't relay it.

So? RBF nodes will.

> * It's unclear when, if ever, any senders/receivers will actually
> try to use scorched-earth as a double-spend deterrent.

I suspect many won't, because few people need to rely on unconfirmed
transactions anyway.

> Also, this patch significantly weakens DoS protections:
> * It removes the early conflict check, making all conflict
> processing more expensive

If you're going to consider replacement, conflict processing will
definitely be more expensive. :)

An actual DoS attacker would do their DoS attack in a way where conflict
processing has nothing to do with it, so this change does no actual

>   * There is no attempt to protect against the same transaction
> being continually replaced with the fee bumped by a minimal amount.

What exact git commit were you looking at? I did have an early one that
did have a bug along those lines, now fixed.

The current version ensures every replacement pays at least as much
additional fees as would normally cost to broadcast that much data on
the network, and additionally requires the fees/KB to always increase;
under all circumstances it should be no more of a DoS threat than
low-fee transactions are otherwise. I'd like to know if there is a flaw
in that code however!


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Re: [Bitcoin-development] alternate proposal opt-in miner takes double-spend (Re: replace-by-fee v0.10.0rc4)

2015-02-22 Thread Natanael
- Sent from my tablet
Den 22 feb 2015 17:25 skrev "Justus Ranvier" :
> You just disproved your own argument.
> It is possible to predict risk, and therefore to price the risk.

Your fault is that you assume the predictions can be reliable and

They can not be.

The data you have available has none of the indicators you actually NEED to
make predictions. You're making extrapolations from the past, not
calculations based on recent trends and behavior globally.

> You also noted that for some Bitcoin users, the price of that risk is
> too high for the types of transactions in which wish to engage.
> In what way does that translated into a universal requirement for
> everybody to use multisignature notaries?

It isn't universal. It is just the most practical solution if you need
instant confirmation for high value transactions with customers you don't
yet trust.

> Surely the users who can afford the risk can use zero conf if they
> like, and those who can't can use multisig notaries?

Use whatever you want. I don't care. I will warn you about the risks and
make suggestions, but I won't force you to do anything differently.
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] replace-by-fee v0.10.0rc4

2015-02-22 Thread Tom Harding
On 2/11/2015 10:47 PM, Peter Todd wrote:
> My replace-by-fee patch is now available for the v0.10.0rc4 release:

This patch immediately simplifies successful double-spends of 
unconfirmed transactions.  But the idea that it "gives a path to making 
zeroconf transactions economically secure" is quite dubious.

* You don't provide sufficient means to detect and relay double-spends, 
which is necessary to trigger a scorched-earth reaction.  Not all 
double-spends will conform to your replacement rules.

   * Maybe XT nodes would help to overcome this.  But meanwhile, in the 
ANYONECANPAY design, Bob's replacement is a triple-spend.  Even XT nodes 
won't relay it.

* It's unclear when, if ever, any senders/receivers will actually try to 
use scorched-earth as a double-spend deterrent.

Also, this patch significantly weakens DoS protections:

* It removes the early conflict check, making all conflict processing 
more expensive

   * There is no attempt to protect against the same transaction being 
continually replaced with the fee bumped by a minimal amount.

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Re: [Bitcoin-development] alternate proposal opt-in miner takes double-spend (Re: replace-by-fee v0.10.0rc4)

2015-02-22 Thread Justus Ranvier
Hash: SHA1

On 02/22/2015 10:17 AM, Natanael wrote:
> The problem with this approach is that it is worthless as a
> predictor. We aren't dealing with traffic safety and road design -
> we are dealing with adaptive attackers and malicious miners and
> pools.
> Anything which does not invalidate blocks carrying doublespends
> WILL allow malicious miners and pools to conspire with thieves to
> steal money. The probability of being hit will then be (their
> proliferation in your business area) * (their fraction of the
> mining power).
> That might seem to give small numbers for most sets of reasonable 
> assumptions. But the problem is that's only an average, and the
> people being hit might have small profit margins - one successful
> attack can place hundreds of merchants in red numbers and force
> them to shut down.
> You should never expose yourself to attacks which you can't defend
> against and which can be fatal. In particular not if there's
> nothing in the environment that is capable of limiting the size or
> numbers of any attacks. And there's no such thing today in
> Bitcoin.
> This is why I sketched out the multisignature notary approach, and
> why some decided to extend that approach with collateral
> (NoRiskWallet) to further reduce trust in the notary. This is the
> single most practical approach I know of today to achieve ACTUAL
> SECURITY for unconfirmed transactions.
> Don't like it? See if you can do better!
> Just don't rely on zero-confirmation transactions!

You just disproved your own argument.

It is possible to predict risk, and therefore to price the risk.

You also noted that for some Bitcoin users, the price of that risk is
too high for the types of transactions in which wish to engage.

In what way does that translated into a universal requirement for
everybody to use multisignature notaries?

Surely the users who can afford the risk can use zero conf if they
like, and those who can't can use multisig notaries?


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Re: [Bitcoin-development] alternate proposal opt-in miner takes double-spend (Re: replace-by-fee v0.10.0rc4)

2015-02-22 Thread Natanael
Den 22 feb 2015 17:00 skrev "Justus Ranvier" :
> On 02/22/2015 07:50 AM, Matt Whitlock wrote:
> > This happened to one of the merchants at the Bitcoin 2013
> > conference in San Jose. They sold some T-shirts and accepted
> > zero-confirmation transactions. The transactions depended on other
> > unconfirmed transactions, which never confirmed, so this merchant
> > never got their money.
> >
> > I keep telling people not to accept transactions with zero
> > confirmations, but no one listens.
> A better solution is to track the failure rate of zero confirmation
> transactions, and adjust prices accordingly to cover the expected loss.
> This is what every merchant *already does* since no payment method has
> a 0% fraud rate.
> Even physical cash has a probability of being counterfeit, and the
> prices you pay for things at a convenience store already have that
> risk priced in.
> The idea that zero confirmation transactions require a 100% guarantee
> is a strawman, especially since there exists no number of
> confirmations the actually produce a 100% irreversibility guarantee.

The problem with this approach is that it is worthless as a predictor. We
aren't dealing with traffic safety and road design - we are dealing with
adaptive attackers and malicious miners and pools.

Anything which does not invalidate blocks carrying doublespends WILL allow
malicious miners and pools to conspire with thieves to steal money. The
probability of being hit will then be (their proliferation in your business
area) * (their fraction of the mining power).

That might seem to give small numbers for most sets of reasonable
assumptions. But the problem is that's only an average, and the people
being hit might have small profit margins - one successful attack can place
hundreds of merchants in red numbers and force them to shut down.

You should never expose yourself to attacks which you can't defend against
and which can be fatal. In particular not if there's nothing in the
environment that is capable of limiting the size or numbers of any attacks.
And there's no such thing today in Bitcoin.

This is why I sketched out the multisignature notary approach, and why some
decided to extend that approach with collateral (NoRiskWallet) to further
reduce trust in the notary. This is the single most practical approach I
know of today to achieve ACTUAL SECURITY for unconfirmed transactions.

Don't like it? See if you can do better!

Just don't rely on zero-confirmation transactions!
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] alternate proposal opt-in miner takes double-spend (Re: replace-by-fee v0.10.0rc4)

2015-02-22 Thread Justus Ranvier
Hash: SHA1

On 02/22/2015 07:50 AM, Matt Whitlock wrote:
> This happened to one of the merchants at the Bitcoin 2013
> conference in San Jose. They sold some T-shirts and accepted
> zero-confirmation transactions. The transactions depended on other
> unconfirmed transactions, which never confirmed, so this merchant
> never got their money.
> I keep telling people not to accept transactions with zero
> confirmations, but no one listens.

A better solution is to track the failure rate of zero confirmation
transactions, and adjust prices accordingly to cover the expected loss.

This is what every merchant *already does* since no payment method has
a 0% fraud rate.

Even physical cash has a probability of being counterfeit, and the
prices you pay for things at a convenience store already have that
risk priced in.

The idea that zero confirmation transactions require a 100% guarantee
is a strawman, especially since there exists no number of
confirmations the actually produce a 100% irreversibility guarantee.

Zero confirmation transactions can work as long as the risk of
reversal is measurable and reasonably stable.


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Re: [Bitcoin-development] alternate proposal opt-in miner takes double-spend (Re: replace-by-fee v0.10.0rc4)

2015-02-22 Thread Peter Todd
On Sun, Feb 22, 2015 at 03:18:05PM +, wrote:
> > Indeed, which is why I wrote some easy-to-use and highly effective 
> > tools
> > to pull off double-spends and made sure to publicise them and their
> > effectiveness widely. They've had their desired effect and very few
> > people are relying on unconfirmed transactions anymore.
> You mean you wrote a bunch of FUD about zeroconf transactions while 
> working for companies like Coinbase and GreenAddress that were trying to 
> sell 100% centralized solutions? Lets just be clear on this.

You lot spend so much time trying to claim I'm working for people I'm
not that I have a bad feeling I'm going to end up having to explain what
an internet troll is to "friendly" Revenue Canada tax auditor...

> I and many other people tried your replace-by-fee tools and found out 
> that they worked **maybe** 1-2% of the time. You claimed 95% success 
> rates.

That tool was intentionally shipped with unclear instructions and nearly
all the double-spend strategies turned off by default; you can easily
increase that number with a little understanding.

> > As for the
> > remaining, next week alone I'll be volunteering one or two hours of my
> > consulting time to discuss solutions with a team doing person-to-person
> > trading for instance.
> A "team"
> You mean a **Company**? We don't need yet another 100% centralized 
> LocalBitcoins snooping on our transactions.

"[Bitcoin-development] Eliminating double-spends with two-party
self-escrow for high value transactions",
Peter Todd, Apt 26th 2014,

(note that the above should be updated to use CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY)


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Re: [Bitcoin-development] alternate proposal opt-in miner takes double-spend (Re: replace-by-fee v0.10.0rc4)

2015-02-22 Thread joliver
On 2015-02-22 14:33, Peter Todd wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 22, 2015 at 02:11:31PM +, Adam Back wrote:
>> My actual point outside of the emotive stuff (and I should've stayed
>> away from that too) is how about we explore ways to improve practical
>> security of fast confirmation transactions, and if we find something
>> better, then we can help people migrate to that before deprecating the
>> current weaker 0-conf transactions.
>> If I understand this is also your own motivation.
> Indeed, which is why I wrote some easy-to-use and highly effective 
> tools
> to pull off double-spends and made sure to publicise them and their
> effectiveness widely. They've had their desired effect and very few
> people are relying on unconfirmed transactions anymore.

You mean you wrote a bunch of FUD about zeroconf transactions while 
working for companies like Coinbase and GreenAddress that were trying to 
sell 100% centralized solutions? Lets just be clear on this.

I and many other people tried your replace-by-fee tools and found out 
that they worked **maybe** 1-2% of the time. You claimed 95% success 

> As for the
> remaining, next week alone I'll be volunteering one or two hours of my
> consulting time to discuss solutions with a team doing person-to-person
> trading for instance.

A "team"

You mean a **Company**? We don't need yet another 100% centralized 
LocalBitcoins snooping on our transactions.

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Re: [Bitcoin-development] alternate proposal opt-in miner takes double-spend (Re: replace-by-fee v0.10.0rc4)

2015-02-22 Thread Natanael
Den 22 feb 2015 14:29 skrev "Natanael" :
> Den 22 feb 2015 13:36 skrev "Peter Todd" :
> > Implementing it as a general purpose scripting language improvement has
> > a lot of advantages, not least of which is that you no longer need to
> > rely entirely on inherently unreliable P2P networking: Promise to never
> > create two signatures for a specific BIP32 root pubkey and make
> > violating that promise destroy and/or reallocate a fidelity bond whose
> > value is locked until some time into the future. Since the fidelity bond
> > is a separate pool of funds, detection of the double-spend can happen
> > later.
> Somebody sent me a zero-confirmation transaction, or one that got
orphaned after one block. I created a transaction spending that UTXO, and
> So at that point I have UTXO_orphaned based on the sender's UTXO_origin
and my UTXO_old (because I've had it unspent for a long time), both in one
transaction, creating UTXO_new.
> Now he doublespend UTXO_origin to create a UTXO_doublespend (which
conflicts with UTXO_orphaned). He conspires with a miner to get it into a
> Now what? Can my UTXO_old effectively be tainted forever because UTXO_new
got invalidated together with UTXO_orphaned? Will that transaction be a
valid proof of doublespend against a new UTXO_replacement I created?
> Or otherwise, if only transactions where all UTXO's are currently valid
works as doublespend proofs, aren't you still just left without protection
against any one miner that conspires with doublespend attempting thieves?
> In other words, you are unprotected and potentially at greater risk if
you create a transaction depending on another zero-confirmation transaction.

Additional comments:

If you punish the creation of UTXO_replacement, you will punish people who
was lead to think zero-confirmation transactions were safe and thus that
chains of zero-confirmation transactions also were safe.

If you don't, but STILL accept chains of zero-confirmation transactions
were not all of them are covered by fidelity bonds, then you failed to
protect yourself against thieves who creates chains of unconfirmed

Another question: if all transactions in the chain are covered by fidelity
bonds for their own value, which one pays out to who? Does only the first
one pay out, and only to the last party in the chain? Or to every
subsequent party after him? In full or just a fraction? Why, why not? You
might not know which of these serviced their customers in full without
getting full value back in exchange due to the doublespend.

What if the fidelity bond is too small, do you stop accepting it as a
zero-confirmation transaction?

Do you even accept chains of unconfirmed transactions at all?
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Re: [Bitcoin-development] alternate proposal opt-in miner takes double-spend (Re: replace-by-fee v0.10.0rc4)

2015-02-22 Thread Peter Todd
On Sun, Feb 22, 2015 at 02:11:31PM +, Adam Back wrote:
> My actual point outside of the emotive stuff (and I should've stayed
> away from that too) is how about we explore ways to improve practical
> security of fast confirmation transactions, and if we find something
> better, then we can help people migrate to that before deprecating the
> current weaker 0-conf transactions.
> If I understand this is also your own motivation.

Indeed, which is why I wrote some easy-to-use and highly effective tools
to pull off double-spends and made sure to publicise them and their
effectiveness widely. They've had their desired effect and very few
people are relying on unconfirmed transactions anymore. As for the
remaining, next week alone I'll be volunteering one or two hours of my
consulting time to discuss solutions with a team doing person-to-person
trading for instance.

Like I've said repeatedly, the current "weaker" 0-conf transactions gets
people new to Bitcoin - both individuals and companies - burnt over and
over again because inevitably someone eventually gets motivated and
breaks them, and suddenly they lose stacks of money.

Keeping *that* kind of "security" around rather than depreciating it
ASAP and being honest about what Bitcoin can do does no-one any good.

Anyway, there is no one magic solution to this stuff - the best
solutions vary greatly on the situation.


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Re: [Bitcoin-development] alternate proposal opt-in miner takes double-spend (Re: replace-by-fee v0.10.0rc4)

2015-02-22 Thread Bryan Bishop
On Sun, Feb 22, 2015 at 8:11 AM, Adam Back  wrote:
> away from that too) is how about we explore ways to improve practical
> security of fast confirmation transactions, and if we find something
> better, then we can help people migrate to that before deprecating the
> current weaker 0-conf transactions.

Scenario: Users are using some system in a way that the system was not
intended to be used. Let me also further constrain the scenario and
suggest that the function (pretend that means instantaneous confirmed
transactions) that the user wants is impossible. So in this scenario,
is it your job as some developer to change the system to do something
it wasn't designed to do? I mean, you certainly weren't the one
telling them they should accept zero confirmation transactions. Also,
I make no claims as to whether this scenario maps accurately to the
current topic.

- Bryan
1 512 203 0507

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] alternate proposal opt-in miner takes double-spend (Re: replace-by-fee v0.10.0rc4)

2015-02-22 Thread Adam Back
My actual point outside of the emotive stuff (and I should've stayed
away from that too) is how about we explore ways to improve practical
security of fast confirmation transactions, and if we find something
better, then we can help people migrate to that before deprecating the
current weaker 0-conf transactions.

If I understand this is also your own motivation.

Feel free to comment on or improve the proposal or find other approaches.


On 22 February 2015 at 12:34, Peter Todd  wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 22, 2015 at 08:02:03AM +, Adam Back wrote:
> FWIW I've been advocating this kind of thing in various forms for
> literally years, including to hold fidelity bonded banks honest - what
> you now call 'federated sidechains' - and most recently Feb 12th on
> #bitcoin-dev:
> 19:56 < petertodd> leakypat: now, do note that an advanced version [of 
> replace-by-fee scorched earth] could be to make another tx that alice and bob 
> setup in advance such that if alcie doublespends, bob gets the money *and* 
> alice pays a bunch of cash to miners fees
> 19:57 < petertodd> leakypat: this would work espectially well if we improved 
> the scripting system so a script could evaluate true based on 
> proof-of-doublespend
> 19:58 < leakypat> Yeah, proof of double spend would ideally be done at the 
> protocol level
> 19:59 < petertodd> leakypat: if satoshi hadn't make the multiple things that 
> CHECKSIG does into one opcode it'd be really easy, but alas...
> Implementing it as a general purpose scripting language improvement has
> a lot of advantages, not least of which is that you no longer need to
> rely entirely on inherently unreliable P2P networking: Promise to never
> create two signatures for a specific BIP32 root pubkey and make
> violating that promise destroy and/or reallocate a fidelity bond whose
> value is locked until some time into the future. Since the fidelity bond
> is a separate pool of funds, detection of the double-spend can happen
> later.
> Equally, that *is* what replace-by-fee scorched-earth does without the
> need for a soft-fork, minus the cryptographic proof and with a bit less
> flexibility.
>> I agree with Mike & Jeff.  Blowing up 0-confirm transactions is vandalism.
> Is releasing a version of Bitcoin Core with different IsStandard() rules
> than the previous version vandalism? Is mining with a different policy
> than other people vandalism? Is mining at a pool that gets sybil
> attacked vandalism? Are my replace-by-fee tools an act of vandalism?
> Because every one of those things causes people to get double-spent in
> the real world, even losing tens of thousands of dollars until they get
> some sense and stop treating unconfirmed transactions as confirmed.
> Is it vandalism if you decide to host a wedding right next to a hairpin
> corner at a rally race and complain to me that mud is getting on the
> pretty white dresses? Is it vandalism if I tell that wedding party to
> fuck off before someone gets hurt? Is it vandalism if some racers take
> the mudguards off for a few laps to see if we can encourage them to
> leave before someone gets *actually* hurt? Or someone decides that the
> solution is to pave the track over and hold a bicycle race instead...
> --
> 'peter'[:-1]
> 17c2f346f81e93956c538531682f5af3a95f9c94cb7a84e8

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] alternate proposal opt-in miner takes double-spend (Re: replace-by-fee v0.10.0rc4)

2015-02-22 Thread Peter Todd
Hash: SHA256

On 22 February 2015 08:50:30 GMT-05:00, Matt Whitlock  
>On Sunday, 22 February 2015, at 2:29 pm, Natanael wrote:
>> In other words, you are unprotected and potentially at greater risk
>if you
>> create a transaction depending on another zero-confirmation
>This happened to one of the merchants at the Bitcoin 2013 conference in
>San Jose. They sold some T-shirts and accepted zero-confirmation
>transactions. The transactions depended on other unconfirmed
>transactions, which never confirmed, so this merchant never got their

Great example! Systems that appear more secure than they really are to 
uninformed users are dangerous. Same reason why brain wallets are such scary 
technology, and equally, why I like to give a few dollars away every so often 
to the guys brute forcing weak ones.

>I keep telling people not to accept transactions with zero
>confirmations, but no one listens.

In my experience there's a pattern of "accept unconfirmed; get burned badly/see 
someone else get burned; stop relying on them" Although of course, there's some 
bias in that people contact me asking what to do after they get burned. :)


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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] replace-by-fee v0.10.0rc4

2015-02-22 Thread Peter Todd
Hash: SHA256

On 22 February 2015 08:41:56 GMT-05:00, Eric Lombrozo  
>In case it wasn't clear in my earlier post, there's of course a third
>possibility - namely, some outputs are kept but not all. Here, it is
>generally impossible to tell whether the motivation was fee
>output replacement, or both. My proposal is to always treat these
>as output replacement and punish the sender. The sender needs to make
>unambiguously clear it's only a fee replacement by creating a new
>transaction that produces an output with the desired extra fee and then
>adding an input that spends it to the original transaction.

That's a really old idea - I proposed it about two years ago. The optimal way 
is to allow any txout to be replaced with one with an equal or greater nValue 
and same scriptPubKey, as well as additional txouts added. (obviously so long 
as none are removed)

Alas, there's lots of situations where this restricts you from doing useful 
things, for instance collapsing multiple payments into one by repeated updating 
to reduce tx size. Equally the benefit is marginal at best given how insecure 
unconfirmed transactions are - breaking what is already broken isn't a negative.



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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] alternate proposal opt-in miner takes double-spend (Re: replace-by-fee v0.10.0rc4)

2015-02-22 Thread Matt Whitlock
On Sunday, 22 February 2015, at 2:29 pm, Natanael wrote:
> In other words, you are unprotected and potentially at greater risk if you
> create a transaction depending on another zero-confirmation transaction.

This happened to one of the merchants at the Bitcoin 2013 conference in San 
Jose. They sold some T-shirts and accepted zero-confirmation transactions. The 
transactions depended on other unconfirmed transactions, which never confirmed, 
so this merchant never got their money.

I keep telling people not to accept transactions with zero confirmations, but 
no one listens.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] replace-by-fee v0.10.0rc4

2015-02-22 Thread Eric Lombrozo
In case it wasn't clear in my earlier post, there's of course a third
possibility - namely, some outputs are kept but not all. Here, it is
generally impossible to tell whether the motivation was fee replacement,
output replacement, or both. My proposal is to always treat these instances
as output replacement and punish the sender. The sender needs to make it
unambiguously clear it's only a fee replacement by creating a new
transaction that produces an output with the desired extra fee and then
adding an input that spends it to the original transaction.
- Eric Lombrozo

On Sunday, February 22, 2015, Eric Lombrozo  wrote:

> I should note that my proposal does require a change to the consensus
> rules...but getting bitcoin to scale will require this no matter what.
> - Eric Lombrozo
> On Feb 22, 2015 3:41 AM, "Eric Lombrozo"  > wrote:
>> It seems to me we're confusing two completely different motivations for
>> double-spending. One is the ability to replace a fee, the other is the
>> ability to replace outputs.
>> If the double-spend were to merely add or remove inputs (but keep at
>> least one input in common, of course), it seems fairly safe to assume it's
>> the former, a genuine fee replacement. Even allowing for things like
>> coinjoin, none of the payees would really care either way.
>> Conversely, if at least one of the inputs were kept but none of the
>> outputs were, we can be confident it's the the latter.
>> It is possible to build a wallet that always does the former when doing
>> fee replacement by using another transaction to create an output with
>> exactly the additional desired fee.
>> If we can clearly distinguish these two cases then the fee replacement
>> case can be handled by relaying both and letting miners pick one or the
>> other while the output replacement case could be handled by rewarding
>> everything to a miner (essentially all outputs are voided...made
>> unredeemable...and all inputs are added to coinbase) if the miner includes
>> the two conflicting transactions in the same block.
>> Wouldn't this essentially solve the problem?
>> - Eric Lombrozo
>> On Feb 21, 2015 8:09 PM, "Jeff Garzik" > > wrote:
>>> On Sat, Feb 21, 2015 at 10:25 PM, Jorge Timón  wrote:
>>> > On Sat, Feb 21, 2015 at 11:47 PM, Jeff Garzik >> > wrote:
>>> >> This isn't some theoretical exercise.  Like it or not many use
>>> >> insecure 0-conf transactions for rapid payments.  Deploying something
>>> >> that makes 0-conf transactions unusable would have a wide, negative
>>> >> impact on present day bitcoin payments, thus "scorched earth"
>>> > And maybe by maintaining first seen policies we're harming the system
>>> > in the long term by encouraging people to widely deploy systems based
>>> > on extremely weak assumptions.
>>> Lacking a coded, reviewed alternative, that's only a platitude.
>>> Widely used 0-conf payments are where we're at today.  Simply ceasing
>>> the "maintaining [of] first seen policies" alone is simply not a
>>> realistic option.  The negative impact to today's userbase would be
>>> huge.
>>> Instant payments need a security upgrade, yes.
>>> --
>>> Jeff Garzik
>>> Bitcoin core developer and open source evangelist
>>> BitPay, Inc.
>>> --
>>> Download BIRT iHub F-Type - The Free Enterprise-Grade BIRT Server
>>> from Actuate! Instantly Supercharge Your Business Reports and Dashboards
>>> with Interactivity, Sharing, Native Excel Exports, App Integration & more
>>> Get technology previously reserved for billion-dollar corporations, FREE
>>> ___
>>> Bitcoin-development mailing list
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] alternate proposal opt-in miner takes double-spend (Re: replace-by-fee v0.10.0rc4)

2015-02-22 Thread Natanael
Den 22 feb 2015 13:36 skrev "Peter Todd" :
> Implementing it as a general purpose scripting language improvement has
> a lot of advantages, not least of which is that you no longer need to
> rely entirely on inherently unreliable P2P networking: Promise to never
> create two signatures for a specific BIP32 root pubkey and make
> violating that promise destroy and/or reallocate a fidelity bond whose
> value is locked until some time into the future. Since the fidelity bond
> is a separate pool of funds, detection of the double-spend can happen
> later.

Somebody sent me a zero-confirmation transaction, or one that got orphaned
after one block. I created a transaction spending that UTXO, and another.

So at that point I have UTXO_orphaned based on the sender's UTXO_origin and
my UTXO_old (because I've had it unspent for a long time), both in one
transaction, creating UTXO_new.

Now he doublespend UTXO_origin to create a UTXO_doublespend (which
conflicts with UTXO_orphaned). He conspires with a miner to get it into a

Now what? Can my UTXO_old effectively be tainted forever because UTXO_new
got invalidated together with UTXO_orphaned? Will that transaction be a
valid proof of doublespend against a new UTXO_replacement I created?

Or otherwise, if only transactions where all UTXO's are currently valid
works as doublespend proofs, aren't you still just left without protection
against any one miner that conspires with doublespend attempting thieves?

In other words, you are unprotected and potentially at greater risk if you
create a transaction depending on another zero-confirmation transaction.
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] alternate proposal opt-in miner takes double-spend (Re: replace-by-fee v0.10.0rc4)

2015-02-22 Thread Peter Todd
On Sun, Feb 22, 2015 at 08:02:03AM +, Adam Back wrote:

FWIW I've been advocating this kind of thing in various forms for
literally years, including to hold fidelity bonded banks honest - what
you now call 'federated sidechains' - and most recently Feb 12th on

19:56 < petertodd> leakypat: now, do note that an advanced version [of 
replace-by-fee scorched earth] could be to make another tx that alice and bob 
setup in advance such that if alcie doublespends, bob gets the money *and* 
alice pays a bunch of cash to miners fees
19:57 < petertodd> leakypat: this would work espectially well if we improved 
the scripting system so a script could evaluate true based on 
19:58 < leakypat> Yeah, proof of double spend would ideally be done at the 
protocol level
19:59 < petertodd> leakypat: if satoshi hadn't make the multiple things that 
CHECKSIG does into one opcode it'd be really easy, but alas...

Implementing it as a general purpose scripting language improvement has
a lot of advantages, not least of which is that you no longer need to
rely entirely on inherently unreliable P2P networking: Promise to never
create two signatures for a specific BIP32 root pubkey and make
violating that promise destroy and/or reallocate a fidelity bond whose
value is locked until some time into the future. Since the fidelity bond
is a separate pool of funds, detection of the double-spend can happen

Equally, that *is* what replace-by-fee scorched-earth does without the
need for a soft-fork, minus the cryptographic proof and with a bit less

> I agree with Mike & Jeff.  Blowing up 0-confirm transactions is vandalism.

Is releasing a version of Bitcoin Core with different IsStandard() rules
than the previous version vandalism? Is mining with a different policy
than other people vandalism? Is mining at a pool that gets sybil
attacked vandalism? Are my replace-by-fee tools an act of vandalism?
Because every one of those things causes people to get double-spent in
the real world, even losing tens of thousands of dollars until they get
some sense and stop treating unconfirmed transactions as confirmed.

Is it vandalism if you decide to host a wedding right next to a hairpin
corner at a rally race and complain to me that mud is getting on the
pretty white dresses? Is it vandalism if I tell that wedding party to
fuck off before someone gets hurt? Is it vandalism if some racers take
the mudguards off for a few laps to see if we can encourage them to
leave before someone gets *actually* hurt? Or someone decides that the
solution is to pave the track over and hold a bicycle race instead...


Description: Digital signature
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] replace-by-fee v0.10.0rc4

2015-02-22 Thread Eric Lombrozo
I should note that my proposal does require a change to the consensus
rules...but getting bitcoin to scale will require this no matter what.

- Eric Lombrozo
On Feb 22, 2015 3:41 AM, "Eric Lombrozo"  wrote:

> It seems to me we're confusing two completely different motivations for
> double-spending. One is the ability to replace a fee, the other is the
> ability to replace outputs.
> If the double-spend were to merely add or remove inputs (but keep at least
> one input in common, of course), it seems fairly safe to assume it's the
> former, a genuine fee replacement. Even allowing for things like coinjoin,
> none of the payees would really care either way.
> Conversely, if at least one of the inputs were kept but none of the
> outputs were, we can be confident it's the the latter.
> It is possible to build a wallet that always does the former when doing
> fee replacement by using another transaction to create an output with
> exactly the additional desired fee.
> If we can clearly distinguish these two cases then the fee replacement
> case can be handled by relaying both and letting miners pick one or the
> other while the output replacement case could be handled by rewarding
> everything to a miner (essentially all outputs are voided...made
> unredeemable...and all inputs are added to coinbase) if the miner includes
> the two conflicting transactions in the same block.
> Wouldn't this essentially solve the problem?
> - Eric Lombrozo
> On Feb 21, 2015 8:09 PM, "Jeff Garzik"  wrote:
>> On Sat, Feb 21, 2015 at 10:25 PM, Jorge Timón  wrote:
>> > On Sat, Feb 21, 2015 at 11:47 PM, Jeff Garzik 
>> wrote:
>> >> This isn't some theoretical exercise.  Like it or not many use
>> >> insecure 0-conf transactions for rapid payments.  Deploying something
>> >> that makes 0-conf transactions unusable would have a wide, negative
>> >> impact on present day bitcoin payments, thus "scorched earth"
>> > And maybe by maintaining first seen policies we're harming the system
>> > in the long term by encouraging people to widely deploy systems based
>> > on extremely weak assumptions.
>> Lacking a coded, reviewed alternative, that's only a platitude.
>> Widely used 0-conf payments are where we're at today.  Simply ceasing
>> the "maintaining [of] first seen policies" alone is simply not a
>> realistic option.  The negative impact to today's userbase would be
>> huge.
>> Instant payments need a security upgrade, yes.
>> --
>> Jeff Garzik
>> Bitcoin core developer and open source evangelist
>> BitPay, Inc.
>> --
>> Download BIRT iHub F-Type - The Free Enterprise-Grade BIRT Server
>> from Actuate! Instantly Supercharge Your Business Reports and Dashboards
>> with Interactivity, Sharing, Native Excel Exports, App Integration & more
>> Get technology previously reserved for billion-dollar corporations, FREE
>> ___
>> Bitcoin-development mailing list
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] replace-by-fee v0.10.0rc4

2015-02-22 Thread Eric Lombrozo
It seems to me we're confusing two completely different motivations for
double-spending. One is the ability to replace a fee, the other is the
ability to replace outputs.

If the double-spend were to merely add or remove inputs (but keep at least
one input in common, of course), it seems fairly safe to assume it's the
former, a genuine fee replacement. Even allowing for things like coinjoin,
none of the payees would really care either way.

Conversely, if at least one of the inputs were kept but none of the outputs
were, we can be confident it's the the latter.

It is possible to build a wallet that always does the former when doing fee
replacement by using another transaction to create an output with exactly
the additional desired fee.

If we can clearly distinguish these two cases then the fee replacement case
can be handled by relaying both and letting miners pick one or the other
while the output replacement case could be handled by rewarding everything
to a miner (essentially all outputs are voided...made unredeemable...and
all inputs are added to coinbase) if the miner includes the two conflicting
transactions in the same block.

Wouldn't this essentially solve the problem?

- Eric Lombrozo
On Feb 21, 2015 8:09 PM, "Jeff Garzik"  wrote:

> On Sat, Feb 21, 2015 at 10:25 PM, Jorge Timón  wrote:
> > On Sat, Feb 21, 2015 at 11:47 PM, Jeff Garzik 
> wrote:
> >> This isn't some theoretical exercise.  Like it or not many use
> >> insecure 0-conf transactions for rapid payments.  Deploying something
> >> that makes 0-conf transactions unusable would have a wide, negative
> >> impact on present day bitcoin payments, thus "scorched earth"
> > And maybe by maintaining first seen policies we're harming the system
> > in the long term by encouraging people to widely deploy systems based
> > on extremely weak assumptions.
> Lacking a coded, reviewed alternative, that's only a platitude.
> Widely used 0-conf payments are where we're at today.  Simply ceasing
> the "maintaining [of] first seen policies" alone is simply not a
> realistic option.  The negative impact to today's userbase would be
> huge.
> Instant payments need a security upgrade, yes.
> --
> Jeff Garzik
> Bitcoin core developer and open source evangelist
> BitPay, Inc.
> --
> Download BIRT iHub F-Type - The Free Enterprise-Grade BIRT Server
> from Actuate! Instantly Supercharge Your Business Reports and Dashboards
> with Interactivity, Sharing, Native Excel Exports, App Integration & more
> Get technology previously reserved for billion-dollar corporations, FREE
> ___
> Bitcoin-development mailing list
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

[Bitcoin-development] alternate proposal opt-in miner takes double-spend (Re: replace-by-fee v0.10.0rc4)

2015-02-22 Thread Adam Back
I agree with Mike & Jeff.  Blowing up 0-confirm transactions is vandalism.

bitcoin transactions are all probabilistic.  there is a small chance
1-confirm transactions can be reversed, and a different but also
usable chance that 0-confirm transactions can be reversed.  I know
0-confirm is implemented in policy and not consensus, but it provides
fast transactions and a lot of the current ecosystem is using it for
low value transactions.  why would anyone want to vandalise that.

to echo Mike bitcoin itself kind of depends on some honest majority,
we can otherwise get to situations soon enough where its more
profitable to double-spend than mine honestly as subsidy drops and
transaction values increase even without 0-confirm transactions.
subsidy doesnt last forever (though it lasts a really long time) and
even right now if you involve values that dwarf subsidy you could make
a "criminally rational" behaviour that was more profitable.  we even
saw 0-confirm odds-attacks against satoshi dice clones.  but if we
assume the "criminal rational" model, its a is a race to the bottom
logic, and bitcoin is already broken if we have someone who wants to
go for it with high values.  that'd be scorched earth also.

(I read the rest of the arguments, i understood them, I disagree, no
need to repeat in reply.)

So how about instead, to be constructive, whether you agree with the
anti-arson view or not, lets talk about solutions.  Here's one idea:

We introduce a new signature type that marks itself as can be spent by
miners if a double-spend is seen (before 1-confirm.)  We'd define a
double-spend as a spend that excludes outputs to avoid affecting valid
double-spend scenarios.  And we add behaviour to relay those
double-spends (at priority).  We may even want the double-spend to be
serialisation incomplete but verifiable to deter back-channel payments
to pretend not to receive one, in collusion with the double-spending

Now the risk to the sender is if they accidentally double-spend.  How
could they do that?  By having a hardware or software crash where they
sent a tx but crashed before writing a record of having sent it.  The
correct thing to do would be to transactionally write the transaction
before sending it.  Still you can get a fail if the hardware
irrecoverably fails, and you have to resume from backup.  Or if you
run multiple non-synced wallets on the same coins.

Typically if you recover from backup the 1-confirmation window will
have passed so the risk is limited.

The feature is opt-in so you dont have to put high value coins at risk
of failure.

(Its related to the idea of a one-use signature, where two signatures
reveals a simultaneous equation that can recover the private key;
except here the miner is allowed to take the coins without needing the
private key).

Its soft-forkable because its a new transaction type.

ps I agree with Greg also that longer-term more scalable solutions are
interesting, but I'd like to see the core network work as a stepping
stone.  As Justus observed: the scalable solutions so far have had
non-ideal ethos tradeoffs so are not drop-in upgrades to on-chain


On 22 February 2015 at 04:06, Jeff Garzik  wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 21, 2015 at 10:25 PM, Jorge Timón  wrote:
>> On Sat, Feb 21, 2015 at 11:47 PM, Jeff Garzik  wrote:
>>> This isn't some theoretical exercise.  Like it or not many use
>>> insecure 0-conf transactions for rapid payments.  Deploying something
>>> that makes 0-conf transactions unusable would have a wide, negative
>>> impact on present day bitcoin payments, thus "scorched earth"
>> And maybe by maintaining first seen policies we're harming the system
>> in the long term by encouraging people to widely deploy systems based
>> on extremely weak assumptions.
> Lacking a coded, reviewed alternative, that's only a platitude.
> Widely used 0-conf payments are where we're at today.  Simply ceasing
> the "maintaining [of] first seen policies" alone is simply not a
> realistic option.  The negative impact to today's userbase would be
> huge.
> Instant payments need a security upgrade, yes.
> --
> Jeff Garzik
> Bitcoin core developer and open source evangelist
> BitPay, Inc.
> --
> Download BIRT iHub F-Type - The Free Enterprise-Grade BIRT Server
> from Actuate! Instantly Supercharge Your Business Reports and Dashboards
> with Interactivity, Sharing, Native Excel Exports, App Integration & more
> Get technology previously reserved for billion-dollar corporations, FREE
> ___
> Bitcoin-development mailing list

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