Re: [Bitcoin-development] Subject: Re: Proposal to address Bitcoin malware

2015-02-03 Thread Eric Voskuil
On 02/03/2015 04:04 AM, Will wrote:
> An idea for the bitcoin malware proposal below, the idea is at the bottom…
> ...
> The trick we need to look at is how to use the bitcoin network as a
> delivery mechanism to bypass the need for the trusted third party in the
> example above. 

Using the Bitcoin network would be a convenience, certainly not a
requirement. Any public store (or other channel accessible to all
signers) would do.

> Instead of the second factor routing through a 3rd party
> to the intended recipient, we have another option - one that doesn’t
> require core development either.

Absolutely, there is no need for a trusted third party in the case of
MFA unless that party has independent judgement in the decision to sign.
For example, if the third party is the trustee of a fund from which a
beneficiary wants to withdraw.

If you are just routing a decision back to yourself a third party makes
no sense. Oddly most of the services in operation today are doing just
that. You will end up authenticating to the third party from a platform
you control, which means that the platform must be trusted as much as
the third party. Why not just trust the platform and no third party? It
doesn't reduce the number of factors but it certainly reduces the attack

> 1) Sender > signs signature 1 via desktop > bitcoin network 2/3 P2SH
> 2) Mobile app also used by sender receives req. from bitcoin network to
> sign signature - not through the site in 1 (similar to the 2nd channel
> between the website and security company above)
> 3) Sender > signs signature 2 via mobile app (or any separate
> device operating on a different network - heck could be radio) > 2/3
> signatures, transaction authorized

There's no need for the devices to be on independent networks. You can
safely remove that constraint. The partially-signed transaction can be
encrypted to the other signatories (for privacy) or it can be sent in
the clear. And ultimately all platforms in the scheme are connected to
the Internet, even if it's via sneakernet.

The important requirement is that the signing platforms are independent
and that the signers inspect the transactions on those platforms. This
preserves the benefit of MFA, which is that the signing platforms must
be compromised independently.

> ...
> If there was a way to perform 2/3 multisig without requiring a second
> band, performing the function safely by somehow knowing if the service
> is performed from a compromised device through some sort of
> on-blockchain anti-malware check by validating the signature of the
> signing application by comparing it to a signature recorded when the
> multisig address was funded,  that would be a really neat breakthrough.
>  Food for thought, but I can’t see how that could be executed in a way
> where signatures couldn’t be spoofed from a compromised device.  If
> someone cracks that problem, it’s a really big advance for information
> security.

Once you've done this you are talking about two independent signing
platforms. Plug two trustworthy signing devices into a PC and you've
done it. This is because the host environment (the PC in this case) is
not trusted in the first place. Two untrusted environments are no better
than one. It's only if the environments are trusted that they must be

But therein lies the problem. The physical proximity of two trusted
hardware devices exposes them to a single attack in the case of physical
theft or loss. So to guard against that threat the devices must be
independently stored. This presents a problem when it comes to usage.

This is the central problem of MFA. It's not possible to control
multiple factors while not exposing them to compromise. This is true
whether we are talking about multiple physical devices or a remote
service, since in the remote case the secret must still be accessible to
the person in control.

In the case of truly independent decisions MFA is strongest. But short
of that there's no reason for a remote third party. One can probably
accept the risk of securing multiple devices with the home, etc - and
needs to do this even if using a third party. On the other hand, walking
around with all necessary factors, or keeping them in the same safe, is
tantamount to having just one factor.


> On 02/02/2015 02:54 PM, Eric Voskuil wrote: 
>> On Feb 2, 2015, at 11:53 AM
> , Mike Hearn wrote: 
>>> In sending the first-signed transaction to another for second 
>>> signature, how does the first signer authenticate to the second 
>>> without compromising the independence of the two factors? 
>>> Not sure what you mean. The idea is the second factor displays the 
>>> transaction and the user confirms it matches what they input to the 
>>> first factor. Ideally, using BIP70, but I don't know if BA actually 
>>> uses that currently. 
>>> It's the same model as the TREZOR, except with a desktop app instead 
>>> of myTREZOR an

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Subject: Re: Proposal to address Bitcoin malware

2015-02-03 Thread Will
Hi Adam - the conversation was pretty open regarding the factor / channel used 
to sign at the bottom.  No argument from me and I agree completely that 
hardened single purpose computers are more secure than desktop browsers, 
browser extensions, SMS, or mobile apps when involved in multisig 
authorization.  The point below was that risks with other channels are far 
higher if auth data is input from two channels through one, such as entering a 
2FA phone token and desktop password into the same desktop browser session - 
MITM phishing attack on websites that bypasses phone 2FA as an example, 
serendipitously timed yet tragic example of this scam with coinbase today:

On the topic of hardened single purpose computers, and I mean no offense to our 
friends at Trezor, Case, or similar but I think the future of this type of 
security approach with bitcoin is extremely bright.  It’s just far more likely 
to involve chips integrated directly in PC / Mac motherboards and mobile 
devices / wearables where signing is done in the hardware inaccessible to the 
OS or BIOS.  This is a way for mainstream users to use bitcoin securely, 
integrate it with apps running from popular OS’s and get bitcoin into the 
internet on a very granular level, and Joe six pack and Sally soccer mom never 
even know they are using multisig.  It took 20+ years for people to get used to 
cards vs. cash.  The telephone took 50 years to catch on and become cost 
competitive. I think the key is making it invisible to the user.

From: Adam Weiss 
Reply: Adam Weiss >
Date: February 3, 2015 at 12:25:20 PM
To: Will >
Subject:  Re: [Bitcoin-development] Subject: Re: Proposal to address Bitcoin 

Using a desktop website and mobile device for 2/3 multisig in lieu of a 
hardware device (trezor) and desktop website (mytrezor) works, but the key is 
that the device used to input the two signatures cannot be in the same band.  
What you are protecting against are MITM attacks.  The issue is that if a 
single device or network is compromised by malware, or if a party is connecting 
to a counterparty through a channel with compromised security, inputing 2 
signatures through the same device/band defeats the purpose of 2/3 multisig.  

Maybe I'm not following the conversation very well, but if you have a small 
hardware device that first displays a signed payment request (BIP70) and then 
only will sign what is displayed, how can a MITM attacker do anything other 
than deny service?  They'd have to get malware onto the signing device, which 
is the vector that a simplified signing device is specifically designed to 

TREZOR like devices with BIP70 support and third party cosigning services are a 
solution I really like the sound of.  I suppose though that adding BIP70 
request signature validation and adding certificate revocation support starts 
to balloon the scope of what is supposed to be a very simple device though.

Regardless, I think a standard for passing partially signed transactions around 
might make sense (maybe a future extension to BIP70), with attention to both PC 
<-> small hardware devices and pushing stuff around on the Internet.  It would 
be great if users had a choice of hardware signing devices, local software and 
third-party cosigning services that would all interoperate out of the box to 
enable easy multisig security, which in the BTC world subsumes the goals of 2FA.


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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Subject: Re: Proposal to address Bitcoin malware

2015-02-03 Thread Mike Hearn
> TREZOR like devices with BIP70 support and third party cosigning services
> are a solution I really like the sound of.  I suppose though that adding
> BIP70 request signature validation and adding certificate revocation
> support starts to balloon the scope of what is supposed to be a very simple
> device though.

Yes, X.509 is ... unfortunate. We'll have to wait and see how the
TREZOR team get on with implementing it. TREZOR doesn't have any OS at all
at the moment, so an implementation of PKIX will probably end up being
larger than their existing codebase.

That said, X.509 parsing is so security critical that the existing
codebases for it are by now pretty robust. Touch wood. So just having a
super stripped down OpenSSL implementation is probably good enough.

W.R.T revocation, BIP70 doesn't support this. If your private key leaks
you're currently hosed, identity wise, until the certificate expires. This
is obviously suboptimal. In a world where we all have infinite time and
resources the right fix will be to piggy back on an X.509 extension being
proposed in the browser world called "Must Staple". It's a bit in the
certificate flags that tell the client to expect a stapled OCSP response
and to hard-fail if none is provided. By requesting the CA set this flag
when you get your certificate issued, you sign up for more pain but more

An OCSP stapling extension to BIP70 would probably not be very hard to
implement, but it'd be pointless today because the client has no idea
whether to expect it or not. The absence of a certificate changes the UI by
showing you a random Bitcoin address instead of a human readable name, but
the absence of stapled OCSP would not result in any UI change.

> Regardless, I think a standard for passing partially signed transactions
> around might make sense

I'm hoping that the hardware wallet world just standardises on the TREZOR
protocol. It's well designed and these devices all have fairly similar
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Subject: Re: Proposal to address Bitcoin malware

2015-02-03 Thread Brian Erdelyi

> Regardless, I think a standard for passing partially signed transactions 
> around might make sense (maybe a future extension to BIP70), with attention 
> to both PC <-> small hardware devices and pushing stuff around on the 
> Internet.  It would be great if users had a choice of hardware signing 
> devices, local software and third-party cosigning services that would all 
> interoperate out of the box to enable easy multisig security, which in the 
> BTC world subsumes the goals of 2FA.

I think a standard for passing partially signed transactions is a great idea as 
well.  This would support interoperability of wallets/clients and third-party 
services (if users choose to use them).

Brian Erdelyi
Dive into the World of Parallel Programming. The Go Parallel Website,
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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Subject: Re: Proposal to address Bitcoin malware

2015-02-03 Thread Adam Weiss
> Using a desktop website and mobile device for 2/3 multisig in lieu of a
> hardware device (trezor) and desktop website (mytrezor) works, but the key
> is that the device used to input the two signatures cannot be in the same
> band.  What you are protecting against are MITM attacks.  The issue is that
> if a single device or network is compromised by malware, or if a party is
> connecting to a counterparty through a channel with compromised security,
> inputing 2 signatures through the same device/band defeats the purpose of
> 2/3 multisig.

Maybe I'm not following the conversation very well, but if you have a small
hardware device that first displays a signed payment request (BIP70) and
then only will sign what is displayed, how can a MITM attacker do anything
other than deny service?  They'd have to get malware onto the signing
device, which is the vector that a simplified signing device is
specifically designed to mitigate.

TREZOR like devices with BIP70 support and third party cosigning services
are a solution I really like the sound of.  I suppose though that adding
BIP70 request signature validation and adding certificate revocation
support starts to balloon the scope of what is supposed to be a very simple
device though.

Regardless, I think a standard for passing partially signed transactions
around might make sense (maybe a future extension to BIP70), with attention
to both PC <-> small hardware devices and pushing stuff around on the
Internet.  It would be great if users had a choice of hardware signing
devices, local software and third-party cosigning services that would all
interoperate out of the box to enable easy multisig security, which in the
BTC world subsumes the goals of 2FA.

Dive into the World of Parallel Programming. The Go Parallel Website,
sponsored by Intel and developed in partnership with Slashdot Media, is your
hub for all things parallel software development, from weekly thought
leadership blogs to news, videos, case studies, tutorials and more. Take a
look and join the conversation now.
Bitcoin-development mailing list

[Bitcoin-development] Subject: Re: Proposal to address Bitcoin malware

2015-02-03 Thread Will
An idea for the bitcoin malware proposal below, the idea is at the bottom…

Using a desktop website and mobile device for 2/3 multisig in lieu of a 
hardware device (trezor) and desktop website (mytrezor) works, but the key is 
that the device used to input the two signatures cannot be in the same band.  
What you are protecting against are MITM attacks.  The issue is that if a 
single device or network is compromised by malware, or if a party is connecting 
to a counterparty through a channel with compromised security, inputing 2 
signatures through the same device/band defeats the purpose of 2/3 multisig.  
This is the same as how MITM defeats 2FA via mobile phone if the token is 
entered into the same website as the password - the token is simply passed 
through by the attacker to the secure session with the provider, allowing 
unfettered access or reuse of tokens for transactions other than those intended 
by the real user.

Companies have found clever ways around MITM attacks using SSL sniff and 
derivatives by embedding code in mobile apps that communicate not with the 
website authenticating the user, but with 3rd party company that authenticates 
the token and passes the authentication to the website through a different 
secure channel, making the MITM attack far much more difficult.  The trick here 
is that instead of one channel, we now have two channels that must be 
compromised.  Also, the second channel is between a security company and a 
(hopefully) professionally run financial services website.  There are other 
approaches to defeat MITM, such as fingerprinting pages to detect spoofs.  The 
former (secure 3rd party channel) is very secure but requires a trusted third 
party.  The latter (fingerprinting) is a crap shoot with very high false 
positive rates.  

Anyway, the exact same principles apply here to this conversation.  The second 
signature must be presented from a separate band to maintain a higher degree of 
security.  If one signature occurs via HTTP(s) from application 1, another 
should be SMS through a carrier network, etc via application 2.

The trick we need to look at is how to use the bitcoin network as a delivery 
mechanism to bypass the need for the trusted third party in the example above.  
Instead of the second factor routing through a 3rd party to the intended 
recipient, we have another option - one that doesn’t require core development 

1) Sender > signs signature 1 via desktop > bitcoin network 2/3 P2SH
2) Mobile app also used by sender receives req. from bitcoin network to sign 
signature - not through the site in 1 (similar to the 2nd channel between the 
website and security company above)
3) Sender > signs signature 2 via mobile app (or any separate device operating 
on a different network - heck could be radio) > 2/3 signatures, transaction 

Any wallet service provider can use this model, all they must do is develop two 
independent applications such a secure browser plugin and a website, or a 
mobile app and a website that use 2/3 multisig to authorize transactions.  No 
core development required - just better security design and execution by those 
developing wallets.  If the protocol could natively communicate via two 
separate networks, that might be something to consider, but really developers 
should already have all the tools they need, assuming they are competent.

If there was a way to perform 2/3 multisig without requiring a second band, 
performing the function safely by somehow knowing if the service is performed 
from a compromised device through some sort of on-blockchain anti-malware check 
by validating the signature of the signing application by comparing it to a 
signature recorded when the multisig address was funded,  that would be a 
really neat breakthrough.  Food for thought, but I can’t see how that could be 
executed in a way where signatures couldn’t be spoofed from a compromised 
device.  If someone cracks that problem, it’s a really big advance for 
information security.

On 02/02/2015 02:54 PM, Eric Voskuil wrote: 
> On Feb 2, 2015, at 11:53 AM, Mike Hearn wrote: 
>> In sending the first-signed transaction to another for second 
>> signature, how does the first signer authenticate to the second 
>> without compromising the independence of the two factors? 
>> Not sure what you mean. The idea is the second factor displays the 
>> transaction and the user confirms it matches what they input to the 
>> first factor. Ideally, using BIP70, but I don't know if BA actually 
>> uses that currently. 
>> It's the same model as the TREZOR, except with a desktop app instead 
>> of myTREZOR and a phone instead of a dedicated hardware device. 
> Sorry for the slow reply, traveling. 
> My comments were made in reference to this proposal: 
>>> On Feb 2, 2015, at 10:40 AM, Brian Erdelyi >> > wrote: 
>>> Another concept... 
>>> It should be possible to use multisig w