That's great news, and many thanks for your demonstration!

I'm pretty confident that if segwit activates, sooner or later bitcoinj
will by default create wallets with segwit addresses/outputs only. Old
wallets will either be migrated (to be decided: on demand, or forcibly),
or old wallets will simply not be able to use the lightning network
(unless you're willing to implement your option 1 just for that case).

We have to decide on an extension to the BIP32 wallet layout though;
guess I'll start a thread about that soon.

tl;dr: I'm in favor of option 2.

I'm interested in how people on this mailing list think about the Scala
language choice you've taken for your work.

On 06/29/2017 10:51 AM, Anton wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> currently I work on a Lightning network implementation which is intended
> to be used on lite clients such as mobile phones, a repo can be found
> here: and also recently I've made
> a demo if anyone is interested:
> My goals are:  
> - build a core Lightning library which is not tied to any specific
> wallet or platform and can be reused, related code can be found here:
> it's a work in progress and a modification of
> project where I basically dumb things
> down (by not using an Akka actor framework which may be too heavy for
> phones, not assuming a locally accessible Core node API is available,
> not relaying third party payments for now and so on). It's coming along
> nicely and I'm confident it will reach a production ready state sooner
> rather than later.
> - build an end-user mobile Bitcoin/Lightning wallet on top of an
> aforementioned Lightning library (for Lightning part) and bitcoinj (for
> Bitcoin part). This seems like a very convinient and natural solution
> since users will be able to at once fund Lightning payment channels
> right from their Bitcoin wallet and also fall back to Bitcoin payments
> if Lightning is not available for some reason. And this is where some
> bitcoinj-specific help is really needed.
> Two things are required for bitcoinj to power a mobile Lightning wallet:
> segwit support and ability to create segwit outputs.
> Thanks to Jean-Pierre Rupp's work at
> segwit support is already
> here, I use his segwit-enabled modification to create a P2WSH output (as
> required by Lightning funding transaction for a payment channel) and it
> does work great, as can be seen on a demo video.
> Sadly, this alone is not enough as not only a funding tx should have a
> P2WSH output but also all of it's inputs must come from segwit outputs.
> This is a problem because currently bitcoinj uses base58 addresses which
> produce non-segwit outputs. A funding tx can be created using such
> non-segwit outputs but it can be malleated so payment channel can't be
> established in a trustless manner, basically it's a show stopper.
> The way I see it, there are two options of getting over this, one
> requires no big changes to bitcoinj beyond what is already done but is
> quite horrible from UX point of view, the other one requires some deep
> changes in bitcoinj:
> Option 1: instead of creating a funding tx directly, we create an
> intermediary non-segwit -> P2WPKH tx, then we use it to P2WPKH -> P2WSH
> (payment channel output). Pros are: no changes to bitcoinj. Cons are:
> doubled fees, doubled confirmation waiting time, implementation
> complexities (sending two txs is not atomic, things can happen in the
> middle).
> Option 2: add bech32 support to bitcoinj and change it to generate
> bech32 addresses instead of base58 addresses in order to get native
> segwit outputs. Pros are: Lightning support out of the box, fee
> discounts for native segwit txs. Cons are: probably a lot of work and
> testing, a breaking change (?) which perhaps should live in a separate
> branch, probably something else I haven't thought of.
> Despite implementation complexities associated with the sencond option I
> really like it much more since the first one essentially makes users
> handle those complexities and I'm not sure they would want to do that,
> plus sooner or later bech32 support and address generation will have to
> be done anyway. I'm not sure if I can handle all this myself since my
> knowledge of bitcoinj if fairly limited and I spend most of my free time
> working on Lightning but I'm definitely ready to help with programming
> work, especially if the whole process could be split into more or less
> clear tasks. 
> Please let me know what you think of all this.
> -- 
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