Re: [Blackbelly] KIDNEY FAILURE - IVY

2010-08-24 Thread Liz Radi
Oh, just an after thought, when I was working with humans with kidney 
failure, their diets were restricted of K(potassium) the kidneys are unable 
to clear the excess potassium from their bodies, which would result in 
hyperkalemia =elevated potassium, too much potassium can cause cardiac 

So watch the potassium in the electrolytes.
Liz Radi
idar alpacas and nubians
100% ARI and homegrown
Nunn Colorado
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Re: [Blackbelly] KIDNEY FAILURE - IVY

2010-08-24 Thread Liz Radi

You can order sheep Nutri drench on, they have both 
sheep and goat.
Also, injectable B vitamins(has thiamine) will stimulate appetite, also will 
help in the prevention of PEM, polioencephalomalacia.  A high grain diet or 
going off feed will cause this.  It is a lack of thiamine.  The symptoms are 
neurological in nature. Blindness, circling to mention a few.
To get the rumen going, when one of your other goats,err sheep that is, is 
bringing up cud, scoop it out of her mouth and give it immediately to your 

I would try to push the alfalfa cubes or grass, and not push the grain.
But then again, I have never owned sheep, I am speaking from a goats 

Liz Radi
idar alpacas and nubians
100% ARI and homegrown
Nunn Colorado

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2010-08-24 Thread LJacob4200
I looked for Nutra Drench solution but wasn't able to get that brand.   I 
will keep looking for it but for now I got one packet of (Manna Pro) "Bounce  
Back" (a multi-species electrolyte supplement).  Tonight, I mixed one cup  
of this solution along with two cups plain water with her grain and force 
fed  her.  I also bought a baby bottle and gave her another cup of this  
solution.  I was quite surprised (and pleased) how she managed with the  
I also picked fresh grass and put a large bowl in the girls' stall  
tonight.  I saw Ivy eat a little.  She also ate a  little sweet feed/pelleted 
grain/pretzel mix and I saw her licking the  saltlick 3X today.  I do think 
really  trying.  When I did the (last) barn check tonight, most of the 
fresh  grass was gone...hard telling which of the sheep ate it.  Put another 
 bowl of fresh grass in for overnight.
Does anybody know how much pelleted grain per day Ivy should be  eating?  
Today, she got 2/3 C. 2X.  I try to get another 1/2 C. in her  around mid day 
if I can.  Too much?  I also thought I would use the  electrolyte solution 
to mix with her grain.
I will try the Apple Cider Vinegar by putting out a pail of it so they can  
try it.  Also, I will look in Ivy's mouth tomorrow to see if there is a  
problem.  I think the pro-biotic powder might be a good idea as well.   The 
Vet did say that once a sheep stops eating, it is a challenge to  get the 
rumen going again.  I will check into sugar beet pellets and  see if there 
be some hay cubes other than alfalfa that I could soak  for her.  Ivy will 
also get some oatmeal cookies tomorrow.  
Thank you for all these suggestions.  I appreciate all this  information 
and will let you know how Ivy is doing
Madison, WI
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Re: [Blackbelly] KIDNEY FAILURE - IVY

2010-08-24 Thread Liz Radi

So sorry to hear about your sheep.
I have never owned sheep, but am hoping to soon, but here is my experience 
with goats.
Try getting Timothy pellets, and soaking them and making a slurry, maybe 
that would help.  You should probably check the protein content first as the 
timothy may be higher and overtax the kidneys.  They might even have Bermuda 
pellets, come to think of it.
We tried rabbit pellets on our goat, but they are mostly alfalfa, wonder if 
they come in grass?
I had a goat that was metabolically challenged for about 6 weeks, following 
a C-section.  My vet said that once a ruminant has metabolic problems, from 
not eating and drinking, it is hard to bring them around.  We ended up 
having to put her down as she could no longer get up.
Both my husband and I bawled, she was our first goat ever, and was much 
If you are in Wisconsin, try giving her dogwood branches with leaves on 
them.  Our goats used to love them when we lived up in MN.  Don't know if 
sheep would also.

Liz Radi
idar alpacas and nubians
100% ARI and homegrown
Nunn Colorado
- Original Message - 

Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2010 11:23 AM
Subject: [Blackbelly] KIDNEY FAILURE - IVY

Thank you all for your responses.  I didn't know how to do plain text, 

do know now.

We have three (pet) sheep.  Ivy is our  sick one.  When Ivy was feeling
good, she and the other two ate pelleted  grain at night and free-feed
grass/alfalfa mix hay along with fresh grass,  etc. outside.  They also 
pretzels at night and sometimes corn or  peanuts but not often on the last 
Ivy and her twin are seven years  old; Mom, Tawny, is eight.  They have 

this same diet for years.   They roam free during the day; however, this
summer have chosen to stay in (a  well-ventilated) barn because the 

are so bad.  They are stalled  at night.

Ivy has been sick now for about six weeks...just  stayed by herself and
seemed somewhat lethargic.  The Vet put her in the  hospital on Tues. 8/10 

Mon. 8/16.  They flushed her kidneys daily.   She had a slight kidney
infection so was put on antibiotics.  The Vet said  it now is up to her. 
When I
brought her home, she looked better...held her  ears higher, seemed to be 

alert and had more energy. The Vet wanted me to  isolate her so that I
could monitor her intake and output.  We set up a dog  kennel so she could 
the other two sheep but I didn't feel she was doing well  that way so she 

been with the other two ever since.  Before going into  the hospital, she
stayed by herself in the barn but now seems to stay with the  other two 

of the time. I know she is drinking but I don't see her  eating.  I think
she started out around 200+lbs. and the Vet now thinks she  is about 150. 

looks exactly like her sister now.  The Vet told me  that if Ivy didn't
start eating or drinking, we would have to make a  decision.  I decided to 
holistic medicine.  Since last Thurs.  8/19, I have been force feeding 

I soak 1/2 to 2/3 Cup of grain in 3  C. water 3X/day.  Not sure how much
grain she should get on a daily basis.  The Vet said she should be 
drinking 1
1/2 to 2 gal. water/day. Since I couldn't  find a syringe with a large 
I use a baster.  It works!  She also  gets 2 tbs. liquid mineral 
(Super Coat 40), essential oils every  other day and a high frequency 

on her 2X/day.  She looks better but I  still don't see her eating much on
her own.  She licked a salt block for a  long time this morning.  I also 

some show feed (sweet feed) for her as  well as dried distillery grain.  I
put it down and I see her nibble at the  sweet feed.

Thank you for the suggestion of Nutra Drench  solution.  I will get some
today.  I need to get some roughage into  her but not sure how to do that. 
can give her fresh grass or grass hay  (no alfalfa).  Any suggestions how 

force feed hay?

It's really  hard to tell if Ivy is holding her own but I still think she
looks fairly  good.  I'm just really concerned that I don't see her eating 

her  own.  I'm open to any suggestions.  Thank you for all your help.

Lin - Madison, WI

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Re: [Blackbelly] good movie about sheep

2010-08-24 Thread Carol Elkins
Glad you liked the movie, Michael. You'll be glad to listen to the 
commentary; it helped a lot. That cussing scene was followed by that 
whining A'hole phoning his MOTHER, not his friend! And at the end he 
said "I really like to torment her like that." I really hated that jerk.

My favorite scene was in the beginning where we see just a few sheep 
lolling around the paddock. Then the REST of the flock comes in, all 
3000 of them. And I particularly liked the magesty of spending months 
herding those sheep through the mountains. You probably didn't 
realize that they weren't shooting to kill those grizzly bears (which 
would be a federal offense) but were shooting near them to scare them off.

To answer your other questions:

1. I thought it was unnecessary to toss that lamb on top the other 
lambs, but at that age, they are made of rubber and I suppose it 
didn't hurt the lamb. They get much worse treatment from being butted 
by other sheep. It's just hard to watch a human being so rough.

2. The point of pushing the orphan lamb up next to the lamb being 
born was to mingle the birth fluids that were  pooling underneath 
across both lambs so as to cause the ewe to think that both of them 
were hers. Some ewes can't count past 1.

3. The lady dragging the lamb into the pen to coax the ewe in with it 
was simply saving her back from having to carry the lamb. Again, you 
probably thought it was a little rougher than necessary, but wool 
lambs are a lot heavier than blackbelly lambs and it is probably 
easier to drag them than carry them. With small blackbelly lambs, I 
just hold the lamb in from of me and back into the pen, making sure 
the ewe sees and smells the lamb the entire way. I've had no luck 
putting the lamb into the pen and trying to get the ewe to go in 
afterwards. If I don't keep that lamb right in front of her nose, she 
loses interest or goes off in a different direction to search for her 
lost lamb elsewhere. It's less of a problem with experienced mothers 
than first-timers. And most blackbely moms need no help at all. 
Woolie sheep need constant attention at lambing. That's why those 
farmers were taking the lambing duties in shifts--24 hours around the clock.

4. Yes, the lamb pelt was skinned from a lamb that had died earlier. 
They were dressing an orphan lamb into the pelt to trick the ewe into 
thinking the orphan was the lamb she had given birth to.

I hope that some others on this list are now intrigued enough by this 
discussion to rent the movie. You won't regret it.


At 03:03 PM 8/24/2010, you wrote:

Carol. I watched this movie using streaming on my iPad. Fantastic!
Thanks for the suggestion. Had to show some of the good parts to my

Carol Elkins
Critterhaven--Registered Barbados Blackbelly Hair Sheep
(no shear, no dock, no fuss)
Pueblo, Colorado

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Re: [Blackbelly] good movie about sheep

2010-08-24 Thread Michael Smith
Carol. I watched this movie using streaming on my iPad. Fantastic!
Thanks for the suggestion. Had to show some of the good parts to my

Beautiful scenery. The movie's pace forces you to slow down and do
things on their time. Very effective. My favorite scenes were the one
where the herder is fed up and cussing up a storm, then calls his
friend from a mountain top (to get cell reception) and tells him all
his woes. Hilarious and also--you feel for him.  In both cases, the
scenery is incredibly beautiful. Also, the older cowboy seems to take
things in stride...always talks nice to the animals and seems to have
a great affinity with them, his dog and his horse. I tend to be more
like him...

The streaming version has no commentary available, so I'll have to get the DVD.

Not being a rancher, I had a few observations/questions which some of
you might like to answer:

1] when the ewes are all lambing, and they are trying to graft that
little ram onto a lambing ewe, why toss it from a few feet away, on
top of the other newborn like that? seems unnecessarily harsh.

2] Also there's a scene where a ewe is just giving birth and they
appear to be putting another lamb in there right at the same moment
and touching the lambs together. I imagine this is to try to graft the
other lamb onto this mother?

3] the one lady who is trying to get the ewe into a lambing pen with
her newborn, is gently dragging the newborn across the ground into the
pen. Is that to leave a scent trail? I have no problem getting ewes
into a pen by simply placing the lamb in there, and applying some
pressure from behind, to urge the mother in.

4] They appear to be putting a Onesie on one of the orphaned lambs,
and make comments that the ewe will "think her dead newborn is back to
life". Is that a lamb pelt from a newly dead lamb, or something made
of cloth? (The streaming video is not that clear)

All in all very enjoyable. I'll be ordering the DVD so I can see a
clearer version of it, and to get the DVD commentary.

-Michael, Perino Ranch Blackbellies.

On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 8:10 PM, Carol Elkins  wrote:
> I watched a good movie called "Sweetgrass," available from Netflix at
> Actually, I watched it twice, once without the audio commentary and then
> again with the audio commentary turned on. The movie is a documentary about
> a family of Montana sheepherders as they drive their flock of 3000 sheep up
> into the mountain range and then back down when the 2002 grazing season is
> over. I think everyone who raises sheep will be captivated by the movie. It
> documents the last sheep trailing done in this area of Montana, the end of a
> 104-year ranching tradition. People with herding dogs will enjoy watching
> the dogs on the trail. People with LGDs will enjoy watching the LGDs protect
> the sheep against grizzly bear. There is very little dialog, and what there
> is is often streams of profanity by one of the men herding the sheep. But
> the sheep noises are really important to the film, and you miss all of this
> with the commentary turned on. That's why it is worth watching twice. The
> commentary explains a lot of what is going on. If you subscribe to Netflix,
> I highly recommend this movie.
> Carol Elkins
> Critterhaven--Registered Barbados Blackbelly Hair Sheep
> (no shear, no dock, no fuss)
> Pueblo, Colorado
> ___
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Re: [Blackbelly] KIDNEY FAILURE - IVY

2010-08-24 Thread GARLAND STAMPER

Glad to hear Ivy is holding her own.  Just had another thought...have you 
looked inside her mouth??  She might not eat if something is hurting her, 
like a sore or a weed seed imbedded in her mouth or a tooth problem...worth 
a look.  Not sure how you can force feed hay...probably not a good idea.

Beth in OR

PS  You could soak sugar beet pellets until they mush...1 cup pellets to a 
qt of water, then you can add a scoop of pro-biotic powder for large animals 
to it...might help her rumen get going.  Mine love bread chunks, apples and 
oatmeal cookies, too.  I'd try anything like that to entice her to eat. 

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Re: [Blackbelly] KIDNEY FAILURE - IVY

2010-08-24 Thread

There was info a long time ago on this site about Apple Cider Vinegar.  The 
recipe is 1/2 Cider Vinegar and 1/2 water given at a 
rate of 20cc/20lbs/day or there about.  The cider vinegar works on NDR (not 
doing right) critters like it does humans.  Simple 
recipe! Might help.  It saved a friend's dog.

--- Original Message ---
Sent: 8/24/2010 12:23:18 PM
To  :
Cc  : 
Subject : RE: [Blackbelly] KIDNEY FAILURE - IVY

 Thank you all for your responses.  I didn't know how to do plain text,  but 
do know now.  

We have three (pet) sheep.  Ivy is our  sick one.  When Ivy was feeling 
good, she and the other two ate pelleted  grain at night and free-feed  
grass/alfalfa mix hay along with fresh grass,  etc. outside.  They also get 
pretzels at night and sometimes corn or  peanuts but not often on the last two. 
Ivy and her twin are seven years  old; Mom, Tawny, is eight.  They have eaten 
this same diet for years.   They roam free during the day; however, this 
summer have chosen to stay in (a  well-ventilated) barn because the mosquitos 
are so bad.  They are stalled  at night.  

Ivy has been sick now for about six weeks...just  stayed by herself and 
seemed somewhat lethargic.  The Vet put her in the  hospital on Tues. 8/10 to 
Mon. 8/16.  They flushed her kidneys daily.   She had a slight kidney 
infection so was put on antibiotics.  The Vet said  it now is up to her.  When 
brought her home, she looked better...held her  ears higher, seemed to be more 
alert and had more energy. The Vet wanted me to  isolate her so that I 
could monitor her intake and output.  We set up a dog  kennel so she could see 
the other two sheep but I didn't feel she was doing well  that way so she has 
been with the other two ever since.  Before going into  the hospital, she 
stayed by herself in the barn but now seems to stay with the  other two most 
of the time. I know she is drinking but I don't see her  eating.  I think 
she started out around 200+lbs. and the Vet now thinks she  is about 150.  She 
looks exactly like her sister now.  The Vet told me  that if Ivy didn't 
start eating or drinking, we would have to make a  decision.  I decided to try 
holistic medicine.  Since last Thurs.  8/19, I have been force feeding her.  
I soak 1/2 to 2/3 Cup of grain in 3  C. water 3X/day.  Not sure how much 
grain she should get on a daily basis.  The Vet said she should be drinking 1 
1/2 to 2 gal. water/day. Since I couldn't  find a syringe with a large hole, 
I use a baster.  It works!  She also  gets 2 tbs. liquid mineral supplement 
(Super Coat 40), essential oils every  other day and a high frequency light 
on her 2X/day.  She looks better but I  still don't see her eating much on 
her own.  She licked a salt block for a  long time this morning.  I also got 
some show feed (sweet feed) for her as  well as dried distillery grain.  I 
put it down and I see her nibble at the  sweet feed.  

Thank you for the suggestion of Nutra Drench  solution.  I will get some 
today.  I need to get some roughage into  her but not sure how to do that.  I 
can give her fresh grass or grass hay  (no alfalfa).  Any suggestions how to 
force feed hay?

It's really  hard to tell if Ivy is holding her own but I still think she 
looks fairly  good.  I'm just really concerned that I don't see her eating on 
her  own.  I'm open to any suggestions.  Thank you for all your help.
Lin - Madison, WI

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Re: [Blackbelly] KIDNEY FAILURE - IVY

2010-08-24 Thread Cecil Bearden
If she gets hungry whe will eat roughage.  Be sure it is kept fresh and 
available at all times.  Keeping her with the rest of your flock is best, 
she will stress anytime you separate.  I understand about pet sheep.  We 
once put over $1000 worth of IVsolution in a pet sheep to save it from 
enterotoxemia.  It worked and she is still alive and ornery...

Cecil in OKla
- Original Message - 

Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2010 12:23 PM
Subject: [Blackbelly] KIDNEY FAILURE - IVY

Thank you all for your responses.  I didn't know how to do plain text, 

do know now.

We have three (pet) sheep.  Ivy is our  sick one.  When Ivy was feeling
good, she and the other two ate pelleted  grain at night and free-feed
grass/alfalfa mix hay along with fresh grass,  etc. outside.  They also 
pretzels at night and sometimes corn or  peanuts but not often on the last 
Ivy and her twin are seven years  old; Mom, Tawny, is eight.  They have 

this same diet for years.   They roam free during the day; however, this
summer have chosen to stay in (a  well-ventilated) barn because the 

are so bad.  They are stalled  at night.

Ivy has been sick now for about six weeks...just  stayed by herself and
seemed somewhat lethargic.  The Vet put her in the  hospital on Tues. 8/10 

Mon. 8/16.  They flushed her kidneys daily.   She had a slight kidney
infection so was put on antibiotics.  The Vet said  it now is up to her. 
When I
brought her home, she looked better...held her  ears higher, seemed to be 

alert and had more energy. The Vet wanted me to  isolate her so that I
could monitor her intake and output.  We set up a dog  kennel so she could 
the other two sheep but I didn't feel she was doing well  that way so she 

been with the other two ever since.  Before going into  the hospital, she
stayed by herself in the barn but now seems to stay with the  other two 

of the time. I know she is drinking but I don't see her  eating.  I think
she started out around 200+lbs. and the Vet now thinks she  is about 150. 

looks exactly like her sister now.  The Vet told me  that if Ivy didn't
start eating or drinking, we would have to make a  decision.  I decided to 
holistic medicine.  Since last Thurs.  8/19, I have been force feeding 

I soak 1/2 to 2/3 Cup of grain in 3  C. water 3X/day.  Not sure how much
grain she should get on a daily basis.  The Vet said she should be 
drinking 1
1/2 to 2 gal. water/day. Since I couldn't  find a syringe with a large 
I use a baster.  It works!  She also  gets 2 tbs. liquid mineral 
(Super Coat 40), essential oils every  other day and a high frequency 

on her 2X/day.  She looks better but I  still don't see her eating much on
her own.  She licked a salt block for a  long time this morning.  I also 

some show feed (sweet feed) for her as  well as dried distillery grain.  I
put it down and I see her nibble at the  sweet feed.

Thank you for the suggestion of Nutra Drench  solution.  I will get some
today.  I need to get some roughage into  her but not sure how to do that. 
can give her fresh grass or grass hay  (no alfalfa).  Any suggestions how 

force feed hay?

It's really  hard to tell if Ivy is holding her own but I still think she
looks fairly  good.  I'm just really concerned that I don't see her eating 

her  own.  I'm open to any suggestions.  Thank you for all your help.

Lin - Madison, WI

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2010-08-24 Thread LJacob4200
Thank you all for your responses.  I didn't know how to do plain text,  but 
do know now.  

We have three (pet) sheep.  Ivy is our  sick one.  When Ivy was feeling 
good, she and the other two ate pelleted  grain at night and free-feed  
grass/alfalfa mix hay along with fresh grass,  etc. outside.  They also get 
pretzels at night and sometimes corn or  peanuts but not often on the last two. 
Ivy and her twin are seven years  old; Mom, Tawny, is eight.  They have eaten 
this same diet for years.   They roam free during the day; however, this 
summer have chosen to stay in (a  well-ventilated) barn because the mosquitos 
are so bad.  They are stalled  at night.  

Ivy has been sick now for about six weeks...just  stayed by herself and 
seemed somewhat lethargic.  The Vet put her in the  hospital on Tues. 8/10 to 
Mon. 8/16.  They flushed her kidneys daily.   She had a slight kidney 
infection so was put on antibiotics.  The Vet said  it now is up to her.  When 
brought her home, she looked better...held her  ears higher, seemed to be more 
alert and had more energy. The Vet wanted me to  isolate her so that I 
could monitor her intake and output.  We set up a dog  kennel so she could see 
the other two sheep but I didn't feel she was doing well  that way so she has 
been with the other two ever since.  Before going into  the hospital, she 
stayed by herself in the barn but now seems to stay with the  other two most 
of the time. I know she is drinking but I don't see her  eating.  I think 
she started out around 200+lbs. and the Vet now thinks she  is about 150.  She 
looks exactly like her sister now.  The Vet told me  that if Ivy didn't 
start eating or drinking, we would have to make a  decision.  I decided to try 
holistic medicine.  Since last Thurs.  8/19, I have been force feeding her.  
I soak 1/2 to 2/3 Cup of grain in 3  C. water 3X/day.  Not sure how much 
grain she should get on a daily basis.  The Vet said she should be drinking 1 
1/2 to 2 gal. water/day. Since I couldn't  find a syringe with a large hole, 
I use a baster.  It works!  She also  gets 2 tbs. liquid mineral supplement 
(Super Coat 40), essential oils every  other day and a high frequency light 
on her 2X/day.  She looks better but I  still don't see her eating much on 
her own.  She licked a salt block for a  long time this morning.  I also got 
some show feed (sweet feed) for her as  well as dried distillery grain.  I 
put it down and I see her nibble at the  sweet feed.  

Thank you for the suggestion of Nutra Drench  solution.  I will get some 
today.  I need to get some roughage into  her but not sure how to do that.  I 
can give her fresh grass or grass hay  (no alfalfa).  Any suggestions how to 
force feed hay?

It's really  hard to tell if Ivy is holding her own but I still think she 
looks fairly  good.  I'm just really concerned that I don't see her eating on 
her  own.  I'm open to any suggestions.  Thank you for all your help.
Lin - Madison, WI

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