I suppose I forgot the 75 word candidate statement:

"I view the job of the Board of Directors as one of creating an
ecosystem where those who want to get work done are given the chance to
do so. I believe the Board should remove barriers and invest in tools
that will help the ecosystem thrive. I believe that each one of our
contributors should be respected. Finally, I believe in transparency in
the decisions we make, and always encouraging member feedback."


P.S. I am currently swamped but will be addressing the questions posted
by Charles as soon as possibly - likely some time next week.

On 11/24/2015 11:33 AM, Joel Madero wrote:
> Dear Members,
> I have been honored to serve nearly two years as a Director of TDF and
> will be seeking another two year term.
> I've been a volunteer for the project since late 2011, early 2012. I
> began my journey into the project as a relatively early member of the
> Quality Assurance team. There I found a home and colleagues who embraced
> me, showed me the ropes, and encouraged me to take on more
> responsibility within the project as time passed. Due to this
> encouragement and camaraderie, I see it as my responsibility to pass on
> the skills that I've learned, to encourage others to take on more
> responsibility, and to encourage an overall community feeling. In the
> early days of Quality Assurance I remember a number of very talented
> individuals largely working individually - today we have a thriving
> community, a busy chat, and a friendly environment for new comers with
> any background.
> Today, as a member of the BoD, much of my time goes to oversight of
> multiple projects (QA, Marketing, Documentation, Certification) but I
> still try to find time to work within QA and make sure that I'm giving
> my time where it is needed most. As a member of the Board I was quite
> involved in the Android tender which led to the release of the Android
> based editor, encouraged and was involved with hiring a Quality
> Assurance Contractor, involved in several other tenders, the new grant
> request available to members to request funds from the Foundation, and a
> list of other things.
> My main mission is to create an environment where contributors thrive.
> It's that simple. I believe in funding tools that are requested, in
> encouraging and actively participating in our community to ensure that
> new comers feel welcome, and in thinking about "how can we do better."
> I am unaffiliated, that is, I do not work for a company doing business
> on or around LibreOffice. In fact, I think I bring a unique perspective
> as I have no formal background in software at all, nor do I work in the
> industry. Instead, my background is in US Law, I will be taking the
> California BAR exam next July and will be a practicing attorney
> (crossing fingers) by August of next year. Given my background (both my
> location and my professional expertise) and my proven dedication over
> the years to building a strong community, I believe I am in a good
> position to continue representing the interest of you (our wonderful
> members).
> My goals moving forward:
> + Continue to help QA as much as feasible;
> + I would like to get more involved with Documentation, to help the
> process of building long term goals and listen for feedback about what
> tools would help move us forward;
> + Education - I'd like to see some movement in education, in particular
> in the United States, for getting fresh blood in the project. I've said
> this publicly before but I do believe that there is a big opportunity to
> build a community within higher ed in the US;
> + UX - I've been thrilled to see the UX/Design team make huge strides,
> I'll be reaching out to their team asking them how the BoD can continue
> what those "doers" have been doing over the past few months;
> + Blog/Transparency: This has been an ongoing issue with myself and
> unfortunately, I did not get there this year. I hope to write more blogs
> and help members approach the BoD with questions/concerns/etc... with
> regards to transparency and decision making generally.
> I'm happy to field questions if any of you have some. I can be contacted
> at this email or on IRC at #libreoffice-qa (jmadero).
> Warmest Regards,
> Joel Madero

Joel Madero, Member of the Board of Directors
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